Wonkru ☣ Bellamy Blake [3]

By unknownnavajo

185K 5K 921

"Time changes you especially when you're under different circumstances." 6 years is a long time, especially... More

Act Five
Moving Forward
A New Future
The World On His Shoulders
Facing Fears
Inside The Bunker
Friend Or Foe
The Ground
Reunions and Reservations
Not What It Seems
What Is Going On?
Voice Of Reason
Stopping A War Or Starting One
Taking Her Place
What To Do?
Stopping Nothing
Odds Against Them
Plan Gone Wrong
Short-Lived Victory
125 Years Later
Act Six
Fresh Start
New Terrain
Different Challenges
The Toxin
Cover Update
New Plan
Retrieval Team
Dinner With The Primes
Royal Blood
Smoke Screen
Seperation Ritual
Irrational Decisions
Dealing With The Conseqences
Control Of The Flame
The Seek For Control
The Fight Continues
The Last Straw
End Of A Long Night
Part 7
The Anomaly
Ghosts of the Past

The Wrong One

3.9K 117 47
By unknownnavajo

When Tate left the room Bellamy was quick to follow. "I never thanked you for looking after the girls in here."

"I did it for Nia." Tate simply said before continuing his walk.

"Did you do it for Nia or because of what she is?" Bellamy's words made him halt. "You knew she was a nightblood before she announced it in that room. You didn't look the least bit shocked like the girls. In fact, you had this look that I've haven't seen in a long time. Like Gustus did when he looked at Lexa, he just a guard trying to protect his leader and would go to extreme measures for her. Like Alec did."

Tate didn't say anything but Bellamy had his full attention.

"The only way to win this war is for a commander to rise but it can't be Nia. There is another nightblood here." Bellamy tried to convince.

"Why not Nia?" Tate questioned why Bellamy wanted to put a child in place of Nia.

"You knew how she was before how she struggled to pick which side to be. On the Ring, she had gotten clarity, she didn't want to kept fighting. If she becomes commander, then she'll have too." Bellamy explained hoping he'd understand.

From what he saw he could assume that Nia was capable of taking command. She could be able to handle all the hardships that came with becoming commander but maybe he was wrong. After all, he didn't spend the last six years with her.

"What do you need me to do?" Tate asked unsure of whether it was the right decision or not. "You better hope this is the best course to take."

It happened after the meeting had been done. Bellamy would go along with using Monty's algae while Tate would keep Nia away from the chaos that would follow. Nia walked back to the room when she looked up and noticed Tate. Before she could even make one word he jabbed a Reaper stick into her neck and caught her in his arms.

Word had spread about Octavia making her condition worrisome. Indra wondered about Nia's whereabouts as she hadn't seen her since the meeting. She had been surprised when Bellamy had informed her about what he had done. But at least now they would get the chance to surrender.

"The whispers are true. Our Blodreina has fallen ill. These may be her final hours. Listen to me, I trained Octavia as my second, and I love her as I love my own child. I advised her, and led her army with pride. It was her desire that if she should ever fall, I step forward to led you." Indra addressed the Rotunda full of warriors and delegates. "Blodreina wanted what we all want: to live a better life in Shallow Valley, and we will, but not through war, not when there's a better way. For the last six years, we have lost hundreds of our people. We can't afford to lose any more. I will negotiate for Wonkru to enter the valley peacefully so that no more shall suffer."

"You're not in command here. Not even over the first battalion. Blodreina gave that honor to Nia." Miller shouted against Indra's words. Despite him not knowing where the girl was he had to make it known that Indra had been demoted.

"So who do you expect us to follow? You or her. You're Skaikru." One of the delegates spoke out.

"There is no Skaikru. You know that." Miller reminded having had this argument countless times.

"In the absence of a commander, the clan delegates should reassemble and choose the next leader." The delegate continued to speak.

"Blasphemy. Miller's right. There are no more clans, only Wonkru and enemies of Wonkru." A warrior had spoke out.

"That's funny coming from someone who only escaped death in this arena because our real enemies fell from the sky." The delegate fired back. The message Indra had tried to relay before now lost in the argument.

"Now, in not asking you to follow me or Nia. In asking you to follow Octavia. Yesterday she ordered us to march on the valley, so we march for Blodreina!" Miller had taken control of the meeting causing everyone to shout their support for marching.

"Indra." Bellamy said watching the shouts increase around the room.

"I can't stop this war, Bellamy. But there's somebody who can. We need a real commander. But the question is what did you do with her?" Indra questioned knowing that Bellamy had something to do with the fact that Nia was missing.

However, Nia was locked into a room with Tate standing guard by the door. The effects of the reaper stick still coursing through her. One could only hope that she would wake up in time.

With time for them to march coming close, they needed to get Gaia on board with the plan beforehand. Bellamy had reassured Nia would be a candidate but he was trying to make sure that she was kept under lock and key until it had been over.

"I need to speak with my daughter." Indra spoke as she entered the room. The others left leaving the mother and daughter to discuss what they needed to. "I didn't mean to interrupt your prayers. As it turns out, I'm here to answer them."

"What are you up to, mother, that speech in the arena? Suddenly, you're a peacemaker?" Gaia asked about what had happened before seeing how Indra had been her whole life.

"Real warriors hate war, Gaia." Indra spoke now fully understanding a part that Nia had struggled with. A part that Lincoln had already understood.

"And yet all you wanted me to do was follow in your footsteps. Get to the point. Wonkru is set to march. You're about to get your wish." Gaia pointedly said.

"So are you. The child with Clarke is a real natblida." Indra informed first off but the information didn't phase Gaia. "You knew."

"I said, get to the point." Gaia responded on guard with whatever might come next.

"Madi isn't the only natblida." This time the information shocked Gaia as she turned to her mother. "Nia is and so is her son."

"Nia, but how?" Gaia asked astonished. Her mind went back to when Nia had spoken to her about Madi. Had this been what she was hinting to?

"I doesn't matter, what does is the fact that she's ready to take the Flame. If you make her commander. She alone can unify Wonkru and stop this war."

"She can't." Gaia stated uncertain about it.

"She can. She was always meant to be a leader, it wasn't until Lexa had ascended that she was taking on a bigger role. I believe in her as I did Lexa. There is no one more suited for this." Indra explained.

"This is treason. For which we both will be thrown into the pit." Gaia reminded how dangerous this course was.

"Not if it works. You question my motives. Its true. My faith is not as pure as yours, but you are as responsible for what Octavia became as I am." Indra reasoned knowing Gaia didn't stand by the actions Octavia had done. "Blodreina was a leader we needed then. We need a true commander now. Will you do it it not?"

"The decision isn't mine to make. Nia must choose for herself." Gaia supported making Indra nod.

She went to the door and opened it expecting Nia to be standing on the other side of it. But was shocked to see Madi standing beside Bellamy.

"Where is Nia?" Indra questioned knowing this wasn't the plan they agreed on. 

"She changed her mind." Bellamy answered shortly.

The answered shocked Indra, not believing that Nia would do that but the clock was working against them. They needed a commander and if Madi would do that then they would help her in any way they could. Indra left the room leaving them to discuss and made her way back to Octavia's room.

But the time they had was no longer an issue. Jackson informed Indra when she entered about Octavia's condition only for her to reveal the deceit that had happened. Working quickly, Indra threw her knife into the guard by the door and jammed the reaper stick into Jackson.

"Tell me why." Octavia asked for an explanation to why her teacher had betrayed her.

Indra began to explain the offer they had received. Octavia expressed her dislike while Indra continued to inform her of who things had changed for the worse. It wasn't till the ascension call that Octavia knew what they were doing.

"The ascension call. Wonkru wouldn't follow you, so you're using Madi?" Octavia explained the plan that they had conjured.

"Yes." Indra stated but something in her voice suggested she didn't agree.

"She's a child." Octavia stated not believing that a girl with no experience would be listened to.

"She's the same age Lexa was when she ascended. Soon, Wonkru will accept their new leader and surrender. Our people will reach that valley without sacrificing any more lives. And you will see the wisdom in it." Indra informed but she seemed to sound like she was trying to convince herself.

"But you don't believe that do you. You don't believe that Madi can unite them and you would only be doing this if you believed it. So there must be a flaw in this and the only thing that can be is Madi. You want an ascension but you wanted another person to ascend. So who would you have used?" Octavia began to piece the whole thing together. Indra's movements giving her away. The way she shifted at the mention of Madi and the way her hand tightened at the thought of another person. "Wonkru wouldn't follow Clarke after everything that had happened. No one else is a natblida except one person but he's too small to understand everything." Indra shifted again making Octavia realize her answer was close. "But if you're so willingly to stand by them I can only think of one other person. Nia."

Her assumption was confirmed when Indra looked up at her. Octavia inhaled at the information. This changed everything. Despite how she might've obtained nightblood, Nia's chances of Wonkru following her was high because of who she was. There was now someone who could take her place but the question was what could she do about it?

Nia opened her eyes and focused on her surroundings before sitting up. Tate was in the room beside the door.

"What are you doing?" Nia asked unsure why he had stuck her with a reaper stick.

"Bellamy talked to me." He replied unsure at how she might react.

"Let me guess, I'm not ready for command. Is that it?" Nia scoffed at how they were working together. "I am the most viable candidate compare to the rest. Madi is a child. She would not know what to do or how to handle it."

"She'll have advisors like every commander does." Tate stated unfazed by the fact the girl's age and lack of experience.

"What did he tell you exactly? That I've changed and if I do this I will go back into my old patterns?" Nia questioned. If this had been before Praimfaya Tate might've not had a problem with her taking the Flame. "He's right, I have changed but now I know the value of fighting. I know when to fight and when to lay down my weapon. If you can tell me that Madi knows the same difference then I will sit back and let her become commander. You tell me that you don't have a single doubt and I won't fight it."

But Tate stayed quiet because in truth he didn't believe that Madi could this. She had no experience in any aspect.

"I know the fear that you think might happen but I've dealt with that part of me. I know understand it and I won't let it conquer me. I am ready to take my spot." Nia expressed and her words were understood.

Tate realized in that moment Nia was truly ready to become a commander. She could handle it and it was Bellamy's foolish fear that would keep her from it.

"I just hope were not too late, Heda." Tate addressed before opening the door.

But they were in fact too late. Madi had taken the Flame but only for the sake on Clarke. Octavia had taken Bellamy, Gaia, and Indra into custody. Clarke had taken Madi and fleed back to the valley in hopes of keeping Madi safe. But what they didn't know about was what the commanders were telling Madi.

A/N: Okay, I got some exciting news. Has anyone tried to find a 100 book where the OC was from Mount Weather? Yes, no, you're not sure. Anyway, I've been wanting to write one like that but someone else had already had the exact idea and I asked permission and they gave it to me. All the credit will be given to them but I'm going to make another Bellamy Blake book. Anyone interested in reading that?

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