Now That I Found You- Austin...

By thatameezykid

7.9K 223 8

Kendall moves from Ohio to San Antonio for her Stepdad' s New job. She meets Austin Mahone and quickly falls... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter Sixteen

196 10 0
By thatameezykid

~ Enjoyy :) ~

Kendall' s POV

"Hi." I whispered.

"Oh my god, Kendall. You had me worried sick. Do you remember anything?" Austin asking, with tears drying on his face. He rubs them off and looks at me.

I try to remember, and I just can't. What did I do that has Austin crying... And me in the hospital?

"No. I just can't. What is it?" I said, confused.

"Well, let's just keep it that way, okay? Just promise me, it's for the best." He gets up and starts walking out the door.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to get your parents. They would love to see you." Austin runs out to the lobby. I'm still confused, why am I here? All I can remember is talking to Dad. Just the part where he said, here's your second chance.

I see Austin walk up to my room with Mom and Adam, but then Austin stops them. He whispers something to them and they both nod their head. Then they turn and rush to my bed. Austin goes over to the desk and tells the nurse something, must be that I woke up. She picks up the phone and calls the doctor.

"Oh Honey, you've alive. I'm so happy." Mom takes my hand and repeatedly kisses it. Adam walks over and kisses my forehead.

"You are never going to leave our sight, I hope you know that." Adam whispers into my ear.

"Can someone tell me what's going on? Why am I in this hospital and why is everyone kissing me? Please someone?!" I angrily said. It was true, I can't remember anything.

Just then the doctor comes in and starts to check up on me.

"Yepp, she's alright. Can you remember anything?" He asked me.

"No, and no one will tell me why. Tell them to tell me. Please." I demanded an answer.

He looks around at my mom, Adam, and Austin. Mom sighs and rubs her temples. She thinking, she does that when she's stressed or thinking really hard.

"Austin." her voice cracks and she starts over. "Austin, honey. Can you tell her? Please, I don't think I could be able to tell her correctly."

"Umm, Yeah. I can do that if you want." He walks over to my bed and pulls a chair over.

"Can you guys leave though? I think it should just be me and her." Austin asks and every one leaves.

"Thank God, I'm going to get an answer." I sighed out.

"It's not going to be easy for you to hear this, so just bear with me, Okay?" Austin tells me.


"You tried to kill yourself, you overdosed on your depression pills and cut yourself. I was the one who found you and called an ambulance because right before you tried, you called me and told me that you wanted to break up. I felt terrible, so I wanted to straighten everything out. I went over to your house, had to break down your door since you locked it and found you cold on the floor." Austin explained.

Oh my god. What did I do? I put my life in danger and everyone that is in my life probably thinks it's their fault for my doing. I started tearing up as Austin went on.

"The pills didn't really work but it knocked you into a coma for 3 days. Do you know hard that is, Kendall? Knowing that you could be dead at any second? I felt terrible because I basically caused it. You killed yourself because you couldn't stand my fans hating on you anymore. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry." Austin starts crying and I grabbed his hand.

"Austin, no it's not. I promise. Even though I can't remember why I did it, I'm for sure it's not because of you." I comforted him.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that. But I'm quitting youtube. I can't put you in anymore danger. I just can't." He said through his tears.

"Austin, no. I can't let you do that. Please don't. I would hate for you to. You can go big with your talent. I don't want you to stop just because me. I don't want to keep you from becoming something great." By now, I was crying with him.

"I just can't anymore. Please let me do it, please." Austin begged.

"No I just can't. And I'm not going to let you. Never think of doing that again, Okay? We can get through this together. It's what we are supposed to do." I told him.

"I know. I know." Austin said quietly.

"Austin. Promise me you will not quit. Look into my eyes and tell me." I told him.

He looks up and kisses my hand. "I won't, Kendall. For you."

~ Only updating on Sundays now! Sorry but school. And sorry for not uploading yesterday, I though today was Sunday. Whoops. xoxo ;)

Twitter: @thatameezykid :) ~

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