"We meet again"

By amber04blank_

11K 108 3

It must be meant to be when two people parted ways and then keep getting reconnected with one another. But... More



232 2 0
By amber04blank_

Today is the appointment that Tyler is going to. This is only my 2nd appointment with this doctor and the first one Tyler's been to ever in his life. He's the oldest sibling so he's never seen a baby doctors office or anything like that. She does everything she usually does and then comes the ultrasound. Tyler's eyes do not leave the monitor even though he doesn't know what he's looking at.
"So Tyler, Ellie, What are you guys hoping for?" My doctor asks.
I answer first looking at Tyler smiling. "A boy"
"Really? Me too." He smiles. "Happy with either but a boy." He grabs my hand.
"So the baby right now is as big as a raspberry. Can you believe that? Crazy huh. Also you are 2 weeks along!" She smiles. Each time I come, she prints out photos so I can have.
Tyler speaks up with one of the many questions he has. "When can we know if it's a boy or girl?"
"That would be between 16-20 weeks. So about another 3 months. Be patient. It's worth it. I'll see you at the end of your first trimester in the beginning of January! That'll be at your 10-12th week."


Today's the big game. We landed in Boston yesterday and the game is today at 1pm. Tyler got tickets for everyone for my family and his. This will be the first time meeting his mom and his two sister. This will also be the day I tell them all I am pregnant. Around this time, I get morning sickness, I'm always tired, my boobs hurt, my body hurts, and I get heartburn all the time.
9am was a half an hour skate to get used to the atmosphere. They shot some pucks and did some warm up drills and that's about it. This is my first game I've been to physically in the past few months because I felt awkward and not wanted around the staff.
My mom, David, my aunt, and my best friend from Boston all got a ticket in a suite with me, Tyler's mom, grandma, and his two sisters, Candace and Cassidy. This was the first time in person I met all of them and it was very nice. We get along and I like them a lot, I hope they feel the same about me.
Before Tyler heads in the locker room to get ready for the big game, we all meet in the suite and talk for a little bit.
"Mom- guys," Tyler yells out like he's using a megaphone for everyone to hear. "Ellie and I have an early Christmas gift for you all. We don't know how you'll like it but we think it's a good one."
I was scared to do it so Tyler reaches over to unzip my jacket. There was a big bow on my stomach with the words "future star" up top. I thought it was a cute clever way to announce it and this is how we're going to do it to everyone else also.
We all just stood there for a few moments until my mom said something.
"Ellie. You pranked me with this last time. Are you joking. This is nothing to be funny about"
"Mom. I'm actually not. I'm for real this time. I am pregnant. Tyler and I are having a baby." Tyler pulls out the photos from the ultrasounds and hands them it so they can all look. I was so nervous because nobody has said much.
"It's as big as a raspberry now. She's 8weeks. We know it's going to be a huge responsibility. We obviously didn't plan to do this. We're young but I'm excited and ready to do this together." Tyler tells everyone.
"It's a big responsibility Tyler. You're a kid yourself. I know you guys will be amazing parents. I love you both. You know it's going to be very hard and scary but you'll both be fine. Look at the people surrounding you. You got the team, us and your family Ellie to help you both out if you guys need anything at all. We're here to help. Everything happens for a reason." Tyler's mom speaks out. "I just can't think about being a grandmother just yet Tyler" she fakes cries.
We all give hugs and they're excited for us but also scared even though they aren't the ones having this child.

Tyler heads down to the locker room to get ready and soon to head out.

Fireworks and the jets fly over Gillette stadium after the national anthem is sang. Let's get this game started. I can tell everyone's taking in this moment. Fans, family, friends, players. Everyone. It's an amazing experience and game to play in. Not many people get to experience this in their career.

Pd 1- 2-0 stars.
Pd 2- 3-2 stars.
Pd 3- 5-2 stars.
We won! They beat the B's in their home city! It was amazing.

For the rest of the evening, we spent time with our families as one. We explored Boston, went to eat, and then met up with some Bruins players we both know to catch up.

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