Runaway (Diyue AU)

By ella-holland98

27.1K 1.3K 317

(This was my first fic and I am aware it gets cringey and kinda goes way to fast, but I will revise it and ed... More

2: Engagment Celebration
3: Leaving Home For Now
4: Crash Landing In The Unknown
5:Excuse Me... You're From Where Again?
6: Don't Need To Be Involved
6: The Truth
7: A Call From Home
9: Really Bad Insomnia
10: Not Again
11: Moon Shen , You deserve to be celebrated
12: Unexpected
13: Birthday Present
14: What That Hell Do You Think You're Doing Here !?!
15: My Past Came Back To Haunt Me ,Dylan
16: Secret Date
17: Perfect Date
18: Oblivion
19: Kidnapped
20: Full Potential
21: Right On Time
22: Bad Vision
23: News From Home
24: Anxiety And Nightmares
25: Art Gallery Date
26: Arcade
27: 我爱你
28: My Favorite Person
29: Girl Time/Boy Time
30: "dad"
31: Arrival
32: Believe In You
33:Oldest Sorceress
34:Learning The Truth(1/2)
35:Learning The Truth Part (2/2)
36: Powers
37: Something Important
38: Sacrifice
39: Safe
40: War Has Begin
41: War Has Begin (2/2)
42: Second Chance
43:Little Bit Of Heaven
44: Wu Wedding
45: Astions?!
46: A Day With Jay
47: Give It To Me
48: Something Good
49: Memorable
52: Take Care
53: Wang Myung Shen Jay
54:Coronation Day

1: It Doesn't Feel Right

1.3K 29 4
By ella-holland98

Dylan sat next to his father annoyed as they heard the King of Planet Gallieon speak of a treaty between the Gallieons and Keshindas.

"Ian oarder tao uanite oaur palanets wae maust maarry yaour saon aand may daaughter tao faorm paeace baetween oaur palanets aand eand tahis tahousand yaear faeud", King Morning spoke. (In order to unite our planets we must marry your son and my daughter to form peace between our planets and end this thousand year feud )

Dylan's father nodded agreeing what King Morning And The Gallieons came up with to form peace between one another.

Dylan fist hit the hard table as he saw his father agree to such an absurd treaty and for him to give up his own son's freedom and marry him off to a loveless marriage.

Sure it sounded selfish but what happened between the Keshindas and Gallieons all those years ago wouldn't be solved by a loveless marriage.

They had slaughtered one of their own and that would never be forgiven by a marriage. Dylan walked away without saying another word to the Kings.

"Wahat haappened", his blue haired best friend Caesar appears in front of Dylan as he asks him of the topics that were discussed during the meeting with Gallieons. (What happened)

Dylan lets tears of desperation fall. Caesar is left more confused than before. His best friend never cries , not even when he was feeling super emotional.

What must've caused him to?

"Tahey waanna saolve tahe faucken paroblem bay maarrying mae oaff tao tahe parincess oaf gaallieon", Dylan explains to Caesar. (They wanna solve the fucken problem by marrying me off to the princess of Gallieon)

"Saolve tahe paroblem bay maarrying yaou oaff ? ... yaour faather aagreed tao sauch aan aabsurd tahing", Caesar says astonished by the sudden news. (Solve the problem by marrying you off ? , your father agreed to such an absurd thing)

"Hae daid aand Caesar Ia naeed tao gaet aaway farom haere, saoon aand faor aa wahile ,baecause tahat wahole paeace tahing,daoesn't faeel raight..., he tells his best friend.(he did, and Caesar I need to get away from here , soon and for a while , because that whole peace treaty, doesn't feel right )

Caesar nods as he places his hand on Dylan's shoulder and Dylan smiles weakly at him.

"Aanything yaou naeed... I'am haere faor yaou ... aalso ia waanted tao sahow yaou saomething tao saee iaf yaou aapprove", Caesar say smiling.(anything you need ... I'm here for you , also I wanted to show you something , to see if you approve)

Caesar removes the hand he placed on Dylan and takes out something from his white pants.

A small dark blue box. "Ia waanna maarry yaour saister", he bluntly says as he opens the box showing Dylan. A small ring, the rock was dark blue his little sister's favorite color. (I wanna marry your sister)

Dylan smiles warmly and playfully shoved his best friend. "Wahat taook yaou sao laong?"  (what took you so long)

Caesar shrugs. "Ia daon't waant raush tahings" ( I don't want to rush things)

Dylan laughs at his friend. "Haell nao... tahe tawo oaf yaou baeen daating faor saeven yaears",Dylan says to him. (Hell no, the two of you been dating for seven years )

Caesar nods. "Saince Ia was saixteen aand sahe waas eaighteen " ,he says with a huge smile on his face. (Since I was sixteen and she was eighteen)

"Gao paropose",He tells Caesar and shoves him away.  (Go propose)

Caesar walks away most likely going to find River , his older sister.

Dylan stands still deep in thought after his friend disappears, he was pondering how to escape the future that awaited him. He wouldn't just stand by and agree to do such absurd thing...

He knew it wasn't right ... something felt off and his heart told him that the feud between both kingdoms was deeper and wouldn't be solved the way the Gallieons wanted to solve it.

Frustrated he runs his finger through his purple dark hair. He needed to get away and escape the fate his father wanted to put him through first... that was the priority right now.

Shen Yue's POV

I was in the kitchen cooking some breakfast for my son, his nanny and I. The breakfast soon was done and I quickly ate.

Willa would be here soon enough to watch over Jay. I was going to be super busy especially with another boutique that was going to open soon in the other side of town.

Soon enough Wills walks in carrying two bags. "I have so many things planned out for Jay ... we're going to the aquarium, doing crafts and to the park, he's going to have so much fun!!", she says excitedly.

I smiled at how much Willa loved my growing son. "I'm so glad to have you as my son's nanny , Willa"

She nods. "I love that little boy"

"As do I and everything I do is for him", I tell her.

"Yue, your a badass single mom... I admire you so much ,  you didn't need that coward of man in your life or your son's , you made it this far on your own", she showers me with compliments.

I begin wiping the tears from my eyes. It was nice to feel appreciated and for someone to notice my hard work especially after my parents practically disowned me after finding out she I was pregnant.

I left China after that and moved to America and started a new life with my son.  I smiled feeling like a badass for growing a business from the ground up.

I did it all for my son , Jay. It was all for him ,all my hard work.

I hug Willa tight and she hugs me right back tighter. "You know ... you came into my life unexpectedly but I sure needed you.. you and Jay brought light into my life", she says.

We pull apart and smile at one another. "Have a great day Yue and don't forget to kick ass today and as you've taught me to say , Jiayou!!" , she holds up a fist and I laugh.

"Thank you ,Willa", I say and grab my things and keys and walk out the door.

My life was normal and simply great with my son Jay.. and well Willa and I sure in hell didn't need anything to distract me from that.

I get inside my car and sit there.

"You are a badass single mom" , I say looking into the mirror.

"You got this and this all so your baby boy can have a better tomorrow", I say.

I turn on the engine and put some music on to relax my nerves.

Today I was going to have a busy day checking in my main boutique and the one being built across town.

Everything would be fine and nothing would ever change and I was okay with that.

Sure Yue nothing would ever change ... 😏

It's kinda slow but things will start to get good and Yue will be meeting Dylan soon.

Thanks for reading all the love !!


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