Soft (Kleinsen)

By myCitrusCity

46.4K 2.1K 4.1K

We all know the story by heart at this point. °Boy loves girl. °Girl's brother dies. °Boy gets with girl. But... More

"What Are You, An Acorn?"
Old Rusty Truck
"Moms, Am I Right?"
"Truth or Dare"
"I've Screwed Up With You"
"What did you tell them..?"
Sincerely, Me
No Requiem
"Don't Do It Ev"
"Yep, Thanks To Me"
"How Did You Know You Liked Guys?"
"So This Is How It Feels Like To Be Loved"
Evan's Treehouse
i love you..
An Old Friend
It's All Arranged
Sweet Sixteen
Four Years Later
"Am I A Bad Person?"
He's Gone
Jared's Email
This Felt Amazing
May I Have This Dance?


1.5K 75 154
By myCitrusCity

Jared heard his door open, he sat up with a smile painted on his face.

Evan walked inside the other's room. In his hand was a small container filled with what Jared assumed was guacamole. "Hey!" Greeted the boy as he sat down next to Jared and began to open the container.

Jared opened the chip bag and scanned through the shows. "What do you wanna watch? The Office, Black Mirror, Friends, Riverdale, Heathers?"

Evan contemplated for a while. "Heathers I guess." He reached for a chip and dipped it into the sauce. "Oh, and no double dipping."

Jared rolled his eyes and clicked on Heathers. He began to eat as he watched the movie, making sure not to double dip.

As soon as the scene in which JD and Veronica were naked came on, Jared covered the other's eyes saying, "It's too much for you."

Evan had giggled and removed his hand. "I'm an adult," he said with pride, "I can handle anything!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," Said Jared as he rolled his eyes playfully.

A few hours went by and the movie had ended. They quickly switched over to The Vampire Diaries.

Jared was just as new to this show as Evan was. As he watched, he began to play around with Evan.

"Wow," swooned Jared. "Michael Trevino is a good lucking man!"

Evan was caught off guard. "What?" He chuckled. "He is not! Have you seen Joseph Morgan?"

Jared raised an eyebrow, a smug look was painted on to his face. "You're kidding right? He's so unattractive! Trevino is hot," he sighed dreamingly as if it proved a point.

Evan shook his head. "You're out of your mind, Jare. Morgan is," he kissed the back of his palm. "Undescribable."

Both males broke out in laughter at the ridiculous argument. They took a moment to regain their breath.

Soon, it had gotten really late. Evan layed on the bed, facing the tele and his head resting on his crossed arms.

Jared had layed down as well, his glasses had gotten placed on the bedside table hours ago. The boy felt his eyelids grow heavier by the minute until finally, his head slowly dropped onto Evan's shoulder.

After realizing his situation, Evan paused the show and had adjusted them both so they would be in a comfortable position.

Jared layed in an almost sideways position facing Evan. The tall male felt the other's warm steady breaths. He found himself wrapping an arm around Jared, making sure not to wake him up.

His soft smile and calm breathing had made Evan fall asleep as well with a sweet burning sensation in his chest.

The next morning, Evan was the first to wake up. He knew that he was holding Jared but it didn't seem to bother him. In fact, it made him feel really confident about himself. That is until Jared began to open his eyes.

He took a while to process everything. When he noticed Evan's arm around him, he made no move to back away, instead, he nudged himself closer to his chest which provided him warmth.

Evan bit his lip as he felt Jared grow closer. He let his hands run through the boy's soft brown hair. Jared didn't seem to mind, he simply smiled and let out a small sigh.

Without second thought, Jared connected his lips with Evan's. Their lips were like puzzle pieces, they fit perfectly with each other.

Their heartbeats were at sync, both beating quickly and full of excitement and nervousness.

Evan kissed him back. He had always wondered why couples closed their eyes when they kissed but now more than ever he understood why. You don't need to see the person you love because you can simply sense them. It causes a rush of blood to go through your body.

You didn't know what would happen next which made it even more ecstatic.

Unfortunately, they had to break it up due to the need of air. Both seem unfazed but their heartbeats said otherwise.

"What are you boys doing?" In the doorway was Ms. Kleinmen with a curious look.

Startled, they pushed away from each other, causing Evan to roll off the bed. "Nothing," giggled the tall boy nervously. "Just chatting."

The woman seemed unamused. "Right, anyways.. Jared, you can have cereal for breakfast, I'm heading to work. You know the rules, no alcohol, no bars, no sex and no robbing."

Jared stood up and rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, I know."

"Great," She smiled and waved. "Bye, I love you!"

"I do too," Groaned the boy as he got off the bed and placed his hand out towards Evan who gladly took it.

"Aw, you love your mom," Teased Evan.

"Shut up," said Jared jokingly. "You hungry for some-"

Evan nodded. "Sure. I'll just call my mom first to know let her know I'm not dead." He took out his phone and pressed on the "Mom" contact.

Meanwhile, Jared headed over to the kitchen and grabbed the gallon of milk and two bowls. He stood there for a while, debating into having Cheerios or Lucky Charms. (#NotSponsoredHe finally decided on Lucky Charms and poured the cereal into both bowls. Soon, Evan entered the kitchen and grabbed the bowl and a spoon.

"So? What'd she say?" Questioned Jared as he grabbed his bowl and a spoon for himself. He sat in the chair near a small coffee table his mom used during her break days.

Evan shrugged casually as he leaned onto the wall. "Mom didn't answer so I'm guessing she's busy. I left her a message though."

Jared nodded and began to eat. There was uncomfortable silence between the two.

"Are we going to discuss it?" Murmured Evan looking down at his bowl.

Jared glanced at him. "Yeah, uh, sorry about that."

"Sorry?" Exclaimed Evan surprised. "I thought you had a huge crush on me since eighth grade, why would you be sorry?"

"I've made your life a living hell," Jared adjusted his glasses. "And I don't think you enjoyed it."

The statement made Evan laugh as if it were the funniest joke. "You're kidding right? If I didn't, I would have pushed you onto the floor!"

"Yeah right," The shorter male rolled his eyes. "As if. You barely have visible muscle."

"You offend me," muttured Evan jokingly. He quickly finished eating and placed the dishes in the sink. "I know where we can celebrate our entrance to adulthood."

"Where?" Jared was at the sink washing both of their dishes. "Please don't tell me we're going to A La Mode."

Evan shrugged. "I'm not telling you. Hurry up, I'll meet you outside."


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