Retention (Dabi x OC - Commis...

By LadysDaze

49.8K 2K 313

Fuyu never considered herself to be someone who would take risks. She opted to be a rescue hero after all, bu... More

A Warning to Future Readers
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 (NSFW)
Part 15 (NSFW)
Part 16
Part 17 (NSFW)
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21 (NSFW)

Part 9

2.1K 103 26
By LadysDaze

Part 9

The beer bottle in his hands had been emptied long ago, now only swinging back and forth as the male in question looked boredly towards the scene unfolding in front of him. Spinner and Twice had been playing MarioKart for the past thirty minutes, and neither was particularly good at it.

"Quit hitting me with the shells!" The lizardman cried, an wave of irritation spraying from his mouth as he aggressively struck down on the remote.

"I didn't do it!" Twice called, his voice loud and boisterous. It changed a second later, this time becoming much quieter and shy. "I'll keep doing it until you notice me..."

Dabi rolled his eyes, seeing as not even these two could hold his attention for very long. Their antics usually could make him crack a smirk or even throw in a series of words to provoke them further... but not today it appeared.

Instead, he was stuck listening to the two as they played some game made for children. Elsewhere, the rest of the League appeared to be doing nothing of interest either: Toga was scrolling through her phone, eyes staring with that creepy pleased look at that green haired kid's social media. Kurogiri was sitting and reading some book, for once not having to be the only responsible one on the room. And Mr. Compress was what the male could only assume to be practicing his quirk, or more magic tricks.

Nothing of interest and the handsy guy wasn't even here for him to annoy. That had been his go to when he grew bored here... but as it appeared, the male had gone elsewhere and was doing something more important than actually leading the group of villains he had so sought to bring together.

Dabi tilted his head back, his legs itching to get up and explore the city to waste or at least find something more interesting, but he couldn't exactly trust where they would bring him. Part of him knowing that if he so much as left this place... he'd wind up at her apartment complex again.

His eyes looking upwards to see if her light was on and if it was he'd have a debate with himself if he should even go up there and see if she wanted to talk some more. His head reminding this little fantasy him that it wasn't as if he could very much have a conversation with her... let alone go see her without any repercussions.

The tea he had bought two days ago sat untouched in the small hell hole he was currently living at. His nerves not allowing him to open it and prepare a cup of it for himself, something inside of him saying that even if he tried... he'd never be able to make it like she had not too long ago.

Dabi's delusions of some cute domestic budding relationship were cut short as the man in question returned back from wherever he had been. Carrying with him a small USB drive, after having taken it out of his pocket and then going straight for Kurogiri.

"Get the computer set up." Shigaraki ordered, his voice dull and void of any real emotion like usual.

Kurogiri sighed, folding a corner of the page he was currently on and then shutting his book as he rose to his feet slowly and looked at the younger male. Tomura's single red hue looked at the warp man through the hand stuck to his face, but Kurogiri's eyes seemed to tell a much deeper story.

"Someday... I hope you'll be able to say please." He spoke, shaking his head. "We may be villains, Shigaraki Tomura, but we still can be polite ones."

The white-haired male grumbled something under his breath, no doubt a curse or two towards the former bar-keeper, but nevertheless, Kurogiri fulfilled the wishes of the leader and turned on the ancient computer.

No one really knew where it came from, but it was clear that the device was from an era where having a large monitor, with the box in the back was the norm. The loading took a while, as technology back in the day, or twenty years ago, needed a few minutes to boot up before it was ready to run.

Eventually though, the home screen appeared, an image of rolling green fields against a bright blue sky appearing. Tomura had gone around and fetched the other members of the League, telling them to stop 'whatever nonsense' they had been doing and to gather around the screen.

"Are we finally going to be doing something big?" Toga asked, a tone of boredom in her voice.

"Yeah Shigaraki..." Spinner chuckled. "I signed up to make a new world, not to do more petty thefts."

Everyone chuckled at Spinner's comment, having had similar feelings in the last few weeks since Dabi had taunted Endeavor and the hero had been scarred by the Nomu that could talk.

"And yet you all have been enjoying have a fridge, furniture, and more electronic devices to play around and waste time with the last two weeks..." He growled, looking towards the computer as he put the USB into it and loaded up the files.

"Well... we had all that before All Might came punching into the last lair." Dabi sighed, everyone, nodding their heads along to his remark. "But... let's hear this plan already."

Shigaraki didn't wait for another person to tell him so, instead opening up a few picture files that showed groups of thugs and petty other criminals from around the downtown area. The ones that had taken up more arms and attacks since All Might had retired. The ones who were not afraid to attack heroes either.

"We're going to be using these idiots for our next mission." Tomura spoke, clicking through more images, this time of a few buildings. "As I'm sure you all know... these buildings are notable hero agencies in the downtown area."

The names of Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Gang Orca, and more familiar names greeted their eyes, only to be pointed out on the next slide of a map of the downtown, with 'x's marking the hero agencies and a label saying who's was whose. There had to be at least a dozen of them in total.

"Oh... no UA?" Toga giggled. "And here I thought I'd be able to see sweet Izuku again... but I guess not even you are that obsessed with the hero school, Tomura."

"UA doesn't matter right now." He spat back, making Toga's smile melt into a deeper frown. "We'll deal with that school of putrid hero wannabees when they're no more actual heroes to stand to protect the children any longer."

"So what are we doing exactly?" Mr. Compress spoke up, opening his metallic hand as if to emphasize his question.

Tomura turned back to the map, pointing towards the hero agencies once more. "Simple... hero agencies like to hold a lot of personal information about the heroes who work for them: names, family, addresses, all sorts of things that the public usually never gets their hands on... not even the press."

"Oh, I get it..." Spinner chuckled. "So we're going to steal some personal information... maybe sell it off to the highest bidder, or really make a mark on the heroes who have done us dirty so much, huh?"

" ." Timura nodded. "Good to know one of you isn't a complete idiot..."

He turned back to a few of the pictures of the thugs. "They are all under the assumption that we'll be planning a unison raid and attack on the agencies as a message to send the heroes. Something about losing their hold on society or whatever I said to the idiots who bought into it.

But, when you each get into the building... make for the head hero's computer and do what you must with the set of USB drives I've got each of you. You'll each have two buildings to hit, so make sure to grab two of them.

And of course... if any hero tries to get in your way, don't be afraid to smack them down for good measure. The goal here is to get all the information... so don't be the only one of you who fails..."

"And how exactly are we getting there and then getting out without anyone noticing us, or actually trying to follow us back?" Dabi spoke up again, remembering how a certain hero had nearly caught him making his way back to this warehouse after he left the scene with Endeavor and Hawks.

"Kurogiri will drop you all off at the alleyway near the agencies, and when you are ready to be picked up... just send him a message or whatever you usually do to get him to come save you." Tomura sighed, looking around once more. "Any more questions? Because if not... you all have the pleasure of picking what hero's agency you want."

A few of his allies let out a cry of joy at this, coming forward eagerly to look closer at the map and pick their two heroes of choice. Dabi hung back, not really caring who he was left with... he'd burn them to ashes either way.

"Yo Dabi." Spinner called, throwing something his way.

He caught the object with ease, looking down and seeing the names of two heroes scribbled across the USB's that had been held together by a rubber band. The hellfire hero and the dragon hero appeared to be who had been tossed his way.

"Thought you might like to handle the number one... and if you ask me, your fire's way hotter than anything that puny dragon lady could muster up herself." Spinner smirked, seeing as Dabi gave a smug grin back in return.

"Thanks... and where are you going?" He responded, watching as Spinner shrugged.

"Awe just some two-bit heroes... Best Jeanist isn't even back in yet and Fatgum from that raid they did on Overhaul a few months ago." He chuckled. "So it sounds like my work is gonna be done pretty easily... after all, they've only employed a few small fries to their pathetic excuse of an agency."

"Spinner! I was Best Jeanist! The boys there are cuter!" Toga jumped into the conversation. "Give me the ones who will look cute with blood all over them!"

"How many times do I have to tell you no?" Spinner yelled, shoving Toga aside. "You grabbed the first two you saw, not my fault they both aren't up to your style!"

The arguing between the two continued for a little while longer, each trying to snag the USB with Best Jeanist's name on it. But, despite Dabi looking at the pair fighting, it was the other USB that seemed to hold his attention a bit more.

A small memory in his mind telling him he needed to switch with Spinner. An image of something that had been framed and sitting next to him in Fuyu's apartment as he sipped his drink a few nights ago.

The picture frame simply being something he walked to pass through the awkwardness of her making him tea and him looking around her cozy apartment. But now... now knowing exactly who her boss was, and that he even took a photo with her to commemorate her first day as a hero a few years ago... made his stomach drop.

"Spinner." Dabi spoke in a serious tone, catching both Toga and the male's attention. "I want to switch too... could I have Fatgum?"

Spinner rose a brow, not quite understanding what brought upon this sudden change. The dark haired male seemed so happy moments ago with the picks he had given him. But now he wanted to switch? What was with these two and wanting his choices...

"Huh? Why?" The green-scaled man shrugged. "I thought you wanted bigger heroes?"

"I do." Dabi spoke with sternness in his voice. "But... I think fighting both Endeavor and Ryukyu would put me in a state of exhaustion and I'd rather not get captured or injured in the process."

Spinner blinked, realizing that he did speak some truth. These were the number one and number ten heroes after all... and Dabi was only one guy possibly going against both of their agencies.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Toga called, stomping her foot. "I'm the smallest of us all! And you're not worried about me getting hurt?!"

"You're a demon disguised as a little girl..." Dabi muttered, Toga chuckling.

"Awe thanks, Dabi! But... even so, I can't exactly fight more than one person." She shrugged. "Awe I know! How about you get that bird guy to get the number one and number ten to get some of their units out for patrol or something? I bet they'd listen to anything number two said..."

Spinner snapped his fingers. "That's not a bad idea. Yeah just do that Dabi!"

Dabi's stomach did an uncomfortable flip, and he shook his head. "No... I'd still rather just take Endeavor and Fatgum. So, give me Fatgum and you can have Ryukyu... especially since you're the type of guy who likes to tease female heroes... right Spinner?"

Spinner shook his head, taking both of the USB drives and stuffing them into his pocket and then zipping it closed. Toga whined, knowing that she wasn't going to be getting her way, not when Spinner had pretty much put his foot down finally.

"Sorry man, but after that pink pussy cat... I'm taking a break from those female heroes... they only lead guys like me on and then sock us in the face." He turned and started making his way back toward where Twice was setting up the next match for the Switch.

"Too bad for us, huh?" Toga laughed, looking over towards Dabi.

She pouted as he merely glared at her and turned his back and started to move away from her and towards the exit. She sighed, shaking her head and then going to watch Spinner and Twice play.

She didn't understand why Dabi of all people was throwing a fit over not being able to attack such a low-grade hero like Fatgum and the pathetic people he employed... but either way, she could care less.

Sure Dabi had been slipping into insanity as of late, especially when it came to Endeavor, but she really couldn't care. You didn't become a villain just because you felt like it... you did because the misery of your life drove you insane. And Dabi had always hidden his loss of reality behind a smug expression and teasing words... but now he was finally starting to show more.

And if he so decided to try to fight it with the pathetic excuse of fearing he'd be captured... then he wasn't cut out for this. But Toga knew... and she knew that eventually, he'd come back with that same hungry desire to kill and that lopsided grin that would let everyone know he was not here to bring an end to the carnage.


Fuyu sighed as she unlocked the door to her apartment, and shut the door before sliding down it as she exhaled deeply. The first day back and already her boss was telling her that Fatgum had been swamped lately with reports and needed her to sort through them and see if any were of any real importance.

But... seeing as she had been gone for a week or so, she couldn't complain about the easy job today. Fatgum may have been the big boss to tell her rescue operation head to go easy on her... but she was still glad to be working for some really good and understanding people.

Maybe by next week, she could go out into the field again. She would be a liar to say she wasn't craving the thrill of helping people and making sure that situations were handled much faster when she and her team arrived.

But now, the only thing on her mind was getting herself some food and settling in for a good hour or two of anime. That sounded really good to her, and after her long day of staring at paperwork, she just wanted to sit and stare at something a bit more interesting.

She didn't get far though, as once she started to walk towards her living room, she spotted the out of place change like she had seen a ghost. The male sitting on one end of her couch and looking at her with a blank gaze was certainly something she was not expecting.

He had even turned the lamp on, meaning he wasn't trying to spook her at least... but either way, she wasn't exactly to see him again. Nor was she wanting to have to deal with whatever he wanted this time. She had created this distance on purpose... and yet he kept coming back it appeared.

"What are you doing here?" She spoke, her voice low, but still harsh.

"I came here to give you a warning... after all, it's the least I could do with you keeping my real name out of the media and away from him." Dabi shrugged.

Fuyu sucked in a breath, throwing her hands into her pockets, and balling them together into fists. She didn't want to give him any reason to get violent... especially since she had just returned to hero work in the first place.

"I kept your name out of the media and Endeavor's hands because its none of my business... or my right to tell others." She told him, chest pounding. "And besides... I've already gotten too involved with you, why would I want to bury myself in deeper?"

He shrugged, fishing a hand in his pocket. Fuyu stiffened, worry filling her on what exactly he was doing. He had never shown to carry a knife or a gun before, but even so, she couldn't trust what was in his pocket.

"Here." Dabi spoke, placing a box of tea on the table in front of the couch. "Saw this at the store yesterday and thought of you."

"What kind of emotional manipulation game are you playing right now?" She asked, disbelief evident in her voice.

"Like I said... I'm only here to return a favor." He laughed, having expected her to be this jumpy, but not almost fearful of him.

He understood it though, as in his moment of weakness... he might have overshared a bit too many stories of his childhood. And now she was worried that the male would be here to find a way to keep her mouth shut permanently.

He wasn't though, and he was very serious about giving her the warning. A strange feeling and notion inside of him saying that if he could spare anyone with the attack that would be occurring tomorrow... it had to be her. The only person who by some miracle seemed to understand it, and understand him by extension.

Maybe he was latching onto something that wasn't actually there. Maybe he was assuming too much. Maybe he was tricking himself into a sense of security.

But... he was here, knowing that he'd rather play up that fantasy and no longer feel like he owed her, then letting it forever eat away at him that he owed the heroic female some kind of favor.

Fuyu had grown silent, only watching him as he stood up from his seat on her couch and came towards her. He paused a few feet away, looking at her with that unreadable expression he'd always show her. The one that made her feel so nervous, but also strangely expecting... like he could change her entire perception of him again from whatever he was about to say or do.

"Don't come into work tomorrow." He told her. "Call in and say that you assumed you were ready to come back... but your head injury is acting up again."

Fuyu's eyes widened, and she stepped back an inch. "Wha... what are you talking about?"

"Something is going down tomorrow. So don't leave this place. Don't go downtown... and don't go into work either." He spoke more sternly now.

Fuyu was silent, processing what he was telling her, her mind slowly clicking as to what he was telling her to do. Dabi watched as her confused expression changed to one he was afraid would come... and soon enough, it was clear how the hero was taking this.

"You're telling me to not act when whatever you are doing tomorrow starts to happen?" She laughed dryly. "I'm a hero, Touya... meaning if you or anyone you associate yourself with decides to hurt the public... I show up and I stop it."

"You're not thinking clearly about this." Dabi's own voice grew a bit more fierce. "I'm giving you a warning... cause unlike the last few times, I won't be there to drag your ass out of the situation when it occurs."

"Those situations only existed because you were a root cause of them! And it doesn't count as 'saving' me or whatever you view it as in your twisted head if you were the one to harm me!"

"Well, I'm not going to be the one harming you tomorrow... it's going to be someone who I know won't think twice about doing more to you than burning your neck."

It was silent after he spoke, a tension in the air making it hard to breathe properly, or even move from where both stood. Neither wanting to budge from their spots: both figuratively and literally.

"So... this is how it's gonna be, huh?" Dabi chuckled, shaking his head. "I should have guessed it. Hero shows me one single day of mercy, only to go right back to making our society even worse with her blinded actions... unaware of the consequences she sews... just like him."

Fuyu's eyes widened and she knew she had to do it now... she couldn't stand this any longer. It had gone on too long now anyway. This was something long overdue.

"I'm putting a stop to this..." She spoke, pulling out a small button from her pocket.

It was blinking softly, a red color going off every few seconds as Dabi realized what she had done and how this meeting would end. And how he would end up in another few minutes. He looked at her with wide eyes, but couldn't exactly blame her all the way.

Even so, the anger in his chest was too much to bare at this moment, and without truly thinking it through pointed his inflamed hand towards her. The blue fire striking her hand holding the device and making Fuyu shriek as her skin was burned from the blue flames.

"I get it..." He spoke, kicking through the glass door to the garden area of her apartment complex. "Heroes and villains... huh?"

Fuyu looked up towards him, a newfound hatred burning behind her hues as she looked at the male.

"For someone so obsessed with not being compared or seen as his son... you sure do a bad job of not acting like him." She spoke, the words stinging every inch of the villain.

Dabi looked at her in shock, shaking his head once before he turned to face the darkness that was out beyond him. Fuyu didn't need to say anything more, and her thoughts were already too occupied on finding some way to wrap up and bandaged her hands. And by the time the police and a few heroes from her agency had arrived at the scene, it was too late.

Despite Fuyu's story and the evidence that Dabi really had come back and attacked her... the male could not be found anywhere on the premises or in the surrounding areas. He had once more vanished without a trace.

Only this time... he wouldn't be out of the public's eyes for long, as tomorrow marked the day for him and the League to once more... make the headlines for anyone watching.

Though... that was unknown to the heroes who were at the moment trying to console the rescue hero who had become a sudden obsession for the flaming villain.

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