{DISCONTINUED}💙Yandere BlueB...

By Ashlie-San

1.5K 46 45

Welcome back to my first book on wattpad! New and improved! Almost- Up until chapter 13 this is an old book... More

Acting For Safety
Starting The Game.
Could lying be any easier?
W.D Gaster's Return!
Awkwardness 2
The Plan, Chapter 8
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
🍋🍋Unexpected But Welcomed Heat Sesh~~!🍋🍋
More fun..... 😈Ch.11😈
Chapter 12 A New Start
Chapter 13
Chapter 14, It's About Time..
Chapter 15 For Fucks Sakes..
Chapter 16 Oops~


177 4 12
By Ashlie-San

(I'll be putting some of these songs to go with my chapters, cuz of the theme ya know?)

~(Papyrus's P.O.V)~

It's four in the morning, I just woke up from a weird dream I had about my bro. (GET YOUR MIND AWAY FROM THE GUTTER!) He was, out killing? 'I better go check on him...' I thought walking towards his room. I opened his door slightly with a creak, and I saw his figure tossing and turning in his bed. I slowly and carefully walked up to him, and saw a scared expression apon his face. 'Oh god, is he having another nightmare?' I thought as I shook him gently. "Gah!" He shot up into a sitting position, his eye sockets had no pupils within them and were completely black. He closed them and cried softly to himself, and I hugged him to try and calm him down. "Hush bro... Did you have another nightmare?" I asked and he replied sniffling. (is that right? O-O) "Y-yeah... I-I can't get it out of my head!"

His tears were bitter, and I wiped one away with my thumb, whilst cupping the side of his skull. He looked up at me with a sad expression, but he hugged me tightly a second after. I was slightly shocked at first, but I hugged him back carefully, in a nice, comforting way. Where as he was holding onto me like it was the end of the world. I gently placed a hand on the top of his skull, to feel the temperature. It was...Warm.. Warmer than warm, 'Shit... Is he sick?' I thouht in deep worry. "Sans, what was the nightmare about?" I asked, and he looked up at me, his pupils returning. "I-I.... I don't really want to tell you..."

He looked away, his expression remained the same. I smiled and re-cupped the side of his head, making him look at me. "You can tell me anything Sans, you can trust me." He looked back at me, our eyes locked his blue pupils were bright and full of trust. Sans explained the nightmare to me, it was about the ghosts of the monsters that died recently. 'But why?' I thought, 'Surely he didn't have anything to do with those murders? He's so innocent...' "P-Papy?" "Yeah bro?" "C-could you sleep with me?" He was blushing slightly but I nodded. "M'kay bro." (AHHH HELP ME AUTHOR SCREAMING AT HERSELF!!) I got into bed with my brother and hugged him to comfort him. He hugged me back tightly and fell asleep with his head in my chest.

~(Le time skip, brought to you by Ink wondering wtf just happened)~

"Ngh..." I felt someone shaking me, and I opened one of my eye sockets to see Sans with a flat expression on his face. "Papy!! Wake up.." "Okay, okay I'm up!" I sat up and rubbed my eye sockets. Sans tried to drag me out of the bed but failed. "Getttt upppp!!" He wined. "M'kay bro, lemme just grab my shoes and hoodie from my room then I'll be downstairs with 'cha." He huffed but allowed it. 'God he's so friggin cute I could hug him all day.' I thought happily, quickly grabbing my stuff from my room. I then lazily teleported downstairs and sat on the sofa. A second later Sans came downstairs, and walked into the kitchen. I got up, and leaned against the wall in the kitchen, watching him. His face went slightly blue, I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. At least the humans saying wasn't true, that 'curiosity kills' one. What aload of bullshit. He glanced at me, and asked. "Papy why do you always stand there leaning against the wall when I'm cooking?" I smiled. "I like to see my bro improve in his cooking, thats why." I took a step forward, bent down and kissed him on the forehead. His face flushed a deep blue, and I just left him like that.

~(Sans's P.O.V)~

'Thank-god... now I can add the secret ingrediant!' I smiled as I thought this and grabbed a kitchen knife. I licked the blade then took one of my gloves off. I cut my arm slightly, just enough to bring blood. Since I'd been doing it alot, it didn't really hurt anymore. I let the blood drip into the taco mix. (Is that even right? Idk anything about tacos.) After I'd finished cooking the Tacos, I walked into the living room and gave it to Paps. "Here ya go Paps!" I said cheerfully like a child. An innocent one.... "Thanks bro." One of my gloves decided to fall down at that second, the one I'd just cut. My eyes widened and I instantly pulled it back up. "Hm? Is somethin' wrong bro?" My brother asked curiously. "N-no!" He raised a 'bonebrow' at me then went back to eating it. His eye flashed orange as he tasted something unusual in it... I bit my tounge slightly, thankfully he didn't notice but the orange flash in his eye was gone as soon it had appeared. I walked into the kitchen then fell over something, the last thing I remember hearing is: "S-Sans? Are you okay??" And then everything went black.

I heard someone saying something, but I couldn't tell what they were saying.. 'H-Hello?' I asked, 'Who's there!?!' I summoned a sharp bone for defence, my eye flying up into a blue flame. 'Sans.. It's me, your father... Don't you remember me?' 'Wha-Nope I'm out! But... How do I get out...' I looked around the void and then I saw Gaster. My father... (Heres Us! Gaster if you dont know what he looks like. Ignore the other one..)

'D-dad? B-but your dead!! YOUR NOT REAL!!' I screamed, tears trailing down my face like waterfalls. 'Sans please! I'm still alive I've been in the void for so long! You can set me free! PLEASE SANS!' I couldn't believe my eyes, but I felt like I knew how to set him free. My eye re-burst up into a blue flame. Blue and white bones circled me, growing sharper and sharper. I raised my hand up into the air, summoning a massive GASTER Blaster. (Ehh~?) I sent the bones flying around us, and managed to summon these tentacle-y things? They were also blue. They dragged my father towards me. And I blasted us both, at the same time as stabbing us. I woke up, my eye was fading back to normal. "S-Sans your alive!" My brother said full of relief. Tears were streaming down his eyes. He was about to clean them when we heard groaning. "Ugh.. My head.." We turned our head to see Gaster. "Dad!!" We said in unision. It had turned out that my theory worked. For the first time in years I was actually happy.

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