Boarding School Cos Im Naughty

By KeepDreamingDreamer

21.1K 167 16


Boarding School Cos Im Naughty One
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Two
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Three
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Four
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Five
Boarding school Cos In naughty Six - FREYA'S STORY
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Seven
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Eight
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Nine
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Ten
Boarding School Cos I'm Naughty Eleven
Boarding School Cos I'm Naughty Twelve
Boarding School Cos I'm Naughty -letters
Boarding School Course I'm Naughty Fourteen
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty fifteen
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty 16
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty 17
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty- chapter 18
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty - 19
Boarding School Cos Im Naughty chapter 21

Boarding School Cos Im Naughty Chapter 20

241 3 0
By KeepDreamingDreamer

Brandon pov

“IZZY I got it its perfect” I ran in our room grinning at my notepad I looked up to see three faces, Drake, Izzy and Link “oh Iz no” I said closing the do with my foot.

“No what” Link asked smiling at me like he knew something I didn’t the smug bastard.

Drake stood up and stared at me “yeah, Brandon what” he raised his eyebrows.

Izzy wacked he over the head “we’re just studying Link got put into our group unlucky for us” Izzy rolled her eyes. “You two back to work” she pointed back at them; Drake and her had a stare down until he grumbled and joined a chuckling Link.

“So” Izzy whispered pulling me closer to the door “tell me the plan then”

“Well we go visit, y’know,” I nodded,

She rolled her eyes “no who are we talking about” her voice dripped with sarcasm.

I stepped back; “well if you’re going to be like that then I won’t tell you it” I crossed my arms and looked away. She pulled us out into the hall way.

“Carry on”

I smiled “okay we’re visiting right,” i looked at my notepad, I could feel her stare “when we get up and leave you guys hug”


“And swap around so she stands with me and your standing where she was” I looked up at Izzy, she was looking at me confused, “then me and Freya walks out”

Izzy put her index finger to her bottom lip “so let me get this straight” she looked at me properly “you basically want me and Freya to swap places” she raised her eyebrows.

“Pretty much” I nodded

“ARE YOU INSANE” she screamed “the trouble we could get in, not to mention that is the stupidest idea EVER and I’m not doing it!!!!”

“Feelings” I said putting my hand to my chest

“How long did it take for you to come up with that anyway” there was a long silence, she was looking at the notepad

Then I looked at her and she looked at me. “Fine then you can think of a better idea”

She sighed and looked at the teacher that walked by, and bit her lip “I think I have” she looked around she pulled me done to her height and whispered her plan.

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