The Switch | Dramione • Felts...

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Everything was fine, peaceful actually - until . . . "WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE WE?!" "Draco? Uh - your hai... المزيد

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Dramione Tales

She remembered that day. The day when she first met him, the day that they became friends.

Being excited would be an understatement of what Hermione Granger was feeling, she was overwrought.

She just can't believe it, she's going to Hogwarts. The eleven year old brunette witch beamed in delight as she walked inside the Hogwarts Express.

She waved her Mum and Dad goodbye and gave them a flying kiss. She walked towards some compartments hoping to find an empty seat and even some friends along the way as the train whistled signalling the passengers that it's already moving.

As she walked passed different compartments, peeking at every windows, hoping for an empty place to sit.

Walking towards the middle of the train, she accidentaly bumping into someone in the process — groaning as she realized she was on the ground, suddenly her excitement earlier was gone, thinking that it was not her lucky day after all.

"Sorry . . . I'm very sorry about that." She heard the boy muttered infront of her, she looked at up and saw a pale hand stretched towards her.

Hermione hesitantly took it as the pale boy helped her stood up, "I'm terribly sorry, I was running away from some of my friends and didn't noticed you." he said.

The brunette just stared at him, studying his look, he was pale, his platinum blond hair was neatly slicked back, his eyes were stormy gray which made her look at it more closer than before, the blond boy just eyed her weirdly as a smirk slowly plastered on his lips.

"What are you staring at?" He asked carelessly as he stared at her.

Hermione shrugged and smiled, "Nothing, it's just that I don't usually see those kind of set of eyes, it's mesmerizing." She said making the pale blond boy smile.

"Why thank you. . ." He beamed, "My name's Malfoy by the way, Draco Malfoy." he said, extending his hand again, the brunette didn't have a second thought of taking it, with a toothy smile, she replied, "I'm Hermione Granger."

Draco grinned and made a bow saying, "Well Hermione, would you mind if I introduce you to my friends? We've got one of the largest compartments here in the train, do you want to join us?"

Hermione nodded and took his hand again as the smiling Malfoy boy led her the way, thus forming an incredible friendship in between.

Hermione couldn't help but smile at the memory, they were bestfriends, and now, Draco Malfoy is her boyfriend. Oh the thought of it just can't stop her heart from beating fast, it was too good to be true.

The thoughts of her first encounter of Draco Malfoy was gone when she felt two strong arms around her waist.

She smiled before facing Draco behind her shoulder, "Can't sleep?" whispered Draco at her ear making shivers running down her spine.

Hermione nodded, "Why are you still up?" she asked.

Draco shrugged, "Apparently Grint over there is more like Weasley sometimes, his snorning was awfully loud. Just enough to bloody wake me up." he muttered making Hermione giggle.

It was the middle of the night. Last time she checked the time was likely to be 1 am, she found herself in the living room, facing at the large glassed window in Rupert's flat, admiring the night's view, city lights were always beautiful to look at in London.

Earlier after dinner, Rupert, Dan, Matt, Bonnie and Evanna announced another sleep over. Hermione couldn't help herself from being gratefull at her new muggle friends, they were exactly just like her friends back home. She surely missed Harry, Ron, Ginny, Luna and Neville, as much as she missed her Slytherin friends too.

Draco kissed Hermione's ear softly making the brunette sigh in content, it was hours ago when he asked her to officially be his girlfriend and even though the brightest witch in her age just answered, "I was always yours." It was enough for the Slytherin prince to pick her up and spin her around whilst giving small kisses around her face.

"I can't wait to get home," she murmured as she rested her head at Draco's shoulders. "Me too," he said.

"I bet Mother will be thrilled when she'll know about us officially dating now," he continued as he wiggled his eyebrows at her, the brunette on the other hand laughed.

"It's an obvious response Draco." She said, "Your parents adores me." she added making Draco smirk and kiss her shoulders, "An unambiguous statement." He said, wrapping his arms tightly at her.

"I love you Granger." He whispered sending goosebumps all over her.

Hermione turned around and faced him once again, she said nothing but cupped both his cheek and stared at his eyes, missing his stormy gray ones but instead looking at Tom's crystal blue orbs —

"I miss your Gray eyes," she murmured, "It was the first thing I noticed in you when we first met." she continued.

Draco grinned with that, "I can still clearly remember that moment," he said as he made his nose touch Hermione's — well, Emma's — but you get it.

The brunette giggled, "I love you too Malfoy."

And with that, Draco took it as a sign for closing the small gap between them, earning a kiss in response from Hermione.


That morning, Hermione woke up rather late than usual.

A few hours ago, after snogging senselessly at her boyfriend, the two decided to go back in their respective rooms and sleep. The brunette smiled with that thought, she can't wait to see Draco again, so with a happy sigh, she got up from bed and been greeted at the sight of Bonnie Wright.

"Good Morning Hermione, slept well?" She asked, smiling.

The brunette smiled and nodded, "I contacted your Manager again and she left some clothes for you to wear for today. I swear Jane was rambling about these constant sleep overs we're having." Bonnie laughed as Hermione giggled in response.

"Thanks Bonnie, I ought to take a shower first too you know."

The redhead nodded and gave her the clothes, "There's a spare towel in there. We'll meet you in the kitchen." She said as Hermione nodded gratefully and went inside the bathroom.


"Good Morning." a newly showered Draco Malfoy said as he walked towards the kitchen, meeting Dan, Rupert, and Matt at the table having their coffee as Evanna and Bonnie were eating their pancakes.

"Morning Malfoy," greeted Matt, "Good Morning," said the rest. "You look rested," Rupert pointed out.

"No thanks to your snoring," Draco said, rolling his eyes but smiling nevertheless, making the group laugh.

"Oi I was tired yesterday, you can't blame a bloke from snoring." Rupert defended.

Draco just shook his head as he accepted the coffee Evanna had just offered, muttering a "Thanks" his eyes wondered around.

"Hermione's still asleep?" He asked.

"Your girlfriend's taking a shower Draco." answered Bonnie with a smirk.

Draco smiled with that, "Girlfriend. I can't get tired of hearing that" he thought to himself.

"Awe isn't this cute, The great infamous Draco Malfoy is inlove," cooed Dan as the group laughed, Draco just rolled his eyes not leaving the smile off of his lips.

"Just shut up," he muttered, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Hey Draco," Evanna began, "Hermione was telling us stories about you and your friends back at Hogwarts. We were hoping you'll storytell us this time while waiting for Hermione and while killing the time." She pointed out as the rest nodded in agreement.

"Yeah Malfoy, tell us some stories about you and Hermione, and some." chuckled Matt.

Draco thought for a moment, and finally said, "Fine."

"There was one time in fourth year . . . " he began.


Draco followed his Father inside the large stadium, trailing behind him was Alex, Blaise, his Uncle Sirius and Uncle Regulus.

"Hey it's them!" Alex said making Draco look at the direction he was pointed out. And there they were, Arthur Weasley was smiling whilst talking to James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.

George and Fred Weasley were right behind them, laughing. As Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione followed, talking animatedly at each other.

"Oh good, right on time," drawled Lucius Malfoy as the group faced at them. Arthur beamed and greeted the older Malfoy as James Potter and the rest did the same.

"Draco!" beamed Hermione as her arms found his shoulders, Draco hugged her back rather tightly.

"I missed you." She said making Draco's heart jump.

"I missed you too Granger," he said, ruffling her brunette hair.

"Oh come on! It's been six days —" Fred began.

"— since you two last saw each other." continued George, a teasing voice flowing from their mouths.

"Say where's Pansy and Phoebe? And the others?" asked Hermione.

"Phoebe's in paris along with our other cousins, obviously not interested in Quidditch. Pansy's having their summer trip in Spain according to Zabini over here," He said.

"I'm surprised you're here though, last time I checked you hate Quidditch."

"I don't hate it, I just don't like it." She pointed out making Draco roll his eyes but smiling nonetheless.

"The Weasleys offered a free ticket, and who am I to say no. And besides, I missed my friends and I want to hang out with you guys even risk watching this boring game." She continued as Draco hung his arms lazily at her shoulders.

"Quidditch is not boring, mind you. Plus the best seeker in the world is playing, I can't wait to see Viktor Krum." He said.

Months later after the Quidditch World Cup . . .

Draco just couldn't help it. He's going to blow.

He was staring at Viktor Krum with great distaste as he felt a hand over his and looked at Hermione next to him.

"Stop being jealous, you look ridiculous." She said pulling her hand away as soon as she caught his attention.

"I was not." the blonde scoffed.

"He just infuriates me." He said, staring at the Durmstrang student across the Great Hall.

"Well that's ironic. Back at summer when we were watching him play, you were gawking at him as if he was your idol and as if you were inlove of him," she joked, but Malfoy didn't find it funny at all.

"It was before he asked you out, and mind you, he asked you a lot of times even though he knows that you're already going with me." He said, seething.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "You asked me before he could, so I won't get to go with him during the Yule ball tomorrow." She pointed out.

"Stop throwing deathly glares at the bloke, you're making him uneasy." she said letting out a small giggle.

"Just stay away from him." He muttered.

Yep, Draco Malfoy was possessive.


"Awe that's cute!" cooed Bonnie Wright, "You were so jelous." She continued as Draco glared at her.

"I was not." He said.

"Oh stop denying it," said Dan.

"Take that Malfoy pride off of you and just admit it." said Matt as Rupert agreed.

Draco rolled his eyes yet again.

"I heard Hermione took you to muggle london, tell us about that then," said Evanna, eager to hear more of their stories.

With a sigh Draco began to talk . . . "I first went there when we were in second year but, but last summer I went there alone for her and she took me lunch at a muggle restaurant . . ."


"Good God, Granger! Why do girls takes so long to change themselves." He drawled as Hermione rolled her eyes and walked towards him, who was currently leaning at his car coolly as he was crossing his arms across his chest.

"Take care you two! Drive safely Draco!" cried Mrs. Granger as Draco smiled at her warmly.

"I will Jean, don't worry." He said.

Mrs. Granger smiled and closed the entrace door of their house. Just as Hermione reached Draco, she jumped and threw her arms around him, and Draco eneveloped a hug in return.

"Missed you ferret," she muttered at her best friend.

"Missed you too Beaver," he said, chuckling.

She pulled away as Draco met Hermione's brown eyes, "What?" He asked.

"I still can't believe you're driving." she said as Draco opened the newest BMW shotgun seat's door for her, "— and you're being a gentleman now." she pointed out, incredulously.

"And you're wearing a dress," he retorted and closed the car door, making Hermione blush — which fortunately Draco didn't saw as he jogged his way towards his side of the car.

"Mum made me wear this, mind you." She replied as she crossed her arms.

Draco opened the car's roof and slid his sunglasses on as his eyes traced towards Hermione, observing her.

Her curly hair was tamed and was set into a beautiful braid, her light blue dress was just an inch above her knee and fitted her perfeclty. She was just wearing it simply but Draco can't seem to take his eyes off of her.

Draco just smirked at her, turned on the engine and looked side by side before started to drive, "Must you always look cool whenever we're out in public?" She scoffed as she noticed a group of girls gawking at him.

Draco just smirked at her and faced the road, "Don't be jelous Granger, it's not like I'm having a date with them today."

Hermione blushed with that, "I never said this was a date," she pointed out.

"Sure you didn't." said Draco, smirking, "I didn't say you said so either." he added.

And that made Hermione blush even more, "Just shut up and drive you daft idiot." she muttered making Draco laugh.


"Well look at that, it's not just Draco who's the jealous one here but Hermione too," Rupert pointed out, laughing.

"I am not." A voice came from behind making Draco spun around, meeting his girlfriend's stare.

"What are you telling them, Malfoy?" she asked, a brow raising at him.

"Ops back to the last name basis," muttered Dan as Rupert and Matt snickered, Evanna and Bonnie giggled at the sight.

Draco just let out a small smile making Hermione's eyes soften, "Nothing love," he muttered.

"Unlikely story," Hermione retorted making her way towards him and kissing him on the cheek, "Good Morning," she said.

"Good Morning." The Malfoy heir replied with a smile.

Dan, Rupert, Matt, Evanna and Bonnie smiled just as Rupert pretended to choke causing each eyes on his direction, "Sorry, it's just that for a split second I pretended it was Emma and Tom," he laughed.

The rest of the muggle actors laughed.

Hermione and Draco just grinned, "I can't help but wonder how they're doing back in our world," Draco said.

Hermione nodded in agreement, "You and me both."

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