Something Else Entirely

By ashhhmareee

10.2K 731 469

Jet Wesley learned early on in life that family doesn't always imply unconditional love and happily ever afte... More

1 - You better believe it, baby. You're stuck with us.
2 - He can be more a temperamental teenager than I am.
3 - Drool Tax.
4 - You can take the boy out of Australia . . .
5 - No amount of sexual pleasure seems to be helping me right now.
6 - I've been running from shit my whole life, baby.
7 - How lucky you all are to have each other now, though.
8 - Instantaneous hetero/platonic gay lovers.
9 - This can't be good.
10 - Heavy slabs and heavier panic.
11 - Foster kid to the Foster family. Black sheep to the Wesley family.
12 - You are a true hero to all womankind.
13 - What more does a girl have to do to get a hot Australian boy to kiss her?
14 - I thought I was just getting fat.
16 - Perhaps in another life.
17 - Oh, he's a keeper, Son.
18 - Logan.
19 - Of course she knows how to speak 'parent.'
20 - It's kind of endearing to know she has feelings like the rest of humankind.
21 - She's really beautiful when she's not trying to hate me.
22 - Maybe she's gay, and dislikes me by default for my lack of vagina?
23 - Jet is something else entirely.
24 - Unlearned brute it is.
25 - Is it supposed to have that many limbs?
26 - I'll be the chef in our kitchen, while you take care of those in the womb.
27 - I don't think it really hit me until last night.
28 - Life is much simpler when you have people writing everyone a happy ending.
29 - Don't you have other pretty girls to be cuddling?
30 - Your worst nightmare . . . my sweetest dream.
31 - The if-I-ever-meet-this-asshole, unfathomable kind of bad.
32 - Just a bit of healthy competition.
33 - The thawing of Frozen Logan.
34 - Manny and Sid.
35 - No drinking. No drugs. And no unprotected sex with your non-girlfriend.
36 - Anything you say, Logan.
37 - Family, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Logan.
38 - I swear, I didn't know it was him.
39 - I never realised just how much I'd gained through all that I'd lost.
40 - You are all dead to me.
41 - This is all my fucking fault.
42 - Mum.
43 - Leave it all behind.
44 - Piers, planes, pizza, tents, books, kiwifruit, boomerangs and berries.
Epilogue - Haven't I taught you anything these past three years?
Thank you!

15 - Do not push your luck, woman!

184 17 4
By ashhhmareee

Miraculously, we managed to get through most of the holiday without too many major pregnancy glitches.

Not so miraculously, I hadn't been able to convince Sadie to tell Dad yet, despite my ceaseless efforts to do so.

She wasn't getting regular morning sickness, by which I mean, she was getting sick, but at weird and unexpected times of the day, not just in the morning. And she was surprisingly good at keeping it all down once I started buying her a box of crackers every other day and carrying them around in my backpack for her when we were out, just in case. I figured there was less chance Dad would notice her always eating them if I said I was buying them for me and she faked stealing them from me all the time. The chewing gum I also bought her helped with whole post-vomit breath thing, too.

Sadie refused to go to a doctor, claiming she would be just fine until we got home, so I had to Google everything I could think of about pregnancy to make sure she was okay. The crackers I knew about from Morgan already, but apart from that, I had less than no idea what else I should be looking out for to keep her healthy.

We took Madden to Banzai skatepark, and, despite my many quiet protests and pleading to the contrary, Sadie took her skateboard out with him and rolled around for a while. I didn't explicitly find anything online that said 'don't skate while pregnant,' but I just had a sinking feeling it would be a bad idea. You know, moving wheels on rock-hard concrete and everything. And when she almost fell on her ass after attempting to do a trick, I raced over to her before anyone else could, asking her whether she was okay and begging her to not get back on. She relinquished her stubbornness enough to let me take her skateboard off her, and I spent the remainder of the time at the park riding on her deck with Madden, just so she couldn't.

She refused not to surf, however, claiming that if amazing women like Bethany Hamilton can surf while pregnant without any issues, then she can, too. The whole surfing with only one arm thing naturally made Bethany Hamilton a total badass, and videos of her surfing while majorly pregnant and still with only one arm—duh—made her even more so. However, Sadie was my mother, and that was an entirely different scenario. But she wouldn't budge, and I instead spent most of my time in the water sitting right next to her and chasing her down after each wave, just to make sure she was okay and we didn't have a repeat of what happened the first time she paddled out at Pipe.

The seafood thing I didn't need to worry about considering she was vegan and already didn't eat any of that. Same thing obviously went with soft cheeses and raw meats. She didn't drink alcohol regularly—the whole parents being alcoholics thing put a real negative spin on alcohol for her, I guess—and was smart enough to take over the purchasing of drinks for all of us when we were out and just started ordering mocktails instead whenever she did. There was also something I read about caffeine not being good when pregnant, so I took over the coffee ordering for us all when she was back to being able to stomach it, and just started ordering hers decaf, which she deeply resented. In solidarity, I also ordered my own decaf, and had been sporting a major caffeine withdrawal headache every day since. Upside, I was sleeping better at least. Who knew caffeine and poor sleep were correlated?

The waterfall swimming was a tad challenging considering a lot of websites and forums I read said something about bacteria and parasites not being good for pregnant women. She agreed to not go in the really shallow ones, and instead only went in up to her knees in most others. I made sure to keep Madden and Dad occupied enough to not really notice that she wasn't swimming, throwing the kid in repeatedly and climbing all over Dad's shoulders while Sadie took pictures of us.

The real difficulty came when we headed over to the Big Island after Maui, and were preparing to go to the Volcanoes National Park. Everything I came across online said it was a definitive 'no' to pregnancy and volcanoes, something about sulphur and other chemicals not being good for the baby and causing defects or some shit.

"But, Jet, you know how excited I've been for this! Surely one visit can't hurt. Women here have had babies for years without any issue," she groaned sadly, but I could see that it was more just her trying to process the loss of not being able to see flowing lava up close. She didn't actually mean to go. I knew that. She was just disappointed. But the question remained as to how we were going to convince Dad and Madden that we couldn't go.

"You could just say that you're not feeling well and stay home, and Dad, Madden and I could go on our own instead?" I suggested, but immediately regretted it when she glared at me, her arms crossed over her chest madly. ". . . or not,' I laughed. Well, there goes my chance at seeing a live volcano then. Damn my parents being in love, having sex and accidentally procreating.

"Alright, alright. Let's think about this," I said, closing my eyes and rubbing my temples, as if sheer determination of thought was going to make some other option miraculously pop into my head. Surprisingly, it kind of worked. "A-ha!" I exclaimed once I'd formed my plan.

"A-ha?" queried Sadie sarcastically, one of her eyebrows hitched significantly higher than the other as she surveyed me jumping up excitedly. "How old are you, kid?"

"Old enough to tell my father his wife is pregnant," I replied coolly without missing a beat. ". . . in 2 words at that. 'Sade's pregnant.' Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" Her panic-stricken glare was enough for me to stop joking about it, though. "You know I wouldn't do that to you, Sade."

I could actually hear her exhaling with relief from the other side of the backyard where she was sitting in a lounge chair soaking up the sun of our latest Airbnb. "I'm sorry, Jetty. I'm just really anxious to tell him. What's your plan?"

My 'a-ha!' plan was to fake a leg injury and claim I couldn't walk around the National Park, meaning we'd have to stay home or do something that didn't involve a lot of walking. This genius plan was clearly riddled with plot holes, like, what will Dad say when I start walking normally again? And, what will he say when I strap up and paddle out for a surf because we all know that I'm going to? And, what about when I return home in a week and need to run out for a game and he asks how my foot/ankle/shin/knee/hamstring/quad got better all of a sudden? We figured it was easier to deal with that when it came to it, and instead just focussed our attention on convincing Dad to avoid the park altogether.

I told Sadie and Dad I was going out for a run the night before we had planned to go to the National Park, and when I came back limping dramatically half an hour later—clearly the most believable actor ever—I had to firstly try not to feel like an asshole watching Dad and Madden's disappointment; and secondly, not burst into laughter at watching Sadie try to suppress her fit of giggles while watching me.

"It doesn't look too bad, Jetty," said Dad, inspecting my fake-sprained ankle which he elevated on his leg to get a better look at, taking off my New Balances and rotating my foot to feigned winces and 'eesh,' 'ouch,' and 'ahh, fucking ow!' exclamations from me. "Damn, boy. These feet of yours are ripe," he teased.

Sadie, watching on with Madden in her arms actually burst out laughing, as did my little brother, who said, "I've been saying this all trip. Sharing a room with him for weeks has been the actual worst." To which I then grabbed my leg under the knee and dramatically waved my unsocked, post-run foot in his face. "You are disgusting, Jet."

"Love you too, baby bro," I grinned at him, watching Sadie cover her mouth like she was gagging. Right. Smell sensitivity. Maybe my feet are actually kind of gross at the moment, I chuckled.

"Are you sure you don't think you can walk, Jetty? I know how much you've been looking forward to going to the park. I'd feel bad if you had to miss out on it now we're so close," said Dad, always so perfectly considerate and caring.

"It really hurts, Dad. I honestly don't think I can," I lied, feeling like an asshole when he sighed sadly.

"Righto. We can find something else to do instead," said Dad, turning to Madden and Sadie beside me. "Sorry, babe. I don't want to force him to walk on it if it's hurting him. I know you were just as excited as he was." My dad is so damn sweet, and the best man I know.

"That's okay, Husband. Jetty's health is more important," she smiled at him sweetly, and silently said 'thank you' to me when Dad turned back to face me.

"Maybe we can see if there's a last minute helicopter ride or something available instead? That way we can all still see it, but from the comfort of a plane instead? I'll look up some prices later," he said, squeezing my knee affectionately. "I'll go grab you some ice, kiddo. Hold tight." Seriously. Best dude ever.

"Can I get you anything, Jetty?" offered Madden, my second best dude ever.

"I'm good, mate. Thank you, though," I said, and he returned to kicking his footy to himself on the lawn.

"I suppose I shouldn't now ask you to convince him not to spend more money on a bloody helicopter ride for all of us?" grinned Sadie, before leaning down, clutching my shoulders and kissing the top of my head.

"Do not push your luck, woman!"

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