The Girl Who lived, loved and...

By MidnightMadness_147

222K 5K 382

I'm sure you've read 100 stories about Harry Potter sister. And maybe this one isn't any different. Or maybe... More

The night it all happened
lily Potter ?
We meet again
4 Champions
Its getting Sirius
Charlie Weasley
The first Trial
Pre Ball Jitters.
Yule ball
After math
The Day Before
The Second trial
A Meeting with Padfoot
Letters, Crouch, Twins oh my
Family and Friends
The Third Trial
He Returns.
Summer days
Family trouble
Dinner party
Noble house of black
Prefect Party
Warning back to Hogwarts.
Classes 2
Day at Hogsmeade
High Inquisitor
Dumbledore's Army
Quidditch War
St Mungo's Hospital
St Mungo's Hospital pt2
Merry Christmas
Fun times over
Umbrige is a Bitch
letting the public know
Change in management
Ill figure it out later
The Ultimate Exit
Owls /Newts
Depart for Department of Mysteries
Battle at the Department Of Mysteries
The Second War begins
Business as usual
Happy Depressing Birthday
Re-acquaintaned with Hogwarts
independent variable
To the night of the party.
Christmas with the Weasely's
Happy birthday
Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Battle at the Astronomy Tower pt2
Worriors Death
Grimmauld Place
The Ministry
Theres a lot we dont know
If Not Us Who?
Godric's Hollow
Question and few answers
Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manner
Bill and Fleur's Cottage
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Gotta get back to school
Battle of Hogwarts
Beginning of the End
The beginning meets the end
The War to End all Wars
The End is Only The Beginning
19 years later.

Taking things up a notch

1.5K 47 6
By MidnightMadness_147

Danie only had one week's worth of determination well Harry had two. The wording on their hands now forever engraved into their skin. Bloody and raw. It would take some time to heal. Danie was still experimenting with the healing cream to help with the blood quill markings. It seemed to be quite helpful with healing the cuts themselves but it didn't quite have the desired effect that she was going for. Danie had to keep her hair wrapped all the time now. She used an illusion charm to make her hand appear normal.
Danie, Hermione and Ron were in the common room waiting for Harry. It was a little after midnight by the time he had finally made it back to Gryffindor tower. His hand bleeding badly. " I want you to soak your hand in this " Danie said placing a bowl of yellow liquid. " It's a solution of Murtlaps tentacles. It will help" Hermione explained. " Thanks" replied Harry. Taking a seat by the table and setting his hand in the bowl of liquid. " I still reckon you should complain about this" Ron said " I'm surprised Danie hasn't told McGonagall already" Danie sighed. "We can't tell anyone. Especially not McGonagall Ron. If Someone was to speak up against her, Umbridge would take action against them. We can't afford to drag others into this" Danie explained in a calm voice. "She's an Awful woman" Hermione's voice was small. " You know I was just saying when you came in..... we've got to do something about her"
" I suggest poison" Ron said grimly
" No, I mean something about what a dreadful teacher she is and how we're not going to learn any Defense for her at all" Hermione elaborated.
" How are we gonna do that? She's got the job and she's here to stay. Fudge will make sure of that" Ron groaned. Danie took Harry's hand out of the bowl and carefully dried it off, applied the cream and began to wrap as Hermione and Ron talked. " But this is much more important than homework" Hermione said. The three of them looked at her with suprise. She was serious about this.
" I didn't think there was any thing in this universe more important than homework" Ron said
" Don't be silly of course there is" Hermione had a clear fire in her eyes. She was determined and Danie loved it. " It's about preparing ourselves, like Harry said in Umbridge first lesson, for whats waiting for us out there. It's about making sure we really can defend ourselves. If we don't learn anything for a whole year-"
" We can't do much ourselves" Ron said sounding defeated. " I mean we can go and look up jinxess up in the library and try and practise them I suppose"
" No I agree, we've gone past the stage where we can learn things from books" Hermione explained. " We need a teacher. A proper one that can show us how to use the spells and correct us if we're going wrong"
" Though I think Remus would love to teach us Defensive spells. He is much to busy with the Order" Danie said, cleaning up her medical supplies.
" No no I'm not talking about Lupin" Hermione said
" Who then?" Harry's asked. Hermione let out a heavy sight. " Isn't it obviously, I'm talking about you two" The four of them fell silent. "What about us?" Harry asked.
" She means us teaching them Defensive Against the dark arts" Danie explained.
" That's an idea" Ron said
" What's an idea" Harry asked
" You two, teaching us to do it"
" But"
" I actually think it's a good idea Harry" Danie voiced her opinion. Harry looked at them all as if they were crazy. "But I'm not a teacher , I cant-"
" Harry, you're the best in our year at Defense Against the Dark Arts! And Danie knows just as much about the dark arts and Lupin!" Hermione said
" I wouldn't say that" Danie blushed with embarrassment. " No I'm not, you've beaten me at every test" Harry argued. " Actually no i haven't" Hermione said begrudgingly. " You beat me in our third year, the only year we both sat the test and had a teacher who actually knew the subject. But I'm not talking about test results Harry. Think about what you've done!"
" How do you mean?"
" You know what, I'm not sure I want someone this stupid teaching me" Ron and Hermione smirked. Danie smiled at them. She knew exactly where this was going. Ron and Hermione listed off all of the things that Harry had done over the years are Hogwarts. Harry denying all of them saying he got help or it was just dumb luck. Harry got fed up with there pursuit. He finally let out what he had been holding in. Harry had never thought of himself as the hero. For most of it it was luck not skill. He was permanently scared mentally and physically form his encounters with the dart arts. Hermione and Ron didn't know what to say. " We didn't.. we weren''ve got the wrong end of this mate" Ron looked to Hermione " Harry, don't you see ? This......this is why we need you .....we need to know what it's r-really like....facing him... facing V-voldemort " that was the first time Hermione had said his name out loud. Or at all. The room fell silent once more. " Well..think about it , please" Hermione said quietly. She said her goodnights and went to bed. Ron wasn't far behind. " Coming?"
" a minute" Ron walked up the stairs of the boys dormitory. " You know she means well" Danie spoke calmly. Her voice smooth. " Yeah but they don't get it. They don't understand what it's like-" " that's why they need us Harry. Why they need you." Harry looked up at her. Harry realized for the first time how different they looked. Danie's hair was a light Auburn could her big, round, hazel eyes. She always looked kind and welcoming. But they looked similar too. They both had similar bone structure. And pale skin. They were both small and think. And for the first time since Harry first met her he appreciated that Danie was his sister. He was her family by blood. She wasn't like the Dursleys. She was his Big sister, his family. His real family. " If we don't do something who will. We can't let what happened to us happen to others" Danie placed a gentle hand on Harry's cheek. " I've dreamt about that night. I always thought that it was a memory from when I was a baby but now I don't think it was my memory....I know it was yours" Harry's voice was much softer and quieter than before. " I don't know maybe. I don't really know how we are connected. I just know we are. But not everything has an explanation" Danie stood up. "Goodnight Harry". Danie went to go to bed " Wait" Danie turned around and was created by a hug from Harry. " Thank you" Danie smiled softly and pet his hair. " Always"

* * *

"So Hermione wants to start what a fight club?" Fred said shoving a price of tost in his mouth. "Not a fight club, more like a class. Where we would learn actual Defense Against the Dark Arts." Danie explained for the second time. She took a bite of he eggs. " We're in" the twins said . "Sounds fun" Lee smiled. Angelina and Alicia looked at eachother. " Us too" Angelina said. Danie couldn't help but smile.
Over the next couple of weeks Hermione and Danie had been secretly gathering a group of people that would be interested in joining their little, well they weren't exactly sure what it was. But a fair number of people were down to learn actual Defense. They had agreed to meet at the hogs head during the next Hogsmeade trip. The hogs head was a very dodgy looking pub that didn't tend to get many customers. The pub inhabitants were mostly people like Mundungus. Danie walked into the grungy looking building to find the Golden trio already sat at a table. "Hey you three" she greeted as she walked over to them. " Danie!" Hermione said happily. " The others should be coming shortly if I'm not mistaken" the Auburn haired girl sat down with them. " Yep, they should be here any minute now" Hermione replied. " So, who did you say is supposed to be meeting us?" Asked Harry. Danie and Hermione looked at eachother with a slight smirk. " Just a couple of people" Hermione answered. It wasn't long before people started to feel into the pub. Neville with green and lavender they were closely followed by Pravati and Padam Patil. Cho and one of her friends. Luna lovegood, Katie Bell, Alicia Spinner and Angelina Johnson, the Creevy Brothers, Ernie Macmillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley , Hannah Abbot , a Hufflepuff girl Harry didn't recognize, 3 Ravenclaw boys. Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner and Terry Boot followed by Ginny. A tall blonde boy from the Hufflepuff Quidditch team , The Twins and Lee Jordan holding a large bag of Zonkos merchandise, each and Hayden. " A couple people?" Harry looked at his sister and Hermione with an unimpressed tone. " The idea seemed popular" Hermione explained. Harry noticed the soul Slytherin and whispered to Danie. " What's a Slytherin doing here?"   " I invited him. He's good people, I promise" she whispered back. Danie stood up  "Everyone pull up a seat and let's get this meeting started" . Fred went to get everyone a butter beer the lot of them split on the price. George noticed Hayden and gave him a disapproving look. No one else took notice. Danie sat back down as people started chatting. "What have you two been telling them? What are they expecting?" Harry asked. " I told you they want to hear what you have to say" Hermione told him. Neville gave a small and sweet hi to Harry. Danie smirked at the wordless conversation between Cho and Harry. " Danie could you!" Hermione asked. Danie nodded and stood up once more. " Alright!" Danies voice was loud and Commanding but not intimating. " You all know why you're here. Hermione had the idea that if Umbridge refuses to teach us actually Defense Against the Dark Arts then we will just have to take matters into our own hands( a here here could be heard from Anthony Goldstein) I'll let Hermione explained further" Danie sat down and Hermione stood up. "Thank you Danie. And by that we mean learning how to defend ourselves properly, not just in theory but doing the real spells-"
" You want to pass your defense against the dark arts O.W.Ls too, I bet" said Michael Corner
" Of course I do but more than that I want to be properly trained in Defense because....... because......" Danie gave the young walnut haired girl a encouraging look. Hermione took a deep breath and continued. "Because Lord Voldemort is back" there were gasps and uncomfortable shifting in chairs.
"Where's the proof that You Know who is back?" The Hufflepuff Quidditch player asked. Danie looked at him and let out a sigh " That's not what were here to talk about Zack-"
" well Dumbledore believes it-" Hermione was cut off
" You mean Dumbledore believes him" the blonde Quidditch player said gesturing to harry.
" Who are you?" Ron asked
" Zachariah Smith and I think we've got a right to know exactly what makes him say You Know Who is back"
" That's not what we are here to talk about Zack- and if you haven't noticed it's a delicate subject" Danie said keeping a level head. " It's OK Danie" Harry spoke up. " What makes me say you know who is back, I saw him" Harry looked straight at Zachariah " but Dumbledore told the whole school what happened last year and if you don't believe him you won't believe me and I'm not wasting my afternoon trying to convince anyone" he said plainly. The group held their breath as Harry spoke. All eyes where on him and Zach. " All Dumbledore told us last year was that Cedric Diggory got killed by you-know-who and that Harry brought Diggory body back to Hogwarts, He didn't give us details he didn't tell us exactly how decorate got murdered I think we all know-" Danie cut Zack off. " You don't want to know. But if you are so keen on finding out how a classmate was brutally murdered allow me to explain" Danie's voice was cold. The room fell silent. Danie looked at Zacharias and he at her. They only ever talked in classes but they got along fine enough. " Cedric was killed using Avada Kadavra " she said with a monotone voice. Hermione cleared her throat. "So ..uh.. like I was saying. if you want to learn some defense then we need to work out how we're going to do it. how often we're going to meet and where we're going to- "
Hermione was interrupted. " Is it true that you can produce a Patronus?" The girl asked Harry.
" Yeah" Harry said Defensively
" A corporeal Patronus?"
Harry looked at the girl curiously. "Er... don't you know madam Bones, do you?" He asked
" She's my Auntie. I'm Susan Bones. She told me about your hearing. So it is really true? You make a stag Patronus?"
" Yes" Answered Harry.
" Blimey Harry! I never know you can do that" Lee said looking very impressed.
"Mum told Ron not to spread it around"Fred grinned at Harry. "She said you got enough attention as is"
"She's not wrong" Harry mumbled. A couple people laughed.
" And did you kill a basilisk with the sword in Dumbledore's office?" Terry Boot Demanded. " That's what one of the portraits on the wall told me when I was in there last year."
"Yeah I did" Harry replied.
Justin Flitch-Fletchley whistled. The Creevy Brothers looked at Harry with amazement.
" And in our first year " Neville began "he saved that Philological stone- "
"Philosopher's stone" Hermione corrected.
" Yes, that! from you know who!"
" And not to mention" Cho began. Harry looked at her. " All the tasks you have to get through in the Triwizard Tournament last year. Getting past dragons and merpeople and Acromantula and things....." Her voice trailed off. Murmur of impressment started around the table. "Look" Harry spoke up causing every to fall silent. " I don't want to sound like I'm trying to be modest anything but I had a lot of help with that stuff!" He insisted.
" Not with the dragons, you didn't. That was some seriously cool bit of flying" said Michael Corner.
" Well yeah..."
"And no one helped you with the Dementors this summer"
"No, ok I know I did bits of it without help but the point I'm trying to make is-"
" Are you trying to weasel out of showing us any of the stuff" said Zachariah Smith.
" Here's an idea, why don't you shut your mouth!" Ron defended Harry . " Well we've all turned up to learn from him and now he's telling us he can't really do it!" Zacharias said
" That's not what he said !" Fred snarled at the blonde boy. " Would you like us to clean out your ears for you?" George added. Pulling out a long lethal looking metal instrument from his Zonkos bag. "Or any part of your body really we're not fussy where we fix this" Fred glared at him. " That's enough!" Danie spoke loudly. "The point is you're here because you ant to learn form Harry" There where midday of agreement. Zacharias folded his arms across his chest. The twins and Zach having a glaring eachother. " Alright , the next order of business is to discuss how often we want to meet. There really isn't a point in meeting less than once a week" Danie explained. " We need to make sure this doesn't clash with a quidditch practice" Angelina said.
" Or ours" Cho said
" Nor ours " Zacharias added.
"And ours" Hayden said in a small voice. " I'm sure we can find a night that works with everyone" Hermione started. " But you know this is rather important. We're talking about defending ourselves against V-voldemort's Death Eaters."
" Well said!" Cheered Ernie Macmillan. " Personally , I think this is really important. Possibly more important than anything else we'll do this year. Even with our O.W.Ls coming up" Danie smiled at his comment. " I and personally at a loss to see why the ministry has foisted such a useless teacher on us at this critical period. Obviously , they are in dental about the return of you k ow who but to give us a teacher who is trying to actively prevent us from using Defensive spells"
" We think the reason is that Umbridge doesn't want us trained in Defense Against the Dark Arts is because she has the mad idea that Dumbledore could use the students as some kind of private army. She thinks he's mobilise us against the ministry" Hermione explained.
" In my opinion Its more Fudge who is the mad one" Danie expressed her opinion. " Well that makes sense. After all Cornelius Fudge has his own private army" Luna said calmly.
" What?" Harry asked in suprise.
" Yes. He's got an army of Heliopths" she said Sweetly. Luna and Hermione argued over whether or not the creatures where are real. "Hem hem" Ginny copied Umbridge girlish cough. And caught the attention and laughter of her peers. " Why don't we try and decide how often we're going to meet and have defense lessons?" she said.
" Yes, yes we were , you're right Ginny. " Hermione said at once.
" Once a week sounds cool" said Lee casually.
" As long as -"
" It won't interfere with quidditch practice Ange" Danie smiled. " None of the Quidditch practices." Danie said to Cho, Hayden and Zacharias. a few people throughout some ideas for where they could practice. None of which would work out very well. " right well we'll try and find somewhere we'll send a message around to everybody when we've got a time and place for a first meeting" Hermione explained. She took out a piece of parchment and a quill. " I think everybody should write their name down just so we know who's here but I also think" Hermione took another deep breath. " That we all ought to agree not to shout about what we're doing to Umbridge. If you sign your agreeing not to tell on bread or anybody else what we're up to" She told the lot. Some people started to look a bit more and uncomfortable. Not knowing if this is exactly something they want to agree to. Fred took the Quill and write his name on the parchment happily. George and Lee were right behind him. Danie, Hermione, Harry and Ron following suit. Zacharias didn't take the paper that George was trying to hand to him. " I'm sure Ernie will tell me when the meeting is" he said looking to Ernie Macmillan who looked just as hesitate as Zacharias. " Well we are prefix and if the list was found well I need to say you said yourself is Umbridge found out" he said aloud. "Was what you said just talk then. " Danie said softly. " Beside do you really think Hermione would leave something like this around"
" No. No of course not. " Ernie looked anxious. " I...yes of course I'll sign" no one made any further objection they all signed the parchment. The last was of course Zacharias Smith. In small groups everyone began to file out of the hogshead. Danie caught up with Zacharias and Ernie. " Hey. Mind if I walk with you two?" She asked. Zacharias and Ernie turned to her. "What come to threaten us to keep our mouths shut" Zack spat. " Now Zacharias you must be nicer to such a beautiful Maiden" Ernie cood. "Actually I've come to talk and answer your questions" Danie explained. Zach was definitely listening now. " Harry should be forced to relive the events of that night by Answering your questions but I do agree that you have a should know more about what happened." Danie was now walking inbetween them. " Fine then. Tell us. What happened to Cedric" Zach urged. " You where close with him weren't you?" Danie asked. Starting to understand why he wanted to know so badly. " He was the best mate a guy could ask for. " Ernie said. " You said he was killed using one of the unforgivable curses. " Zack said bluntly. Danie explain the basis of what happened that night Barty Crouch jr. Had turned the Triwizard cup injury report key. And how lord Voldemort killed him with the killing curse before a death eater performed a ritual and brought him back. She touched on how the spirits of Voldemorts last victims helped Harry. Danie of course left out some details that where more on a need to know basis. " Well know I know why Potter didn't want to talk about it" Ernie said as they reached the school. Zach stayed quite. " We should probably go we have a bunch of homework to get done. But I do hope to see that lovely face around" Ernie booped her nose. She raised and eyebrow. " Look Potter I'm sorry ...I just..." Danie placed a hand on his shoulder. " It's ok Zach. If I hadn't seen it I would want proof too" she smiled at him. He gave a sad smile and him and Ernie walked off twords the Hufflepuff Common room.

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