By Paniiny_

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Frances Laurens had nothing of special, she was simply one of the invisible kids at high school and a target... More



322 15 33
By Paniiny_

Once the twins walked into the party everyone came to greet them. Well, actually they greeted Frances. Stephan headed out there as many unknown people stood around his sister to get her attention. He looked for somewhere emptier where he could just sit down and eat his stuff as he read his new book out of sight of any jerks.

After a long hunt in the mansion, he finally found a balcony at the first floor where he had a good view of the party going crazy in the backyard. He placed his stuff in the swing bench and sat next to it, grabbing his favorite chocolate to eat first.

As he unwraps the Kit-Kat and breaks it, he heard a voice behind him "Is that- A Kit-Kat?" He turns around and freezes as he sees Susan Reynolds at the doorway holding a red cup.

"Y-yeah... Do you want some?" He stutters and she nods, sitting right next to him.

Stephan breaks the chocolate again and hands it at her, but she didn't simply take it and get away as he was expecting. She stayed there until they finished the entire bar. He has never been that close to her outside the few classes they had together at school.

Susan peeked from over his shoulders and glanced a book "What are you reading?" She asked and the boy jumped, that was the first thing any of them said since they sat there, and she chuckles at him.

"Uhm..." He mumbles, completely forgetting which book he brought "The Great Gatsby"

"Oh, I love this one" She adds and takes another sip of her beer.

"You- Already read it?" Stephan asks not believing in his ears.

"Uhm... Yeah! Ya know a pretty girl can be smart too"

"OF COURSE!" He shouts and she laughs again "I mean, of course you can! I mean, of course you're beautiful! I mean, it was just a surprise- NO! Oh crap..." He mumbles the last part seeing how he completely messed up any remote chances he had with that girl.

Susan simply laughs at his nervousness and thought it was hella cute "It's ok! People don't use to notice how I always have straight high notes or just presume some nerd helps me to cheat during the tests" Stephan blushes because he was one of these people who assumed she uses to cheat.

"I don't think I ever saw you outside school..." She says thinking if she actually ever saw him in any other parties.

"Yea, my dad forced me to keep an eye on Frances tonight, that's the only reason I'm here"

"Wait, you are Frances brother?! That's why I thought you looked like her!" She snaps her fingers in conclusion and Stephan chuckles "But weren't you supposed to be watching her then? Why are you hiding here?"

"She can handle any trouble she may have... I just wanted somewhere quiet to eat my Kit-Kat" He says and Susan smiles.

"Care if I join you? I wasn't really excited to come to this party anyway"


Frances hadn't drunk much; she couldn't stop thinking about the scenario of Angie making to come downstairs and she wanted to be there to help her old friend if that make to happen. Usually, when Philip throw parties the girls would have a sleepover at Frances' place; but now Frances was in the party and Angie didn't have anywhere else to go.

It was already midnight and nothing of the girl to show up, so Frances assumed Angelica had forgotten that note and stayed in her room; that was the moment when she decided it wouldn't be bad if she takes a shot or two. Or ten.

She glanced Philip hugging Theodosia from behind but didn't care much; they kind of had a thing; but once she started to struggle to make him get off and he didn't Frances got herself walking to them and pulls Philip's shirt, making him look back at her.

"Yo, Pip, emergency! I just saw some freshmen sneaking over the pool fence" She lied and saw how his expression turned into anger, letting Theodosia go.

"I hate freshmen" He hisses close to her face and Frances feel the alcohol in this breath "WHERE ARE YOU LITTLE PRICKS?! I'M COMING FOR YOU" He yelled and ran off to the backyard.

Frances takes a step closer to Theo with a worried expression "Hey, are you ok?"

"I didn't need your help!" She groans and raises her middle finger.

"Aaaw thanks Theo, but I don't quite need to vomit right now" Frances says sarcastically smiling at Theodosia and she rolls her eyes.


"OH, YOU BETTER BE READY TO LOOOOOOSE!" Frances shouts back and people cheer as she ran to where they were doing the competition.

They filled the two lines of shot glasses with vodka and Frances and Georges set ready in their marks. They started turning the glasses and once she finishes her line before Georges everyone celebrates with her and make fun of the tall guy, which made Frances feel very good. She was happily shouting until her smile disappeared when glanced Angelica in a light pink dress heading downstairs.

Frances got hit by reality and make her way to Angie "I-I can't believe you actually came" She says nervously.

"It's exciting right?!" Angie shouts with a bright smile.

The freckled girl was about to tell Angie everything; how her new friends made her write that fake note and making Angie believe her big crush would be waiting for her in the party; but then she sighted Mary deadly staring at her. Frances doesn't even have the chance to make her choice because Angelica ran once she found Georges.

"Hey, Georges!" The girl shouts, making the tall guy look down at her confused "I wasn't gonna come, but once you took the time to write that sweet note-"

"What note?" He cuts her sharply, making her smile fade "Why do you have to be so annoying all the time?! People wouldn't hate you so much if you acted normal"

Angelica felt her heart break for the first time. Frances grabs her friend's shoulder and step by her side, yelling at Georges' face "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAID TO HER?!" The drunken jock simply grinned and grabbed Frances' waist, pulling her closer and kissing her. Once she made to push him back she slaps his face hard, receiving a bunch of "WOOOOOOOOO!" from the people around, and turned to face Angelica. She found the girl running upstairs covering her face as the tears rolled down.

Frances was about to go after Angie when someone grabbed her wrist. It was a furious Mary "What is your damage, Frances?!"


The people around were amazed by the drama happening right in front of them between two of the most popular girls in school. Mary steps closer to Frances, but this time she doesn't retreat "What did you say? I don't know if you had a brain tumor for breakfast today, but it was this cold blood snake that turned you into someone."

"And you know what? I don't care for any of this. I'm resigning my post at the commission of the high-heeled Nazis, back to civil life!" Frances shouts and turns to the front door, ready to leave that party. But Mary grabs her shoulder and spins her back abruptly.

"NO" She hisses and Frances closes her eyes, feeling slightly dizzy and nauseated.

"Don't spin me, I don't feel so well..." Frances mumbles but Mary shuts her grabbing her cheeks, smashing them.

"You don't get to be nobody. On Monday, you're an ex-somebody. NOT EVEN THE LOSERS WILL TOUCH YOU! TRANSFER TO MADISON! TRANSFER TO ADAMS! NOBODY in Washington High will want to play their reindeer games!"

She then pushes Frances head back way too hard and the girl staggers a few steps as Mary smiles devilishly. Frances couldn't hold any longer, once she turns to Mary Jefferson again she throws up right in her expensive shoes.

The tall girl screamed and everyone who wasn't looking at them until that moment now was trying to get what was happening "I'VE RAISED YOU OUT OF NOTHING! AND WHAT IS MY THANKS?! I GET REPAID IN PUKE?!"

Frances cleans her mouth and looks up with a sadistic smile "OH LICK IT UP, BABY! LICK. IT. UP!"

Half of the audience watching cheered with Frances attitude as the other half was frozen by fear. No one there ever saw Mary as insanely mad as she was at that moment "I know who I'm gonna have for lunch on Monday. Do you who it is?" Frances felt cold in her spine as Mary's devilish eyes stared deeply at hers. And at that moment she knew she was a dead woman.

Frances runs to get out of that party and kept running until she was two blocks away from the Hamiltons' mansion. Then she stopped and sat in the desert sidewalk at 1.AM, reanalyzing everything that happened in the last ten minutes. She shivers once she starts to feel the cold wind in her bare arms and legs.

I can't walk back home... It's too far and my dad will kill me if he sees me getting home drunk... And Stephan will die too when dad realizes he isn't with me. BUT I CAN'T STAY HERE EITHER!  She starts to feel desperate and calls her brother. Three times. Stephan doesn't answer his damn phone. Everyone I know is that stupid party and... WAIT. Not everyone.

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