DamiMaps One shots/ Stories

By Yam_0403

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One shots about Mia 'Maps' Mizoguchi and Damian Wayne. Please do not take my stories, thanks. *IMPORTANT NOTE... More

Jealousy Part 1
The Late Night Visitor
Jealousy Part 2
I'm Sorry, I Failed you
Jealousy [Final Part]
》Any Requests?《
That Day
Meet My Embarrassments
Mission... Acomplished? [Final Part]
Teach Me, Please?
Valentine's Day Special
Good-bye, Gotham City
The Black Cat's Curse
If Only...
She's... My Sunshine
The Chemistry Lab
Royal Life Isn't Perfect
You Can't Be a Criminal!
It's Not What You Think!
The Cold-Hearted
The Party Game
You Saved Me
The Toxin
Those Memories
The Butler's Daughter
Who IS this?
The Mysterious M
We Can't?
The Mute Girl
Im Back, Gotham City
I'll Never Leave You
Is It My Fault?
The Portrait
Switch Part 1
Remember Me?
Switch Part 2
Weakness? No
Switch [Final Part]
The Ice Cream
Your Partner Part 1
A Matter of Time
Your Partner [Final Part]
The Mask
Someone... else?
》End of Book《
》Check Out《

Mission... Accomplished? Part 1

363 11 0
By Yam_0403

[Third POV]

Mia Mizoguchi, one of the best Assassins who has been trained since her childhood after an incident... with her father. She is also one of Talia al Ghul's personal assassin.

And heck, she might be better than Damian, who knows... well, why don't we find out?

[Maps' POV]

"Yahh! Ehh! Uff! HAH!" I end up on my fighting stance

I then start panting, but not as much as my partner.

She huffed, "Gosh Maps! Don't... you haa-ever get... tired?" says Olive through her panting.

"I-It's been like... 3 hours"
She added.

"I do, but not as fast as you do, hah look at you!" I teased as I pointed at Olive's sweaty face after she uncovered it.

"Ugh" Olive covered her face again, with her mask, "One more round, Maps!" She announced.

I get into position, "Alright, but don't blame me when you get breathing problems" I smirked under my mask.

Come on Olive, you come to me first.

"Mizoguchi!" interrupted a guard from the entrance of our training place.

Aw, Come on! Bad timing!

"What is it?" I take my mask off, glaring at him.

"She commands to see you" he stated in a really sobered tone before taking off.

I silently sighed, "Well, catch you later Olive!" I waved goodbye bye to Olive as I made my way to Talia's... office? You could call it.

I was always the happy kid around here. But everytime I had to see her. I just felt like I couldn't be happy.

I was restricted. I was locked up, but not literally.

What could Talia want? Did I do something wrong?

Or maybe there could there be a... mission?

I opened the door to find Talia sitting on her chair and handing me a file.

"Well, hey Talia, good to see you too" I mumbled before grabbing the folder and taking a look at it.

"Him. I want him dead" her voice, sobered as ever.

Who does she want dead that makes her sound like this? So cold...

Taking a closer look at the file and actually reading it, I raised an eyebrow, "A kid? Damian... Wayne? Wait isn't he you-"

"Son, my son. He isn't anymore" she interrupted me.

She seemed disappointed. Upset.

"How come? Are you abandoning him?" I questioned.

"He was suppose to be trained to be the next leader of the League, but he decided on his own to help his father in Gotham" I noticed how she clenched her fists.

"He... betrayed you?" I continued to asked, unsure if what I said, was actually what I meant to say.

"No, he just failed to be my son. Besides me and Batman can always make more" she smirked.

"Ba-Batman? He's the father?!" I projected my voice.

Oh shoot, I just shouted at her, what am I doing?

"Im sorry" I quickly apologized, and added, "I should be more careful with my tone"

Then I heard her sigh, "Mia, if only Damian was more like you..." she made eye contact with me, "Obedient and loyal"

"Mia Mizoguchi, your mission is to have Damian dead" she announced.

"I'm up for the challenge! I'll do as you command, and I won't fail you" I sarcastically reply. I didn't even know what I said until I felt myself turning red.

Talia laughed at my pose.

Well, thats a first. I've never seen this side of her.

"Alright Mia, I'll call a helicopter to come pick you up and send you to Gotham" she stands up to place a hand on my right shoulder.

"Don't fail me, Mia" she whispered loud enough for me to hear. Then she left the room.

I stay there, standing. To be honest, I never really liked people using 'Mia' to call me.

But me and Talia, aren't really close, so I let her call me that.

It's not that I hate her, I just don't like her.

As I walked out, I immediately hear the sound of a helicopter.

They're here already?

Well dang, I didn't even get to pack. Guess all I need is my sword.

I go to where the helicopter landed, and there I see Talia.

"Hey, what's that?" I point to the suitcase she had in hand.

"I packed for you, so you would go asap" she replied calmly, handing me the suitcase.

She wanted me to leave THAT bad?

And as if she read my mind, she quickly spoke, "Oh, no, no, no, I didn't mean it like that, I just want that kid off the world immediately, so I would be more relieved"

"Its fine" I say, "But thanks!" I shouted through the helicopter that just started and got on aboard.

Then the doors close.

Looking out I see Talia weakly waving good-bye and then she started walking away.

Good-bye Father

I'll miss him. I'll miss seeing him at the cemetery.

Rememeber this is a fictional story


[Damian's POV]

"Father, do I really have to go to school?" I scoffed.

"Yes. Now get ready" he replied behind my door in a husky tone.

"-TT-, can't I just skip? Just this once?" I asked.


Then I spoke again, "I'll take that as a ye-"

"Master Damian, I suggest you get ready" interrupted Alfred.

Okay, so father just left like that? -TT-

He barely even tries to talk to me. He's so distant. Just like me...

I shook my thoughts off and quickly got dressed and made my way downstairs to eat breakfast.

Seeing that one person I did not want to see, I groan.

"Hey Demon! Wakey Wakey! Time for school" Todd taunted with a grin.

"Shut up" I mumbled.

"It's too early for your squawking" I gave him a glare.

Then he had a sarcastic pout on his face, "Aw... Demon, wish I could go to school with you"

"That's too bad, Im all grown up" he continued to smirk.

Having enough of his crap, which Alfred wasn't here to save me from, I smacked the back of his head, "Good-bye Jay!"

Leaving out the door, I had a small smirk when I heard him yell, "Wait till you get back! Demon"


Why does he always call me Demon?

Walking down the stairs, I met Alfred who had the passenger's door open, "Ready to go, Master Damian?"

"Yes physically, No mentally" I replied dryly as I sat in.

Alfred chuckled before closing the door and making his way to the driver's seat.

Here goes another boring day.


[Maps' POV]

Oh no, I didn't say good-bye to Olive

She's gonna kill me.

"Now, where is this Wayne?" I stated underneath my breath searching around the school from the rooftop of the building across.

I have already settled my stuff in an apartment in Gotham.

According to the file, he goes to Gotham Academy.

This better be the right school.

So far, I don't see him. I only see different diversity of students wlakingin the building, chit chatting with their friends, I suppose.

Unconsciously, I started humming.

Now that I'm bored, I realized that Talia packed a phone.

If I'm correct, I brought it with me in my undercover black suit.

I didn't really check much into it, but I knew how to use it.

I went to contacts and I saw Olive's number.

I didn't see Talia's number or anything related.

Well, she wasn't much of a phone person, I assume.

I decided to text Olive, and explain to her the situation.

On The Phone


[D] Hey, It's Maps!

Off The Phone

Finishing sending the text, I carefully looked back at the school entrance, making sure no one sees me on top of here, laying down.

Wow, that's a nice black limo.

There was a boy leaving the car with a butler opening the door for him.

Tsk, rich kids.

Then it clicked. That's Damian! That's the Wayne kid.

I felt my eyes getting bigger.

Well at least I know I got the right school.

I quickly cover my face with my black mask that was matching with my black ninja outfit.

I held my katana that was behind my back.

I mused to myself as I tapped my sword.

Hm, I think now is not the time.

I released the hold on my katana, and jumped out the roof, landing perfectly on the ground of an alley.

I can't expose myself just like this. So, I quickly changed out of my suit.

Guess those lessons on how to change quickly, were quite useful. I softly chuckled.

I walked towards the school entrance and specifically towards a guard outside.

"Excuse me, at what time does the school end?" I ask the tall man.

He raised an eyebrow, "Aren't you suppose to be in class?"

Chuckling, I lied with a smile, "I just wanted to ask, so maybe I can transfer here"

"Really? Pardon me then, it ends at 2:40pm" he smiled back.

"No it's okay, I understand why you might've thought like that, but Thanks!" I wave good-bye as I have my back turned, facing him.

Hm, 2:40pm he says.

Might as well go home

Should I transfer, though?

Wait, no, Maps! What are you thinking?

You only came here for one job.

But how else would you get close to Damian?

Well, what other option do I have then?

I sighed to myself as I continued to walk home. Guess I'll do that tomorrow.

When I reached home, and I used the laptop that Talia also packed for me to search for the school's website.

"Well," I exhaled, "What's the worse that can happen?"


[Damian's POV]

-TT-, can school go any slower?

I don't understand why father wants me to go to school and not just help him at the Batcave.

"Can anyone tell me the inverse of f(x)=2x-6?" says Mr. Mars, the math teacher.

-TT-, Algebra ll. I've already known this since I was 8.

"The answer is f^−1(x)=3+x/2" I muttered, not caring if no one in my class knew the answer.

I proceeded to rest my chin on my right palm as my right elbow was touching my desk, and I my eyes looked out the window.

Mr. Mars might've been staring at me because it seemed as if he saw that I mumbled something.

"Damian? Would you like to share your answer with us?" he questioned.

"-TT-, No" I replied, without even turning to look at his eyes.

"It counts on your participation grade, Damian..." he slightly retorted.

"The answer is f^−1(x)=3+x/2" I turned to him and projected my voice, almost snarling at him.

"Thank you, and that is correct" he smiled back.

I continued to look out the window, but this time I saw a girl with short hair running across the street.

Is she running from someone?


The bell finally rang and I began to pack my things. Then I made my way to my locker and placed my books inside.

I locked it and walked out to meet up with Alfred who was already outside waiting for me.

"Master Damian, good afternoon, there is food served back at home, if you would like..." Alfred greeted.

"Thanks Aflred" I repled as I get in the limo.


[Maps' POV]

"What? Robin? A bird name?! What type of 'Superhero' name is that?!" I softly shouted to myself.

But is this why Talia was upset?

Because he wanted to protect Gotham with his father? Then wouldn't that be nice?

I would've done that with my own father...

Anyways, he must be going on patrol today, with one of his brothers.

According to the files, the Batfamily, is literally just the Wayne family with some adopted kids.

That's nice of Bruce.

But I still can't place my finger on why Talia wants to kill her son who's doing the right thing.

I shrugged my thoughts off.

I'll finish him today either way, and then I can go home.

I only have one job to do here. I'm not here to stay.

Or at least, thats what I thought.


[Damian's POV]

Just finished eating dinner and now it was time for patrolling with Dick.

"Little D, you ready?" Dick questioned as he stood on my door frame.

"Yeah, just let me change" I replied as I watched him leave my room with a nod.

Time to kick some ass.


[Maps' POV]

"Wayne Manor" I whispered as I searched around the city, looking for the manor.

"Wayne Manor" I repeated.

"Aha!" I whisper-shouted as I recognized the building as the manor in the files.

Now to wait for Robin boy to go patrolling.

After a short while, I spot what looks to be Nightwing, coming out of the Manor.

I was a bit dazzled by his suit when I first saw it on the pictures. It looked so... heroic.

It was sort of the birds I used to draw. Blue.

Getting back on track, my eyes were focused on Robin and Nightwing who both seemed to jump around rooftops till they made a stop.

I quietly followed them, crouching with my mask on and katana ready.


[Third POV]

"Weird, Joker and Harley aren't here as they usually are" says Nightwing with a brow raised.

"They must be planning something" Robin replied back with a suspicious look.

"Right..." Nightwing continues to observe the bank they were focusing on at the top of a roof.

And almost immediately, a shadow jumps onto Damian and starts choking him.

Robin groaned, struggling. It came out of nowhere that cause him to blank out.

"Robin!" Nightwing shouts before sobering and pushing off the figure with a kick.

Then he helped his little brother breathe, before turning to what seemed like an assassin.

"W-Who are you?" He asks, a bit afraid of what it has caused.

Slience was the reply.

However, the assassin didn't stop there. It charges towards Damian again with a Katana this time, but luckily, Damian manages to block it with his own sword.

"No... more" he spoke with a rusty voice. He still felt the pain on his neck especially when he moved his mouth.

The figure groaned and backed away.

Nightwing rushly broke his staff into two and gets into his fighting stance.


[Maps' POV]

This wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.

His brother just kept getting in between.

I think I might have an idea though.

I quickly jumped away to another roof and to another.

"Robin! Just let it go!" I hear Nightwing shout.

I faced behind me and saw him following after, however, Nightwing was being left behind.

Now to lose him...


[Robin's POV]

"Robin! Just let it go!" Dick yelled.

I followed the assassin's jumps through the rooftops. I couldn't listen to Dick.

This ninja was probably sent by mother.

Then the person jumps down from the roof, to what seemed like an alley as I followed after.

Just a few seconds after landing, I looked behind me and it was charging towards me again with its katana, but I block it with mines, again.

I pushed my sword foward, causing the figure to step backwards.

Swinging my sword, I crouch a bit on my upper body, "S-Stop" I managed to say through my throbbing throat.

The person didn't listen, though. They came at me again, jumping on the wall and even running on it.

Yeah that confirms it. This assassin was trained by the Al Ghuls, my mother.

I furrowed my eyebrows and dodged down while rolling underneath it, and to their behind.

Once they landed on their feet, I had them from behind, a sword to their neck.

I spoke, "Who... sent you...?" I grunted while moving away, the pain still bothering me.

The figure fought back by pushing me, making me fall down.

Obviously, I didn't want to hurt it. Father's number one rule.

I start to pant, has I held my throat, it hurt so much now because of the sudden drop.

However, it seemed as if the other person had no mercy as it jumped on me and pinned me to the ground.

I was already too tired and in so much pain.

-TT-, I should've listened to Dick.


[Maps' POV]

I took his mask off, confirming that this was Damian Wayne. The son of Batman or Bruce Wayne.

I hold my sword to face his throat. He was groaning so much.

Did I hurt him on his throat that much? Oh no.

Wait no, Maps! That's what you're suppose to do.

But the more I stared into his Jade eyes filled with fear, the more I felt guilty.

Why didn't I move? Why didn't I cut him right there?

Then his eyes were glassy, and I watched a tear fall.

"Kill... me then. As mother... told you" he whispered through his raspy voice.

And then a memory I thought I had lost came back.

°• Flashback •°

I hid behind the wall where I could see clearly, my uncle, Deathstroke, pointing a sword at my father.

I silently sobbed, I didn't want him to hear me.

On the corner of my eye, I saw my brother, Kyle standing next to Slade.

Was he on his side too? He wanted to kill father too?

Tears sprung up to my eyes as I overheard their conversation, and no one spotted me.

"This is your end, brother" Deathstroke said through his mask.

"Do it... do as your father said so..." my dad replied in a whisper.

I gulped, pleading that my uncle didn't. Even I knew he was my step uncle, but I still cared for him.

It just hurt knowing now that he didn't care for us.

And Kyle, he was just calmly staring.

Deathstroke lifted the sword and dropped it on my father's chest, red blood being visible, as his breathing slowed down.

My lips curved downwards, I couldn't even force them up.

My hands trembled in fear. He did it. He killed my father.

Tears streamed down my face as I watched Kyle and Slade leave the room in silence.

I quickly slid next to my father and began to cry into his chest, "Dad..." I whispered.

I felt his heart pumping so slow and going even slower every second.

"Mia... I love you..." I heard him say before he glanced away. His soul leaving his body.

I continued to cry as I saw his eyes opened and not moving.

That night, I was sure to train and kill Deathstroke myself. Even my brother if necessary. He betrayed what once was his family.

A few months later, I met Talia Al Ghul. She had offered to train me, but in return, I needed to be her personal assassin for the rest of my life.

If I do not accept, she will hunt me down. Obviously, I accepted. But now, I regret it.

I regret my decision.

I just wanted to be free.

°• End Of Flashback •°

Robin stared back at me with a serious but afraid look on his face.

"Do as my mother... said" he pestered.

I gulped, tears on my eyes as I remembered what happened.

He probably noticed too since his eyes widened.

I quickly released my grip on the katana and put it on my back before leaving him at the alley.


[Third POV]

Robin was now left alone on the dark alley. He was confused on what happened.

"Robin, are you okay?" said a deep voice behind him.

Recognizing the voice, he glanced behind, "Yes, father"

"It was... mother's assassin..." Robin coughs as his words get stuck in his throat.

"Let's go home, save your voice. Alfred will get you fixed up" Bruce sobered even more the moment he heard it was Talia's doing.


[Maps' POV]

I finally reached the apartment, and walked inside my room through my window.

I sobbed as I sat in front of my desk, arms around my head as I snuggled in it, facing the table.

"W-Why?" I whispered.

Why couldn't I kill him?

No, I know why.

But still, why?

His words were so similar to my dad's, and I didn't even have the capacity to kill him.

I looked at my phone, wiping my tears as I find a message from Olive.

I smiled, knowing it was from my bestfriend.

On The Phone


[R] Hey, It's Maps!

Omg, Maps! You do
know that it's always
nice of you to say goodbye[R]

I know! I know! I'm sorry...
[D] but how is everyone over there?

Off The Phone

After sending the text, a small detail I have forgotten came up to my head.

I sighed, "Tomorrow, Gotham Academy..."

Okay, maybe it will be a second chance?

But I just can't. I can't kill him.


[Third POV]

After the incident last night, Damian had told his Bruce everything that happened at the alley.

Bruce knew that someday Talia would do this.

Damian was once again driven to school by Alfred. Especially since he felt a bit better with his pain.

On the other hand, Maps decided to walk since the school wasn't that far from her apartment.

She walked inside the school and went to the office to get her schedule.


[Damian's POV]

As I sat on my desk, I looked at the kids in my class, gossiping.

"Yes! We are having a new student!" whisper-shouted a boy to his friend.

A new student? Well thats... new.

"I'd like to see Damian Wayne. Please report to the office, thank you" I hear the speaker announce.

Really? What now? Is it because of the attitude I gave Mr. Mars?

I get up from my seat and I made my way to the office with my hands in my pockets.

Some of the students started making sounds as if I was in trouble.


[Maps' POV]

And, she did it. Oh god.

She called Damian.

Maybe if I see him again, I will have the courage to take him out.

But now, I have to pretend like I don't know him.


The door opens and I gazed towards it, seeing him.

His eye meeting mines.


[Damian's POV]

Turns out all it was, was to give the new student a tour guide of the school.

"Look, you don't need to give me guide, Dames..." I hear her say.

Wait, does she not know who I am? Something's not right.

I'm a Wayne. Mostly every girl in this city recognizes me.

"-TT-, it's Damian" I corrected her.

"Oh! Sorry" she apologizes.

"It's fine" I answered, continuing to walk as she walked beside me.

After giving her a tour around the school, we still had time for our last class, Algebra ll.

At least, I didn't have to take classes. I was excused, and so was her.

Entering the class, I see Mr. Mars as I walked to my seat.

"Oh my!" He gasped.

"You must be the new student!" He smiled.

"Yeah, that would be me" the new girl smiled back as she awkwardly waved.

Oh wait, what's her name? I can't believe I forgot to ask for her name.

The principal probably mentioned it and I didn't listen.


[Maps' POV]

"Well? Present yourself!" said the Algebra ll teacher.

"Okay..." I murmured before turning to the class who was already staring at me.

However, my eyes spotted those green emerald eyes I saw yesterday.

"Hello, my name is Mia Mizoguchi, but you can call me Maps" I smiled.

"Hey Maps!" Everyone shouted. Well, except Damian.

And life, being life, I was assigned to sit next to Damian.

The hunter sitting next to its prey, how convenient. Note the sarcasm?

As I concentrated during the lesson, it turned out to be easy. Some of these were already taught to me by Talia.

But I have to admit, it was hard taking notes when a pair of eyes next to me were focused on my.

I felt a wave of heat rise up to my face as I noticed this.

Damian, why are you staring?


[Damian's POV]

Where have I seen those eyes before?

I know I've seen this girl somewhere too. Oh wait.

Wasn't she the girl who was running outside? I recognized tha yellow flower pin on her hair.

I watched as she wrote down the notes that Mr. Mars had written on the board.

I didn't understand why I couldn't stop staring.

The look she had when she was focused was just a sight I could never get tired off.

She reminded me of the word sunshine, happiness, hope.

I shook my thoughts off my mind as I placed my head down with my arms around, closing my eyes.

Did I... fall for her?

No! That's crazy.

I quietly scoffed.


[Maps' POV]

In the corner of my eye, I see Damian with his head down.

Was he sleeping? Aw, cute.

Maps wait. You can't fall for him. You have a job.


You had a job. I corrected myself.

Then, I heard him scoff, making me softly chuckle.

I still felt the blush on my cheeks stay there, almost as if they were permanent.

No, no, no. I can't- I couldn't have fallen for him.

I sighed to myself.

Talia will kill me.


Word Count: 4,248

Have you ever had a blush that you felt like you couldn't control?

Do you remember your first crush?

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