Does he love me? (Snowbarry f...

By ZrynxxHolland

50.3K 938 161

Team flash is having a lot of drama going on but A future about Barry and caitlin. Caitlin wonders if Barry... More

"Summer lovin"
A special bond
Just a dream
The return of the god
Original team flash
True feelings
Finding love
The vibe
A day off
Home (24 hours of love)
Flash's fiance
The trip
Life in paradise
Trouble in paradise
Back home
"Who needs a drink"
Pull a zolomon
Super arrow's wedding
The fairytale wedding
The honeymoon pt 1
On hold (sorry)
Honeymoon pt.2
You are my home (happy valentine's day)
Right back at ya!
A posed threat
Shopping day suspicions
Different possibilities
The clock is ticking! Pt. 1
The clock is ticking pt. 2
Quality time
He Strikes!
Monster, standing right There
Hope because of a Drawing?
(Dedicated to the next chapter)!
Heroes against Time
League of meaningful Heroes
Villains among Us
Time fluent

True love

752 16 0
By ZrynxxHolland

(I'm back please go check out young love. After this chapter it will be the Snowbarry wedding so stay tuned) Barry walks over to caitlin and hugs her from the behind. He kisses her neck. "Good morning", said Barry. "Good morning", said Caitlin, she turns around and hugs Barry. "I could use a shower and coffee, but you know we have to go to star labs at 3 am", said Barry. "I still don't know why we have to do that", said Caitlin. "You know Harry always putting us to work", said Barry. "Well you can shower and get dress first", said Caitlin. "What would be quicker is if we both showered at the same time in the same bathroom", said Barry. "We both would get distracted and be late", said Caitlin. Barry frowned. Barry went to take a shower while Caitlin was just figuring what she was gonna wear. Caitlin sits down and breaths. "My stomach hurts", Caitlin whispers to herself. "Your what hurts? If you don't feel good we don't have to go", said Barry. "I'm fine", said Caitlin. 30 minutes later. Barry, Cisco, iris, and Caitlin were sitting in their chairs listening to Harry. "Iris and Cisco come here", said Harry. Harry, Cisco and iris smile at Barry and Caitlin. "What?", said Caitlin. Joe and Ralph walk towards Barry. Felicity and iris walks toward Caitlin. Caitlin knows what's about to happen. "Happy bachelorette party", said everyone except Barry and Caitlin. Barry roles his eyes. "Guys you didn't have to do this", said Caitlin. "Do you know what time it is", Barry said angrily. "Yes but it should be fun", said Iris. "But we all want to go somewhere together", said Ralph. "Like Where", said Caitlin. "A beach party, we can watch the sun rise eat dinner", said Ralph. Barry looks at Caitlin, caitlin gives him the approval look. Barry and Caitlin stands up and says "I'm in". Coral beach. "It is beautiful here I just love how great the water looks", said Caitlin. Barry and Caitlin walk towards the ocean. Barry holds her hand. "This big ocean is how much love I have for you and the ocean is endless", said Barry. Caitlin blushes. "This ocean is my heart but it grows even more when your around", said Caitlin. Barry smiles. He kisses her on the lips and she puts her hand on his face. Their foreheads touch. "I love you Caitlin snow", said Barry. "I know you love me. I love you to Barry", said Caitlin. "No, I truly love you more then my speed my parents everything your just something, someone I will always love. When I see you I smile instantly, your so beautiful and I love you with all my heart you are my Snow White my true love", said Barry. A tear drops from Caitlin's eyes. "Barry there is no explaining the love I have for you. You are my world my universe and everything, I've been through so much with you and I haven't left because I truly truly love Bartholomew Henry Allen", said Caitlin. "Awe, But Remember everything I just said is my vows so at the wedding just expect a kiss, not vows", said Barry. "I know I was gonna say the same", said Caitlin, she pushes herself against Barry's body and kisses him. "That was beautiful", said Harry. "Harry are you crying", Cisco asked. "I'm fine", Harry sobs. Cisco smiles at Harry trying to fight a tear of joy. "Look the sun rise", said Iris. Everyone sits down on the sand and looks at the sun rise. "It's so beautiful", said Cisco. "All we need is beer ", said Joe. Everyone laughs. "Well in a while I won't be able to drink or have beer", said Caitlin. Barry smiles at Caitlin. "What? Your going on a drinking diet or something", said joe. "Well I will kinda be force not to drink", said Caitlin. The others were confused. Harry ready between the lines. Harry winked at Barry and Caitlin. "Caitlin, do you really think your being forced not to drink", said Iris. Harry looked at Barry and Caitlin waiting for them to give the approval look and they did. "Well in science and common sense you can't exactly drink if your pregnant", said Harry. Everyone gasp and looks at Barry and Caitlin. "I'm gonna be a uncle or a god parent", Cisco yelled. "Well me and Caitlin are working on getting pregnant", said Barry. Iris gives a slight frown but she knows she loves Scott just like Barry loves Caitlin. "Wow that's amazing I'm proud", said Iris. Barry and Caitlin smile. "Yeah it's amazing", said Barry. "I'm really hoping after 3 nights I might get pregnant", said Caitlin. "I'll make it work", said Barry. Caitlin smiled. "Show you guys are gonna be the SnowAllen family", said Cisco. Barry and Caitlin disagree. "The SnowBarry family", said Barry and Caitlin. "Wow, but I think you also should be the flash frost family", said Cisco. Barry and Caitlin doesn't think it's so bad. "Well I guess", said Barry. "I just cannot wait to start a family", said Caitlin.

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