The clock is ticking pt. 2

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Cisco and Harry went down to the workshop.

While they were working on something, Cisco asks, "What timeline do you think should happen?"

"I personally think—" Harry was interrupted by the alarm.

Cisco and Harry quickly ran to the cortex.

"What's going on?!" Caitlin asked.

Barry pointed to a breach. Everyone's eyes widened. "Breachhhh!" Barry shouted.

Harry points a gun towards the breach. Two girls jump out the portal. One is a red head, one has platinum blond hair.

"Woah, Harry put the gun down. Better yet..." the girl with platinum blond hair said whiling blasting the gun with ice. The gun flew out of Harry's hand.

"Excuse her! Icy, don't do that!" The girl with red hair shouted.

"Who are you two?" Caitlin asked.

The mysterious girls smiled. "We're from the future," the red haired girl said.

"My name is, Glacia Neva Snow-Allen. Most people call me icy. Glacia is worded for an imagery of glacial ice. Neva is the Spanish term of snow, and Snow-Allen is my last name," the platinum blond haired girl spoke. (Her name is pronounced Gley-Shuh).

"My name is, Electra Catapella Snow-Allen. Electra does not mean electricity but it does mean, shining, Amber, or brilliant. Catapella is just something dad liked. My super hero name is, Haywire!" The red haired girl spoke.

"First off, Electra, you're hot. Second, did you say Snow-Allen? Are you two Barry and Caitlin's daughters?" Cisco states.

"Indeed we are," said Electra. "We were born at the same time, but we're not twins. It's kinda weird. Anyway, we were sent to help you guys defeat Denicho." Said Glacia.

"Wow. I believe you two, because Barry and I just picked out those names." Said Caitlin. Everyone smiles.

"I'm guessing you have that blond hair because, you're frosty side." Said Barry. Glacia nodded.

"I have the speedy powers. My looks come from mom. My eyes come from you, dad. My hair was mom's hair color." Said Electra.

"It must've been pretty bad in the future, if you were sent to help," Harry said.

Glacia looks down. "Not that bad. We came before everything got too bad," said Glacia.

"We are aware of all those timelines. None are going to happen. We will change the timeline, without a price." Said Electra.

"Okay. How are we going to do that?" Barry asked.

"The situation involves Constantine." Said Electra.


Here's Electra (She looks so much like Danielle just with darker hair. Her real name actually is Danielle). Plus Danielle has a little bit of blond hair...if you haven't noticed.

if you haven't noticed

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Here's Glacia
(Her hair is that color because of her frosty side. I just wanted their daughters to look different. Besides, she looks like a killer frost just lighter hair).

 Besides, she looks like a killer frost just lighter hair)

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________________________________To be continued

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To be continued...

Does he love me? (Snowbarry fanfiction) (still in works)Where stories live. Discover now