I will try to fix you(The out...

By ImAGreaseToo

130K 3.6K 1.8K

When Florence Matthews runs away from her abusive father and moves in with her older brother, Two-Bit, and me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Very quick A/N

Chapter 27

2.6K 74 60
By ImAGreaseToo

Johnny's POV

After Flo ran out of the house I couldn't do anything. I just stood there staring at the jacket on the floor. Lilly, the girl kissing me, came up behind me and put her hands on my chest. "Finally she's gone. It was so annoying how you would always talk about her and say how much you love and miss her. Come here baby, I can show you a good time."


"What?" She looked taken back.

"I said 'No'! Get out of this house and never come back!"

"But Johnny-" I cut her off.

"No! You ruined my relationship with the one girl I love and I probably can never fix that! I told you I love her and you still made a fucking move on me! Get the hell out of this house and stay away from me and Florence and everyone else I care about." She looked like she was about to cry. She just nodded, grabbed her clothes and walked out. I sat on the couch hugging my jacket because it sort of smelled like her.

About 30 minutes later the gang walked in and Two-Bit was glaring at me, as was everybody else. Including Dally and Darry. I knew then that they saw, Florence. "You little shit! You broke my sisters heart. The one person I care about! I would kill you but I promised the guys I wouldn't harm you."

"Let me explain would ya?"

"Fine. You got five minutes Johnnycake and if I aint satisfied you're dead. Got it?" I nodded.

"I was laying on Sodas old bed when Lilly walked in with a bowl of soup. I knew she liked me because she would always flirt with me and try to make a move but I would always push her away. I thought nothing of her bringing in the soup so I said thank you and sat up. After the soup I was feeling a whole lot better and she told me that she was going to look after me and I told her that I was okay now and she could go if she wanted but she refused. She said that she was going to get me a drink and when she came back up she was just in her underware. I turned away and tolled her I didn't like her like that but she didn't listen she came over and sat on my lap. She wripped my shirt off and smashed her lips into mine. I tried to pull away but she had a real tight grip on me like she had been practicing for this day or something. Just before Florence walked in she put my hands on her ass and just as I was about to take them away Florence said I was just like Dally and left. I love her ,Two-Bit, a lot. I want to spend the rest of my life with her."

"LIAR!" Two-Bit screamed in my face.

"He aint lying, Two. When he lies his leg shakes and his leg didn't shake once through that whole story." Thank you Ponyboy.

"Oh." Two-Bit looked down ashamed.

"We need to go find her. She was completely heart broken which means she might do soemthing completely stupid." Shit, Sodapop's right.

"Well come on we need to find her!" I was still clutching the jacket when I ran out the door. The sun was just starting to set so it was casting a golden glow on everything. We were all walking in one big group when I noticed Florence sat in the lot eating something and I'm guessing it's something she shouldn't be eating. "Guys, there she is!" They all turned to look and horror was written all over Two-Bits face.

"Shit! FLORENCE, DROP THE PILLS!" He started running towards her shortly followed by me then the rest of the gang. We were all screaming at her to stop but she wouldn't. She was just putting them in one after the other.

I hadn't realised I was crying till she looked at me and wiped a tear off my cheek and then she fell and her eyes closed. I felt my heart being wripped out from my chest. Everyone was shouting for help and trying to get her to stay awake.

"She's real cold." I remember the jacket in my hand and lay it on top of her.

"We need to get her to the hospital." Darry picked her up bridal style and ran to the truck. We all jumped in and Florence's head was laying on my lap. Her breathing was slow and she started to go really pale. Suddenly I couldn't breath but tried to keep it together for Florence. If she died I don't know what I'll do. I'd probably kill myself to be with her. 

We finally got to the hospital and Darry got her out and ran in. I noticed she stopped breathing and I started to panic. "WE NEED A DOCTOR NOW!!" Three different doctors started running towards us and carried her away to a room. We were told to stay behind. Everyone refused but the doctor soon convinced us that us being there wasn't going to help her anymore. Everyone sat down on the chairs and soon everyone was either crying or sobbing into their hands. My back slid down the wall and I just sat on the floor praying she will be okay.

Everyone was asleep except for me and Two-Bit. The Doctor walked out. "Florence Matthews?" Two-Bit and I stood up.

"Is she okay, doc? Can we go see her?" Two-Bit asked with worry in his voice.

"She is perfectly fine. She just woke up and we did a couple of tests. Unfortunately you can't see her."

"What? Why?" Two-Bit was shouting now which woke the rest of the gang up. They all stood up but stayed silent waiting for what the doctor had to say.

"Two reasons. She is suffering serious depression and she has amnesia." Depression? Amnesia? That means she won't remember me!

"I don't understand?"

"When she fainted everything bad in her life flashed through her memory which caused her to be traumitized and it was so bad causing her to have amnesia, we assume. We don't know how bad it is so at the moment we are going to help her get over her depression. That means none of you can see her until she is over it.-" Dally cut him off.

"How long will that be?"

"Could be days, weeks, even months to help her."

"I can't stay months away from her. None of us can."

"I'm sorry but that's the way it has to be. Once she is over her depression all of you may come and see her and help her get her memory back." He started to walk away but stopped and looked back at us. "There is a special room that we are going to keep her in where you guys can see her but she can't see you. I'll let you guys see her but you can not talk to her. No one can only the doctors and nurses. You guys will be the first people we call when you can come and see her." We all just nodded unable to process what was going on. "If you'd like to follow me you guys can see her and the room she will be in." We walked down several long winded hallways and there Florence was laying on a bed with chocolate cake in front of her and mickey mouse on tv. She had no emotion what so ever. I just wanted to go in there and kiss her and hug her and tell her how sorry I am and how I love her, but I can't. This is all my fault...


Cliffhanger, I guess? I felt like making this even more sad for you guys and myself, I'm sowwy.

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