Chapter 19

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Florence's POV

I haven't seen the guys in over a week. Partially because I had a cold and partially was because I was avoiding them. I don't want to run into Ponyboy and Johnny and I get really awkward around the boys after everything that's happened. I get embarrassed because I feel like they all pity me now after everything. Sometimes I even try to avoid Two-Bit but he won't give up trying to get me to talk to him and the gang. It was Sunday and I was walking to the DX because I thought that none of the gang would be there. I was about to walk through the door when I saw everyone in the gang crowding around the front desk. I was about to walk away when I saw Ponyboy turn around and look at me. He started smiling like crazy and then he tapped Dally who turned around and eyed me up and down and started smirking. I was wearing high wasted shorts with a tank top and a sleeveless denim jacket. My hair was in a messy bun with a pink bandana and I was wearing work boots. I was so shocked I could barely move. Soon the whole gang had seen me and they all started smiling like mad. I turned on my heels and started walking off. I heard the sound of a faint bell and footsteps following me. I acted like I couldn't hear anything simply because if I turned and looked at them and ignored them they would know I was avoiding them. I started walking faster but the footsteps sped up. I walked into the dingo and walked into the girls toilets. I looked for a window I could climb out of but there was none. A waitress walked into the toilet, I guess to clean. "Excuse me?" She turned to look at me and smiled. "I need your help."

"What can I help you with?"

"Is there a group of boys out there?" She walked out and then came back in again.

"Yes, why?"

"I'm trying to avoid them. Do you think you could get me out of here without being seen?" She just smiled and nodded. We walked out with me hidden beside her so you couldn't see me on one side. She walked me to the door and then stopped. "This is as far as I go, sweety."

"Thanks." I just needed to get home without them seeing me on the street now.

When I got home Two-Bit was sat on the couch with a beer. "Hey, Flo."

"Hey, Two. I'll be in my room if you want me."

"No you won't."


"You're going to be at the Curtis' house to spend time with me and the gang and explain why you have been avoiding us."

"I haven't been avoiding you." 

"Yes, you have. Come on then." I just stood there and before I knew Two-Bit had chucked me over his shoulder and walking down the road.

"Put me down, Keith!" I banged my fists on his back and all he did was laugh.

He walked into the Curtis' house with me still flung over his shoulder. I guess he didn't trust me to walk there. I gave up fighting half way there because I knew I would never win this fight. When we got in the house Two-Bit swung round so I could see the whole gang who was just staring at me and chuckling to themselves. I just waved. "Hey."

"Where you been, Flo? Haven't seen you in ages." Steve asked.

"You saw me last week."

"Yeah, ages ago."

"Can you put me down now, Two?"

"Will you try to run away." I bit my lip.

"No." He put me down and I just stood there all awkward, like when I first met them.

"So, why you been avoiding us?"

"I haven't been avoiding you. Psh." 

"Not coming round, whenever you seen one of us in the street you'll walk the other way. You have been avoiding us, why?"

"Because I don't want your pity!" I was starting to get really mad now.

"What you talking about?"

"Everything thats happened with me. I didn't want you guys to treat me any different then you would if I was perfectly fine. All I'm going to get from you guys is pity. And I get embarrassed again for what happened with me."

"Well, how do you know we would treat you differently."

"I don't. I just got a feeling."

"Well, your feeling was wrong. We wont treat you different if you don't want us to."

"I don't want you treat me different."

"Fine. Come sit down." I walked over to the couch and sat inbetween Johnny and Soda. I didn't want to sit like a normal person so I spun myself round so my legs were in the air and my head was hanging off the couch. "You all right there, Flo?"

"Yes. It's actually really comfy." Soda laughed.

"Whatever you say."

We spent the next couple of hours talking like nothing bad ever happened to me. In the corner of my eye I could see Johnny twiddling his thumbs and he was just staring at his feet. Every now and again he would open his mouth like he was going to say something but would stop and go back to staring at his feet. "Well we're gonna go now. See ya'll tomorrow." Two-Bit and I started walking down the street a car pulled up next to us.

"Hey there little greasers."

"Get lost, would ya?"

"Why should I?"

"'Cause if you don't leave I'll make ya." Two-Bit started walking towards them.

"Will you know?"

"Yeah!" 5 socs got out of the car, I recognized one of them as Bob and another as Randy. Bob pulled out a switch. "Come on then, soc. You and me! Flo, run!" I tried to run but Randy grabbed me and pinned me to the ground. 

"So we meet again. I think I should finish what I started a while ago. Don't you?"

"Get away from her!" I heard Two-Bit shout who was fighting Bob. Randy just laughed. He started kissing my neck and jaw line.

"Help! Someone help us!" Randy slugged me in the face.

"Shut the hell up!" He started tugging at my shirt while he shoved his lips into mine. I started crying and struggling to get free of his grasp but he just tightened his grip. He started kissing down my neck and tried lifting my t-shirt up. I didn't know what to do so I just screamed as loud as I could as long as I could. "I told you shut up!" I slugged me a couple of times which made my noes bleed but that was the least of my problems at the moment. He ended up just ripping my top revealing my bra and then he started kissing my stomach and making his way up to my chest. I started crying harder. I heard banging footsteps and what sounded like Johnny's voice. "Get away from her or I'll kill ya!" I turned my head to see the whole gang running towards us. Randy would not stop he just sat there trying to get my clothes off. I screamed again and struggled to get free. I felt someone push Randy off of me and I sat straight up trying to cover myself. I turned to see the guys beating up the socs and the socs trying to get away. I noticed Johnny was taking on Randy by himself and was ontop of him punching him and kicking him all over the place. The boys tried to hold Johnny back but he wouldn't give up. Randy finally got away and Johnny was the first one over to me. He took his jacket off and wrapped it round me. "Are you okay?" I just nodded still crying. I wiped my noes with my hand and tried to stand up but fell back down. 

"I don't think I can stand up." Johnny picked me up bridal style and we started walking back to the Curtis'. I layed my head on Johnny's chest. "I missed you, Johnnycake." He just smiled to himself and blushed.

"I missed you too, Flo, a lot." My eyelids started to get heavy and I shut my eyes.

Johnny's POV

"I love you, Johnny." I couldn't believe what I heard. I looked down at Flo who was fast asleep in my arms.

"I love you too, Flossy." I smiled and kissed her head.

I will try to fix you(The outsiders/Johnny Cade fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now