Chapter 6

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Florence's POV

I could hear voices all around me and I wanted to open my eyes to see who they were but I just couldn't do it. It wasn't because I didn't want to it was because I couldn't. I heard someone crying and it sounded an awful lot like Johnny. "I just want her to wake up."

"I just want them soc to suffer for what they did to her."

"Guys, we need to stay calm and sit beside Flo's side. That's probably all she wants right now. Flo if you can hear us squeeze my hand." I felt someone slip there hand into mine. It was cold and dry. I could still hear sombody weeping in the background. I focused on moving one hand. I lightly squeezed the hand in mine. I didn't even think he could feel it. "Guys! Guys! Shut up! She just squeezed my hand! She can hear us!"

"I don't believe you."

"Well then you hold her hand and ask her to squeeze it?"

"Fine then I will." The person holding my hand removed his dry hand and it was replaced my someones who was sweaty and big. "Can you squeeze my hand for me, Flo?" I concentrated again and squeezed the persons hand very lightly but stronger than before. "Guys, Two-Bit was right. She can hear us." It went silent. I tried to move my whole arm but I couldnt accomplish that much at once. I decided it would be best if I just focused on moving my hand. I felt my pinky wiggle and then my marriage finger and then my middle finger and then my index finger. After trying for about half an hour I had gained most of my arm strength back and I knew that boys noticed because I heard them whispering to each other. I know focused on moving my other hand but I had a little trouble with that. I felt someone slip there hand into mine and they whispered in my ear. "Hey, Flo, it's Johnny. I know you can hear me so I just wanted to apologize for letting you get hit over the head with that pole. It's all my fault your in here and I promise I won't leave your side till you wake up." He sounded so cute I needed to say something back. He started rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand.

Johnny's POV

I just stared down at weak hand hhoping that she will move her hand but there is something inside of me that tells me its not going to move. The tears started to form in my eyes and everything went blurry. I couldn't cry. I needed to be strong for her. She meant everything to me and I just wasn't going to give up yet. I closed my eyes to hold back the tears when I heard somebody mumble. It wasn't any of the guys because they had all gone to get some food, except for Two-Bit and I. I looked at Two-Bit who had the same expression I had on my face. We both looked at Florence. "It."

"Two-Bit, she's talking! She's talking! Florence, try and say something else."

"It not." She stopped to breath. I stared at her with deep amazement. "It not fault. It not your fault." My eyes started to well up. By this point Two-Bit was sat on her other side. "It's not your fault, Johnny." 

My name! She said my name! I stared at her with the biggest grin on my face. I was staring at her face with deep concentration when her eyes started to flicker. They slowly opened and I could see Two-Bit in the corner of my eye laughing a little and trying to hold back the tears. She looked at me and produced a small, weak smile. She turned to Two-Bit who was crying his eyes out. She moved her other hand and slipped it into his. "Tha-ank y-you."

"Thats okay, kid sister."

a while past and she was able to move her whole body. She needed help sitting up and Two-Bit had helped her with that. When she was comfortable with how she was sat she leaned over and gave Two-Bit a hug. Then she turned to me and gave me a hug. When she started hugging me the gang walked in. Dally was holding two bottles of coke. You could tell that he was angry at something and I was pretty sure it had something to do with me and Florence. He carefully handed Two-Bit one of the cokes and shoved the other coke into my chest, clearly not caring if it spilt. "Florence your finally awake!" Dally yelled at her making her flinch. "I'm sorry."

"Thats okay, Dally."

"I'm going to get the doctor. See when you're allowed home." Dally walked out of the room, I guess to go and find the doctor. The gang all started talking to each other while Florence and I just stared at each other without saying a word. Dally walked back in after a couple of seconds with the doctor straight after him. 

"How are you feeing, Miss. Matthews?"

"A lot better, thank you."

"Do you think you're well enough to go home. I know you just have woken up but your friend here says that you seem well enough to go home."

"Yes, I think I'll be fine to go home."

"Okay, perfect." He turned to Two-Bit. "Are you her gaurdian?"

"Yes, I am."

"Okay. If you could just sign these sheets and she can go home."

"Okay. Thank you, Doc." Two-Bit started to sign the sheets the doctor gave him.

"Thats okay. I'll just leave you to get ready." Everyone started to pile out of the room after the doctor left. I was the last to leave.


I'm a little iffy about this chapter but please, Please give me feedback. It would help very much, thank you, you cute little muffins.

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