Chapter 35

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Johnny's POV

I walked back into the Curtis' house with Soda and Steve and the smile on my face just wouldn't go away. "So you really gonna propose to her, huh, Johnnycake?"

"Yeah I am, man. I love her to much to let her go."

"So you got the ring and everything?"

"Yeah." I pulled the ring out my pocket and showed them.

"That's a real tuff ring, Johnnycake." I put it back in my pocket. "So do you wanna see a picture of that little baby of yours?" I nodded my head wildly.

"I thought Florence put it in her purse?" Steve asked Soda while I made my way to the couch.

"She did but she left her purse here." He went into the kitchen and came back out with Florences Red purse in his hand. "See?"

"Whatever." Soda threw the purse to me.

"It's in the back, with all her important cards and pictures." I opened it up and there was a folded sonogram with a black and white picture of our little baby. I smiled at it and then looked back at her purse and there was apicture of me and her the first week we met. She was on my back and the both of us had the biggest smiles on our faces. When I pulled that out there was another picture of me and her and it was when we first got together and she has her face buried in my neck and I'm whispering in her ear. "I don't even remember this picture being taken?"

"Yeah, neither did she until a couple days ago. She found them in one of the draws in the kitchen. Burst into tears when she saw them and now she keeps some in her purse and theres others in picture frames up in her room." I smiled at the thought. "She loves you a lot Johnnycake, a lot more than a normal person can love." I smiled again and then started to put all the pictures back. "She's outside. Go hide in the kitchen, Johnny." I nodded and ran into the kitchen and I heard her come in.

"Who's are all the bags?" I heard her ask.

"I don't know. Hey, Flo, can you get me a drink from the kitchen?"

"Um, okay?" I heard her walk to the kitchen. She stopped walking when she saw me. I saw the guys walk up behind her with the biggest smiles on their faces. "Johnny?" She was on the verge of tears.

"Surprise!" She started crying now and I'm sure I was too.

"Oh my god, I..." She trailed off.

"I have one question for you and it's really important, okay?" She just nodded still crying. I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring. "Florence Marie Matthews, will you marry me?" She covered her mouth and started nodding.

"Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes!" I got up and pulled her into a hug. Both of us crying in each others arms. I slipped the ring on her finger and the guys started clapping and cheering and Darry and Dally were here now.

"I missed this. I love you so much, Flo." I mumbled into her hair.

"I love you more, Johnny."

"I don't think that's possible 'cause I love you way more."

"Just shut up and kiss me." I chuckled slightly and pulled her in for a long, passionate kiss. Her arms wrapped around my neck and mine wrapped around her waist. The gang started cheering again.

"My baby girl has grown up so fast!" We pulled away to see Two-Bit, Soda and Steve all fake crying and hugging each other. Everyone started laughing at them.

"I know! I mean, look at her! Getting married and has a baby on the way." This caused them all to gasp and 'cry' even harder. I turned to Flo who was already looking at me. I placed my hand on her stomach. 

"We know what sex it is?"

"Not yet. What do you want it to be?"

"I don't care 'cause I'll love it with all my heart. I'm never gonna be like my father or my mother."

"Me either."

"What do you want it to be?"

"I like the idea of a little boy but I won't mind either way." I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Now. You don't ever leave me like that again, are we clear?" She said firmly. I laughed at her slightly.

"Crystal. Trust me, I don't ever want to leave again. I don't like it when I'm not with you." She smiled at me and kissed me again. We pulled away when we heard the click of a camera. We turned to see the whole gang there and Soda holding a camera.

"That ones a keeper."

"Let me see." He passed to Florence and we both looked at it. We were kissing and my hand was on her stomach and her hand was over the top of mine and you could see the wedding ring on her finger. "This definately is a keeper." She smiled up at me and I returned the smile before pecking her lightly on the lips.


Okay, guys this makes me so happy it's actually so unreal. I actually cried while writing this, omg. Anyway, I hope ya'll liked it and I'll see you in my next update?

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