𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘂𝗻 。john...

By clovdynova

102K 4.8K 4.2K

。.・゜✭ ❝ they told me to pour my heart into everything i do. so that's what i did, i poured and poured and po... More

❊ | sinking sun
act one.
oo. prologue.
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
act two.
a / n
chapter nineteen.

chapter eighteen.

1.5K 103 53
By clovdynova

bitch in the red dress.


Leaves crunched loudly beneath her heavy combat boots as Sage followed aimlessly behind an equally exhausted Murphy. They didn't know how long they had been walking nor where it was they were going. Their only reliable source was a bloody drone, which had driven Jaha away all those months ago.

It didn't really hit the pair until they were out, just how many days they had been deprived of the outside world, the fresh air, the sight of greenery. Sage was so used to living in a luxurious space she forgot the sweet sweet sensation of the sun glistening down upon her skin. Just as the girl was about to reach for her canteen which she had been smart enough to pack, the drone leading them began to speed up and took off.

"Shit!" Murphy cursed as he quickened his pace. Sage was hot on his heels and bolted behind him, even overtaking him at one point. To this, she smirked to herself. The two raced after the aircraft, skidding through foliage and tripping over various branches and twigs. They rushed around a corner, still following behind the drone flying high. Afraid, they were going to lose it, both Sage and Murphy sped up. Bolting so quickly, their legs were on fire.

The drone led them out into the open, a plain vast field with almost nothing in sight. Sage let out a groan, knowing the drone was well on its way and had led them to a dead end.

  "Oh for the love of God." Murphy grumbled.

"Wait. That looks like-" Sage started, squinting her eyes on the horizon to see if what she thought she was seeing wasn't simply a fragment of her imagination. "Tell me I'm not the only one who sees the mansion on the horizon."

"You're not." Murphy replied, also squinting before turning to the girl, a beam stretching across his lips.

The girl opened her mouth to reply but was cut off by the loud clapping of thunder up ahead. The pair looked up, their eyes meeting the unmistakable sight of grey clouds, simmering with lightning and rumbling with thunder so loud, Sage shivered in her place.

Although the shivering could also be blamed on the soft pitter of rain starting to fall. Looking toward the sky, Sage squinted to avoid the water sprinkling down.

"We gotta get over there!" Sage shouted, the rain now falling heavier and thus creating a louder environment in which the girl had to raise her voice to communicate.

Latching her hand onto Murphy's arm, Sage began to sprint toward what she hoped was some sort of safe haven. The boy followed her, mostly because she was forcing him to but also because he could sense her urgency. Tugging him along the two began to once again run as quickly as they could, trying their hardest to ignore the rain beating down. Sage continued to rush, accidentally causing Murphy to slip and fall, slowing them down.

"Hurry!" Sage yelled, helping him up hurriedly. Pulling him to his feet she quickened her pace and continued on her far too frantic journey.

"Woah, woah, woah calm down Sage. What's wrong?" Murphy asked, concerned.

"It's raining! That's what's wrong!" Sage responded. Murphy knew it wasn't just the weather, she wasn't rushed, she was scared.

But then it clicked. She was scared of course.

"It's your fear of water isn't it?" Murphy asked, squinting his eyes to avoid the rain. The girl looked away, clearly ashamed as her head bowed.

"Okay maybe." She nodded. "Can we please just-"

The girl was cut off by Murphy's lips pressing against her own. She staggered back, the kiss being unexpected. She kissed back, her hands making their way to the back of his head, her fingers lacing within his wet hair. He smiled into the kiss, his hands holding her lower back before trailing them further down causing the girl to gasp and pull away, meeting the boy's cheeky smile.

"Why did you do that?" She asked with a soft frown.

"One night in the bunker I couldn't sleep and I ended up watching some old romance movie. There was this one scene where they kissed in the rain and I figured I'd try it out." The boy shrugged with a small smile.

"I'm glad you did." She grinned gently.

"Good to hear. And besides there's nothing to be afraid of darling. Think of it as... one giant shower." He suggested. "And remember what happened that time we were in the show-"

This time it was Sage who cut the boy off by placing her lips on his firmly, holding his shirt between her fingers and pulling him close before shoving him down to the ground so he landed in a rather large puddle of rainwater. The girl giggled at her actions, laughing especially hard when the boy on the floor groaned in discomfort.

"You're gonna pay for that one Noon!" He shouted, jumping to his feet and sprinting after the joyous girl. She shrieked as he threw her over his shoulder, sprinting through meadows of flowers as the rain began to turn to a lighter sprinkling. Sage, who was still slung lazily, protested against the boy's hold, fighting and squirming as hard as she could, causing herself to almost fall, almost. Murphy's arms were there to catch her like always and he now held her in an embrace Sage's parents used to enact, they called it 'bridal style'.

"You're the worst." She accused playfully, smacking his chest lightly for affect.

"Am I though?"

She nodded, crossing her arms over her chest while the boy continued to carry her.

"It sounds to me like you're asking to go on my shoulder again." Murphy smirked slyly.

"No, no. Murphy please don- ahhh!" She screamed, once again being held hostage over his shoulder.

"Now, how do you like that Miss Noon?" The boy questioned, Sage couldn't see his face yet she was sure he was smiling through his speech.

"I mean, the view's not bad." She chuckled, eyeing the boy's backside.

"Hey! Eyes front missy!"

"Kind of difficult when it's the only thing in sight."

The boy then proceeded to place her on the ground, where she met his gaze with a cheeky gleam dancing in her eyes. He couldn't help but smile back. She always seemed to have an effect on him.

"Now let's - a - go - a!" Murphy mimicked the main character in their all time favorite video game. Sage laughed at his poor impression of the cartoon man, causing him to snicker at his miserable failure also. The pair trekked through the meadow, the rather tall floral life brushing against their legs, it was still pouring but Sage didn't care anymore, she simply smiled up at the sky, knowing her parents were watching over her and laced her fingers with the boy strolling beside her.

As they approached the mansion-like building, it seemed to grow in size, towering over their panting figures. Sage glanced over at Murphy who appeared to have already been staring her way. Telepathically speaking, Sage asked the boy if they should go inside. Murphy didn't reply of course but instead reached for her upper arm and led her through the front door. Murphy stumbled forward, hitting the marble floor, taking Sage down with him but also prompting her to help him up. She hauled him up to his feet, checking his face for any signs of injury.

Her eyes scanned the room and Sage realised both she and Murphy were severely under dressed for the state of the art home they now stood within. The walls were decorated with artworks so exquisite, Sage couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of appreciation lifting her heart. Murphy noticed her staring and grinned to himself.

"John, Sage." A familiar voice caught their attention. Sage's blood ran cold. She knew that voice.

"There you are." The figure of the man stated, stalking down the hall.

"Jaha?" Murphy asked weakly, relying on Sage for physical support to stand.

"Welcome." Jaha announced. Sage glanced at Murphy who glared through the man's skull. Oh if looks could kill. "We have so much to talk about, and so little time." He spoke, standing dangerously close to an already enraged Murphy.

"I found it, kids. The city of light is real." He preached, his arms spread open, making him more vulnerable and open to attack than he realised.

Murphy breathed heavily, his glare set on the man, all he could see was red.

"You left us there!" The boy threw himself forward, his fist colliding with Jaha's jaw only to end up falling into the man's arms. An alarmed Sage jumped to her senses and raced toward the pair, pulling Murphy from Jaha and holding him on her own. The boy was weighing her down but she didn't mind, her legs entwined into a crossed leg position as she lay her lover's head in her lap. It wasn't anything serious, he was simply over exhausted and the strained physical activity was not ideal for his state. She brushed the awfully long hair from his face and caressed his cheek, her fingers retracted at the coarseness of his beard but nonetheless placed her hand behind his head, holding it gently in place.

"Miss Noon. The city of light is real. I found it and I intend to open your eyes to the beautiful reality. It doesn't take much. You simply swallow one little pill and all your problems will be solved." The man explained wistfully. His hands glided around before him as if he were foretelling her some forsaken prophecy.

"My only problem is you." She spat. "I'm not making any decisions without him." She continued stubbornly.

"Of course, I forgot about your pact."

"So, if you don't mind, I'd rather not stay with the man who left me and my boyfriend for dead." The harsh words fell from her mouth, pinning onto Jaha like knives.

"Boyfriend?" Jaha questioned, eyebrow raising for effect.

"And what about it?"

"Nothing. If you and your boyfriend would like to get cleaned up, I'd be happy to show you a place I hope can be of use." Jaha offered, gesturing behind him to the many many ongoing rooms of the large building.

"And there it is, the first good thing you've said in years."

Jaha's offer had turned out to be useful and this came as a shocking surprise to the typically skeptical girl. She wasn't doubtful with most people and her nature was always to give others the benefit of the doubt however when it came to Jaha, she could never bring herself to do so. She saw red whenever she looked at him.

A still unconscious Murphy sat gently against the wall, his back pressing against the cool marble while his head hung loosely. Sage had already cleaned the boy's hair using a variety of hair products suitable for use on dry hair.

Next, she shaved his unruly beard, only knowing how to do so via the days she used to spend grooming her father's face free of hair. It wasn't that he couldn't do it himself but his daughter insisted on helping him every time, even since she was but a little girl, standing on the bathroom counter to reach her father's face which she carefully scraped the hair off of with a razor in one hand and a hand full of shaving cream in the other.

So, for once, Sage knew what she was doing. She carefully ran the razor over the boy's foam covered cheeks, gliding it gently over his skin, doing her best to assure she didn't cut him. Soon, the girl found herself wiping away the remaining mess adorning his cheeks. Sage liked the way he looked without all the hair, he looked cleaner, younger, more innocent. Obviously he wasn't innocent, he never could be but it didn't matter to her, innocence was overrated.

Waiting outside for the pair was a living room of some sorts, complete with a large television and an assortment of different lounges, all shapes and sizes. Sage hauled the boy through the luxurious room, cringing when a shatter filled the room after the boy's unconscious body knocked into a clearly extravagant abstract glass sculpture of a head surrounded by strings of flowers. It was beautiful, emphasis on was.

Sage led the both of them swiftly around the pile of shattered glass, careful not to step in or near it. The grey fabric lounge soon became home to the exhausted boy, laying him down gently, Sage let him be. She could almost see the dreams at work behind his closed eyes.

Feeling suddenly unclean herself, Sage headed back into the bathroom to clean up herself rather than sit and watch the sleeping boy. When she came face to face with her reflection she almost screamed in fright, she looked hideous. She cringed at the sight and glanced down at the products she had used for Murphy. She started by combing through her hair, terminating every last knot, despite the pain it came along with. She then proceeded to use a kind of moisturiser on her face and neck, feeling more hygienic by the second.

During the silence, Sage had a lot of time to think. Surprisingly she wasn't as furious as she thought she'd be. Both she and Murphy were trapped in the bunker for eighty four days, losing their minds and spiralling into insanity while Jaha was living only miles away, living the most privileged life he had ever experienced, and he was a former chancellor, it was a pretty big deal. She was angry at him yes but mostly she was just relieved to be free, to be with Murphy, both alive and well. It was a miracle in a way. She blamed her positive outlook on her typically optimistic nature. That had to be it.

Meanwhile out on the lounge, a certain Murphy stirred in his sleep, rustling and messing up the pillows and blanket Sage had set upon him. He ignored the dishevelling mess he had caused and picked himself up off the temporary bed, only now noticing his new footwear, clean and free of mud. Looking left and right he searched for his companion yet she was nowhere in sight. A frown etched into his eyebrows as his heart picked up in pace, there was no sign of her ever being there. Thus his feet shuffled into the adjacent rooms, finding empty spaces with little amounts of furniture and nothing of the girl.

Making his way into the bathroom, Murphy was swarmed with relief, for, stood in the middle of the lavatory was none other than his precious Sage, smearing some kind of white cream onto her face.

"Oh, Sage. Thank God." Murphy breathed out a sigh of relief, engulfing the girl in a crushing embrace. She frowned as the boy pulled her to his chest, holding her tightly as she gently patted his back in confusion.

"I'm right here, what's wrong?" She asked.

"No, nothing I just um, I couldn't find you for a minute there and, well I wondered if maybe Jaha had done something to hurt you or."

"Don't worry, I'm okay." She assured with a small chuckle, she placed her hand gently upon his cheek before pushing onto her tiptoes and placing a small kiss onto his finally clean lips. They no longer smelt of brandy or whiskey or any alcohol for that matter. She didn't know if she liked it or not.

"Where is Jaha?" Murphy asked after slowly opening his eyes.

"I'm not sure. Last I saw he was showing me to this room." Sage informed with a shrug. "I didn't really ask any questions, I didn't want to be left to make a decision without you."

"Hmm, you're the cutest." Murphy's lips spread into a smile.

"Perhaps Jaha's waiting for us."

"Only one way to find out."

Murphy laced his fingers with Sage's before leading the both of them out into the main hallway and back to where Sage had left Murphy, only now discovering the apple and glass of water laying idly upon the table beside his former bed like lounge.

Well the glass was only half full.

Along with the new snack and beverage, there was another ornament you might say, lingering in the room. Kneeling upon the carpet was a calmed Jaha who appeared to be in the middle of some kind of meditation practice. Sage studied his demeanour, snickering when he made a humming like noise.

"Jaha?" Murphy called. The man made no response, his features didn't even falter. "Hey, wake up." He commanded after a whistle.

"Thelonious isn't here, John." A robotic voice from behind spoke. Sage whipped around, ignoring the hair flipping onto her shoulder.

  "Miss Noon." The woman nodded, turning to Sage who frowned skeptically.

The woman was quite odd looking, for she showed no sign of any dirt or natural essence over her clothing or skin. In fact she was sporting a rather prestigious,sleek red dress which hugged her figure. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail so tight Sage was convinced could not be good for her hairline. She was also wearing a face full of makeup, something Sage had never been so fortunate to try out. She only knew of it because of the television programs she had viewed during her days in the bunker.

Sage suddenly felt self conscious compared to the red lipped queen like woman, her head was held high and not one hair on her head was out of place. Her skin was partially pale and her lips were but a thin line of lipstick. To say she and Sage were opposites would be quite the understatement.

"Where is he then?" Murphy inquired, shuffling an inch closer to Sage.

"He's in the city of light." The woman answered. Sage was already getting sick of her voice, all robotic and elegant sounding. It was unnatural. Surely she wasn't a real person.

Sage's assumptions were encouraged when Murphy accused the woman. "I know what you are."

He glanced over to Sage who had fortunately picked up the blood red apple from the counter and held it firmly in her hand. She passed said fruit to the boy, catching the rift of his next move, launching it in the woman's direction, confirming their suspicions once and for all and flew right through her. She didn't really react but instead watched as it rolled away, the sound of it hitting the floor being the only other thing to break the silence that had developed.

"It's refreshing to be around people who understand technology again." The woman stated, highlighting she was apparently A-okay with fruit being hurled her way if it meant they were aware of her non human properties. The whole thing was a bit screwed up, and Sage suspected this was only the start of something stranger.

"Let us explain." A much deeper and more human like voice spoke up. Sage jumped at the new voice, bringing Murphy yet another step closer to her. She hadn't realised the older man was finished whatever ritual mumbo jumbo shit he was formerly preoccupied with.

"That's a good idea." Murphy nodded.

"Why don't you start with why you left us locked in that bunker while you were here living like a king?" Murphy spat bitterly. The words sounded like venom dripping off his tongue. He was obviously a tad more displeased with the circumstances.

"The outside world means nothing. In the city of light we are all kings." Jaha responded rather vaguely, dodging the inquiry completely.

"Or queens." Sage muttered beneath her breath.

"And here I thought I was the one losing my mind." Murphy accused, yet again. Pretty much everyone in the room was willing to play the blame game.

"It's the truth." The woman Sage was really getting sick of calling 'bitch in the red dress' in her mind spoke.

"Oh, is it just?" Sage inquired sarcastically, turning her head to face the woman and send her a snarky smile.

"I can show you." She defended, staring Sage dead in the eye.

"Okay, you do know she's the one who launched the bombs that ended the world right?" Murphy brought up, referencing the video he had found in the bunker and later showed to Sage.

"Wrong." Jaha declined. Sage rolled her eyes.

"She didn't end the world." He continued, strolling past the pair and now standing beside the woman and completing a mirror image, a man and woman side by side. Although one side of the mirror were teenagers and not nearly as fortunate to have been given the same fate as the older counterparts.

"She saved it." Jaha revealed, as if it were some great movie moment where the heroes united and all was well in the world. Sage mentally scoffed at the idea and glanced up to Murphy whose eyes were trained on the man. Her eyes diverted to the red dress lady and discovered she already focused on her. She raised an eyebrow while Sage only eyed her up and down, sending her the dirtiest look she could fathom. Boy, this chick was really pissing her off.

"We're so outta here." Murphy started, scoffing and shaking his head before turning to face the girl.

The boy carefully placed his hand upon her lower back and led her out into the hallway, leaving the deranged pair where they belonged in their fake reality.

"Let them go, they'll come around." Sage briefly heard the robotic voice speak from the other room, the sound waves travelling down the hall and eventually reaching her ears.

"Come around my ass." Sage muttered bitterly, revamping Murphy's tone in the previous argument.

author's note.

hi friends! here's another chapter for y'all, sorry for taking forever to upload this but it's here nowwww and you can all enjoy it! i really love this chapter and I'm so excited for you all to read act two of sinking sun, it's gonna be a roller coaster y'all

anyway, ty all for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment!

- clovdy

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