The Unfortunate Task of Dating

By Rhirhi99

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Everyone around Ava seems to be in a relationship and maturing as couples. This never used to worry Ava howev... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eleven

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By Rhirhi99

It is now the night of my date and my nerves are shooting through the roof. I'm obviously just super excited for this date, I think he could be a real winner. Lizzy had plans with Grace tonight so she left me without supervision to dress myself although I must say that I think I am making progress because I think I am looking pretty damn good.

I turn from side to side, to try and look at myself from all angles. I've decided to go more casual today, just a nice dressy black and white shirt with black jeans that I have rolled up at the ankles and a pair of white shoes. I braided my hair this morning and so now it is curly and I've just put it up into a simple pony tail.

I'm feeling good about myself and I have a feeling that this date is going to go really well.

Mum walks into my room and once again snaps a photo of me.

"Is it really necessary to have a photo of me before every date?" I question as I grab my purse and phone.

"You just don't understand. Just you wait until you become a mother," she replies as she slips her phone in her pocket.

"Yeah well at this rate I don't think I'll even have the option to become a mum."

"Well you won't with that attitude. And you definitely won't if we don't get there on time," she says as she motions towards the door.

"Okay I get it, lets go," I reply as I walk past her and head in the direction of the car. I really hope this date turns out okay. I'm not sure I will have the will power to carry on going to too many more.


I turn my phone over again to check the time. Maybe the traffic was bad. Or maybe someone hurt themselves and he was the only one there to help them. I'm sure he has a perfectly good reason for being late.


I've slid down in my chair and have been occupying my time by ripping up the napkin in front of me. Maybe he got lost and doesn't know where he is or how to get here. Maybe he got stuck at the railway crossing because one of those massive cargo trains went by which takes forever. Maybe I should just message him? But I don't want to seem annoying if there really is a good reason why he is late. I'll just send him one message, that won't do any harm.

Avababy99: Hey just confirming that you are still coming tonight.

Avababy99: :)

I think the smiley face was a nice touch, it just makes me appear... nicer.


No reply and no date, great. I'm slouched over the table and I don't even care about the looks that I'm getting from the other customers. Is this me getting stood up? Why would you agree to go on a date and not turn up?

I've seen glances shot my way from Mason but he's not serving my table tonight and part of me is thankful for that. It is much easier to keep my mind off of him when he's not here talking to me.


Should I just go home? But then I am going to will need to have the conversation with mum that I just sat here for an hour even though the whole restaurant could clearly see that I had been stood up. I guess this is when you know you've hit rock bottom. When your date doesn't even show. Or maybe he did show but took one look at me and bolted in the opposite direction. I'm so glad I chose against ditching my dates because this is a really shitty feeling and I feel so sorry for anyone else who has had to go through with this.


Avababy99: I guess it's safe to say that you're not showing up which is cool but would it have killed you to send me a message? Instead I've just sat here like an idiot for over an hour, thinking that eventually you would show up.


Avababy99: Screw you. You missed out on a great date and I should tell you mister that I've been told multiple times that I am great entertainment.

Avababy99: Message returned. For assistance, please click here.

Message returned? Why would my message be returned? I try resending it but the same message pops up. Clicking on the assistance button a new screen pops up.

Reasons why your message has been returned:

1. No internet connection.

2. The other person has deactivated their account

3. You have been blocked.

The page continues with different reasons for returned messages and the steps you can take to try and solve the issue but I stop at 'you have been blocked' because something inside me tells me that's what has happened. The dick blocked me. He. Blocked. Me. What right does he think he has to block me when I'm the one who got stood up? How is that fair?

Slamming my phone down on the table I sit back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest, glaring at the spot across from me.

"I don't think he's coming," A voice whispers in my ear. Mason.

"Wow thanks captain obvious! What would I have done without you?" I say, venom lacing every word.

"Hey, I'm not the one you are angry with," Mason says, holding his hands up in defence.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated, and disappointed and angry because he blocked me and didn't even have the decency to message me and say he couldn't make it!" I say, each word getting louder and louder.

Mason sits across from me and I try to figure out what he is thinking.

"Let's get out of here," he says, leaning his head to the side.

"But your working," I say looking at him as though he's lost his mind.

"It's fine, trust me. They're quiet tonight and they owe me anyway."

"Where would we even go?"

"Does it matter?"

I consider this in my head and decide that I really don't want to go home yet because I know mum will still be up.

"Okay," I say nodding my head.

"Okay," Mason says smiling. He stands up and tells me to go wait outside. He finishes cleaning up a table and goes to talk with his co-worker quickly. I turn around as he points in my direction, not wanting it to look like I'm snooping.

I hear the door open and I feel Mason stand beside me.

"My car is this way," he motions and slowly starts heading around the corner, giving me time to catch up to him.

He helps me into his car and we drive in silence for a while.

I enjoy listening to his music, it's calming. I watch as the world passes us by. I don't even think I'm sad. In my heart I knew this date wasn't going to work out but still, I feel a bit dejected. Maybe it's because I worked myself up so much for it. I was so focused on it because I didn't want to think about...

I look over at Mason. He is very attractive and I think I didn't want to admit it because he got on my nerves so much. I didn't want to admit that that stupid smirk actually got me hooked, it made me notice him.

"Feel free to take a picture," Mason says without looking at me.

"I wasn't looking at you, I was looking at the view," I say turning back to look out of the front window, my cheeks hot from embarrassment.

I try to sneak a glance at him, trying my best to not turn my head and simply just look with my eyes but as soon as I do he turns to look at me with a big smirk on his face.

I turn away from him quickly and close my eyes for a few minutes, trying to gather my thoughts.

"We're here," he says as he puts the car in park and kills the ignition.

Looking up, I see the most beautiful view. We are up in the mountains and we can see the whole city from up here.

"It's gorgeous," I say completely in awe.

"I know, I come here all the time when I just want some time to myself."

He opens his door and gets out, I follow his lead. He grabs a blanket from the boot of his car and together, we walk down a little track till we stop at a spot where we have an even better view of the city. I watch as Mason opens the blanket onto the floor and sits down on it. Slowly I lower myself next to him and we stare at the view in front of us.

"So why are you going on all of these dates anyway?" he questions, not looking at me but leaning back on his arms to get comfortable.

"I don't know. I guess I just got over being single. It's never really bothered me before, I was happy to do my own thing. I never really feel like a third wheel when I hang out with my friends and their partners and honestly I was thankful I didn't have to deal with the drama." I say as I lie back and stare at the sky.

"But?" he prompts.

"But. Sometimes I'm at home watching a movie or I'm eating lunch or at someone's party and I think, 'damn it would be nice to have a boyfriend right now.' Someone other than Lizzy who I can rely on and who I can do things with. I just think it would be nice. I wouldn't say I'm lonely but sometimes I feel really alone."

"I can understand that," he says and I'm thankful that is all he said because in that moment, I truly believe he did understand.

"So, how about you? Have you got any girls in your sights?" I question after a while, sitting up to look at him.

"Nah, not really. I had a girlfriend where I used to live but we were both going down different paths and then we ended up moving so we ended it which was for the best really," he says, shrugging it off like it's nothing.

"Where did you used to live?" I question.


"Are you sad you moved?"

"Yes and no."

"You've got to elaborate more than that."

"No because I miss my friends. Yes because I needed a fresh start, my whole family did. They weren't doing so well over there and there were a lot of rumours going around as to how we were paying our bills and what not and when mum got a job offer for over here in Perth, it seemed like a blessing in disguise."

"People suck."

"That they do," he says but adds on the end, "well, most of them."

My heart skips a beat when he looks at me and I think he might kiss me but I turn away from him and look out at the view again.

"We should probably start heading home or my mums going to get worried," I say as I stand up.

"Oh yeah, of course," he says as he follows suit, picking up the blanket and throwing it back in the boot.

We pull up at the front of my house and just sit there for a moment.

"Thank you," I say and give his hand a squeeze.

Looking down at it I see him smile just before I pull my hand back.

"It's no problem. I would do it again any night," he says as he looks at me in the eyes.

I clear my throat and grab my things, turning to open the door. As I'm stepping out, Mason runs around to give me a hand.

We're standing on the grass and he's holding my hand and I'm sure he can see my heart beating. He steps closer to me, staring at me cautiously.

"Is this okay?" he whispers and I nod my head faintly.

Slowly he leans in and I swallow a big gulp of air.

"I've never kissed anyone before,' I whisper to him, our faces inches apart.

"That's okay," he smiles before his lips touch mine.

It wasn't anything crazy and it only lasted a couple of seconds but it was perfect. A perfect first kiss. It seemed like the perfect moment. A moment that couldn't be ruined, but then the sprinklers came on. I screamed out of shock and we both look at each other before laughing and running onto the road so we don't get completely soaked. I walk him to his door and he hops in, putting the window down.

"I'll see you soon Ava," he says and the words wash over me like a warm shower.

"I'll see you soon Mason," I say back as he puts his car into gear and drives off. Mental note, learn our watering schedule.

A goofy grin on my face I walk inside dripping wet. Mum walks out of the kitchen and I'm surprised to see her up.

"A good date?" she questions, a smile playing at her lips.

"No," I laugh shaking my head.

"Then what has you so happy?" she questions, a curious laugh escaping her mouth.

"I kissed a boy," I say deliriously happy.

I walk with her to the lounge room and she makes us both a hot chocolate. I go and change into some pyjamas so I am nice and dry and warm. From there, I tell her the events from tonight in detail and we both end up laughing and we sit there for a while, just sipping our drinks and leaning into each other.

"Do you have a photo of him?" Mum questions as she stands up and takes our cups to the sink to rinse out.

Googling his name again, I show her some of the photos that come up.

"Oh, he is a bit of a cutie, isn't he?" mum says, flicking through the photos.

"Yeah, he is," I giggle.

"So when are you going to see him next?"

"I have absolutely no idea."

And with that being said we make our way to bed.

I crawl under the covers and pull Mr. Teddy up with me.

"Looks like you're out of luck Mr. Teddy, it seems I've found myself a man," I whisper to him.

Turning off my lamp, I fall asleep, my heart full and a smile still on my lips.

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