Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thund...

By Creativity77

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In this third book of the Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans series, The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane... More

Chapter One+New Mini Contest+ Update on Haunted Thundermans
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4+Update on Haunted Thundermans
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Book IV Contests

Chapter 7

659 23 2
By Creativity77

Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: The Phantoms

Chapter Seven: Heading To Hiddenville

Sam Puckett POV

"Sam, I can't believe that you're doing this to me a again!" Cat complained, "Can you please hurry up!?!?"

It was now 10:10 in the morning on Saturday, October 18th and I was just packing up the last of my things up in the bedroom that Cat and I share, so that Cat, Nona, Dice, Goomer, and I could leave for Hiddenville soon. We decided to drive to Hiddenville, instead of driving there because California and Nevada are right next to each other, so it doesn't really make sense.

"Why do we have to rush?" I asked Cat, "It's not like we're flying there and we have to get to the airport before our plane leaves!"

"No, but Nona did say that she wanted to leave around ten, so that we could get there around two!"

"Chillax, it's only ten after ten, which isn't that late."

Cat put her hands on her hips and raised one eyebrow. "But, how long is it going to take for you to pack the rest of your stuff up?"

"Well, I'd be a lot quicker if you were to help me, instead of just standing there, watching me pack my stuff up!"

"I can't believe you're doing this to me again, Sam," I heard Cat mumble, as she made her way over to my black, opened suitcase that was laying on top of my bed, "You did the same exact thing right before we left for Mexico..."

With Cat's help, it only took us about ten minutes to pack the rest of my stuff up.

"Sam, before we go, do you need to go to the bathroom or get something to eat or drink?" Cat asked me.

"Nah, I'm good. I just went to the bathroom a little awhile ago and I ate a huge tub of chicken before I started to pack my things up," I told Cat, "Do you need to do anything before we leave?"


"Ok, let's go then!"

Cat and I rolled our suitcases out of out the door and into the hallway. We made sure that we locked all of the doors, so that nobody could break into our apartment, while we are gone. As soon as we had reached the exit, we saw Goomer's huge, silver truck pulled right up next to the curb. Cat and I immediately sprinted towards it. I got there before Cat did, so I pulled the right back door open and climbed into the middle back seat right next to Dice. As soon as I had gotten in, I threw my suitcase in the back of the truck. As soon as Cat had gotten inside, she shut the door and threw her suitcase in the back, along with mine.

"Hey, Sam and Cat!" Dice greeted us, "What took you guys so long?"

"Oh, it was nothing really, except for the fact Sam decided packed her stuff up at the last minute and I had to help her!" Cat told Dice in an annoyed tone.

"Wait, isn't that what happened last time?"

"Yeah, she did it to me again!"

"Sam, can't you just pack your things up the day before or a couple of hours before you have to leave, like the rest of us?" Nona asked.

"Yeah, I could, but here's the thing, Nona," I began.


"I'm just too lazy too do it. My laziness over powers my motivations."

"Well, how about you start being less lazy, so that we do things like this together, we can all be on time and now be late because of you!"

"Hey, whoever said that we had to be in Hiddenville by a certain time?"

"She has a point, you know," Dice pointed out.

"Oh, be quiet, Dice!" Nona said, seeming a bit annoyed with Dice butting into her conversation, "I told all of you that I wanted to leave by ten, so that we could get there around two!"

"Stop it!" Cat shouted, breaking up the feud that was starting, "Today, we are going to see all of our friends in Nevada and I want none of us to fight, so that we can all have a good time! I want all of us to be happy, happy, happy! Got it?"

"Ugghh... Yes, Cat," Goomer, Dice, Nona, and I all sighed.

"Ok, good," Cat replied, "Goomer, we can leave now."

"Kk," Goomer replied, as he started up the truck, "I'm so excited! I'm going to drive into another state for the very first time!"

"Yeah, I'm excited too!" Dice agreed.

"Me too!" Cat, Nona, and I agreed.

"Hey, let's all sing a song!" Cat suggested after about an hour of driving.

"Kk!" Goomer replied.

"What song shall we sing?" Nona asked.

"How about the silent song?" I suggested.

"What song is that?" Dice asked.

"It's a song that you sing in your head, so the people around you can't hear you singing!"

"Well, ok!"

Cat just sat there in complete silence, staring at absolutely nothing for a moment.

"Oh my gosh, did she buy it!?!?" I thought to myself.

"I don't like this song," Cat stated after awhile, "Can we please sing a different one?"

"Yeah, me neither!" Goomer agreed.

"Umm ok...," Dice and Nona said, seeming a bit weirded out.

"Ooh, let's sing The Wheels on the Bus!" Cat suggested.

"Ok!" Goomer, Nona, and Dice agreed.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round!" Cat sang, "Sing it with me!"

"Round and round! Round and round!" Cat, Dice, Goomer, and Nona sang all together.

"Come on, sing it with us, Sam!" Goomer told me.

"Yeah, come on, sing with us!" Cat agreed, "It'll be fun!"

"Fine!" I groaned, "I will glue all your mouths shut and shut! Shut and shut! Shut and shut! I will glue all of your mouths shut and shut, if you don't stop!"

"Well, if you didn't want to sing with us, you could of just said so!" Nona told me.

"Well, did you guys actually think that I was going to sing stupid, annoying songs with you?"

"Yeah, I guess not," Cat answered.

"So, I'm guessing that you don't want us to sing then," Dice stated.

"No, I do not," I answered.

"Why don't we just turn the radio on instead?" Goomer suggested.

"Yes, thank you, Goomer," I sighed out of relief.

"Alright, I'll put on some tunes for us all," Nona announced.

"Please don't be anybody's favorite song, please don't be anybody's favorite song!" I thought to myself, as Nona pressed the little button on the radio that turns it on, "And if it is, then please let it be my favorite song!"

I groaned as soon as I had realized what song was on. It was Just Fine, Dice's favorite song.

"Please don't sing it, please don't sing it!" I whispered, as I crossed my fingers.

"I'm never that far, no mater where you are! Believe it, we can make it come true! We'll do it our way, no matter what they say-" Dice managed to sing, before I cut him off.

"Dice?" Interrupted him.

"Yeah, Sam?"

"Please stop singing, before I actually glue your mouth shut!"

"Ok, ok! I'll stop!"

It now has been almost four hours, since we left Los Angeles. So far, nobody tried to sing, since I told Dice to stop. Hopefully, nobody will try to do anything that will annoy me again, considering the fact that we are almost at our hotel.

"I'm bored," Cat announced, "Can we play a game or something?"

"Suurree!" Goomer answered, "What game can we play?"

"Ooh, how about I Spy?" Nona suggested.

"Cat, if you're bored, then go on your phone!" I exclaimed.

"But, I want to play a game!" Cat complained.

"You can play a game on your phone! Besides, you probably won't have that much time to play I Spy, since we're almost there!"

"Yeah, we probably won't," Dice agreed.

"See, Dice agrees!"

"Fine, I'll play on my phone," Cat grumbled, as she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

I sighed. "Thank you!"

It was around 2:30 by the time that we had reached the hotel. We had decided to stay at a Hilton in Hiddenville. As son as Nona had checked us in, the people at the check-in desk handed us our room keys and we strolled our suitcases through the hallway and towards the elevators. As if he was a little kid again, Goomer ran up to the elevators and pressed the little, white "up" button on the silver panel that was right in between of the two silver elevators. About a second later, the doors on the elevator on the left glided apart from each other, letting us step inside the tiny box. I had noticed that the numbers only went up to four, meaning that there were only five floors in the whole entire hotel. Since our room number was 321, I pressed the button with the number, "3" on it. As soon as the elevator doors had opened up again, we got out and started to look for our hotel room. I then saw a little golden sign that was nailed into the wall that read, "Rooms 320-340 ------>."

"Guys, our room is to the right," I told Cat, Dice, Goomer, and Nona.

"What makes you say that?" Goomer asked.

I then pointed towards the sign.


Cat, Dice, Goomer, Nona, and I then turned down the hallway that was to our right. It only took us about ten seconds to find room 321. Nona then put her room key through the little slot on the handle. As soon as she saw the green light go off, letting her know that the door was now unlocked, she opened the door, letting us all step inside the hotel room. Our room was big, but not as big as the one in Mexico. It had two bathrooms, a bedroom with two double-sized beds, a living room with two red couches that had pull-out beds inside of them, a dresser, a mini fridge, a closet, and a safe. Cat and I strolled our suitcases into the bedroom, where we would be sleeping. We both threw our suitcases on top of the bed to the right of us. Yes, Cat and I would be sharing a bed. Nona would be sleeping in the one next to us and Dice and Goomer would be sleeping on the pull-out beds in the living room. Then all of the sudden, Cat and I both heard two loud, "Ding!"s. Apparently, one of our friends had started a group chat. Cat and I quickly pulled our phones out of our pockets to see who had texted us. It was from Taylor.

The text read, "Hey, guys! It's Taylor! Mom, Frankie, and I just got in our hotel room and we would like to know when and where we could all meet up together."

I unlocked my phone and opened my Messages app to see that Freddie, Spencer, Miles, Phoebe, and Carly were in the chat, as well as Cat, Taylor, and I.

"Cool! We just got in ours too!" Cat replied.

"Cool! Freddie and I just got here too!" Spencer told us.

"Wait, Taylor, how the heck did u get my and Spencer's phone numbers!?!?" Freddie asked.

"I asked Carly for them," Taylor answered.

"Yeah, we were just texting each other," Carly added.

"Oh," Freddie and Spencer replied.

"I'm so glad that u guys r finally here! Dad, Louie, and I all have been waiting for u guys for hours!" Miles told us.

"I'm excited too, Miles!" Phoebe agreed.

"Me too!" Spencer, Freddie, Carly, Cat, Taylor, and I all agreed.

"Well, Carly and I r gonna go tell Mom, Dad, Max, Nora, and, Billy that u guys r all here and ask when we could all meet up," Phoebe announced.

"So brb," Carly added.


"Ok," Cat, Freddie, Miles, Spencer, Taylor, and I replied.

"So what hotels r u guys all staying at?" I asked.

"Spencer and I r staying at the Hilton in Hiddenville. How about u guys?" Freddie asked.

"Omg that's where we're staying!" Taylor told us.

"Omg we're staying there too!" Cat told everybody in the chat.

"Omg I can't believe that we're all staying in the same exact hotel!" Spencer exclaimed.

"Me neither!" Cat, Freddie, Taylor, and I agreed.

"So, Miles, what hotel r u, ur dad, and Louie staying at?" Spencer asked.

"We're staying at a Holiday Inn," Miles finally answered after a minute of not getting back to Spencer.

"They have Holiday Inn Ghost Hotels?" Cat asked, turning towards me.

"No, Cat, they probably don't!" I answered.

"But, Miles said-"

"Miles was lying! They're probably just staying at some ghost hotel with some kind of ghost name!"

Cat gasped. "Why would he lie to us!?!?

"Because we don't know if Carly told him that he, Mr. Preston, and Louie are actually ghosts!"

"Oh, that makes sense."

I face palmed myself. "Well, duh!"

Cat and I then looked back down at our phones to see that Phoebe had texted us.

The text read, "Ok we're back! We just told Mom, Dad, Max, Nora, and Billy how u guys just got here and how we all want to meet up with each other. Mom and Dad said that u guys can all come over our house at 3:30 and stay until dinner if u would like."

"Wait, what's ur address?" Freddie asked.

"953 Hidden Lane."

"Ok ty! That sounds great, Phoebe! See u guys there!"

"Ur welcome and see u there!"

"Yeah see u guys there!" Carly added in.

"See u there, kiddo! I can't wait to see all of your cool super hero stuff!" Spencer exclaimed.

"Yeah me neither!" Miles, Taylor, Cat, Freddie, and I agreed.

"Bye guys!" Spencer and Freddie texted us.

"Bye!" Carly, Cat, Phoebe, Taylor, Miles, and I replied.

"I'm gonna go tell Dad and Louie about our plans," Miles announced.

"Yeah, I have to go tell Mom and Frankie about our plans too," Taylor told us.

"And Sam and I have to go tell Nona, Goomer, and Dice about it," Cat added.

"Ok," Phoebe and Carly replied.

"Guys, we have great news!" I announced, as Cat and I ran into the living room, where Goomer, Dice, and Nona were.

"What is it?" Dice asked.

"Well, first of all, Freddie, Spencer, Ms. Hathaway, Taylor, Frankie, Mr. Preston, and Louie are now in Hiddenville and we just found out that Freddie, Spencer, Ms. Hathaway, Taylor, and Frankie are staying in the same exact hotel as we are!" Cat told them.

"Oh my gosh, that's so cool!" Goomer exclaimed with excitement.

"So, where are the Preston's staying at?" Nona asked, "Did they tell you?"

"Well, Miles told us that they're staying at a Holiday Inn, but Sam and I think that he's lying because we don't know if Spencer knows about him, Mr. Preston, and Louie being ghosts." Cat answered.

"Yeah, they're probably just staying at some ghost hotel," I added.

"Yeah," Nona, Goomer, and Dice agreed.

"So, what else did you guys want to tell us?" Dice asked.

"Well, Phoebe and Carly just invited all of us over their house," I told everybody, "They said to be there at 3:30 and that we can over there for dinner."

"Awesome! What time is it now?"

We then all looked over at the clock that was on the nightstand that was right next to the couch.

"Well, the clock says that it's 2:45, so that means that we have exactly forty-five minutes, until we have to be there," Nona announced.

"Ok," Cat, Dice, Goomer, and I replied.

"This is so exciting!" Goomer exclaimed with joy, "Ever since the Thunderman's told us that they were super heroes, I've always wanted to go to their house!"

"Yeah, me too!" Dice, Cat, Nona, and I agreed.

"I bet that they have a bunch of things in their house that a house full of normal people, like us wouldn't have," Dice stated.

"Yeah, I bet they do," I agreed.

"That's why I can't wait until we get there!" Goomer told us, "I wanna see all of the cool things that they have!"

"Me too!" We all agreed.

"Well, I'm gonna go text everybody and tell them what you guys said," Cat announced, as she began to walk back towards our bedroom.

"Yeah, me too," I said, as I followed Cat.

"Ok, Nona, Goomer, and Dice replied.

As soon as Cat and I got back in our bedroom, we picked up our phones that we had left on top of our bed. I turned on my phone to see two texts across my screen. One was from Taylor and one was from Miles.

The one from Taylor read, "I just told Mom and Frankie and they r both very excited to see all of you once again and so am I!"

The one from Miles read, "And I just told Dad and Louie and we r all very excited to see all of you too!"

"And Sam and I just told Nona, Dice, and Goomer and we r all very excited too!" Cat added.

"Cool! Mom, Dad, Carly, Max, Nora, Billy, and I are excited too!"

"Yeah," Carly agreed.

"Cat, Dice, Goomer, Nona, and I r all very excited to finally get to see ur house, Carly and Phoebe!" I texted.

"Lol ikr," Taylor agreed.

"Lol," Carly, Cat, Miles, Phoebe, and I replied.

"So anyways see u guys later!" Miles texted us.

"Kk bye!" Cat replied.

"Bye!" Miles, Taylor, Carly, Phoebe, and I replied, ending our conversation.

"Ok, is everybody ready to go?" Nona asked Goomer, Dice, Cat, and I, ten minutes before 3:30.

We all nodded.

"Alright, let's go then!" Nona told us, as she headed out the door and into the hallway.

Goomer, Dice, Cat, and I immediately followed her out and closed the door behind us.

"Man, I can't believe that I'm going to a bunch of sup-" Goomer managed to say, before Dice gave him a nudge.

"Ow!" He said out of pain, "What did you do that for, Dice!?!?"

"You were about to say one of the secrets that we promised never to tell anyone in public!" Dice whispered.


"The Thunderman's secret!"

"Ohhh! Well, at least you stopped me before I could say it."

"Well, thank goodness he did because what if somebody heard us!?!?" I asked, "We promised not to ever tell anybody about their secret, unless it was ok with them!"

"And we would be breaking our promise!" Cat added.

"Exactly!" Dice agreed.

As soon as we made it around the hall, Goomer ran towards the elevators like a little kid again and pressed the "down" button. About a minute later, the doors of the elevator on the right glided apart from each other, letting us step inside of the elevator. As soon as we had all gotten inside, Dice pressed the button with the number "1" on it. As soon as the doors shut us inside, the elevator started to go down. About a few seconds later, the doors opened up again, letting us step into the hallway on the first floor. We then made our way towards the lobby and out the door.

As soon as we made it outside of the hotel, we started to look for Goomer's huge, silver truck in the parking lot. Thankfully, it only took us about a minute to find it. As soon as we had all climbed inside, buckled our seat belts, and closed the doors, I set put our destination into my Google Maps app on my phone and we were off to the Thunderman's house!

A/N: Since nobody entered the two past contests, I think that I'm just going to do mini contests on Saturdays. Is that alright with you guys?


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