The Girl Who lived, loved and...

By MidnightMadness_147

223K 5K 382

I'm sure you've read 100 stories about Harry Potter sister. And maybe this one isn't any different. Or maybe... More

The night it all happened
lily Potter ?
We meet again
4 Champions
Its getting Sirius
Charlie Weasley
The first Trial
Pre Ball Jitters.
Yule ball
After math
The Day Before
The Second trial
A Meeting with Padfoot
Letters, Crouch, Twins oh my
Family and Friends
The Third Trial
He Returns.
Summer days
Family trouble
Dinner party
Noble house of black
Prefect Party
Warning back to Hogwarts.
Classes 2
Day at Hogsmeade
High Inquisitor
Taking things up a notch
Dumbledore's Army
Quidditch War
St Mungo's Hospital
St Mungo's Hospital pt2
Merry Christmas
Fun times over
Umbrige is a Bitch
letting the public know
Change in management
Ill figure it out later
The Ultimate Exit
Owls /Newts
Depart for Department of Mysteries
Battle at the Department Of Mysteries
The Second War begins
Business as usual
Happy Depressing Birthday
Re-acquaintaned with Hogwarts
independent variable
To the night of the party.
Christmas with the Weasely's
Happy birthday
Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Battle at the Astronomy Tower pt2
Worriors Death
Grimmauld Place
The Ministry
Theres a lot we dont know
If Not Us Who?
Godric's Hollow
Question and few answers
Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manner
Bill and Fleur's Cottage
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Gotta get back to school
Battle of Hogwarts
Beginning of the End
The beginning meets the end
The War to End all Wars
The End is Only The Beginning
19 years later.


1.5K 49 0
By MidnightMadness_147

It was Tuesday morning. Danie was eating breakfast absent-mindedly. Harry had also gotten detention with Umbridge. He had another outburst, he needs to learn to control his anger. Angelina say down. Frustration clear on his face. " I told him I wanted the whole team there for the tryouts and he's gone and gotten himself detention!" She groaned. " It's not entirely his fault. Professor Umbridge it .....Besides Harry has alot on his mind at the moment. He would much rather be at tryouts then detention" Danie explained calmly. " I know I know. It's just first impression are everything and this is my first year as captain I want everything to go perfectly" " you'll make a great captain Angelina" she shrugged. The day went by pretty fast. She before she knew it she was back in the dorms working on her homework. Professor Snape wanted a essay on moonstone and it's property. McGonagall wanted them to practice transform your hair. Similar to what Tonks could do naturally. Flitwick had them working on an organization charm. Umbridge gave them an essay on chapter 2 of Defensive Magical theory. " It's NOT Excellent!" Danie heard Hermione yell from the common room. Danie walked downstairs and into the common room. " If you don't stop doing it I'm going to---"
"But us in detection?" Fred said.
"Make us write lines" George smirked. Hermione stood up straight. She had a fire in her eyes. " No" her voice filled with anger. " But I will write to your mother" Danie found herself placing a hand over her mouth to his her laughter. " You wouldn't" George sounded horrified. " Oh yes I would , I can't stop you eating the stupid things yourself but you're not to give them to first years" she shoved a clipboard and a paper bag into Fred's hands and left. Danie noticed the first years starting to wake up around her feet. " What did you do to them!" Danie glared at the twins . They and lee jumped a little, not noticing that she had entered the room. Danie kneeled down. " Are you ok?" She asked a small first year boy. " Yeah, just sleepy" Danie stood up. " If you can manage I suggest you all get to bed and sleep off whatever it is these three gave to you" the first years did as she suggested and left. " First years are you serious!" She stormed over to the three of them. " You're not siding with Hermione are you ?" Fred groaned. " Yes I am! You do not test you products on 11 year olds! 14 and up at least! But not first years!" " So you support us testing our products" George smiled. " Not on first years! " She turned and left. She had detention with Umbridge in an hour and she wanted to finish at least half of her homework before then. She had Harry left at around 5 to 5. "So McGonagall really offered you a biscuit when she found out?" Harry nodded his head. Danie couldn't help but laugh. " That's great. Did Angelina came and talk to you ?" " Talk isn't the word I would use" Harry groaned. " It's not like I wanted to get detention!" Harry flung his arms up in frustration. " Don't take it personally" Danie nicked on Umbridge office door. " Come in" the Potter siblings walked into her office. It was very pink and had a cat pictures covering every inche of the wall. " Good evening Potter's" " good evening Professor Umbridge" Danie greeted "evening professor Umbridge" Harry greeted. " Well sit down" their were 2 desks facing away from eachother. The 2 took their seats. "Er.... Professor Umbridge before we start want to ask you a.......a favor"
" Oh yes?"
"well I'm.... I'm in the Gryffindor Quidditch team and I was supposed to be at the tryouts for the new keeper at 5 on Friday and I was wondering whether I could skip detention that night and do it another night... instead?"
"Oh no" Umbridge was smiling brightly. " Oh, no,no,no This is your punishment for spreading evil nasty attention-seeking stories Mr. Potter and punishment certainly cannot be adjusted to suit the guilty ones convenience. No you will come here at five o'clock tomorrow and the next day and on Friday too. And you will do your detentions as planned. I think it's rather a good think that you are missing something you really want to do. It ought to reinforce the lesson I am trying to teach you" Danie took in a deep breath and let it go. Chills running all over herself. " The only lies being told are those from the ministry. " Danie said calmly. She could feel Umbridge eyes staring at her. " As for you Ms. Potter I have a different lesson planned for you. You'll be written lines for me. Oh no you will not be using your quills. You will be using special ones of mine. " She handed them each a normal looking quill. A piece of parchment was placed on Danie's desk. " I want you to write , 'I must not tell Lies' Mr. Potter. And you Ms. Potter will be writing ' I will not speak ''. " How many times" Danie and Harry ask at the same time. " Oh, just until it skinks in. " Danie felt shivers run down her spine. "You haven't given us any ink" Harry said. "Oh you won't be needing it" Umbridge smiled . Danie let out a sigh. 'I must not speak' on the parchment. The quill wrote in red ink. Danie hissed as she felt a rush if pain on the back of her hand. She trained around to looked at Harry. " Turn around Ms. Potter" Umbridge said. " Is something wrong" she was looking at Harry. " Nothing" he responded with. She looked satisfied. Danie started to write 'I must not speak' over and over again on the parchment. " put girls having videos in a school setting for over a decade now. They were thought to be a crule form of punishment and that those of sane mind would agree that it should not be used on children" Danie spoke as though she was having a natural conversation " yes we'll desperate times call for despite measures" Umbridge spoke in her usual peppy voice. " I now see exactly where the ministry stands in the pursuit of our academics. And you'll be pleased to know that I fully intend to change my ways". Danie did not let out any noise of pain. She sat up straight and acted perfectly normally. " I'm very glad to hear that Ms. Potter." About an hour passed before she dismissed them. Once the where back in Gryffindor tower. It was completely empty Danie took Harry by his uninjured hand and made him sit in one of the armchairs by the fire. "Let me see" Harry handed her is injuried hand. She summoned some bandages and a cream. The same cream she used for his leg and arm after the Triwizard Tournament. Danie kneeled down information if the chair and gentally applied some of the cream to his hand. " We can't tell anyone about this" Harry said. " I know" Danie said grimly. She wrapped Harry's hand lightly with bandages. " You can take the bandages off in the morning. " Danie said softly. " Get some sleep ok" he nodded and stood up. " Thanks Danie". "anytime Harry" Danie applied some cream and bandages on her own hand before going to bed. Hiding the cream and bandages in her trunk.

The next morning went by as normal. The class was tending to their Dittanies. "So all you had to to is write lines?" George asked. "Yep, stop if you put it into the soil like that you'll hurt it. You have to be gentle" Danie took George Dittany and placed it into the soil carefully. "Don't you know Georgie likes it rough" Fred joked. Danie throw a pebble at him. "I don't want you two getting detention. Not from Umbridge" Danie said returning to her own Dittany. " You just said all you had to do was write lines.". " So what if we get detention" the twins said. Danie finished planting her Dittany. "Just don't get detention. And try and stay on her good side. She does work for the ministry, you getting on her good side could help your dad" "fair point" Fred said shrugging. George gave Danie a look of concern. "I'm fine" .
Each night for the rest of the week Danie and Harry went too Professor Umbridge office and write lines with the blood quill. And after each detention Danie would apply ointment and bandages onto Harry than herself. The scars were easy enough to hide at first but by Thursday they were noticable to anyone close enough to make out the lettering. It was Thrusday evening. Danie was trying to help the twins with transfiguration homework. "Focus. You need to see the colour clearly in your mind" Danie instructed. " This is hopeless". "Useless!". "And boring" the finished in unison. " Just look at-" Danie had accidentally reached her right arms across the table to point out a part of their text book. Incidentally pulling up the sleeve of her robe to reveal the back of her hand. She quickly pulled it away and hid it under the table. She used her left hand to point out the passage in the textbook." Just look at what Fimber Mcquin says in the book" she went on as if nothing had happened. "Danie what was that?" George asked. " What was what?" She asked casually. " What was on the back of your hand" Fred asked." Oh nothing " she responded nervously. "Why is your hand in bandages?" George asked impatiently. " It's nothing just forget about it" Danie said avoiding eye contact with them. The twins exchanged looks. Fred and George stood up. George linked arms with Danie on one said and Fred on her other. The practically dragged her up to their dorm. Not many people where in the common room so no one noticed. The twins sat Danie on the middle bed. " Show us your hand" the demanded. " It's not a big deal" she insisted. George grabbed her bandaged hand. Danie tried to pull her hand away but his grip on her wrist was too Strong. "George let go!" " No" he carefully unwrapped the bandages. The first few layers were clean but with every layer he unwrapped it got bloodier and bloodier. Until the bandages where completely off. 'I will not speak ' cut into her hand. It was still fresh and raw. Fred looked like he could kill someone. George looked just as angry but more sympathetic. "Who did this?!" Fred almost yelled. " Keep your voice down!" Danie whisper yelled at him. " It was Umbridge wasn't it" George said. Danie looked at her feet. " You told us that she had you write line's! This this is ..." Fred was pacing around the room. " She did make me write lines. ...,with a blood quill" Danie's voice went quite for the last part. George was kneeling infront of the bed. " A what?" Fred stopped pacing and kneeled beside George. " A blood quill. They were used to punish the most troublesome of students. They haven't used them in years. Not since the 1940s at least" Danie explained. " This has to be illegal!" Fred said looking at her hand. " They are supposed to be but she said and I quote ' despite times calls for desperate measures' which implies that she is aloud to use them in a school setting. " There was a silence in the room. " Why didn't you tell anyone?" George asked darkly. " I can't tell anyone." Danie said quietly. " You could have told us!" Fred snapped. " This is more than just detention Fred. This is the ministry showing off the power it has not just over Harry and I but the school" she looked up at them. " That's why you didn't want us getting detention " George said quietly. " The less people know the less power she has. And the teachers wouldn't be able to do anything anyway" no one knew what to say. Danie took the bandages and rewrapped them around her hand. "Just don't tell anyone ok" she left the boys dormitory and left for her own.

The last attention finally came, it was Friday evening exactly 5. Harry and Danie walked into Professor Umbridge office and got straight to work.

I will not speak
I will not speak
I will not speak
I will not speak

With every sentence that was written the cuts on her hand became deeper and deeper. Blood began to trickle from her cuts on to the parchman staining it a brilliant red. They were only their for about an hour and a half before they were excused from her office. Umbridge' was holding Harry's had taking a look at the cuts on his hand. "Yes, It hurts, doesn't it?" She said with a wicked smile. Danie felt a burning sensation in her scar. But just as soon as it was there it was gone. " Well, I think you two have gotten my point , you may go" Danie and Harry hurried out of the room. "Did you?". " Yeah". " You don't think she's?". " Umbridge is evil but there is no way she if working for him, now let me see your hand" Danie said softly. Summoning her medical supplies. Cleaning Harry's cuts, applying the ointment and bandaged it. She repeated the same thing for her own hand and with a flick of her wand the supplies was gone. "Mimbulus Mimbletonia" the fat lady's portrait swing open and they walked into the common room. Harry walked over to Ron and Danie walked over to the twins and Lee. " How was detention?" Lee asked. Danie shrugged. " Boring, what the butter bear for?" " Oh Ron got on the Quidditch team" Lee said. " Oh brilliant! Good for him" Danie looked over at Ron talking to Harry. " Let's just hope he doesn't make a bloody fool of himself" Fred smirked. " Be nice to your brother" she snakes his arm. " Oi Danie want a butterbeer?" Lee asked. " Lee you know just how to treat a lady. I'd love one thank you" Danie said with a dramatic flare. Lee handed her a bottle. Danie opened her butterbeer and was about to take a sip when she noticed a group of first years that had clearly just had a nose bleed. " Fred.... George". " Yes" they said innocently. " I thought I told you not to test your products on first years" she said coldly. " She's over there!" Fred pointed at a sleeping Hermione on an arm chair. Fred and George walked away to go talk to Ron and Harry. " I swear, those two" Danie took a sip of her butterbeer. She walked over to the first years. " Are you lot ok?" The shook their heads yes. " Make sure you drink plenty of orange juice and plenty of meat and leafy greens for breakfast ok". " Ok ma'am" they said. " When did you become a doctor?" Lee asked. " I was raised by a werewolf and my brother is Harry Potter" she said in a dull voice. " Point taken. " The twins walked back over and received a snack on the arm each. " What was that for ?" The said in unison. " For testing on innocent first years" Danie whisper yelled at them. Not wanting to wake Hermione. "Hey Danie you coming up to the dorms?" Angelina asked. Alicia was standing next to her. "Yeah, I think I'll turn in early tonight" Angelina and Alicia walked up the stairs to the grills dormitory. Danie went to follow. " Oi Danie" she turned around. " Do you want to come watch up practice tomorrow? I- we where thinking we could all go to hogsmeade after" George said. Fred and Lee elbowing eachother. " Sure, it sound fun" She smiled at them and walked up the stairs and into her shared dorm room with Angelina and Alicia. The girls were changing into their pajamas. Danie just changed into a light pink pajamas shirt and loose bottoms. She got into bed. Angelina and Alicia were staring at her. "What?" " Well" Angelina said. " Well what?" "Fred". " Oh right, right. He's not interested in anyone as far as I can tell. But if you asked him on a date he would probably say yes" Danie explained. Angelina smiled and fell back onto her bed. " I don't know why you like him. He has the emotional range of a wall...with jokes written all over it" She said opening a book. " Well why do you like George. He's the same. " Danie stopped dead. She stared at Angelina with shock. "Me like George. Are you mental? I would never be interested in someone who gets by life by pulling pranks and testing dangerous products on 11 year olds" Danie said Firmly, returning to her book. " If that's true why did you agree to go to hogsmeat with him." Alicia teased. " Because we are going as a group" " whatever you say Potter, whatever you say".

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