Klance, Plance and Kidge ones...

By prettyterribleperson

14.9K 674 419

A bunch of short stories that have no home. Mainly Plance and Kidge, but I have the occasional Klance cause w... More

For the love of Sirens
Sing off
Tummy Aches
Bounty Hunter
Skating (Part 1)
Skating (Part 2)
Skating (Part 3)
Ghosts (Part 1)
Ghosts (Part 2)
Ghosts (Part 3)
Grief: Denial (Part 1)
Greif: Anger (Part 2)
Grief: Bargaining (Part 3)
Grief: Depression (Part 4)
Grief: Acceptance (Part 5)
Stuck (Part 1)
Stuck (Part 2)
on hold
Tagged. Damnnit
Beautifully Bad Neighbors (Part 1)
Beautifully Bad Neighbors (Part 2)
Didn't complete Keith's order.
Hey-o Keith (Part 1)
Hey-o Keith (Part 2)
Tribute (Part 1)
Tribute (Part 2)
Tribute (Part 3)
Tribute (Part 4)
Green Magic (Part 1)
Green Magic. (Part 2)
Green Magic (Part 3)
Green Magic (Part 4)
Privileged Royals (Part 1)
Privileged Royals (Part 2)
Privileged Royals
A 4 am McDonalds excursion.
We're going to figure this out.
Welcome to me getting fucking tagged again
Yay or Nay?
Delivery Boy
Pidge doesn't want to go to a Diplomatic Ball (Part 1)
Pidge doesn't want to go to the Diplomatic Ball (Part 2)
Bandannas 2
Bandannas 2
Bandannas 2
Bandannas 2

Bookstore/Secret Relationship?

363 18 12
By prettyterribleperson

Get ready for an onslaught of Kidge fics, with maybe the occasional Plance. But I was given a bunch of Kidge requests and I'mma write 'em all! (I obviously love to torture myself.)

“Hey Pidge, how’s it going?” Hunk spoke in a hushed, yet enthusiastic voice from his place behind the counter.

“It’s going great. Anything new?” Pidge smiled, the same tone in her voice. She leaned back on the desk and stared out at the small book store. It was a fancy shop, where you could sit and read for hours, and Hunk would hold onto a book for you if you didn’t want to lose it. You could also, if you liked a book enough, buy it, and take it home.

Pidge spent all her free time there, and Hunk enjoyed having the company.

“I think we got something new in the Fantasy section. Careful, Kogane is back there.” Hunk pointed to the section in the back of the classroom sized shop. It was cramped, but quaint, and Pidge loved it.

“Ugh. I thought he hated books. He avoids the library at school.” The three of them went to school together, and even shared a few classes. While Pidge, Hunk and their friend Lance stuck to the library at lunchtime, Keith was always off with the ‘bad kids’ doing ‘bad kid’ things.

Pidge quietly crept towards the back section, and poked her head around a shelf. Sure enough, there was Keith Kogane, sitting in a dimly lit corner on a bean bag chair. Pidge couldn’t quite make out what book he was reading, but it was large, and he seemed very invested in it.

“I’m surprised. I didn’t think you could read above a kindergarteners level.” Pidge crossed her arms, a subtle smirk on her features.

Keith looked up and glared, his black hair falling in his eyes slightly. Pidge hoped the lack of light covered her slight blush. Pidge had to admit, he was kinda cute when he didn't have his bad boy façade on.

“Sorry, I didn't get that. I don't speak bullshit.” Keith said with a smug look.

Pidge wandered over to the bookshelf and ran her finger along the spines of books.

“You know, I was pro life. Then I met you.” She chuckled, pulling down one titled 'Addicted to You.’ She opened it to a random page, listening to the crackle of the new pages.

“Hey, there are some dumb people in the world. Thanks for helping me understand that,” Keith cracked.

Pidge spun around and peaked around the corner, making sure Hunk was paying attention to something else. Unsurprisingly, he was focused on speaking with another customer. Pidge recognized her as Shay, Hunk's 'not-girlfriend.’ The fantasy section was a corner of the room, hidden by two shelves, with only a crack in the middle to fit through.

Pidge smirked when she spun around. She plopped herself down on Keith, straddling his legs.

“Just please tell me you don't plan on homeschooling your kids,” she smiled, cupping his cheeks in her hands and pressing their lips together.

His hands snaked around her waist and he kissed her back feverishly. He bit down gently on her bottom lip, eliciting a small gasp from the teen, and enough room between her lips to slip his tongue into her mouth.

“Hey Pidge? Is Kogane bothering you?” They heard Hunk's approaching voice. Keith nearly threw Pidge off of him as she ran towards a book shelf and grabbed the nearest book.

“You know Kogane, I would love to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my ass,” she spat, not turning to him, and trying to make her voice sound as steady as possible.

“Everything good? Pidge, did you find the new section?” Hunk poked his head around the corner and smiled kindly, even at Keith.

“Yeah,” said Pidge. She held up a book and smiled at Hunk, fighting the urge to look over at the black haired boy.

“Mmhmm. Haven't you read that one?” Hunk raised his eyebrows. Pidge's head whipped down to look at the book. She had, in fact, just finished that book.

“Oh, right. This one doesn't have the cover on it. It looks a bit different.” She put the book back in it's place and checked her phone.

“Sorry, my dad wants me back,” she lied. “Find me a book?” she asked Hunk. He nodded and gave a side eye to Keith. He put his hands up to defend himself and continued reading his book.

“Alright. I'll see you guys at school, I guess. At the stairs, Pidge?” asked Hunk. She nodded and he walked off.

“Close one,” she whispered to Keith. He nodded and she leaned down to give him a quick peck on the lips.

“Tree, 8:00?” she asked.

“See ya.” Keith grinned, crossing his legs and returning to his book.

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