King of Sunset Drive {BWWM}

By HeteroLlama

335K 13.6K 6.4K

There was no light within him. From the midnight curls to his charcoal eyes that stalked prey. He was the dar... More

Her name is Dawn
Jacobe The Killer
Cut the Wings, keep the girl
The Kāne's and The Vladkov's
Little mouse
Rabid Wolf
Notice Me
The space betwen us
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
Rise of a Leader
Baby, I'm dangerous
Turning Point
There's something wrong with Jacobe
To Make a Monster
The Barn
Back Like I Never Left
Dying star
Dawn of a New Day

I wont do it

10.1K 558 265
By HeteroLlama

I noticed a plot hole but we gonna ignore it🤷🏽‍♀️ Also sorry for the late update, I'm graduating from my college in June and have been veryyyyy busy maintaining some A's

NORMALLY, my families dinner is filled with a swarm of laughter and jokes about the others day. However was as if we'd left the door open. Having all of the cold pour in to make the atmosphere frost and bitter.

The way Ma' and Papas eyes darted to one another only heightened my nerves. I put down my fork.

"Is something the matter.." I speak up which seems to come as a surprise to the two. I wasn't in the mood to eat any longer.

"Ka melie..we want to talk about your friend" Ma' starts off with folded hands but I'm sure the confusion shows on my features.

"What about Phoebe?" They seemed to like her very much so what was there even to discuss. I would even consider her my best and closest friend. Phoebe after the incident became more my kin than friend, unfortunately her sticking up for me made her quit cheer leading due to a power struggle between her and the red head during a practice. At least that's how she put it

But I knew otherwise. Phoebe wasn't a quitter. Her stepping down was a choice before she did something she would regret, tensions had become high now more than ever. And although I tried to remain under a low profile, I've never seem to be able to do so since entering the shools system. This was a secret I didn't inform ma and papa about yet and the anticipation made my skin steam up

Papa clears his throat finally placing down his own utensils "We are talking about Jacobe Vladkov." I become noticeably still from the name before my eyes move to Ma's knowing ones

Damn, I didn't think they'd uncover everything so soon. Papa already knew but Ma's own concern raises his alarm bells because she rarely feared anything

My hands slam on the table and I raise out of my seat

"He's not like they say he is!" I defend Jacobe, I know..I know that they wont understand where I'm coming for or who the real Jacobe Vladkov was. Even ma' who never held any judgment in anyone looked at me like I was so foolish as to let my guard down around someone like him

Papa huffs standing his own ground

"You see Rainbow! Now she tries to cover the wolf! Dawn he has killed someone and probably countless other and you want me to believe everything will be fine!"

"I'm not justifying his actions I'm asking you to understand why he did the things he's done!"

For someone as moral as Papa nothing could justify murder, it was plain wrong

"Enough you two, I think we should invite Masha and her family over and-"

"No Rainbow, I refuse to have that whatever the hell he is in my home!"

"Well it's my home too Haku so I don't give a damn about what you refuse!" Ma's hands shoot up to her hips while she walks over to the bigger man, poking at his chest provokingly. She would never be intimidated by size, she personally wasn't intimidated by anyone. I longed to be that way as well. Her temper flares harshly causing papa to realize who he was speaking to and the  rage cooled down rapidly. His flared nostrils  and pulsing brow veins relaxing finally as he rests his much larger hands on the shoulders of his wife.

"e kala mai iaʻu(I'm sorry) I did not mean to project my anger at you my love" Ma nods as if she expected nothing less than what she deserves. Like the prideful Caribbean she is and she directs her eyes back to me "Don't let it happen again" Papa nods, placing a kiss on her forehead as another apology

"Now back to my daughter" she sighs, I guess this was my chance to show that I wasn't being some rebellious child for the sake of being so

"Ma' Jacobe isn't like us he..he is from the slums and he doesn't have a support system like how we do and..and I- I just I know he's done some wrong in his life but we are not the ones to judge him" I wasn't an overly religious girl by any means and I barely knew anything about Jacobe despite our passion

But did I really need to know every nook and detail?

It would be nice to know..but that comes with time

Ma sighs rounding the table with arms out to try and hug me but I step back. Not until she see's where I'm coming from

"Dawn. I understand your feelings for Jacobe. He's what you've never had, although your father and I have taken you coast to coast he is nothing you have experienced. You were safe and Jacobe may just be an experience outside of that safety. But he will not be an experience that will put you in danger"

Tears riddled my ducts and a almost inaudible whimper slips through my lips

"I wont do it." How could she? After all this time now she tries telling me what to do? And it goes against everything shes ever taught me before?

"Ka meil-"

"I WONT stop seeing him!"

"Dawn we are being your parents!"

"No, you're being hypocritical!" I break away from the scene, my legs carrying me up the stairs and into the unnecessarily charming room. Flopping onto the bed to bury the searing tears into the soothing fabric. I just met him. I just met the real him. And they want to take that away from me.

I get back up then shut the door with a slam then go to turn the lock

"UGH" I yell realizing there was no lock to turn. I DEFINITELY was going to have that changed.

Anger boiled and curdled inside my body thoroughly. The rage pulsing through my veins possessed me. I had never been this angry with my parents before. But I've also never disagreed with them either..well not on serious grounds like this.

Every thing they did for me was for the best

Every lesson and "don't do this" was for a greater good and I never realized how isolated that kept me. They preach open mindedness but won't understand why such a young guy feels he needs to fight to survive?

It's ridiculous!

I quickly grab my phone and slip on a larger sized sweater before opening up the bay window slowly..trying my best to not let the creaks be heard

This wasn't like me, I was Dawn Kāne.

I was feral but I was good. I colored inside the lines and told you what kind of person you would grow up to be just from the stems in your hands. I didn't like violence, I hated rude people.

Bad boy wasn't my type

But I don't think Jacobe is as bad as they make him out to be. Misunderstood would be more appropriate. Carefully, I stretched one leg out of the window. Experiencing the cool wind against my skin

"God Dawn are you really doing this?" I think to myself maybe I should stop being so dramatic and stay inside

But if I stayed I would be putting a limit on myself, on my feelings

I liked Jacobe. I liked him more than I should. More than he likes me maybe, then shouldn't that be a good enough reason to go?

I didn't answer in my head, Instead my other leg followed the first and I climbed down the railing with struggle. Never doing this before proved to be a challenge but..I feel like it is worth it.

The cold stung at my back but I didn't mind that I was underdressed, because the boy I wanted was right next door

I walk over to the structure and lean on the side, looking up at Jacobes own window on the second story floor. The lights were off, I push my whipping hair behind my ear then shakily take out my phone. My fingers freezing but determined

Dawn; "I'm outside your house I don't know if you're home but.."

I send it then shove my hands back into my pockets

What if he wasn't home? What if he thinks I'm too needy and that the kisses we shared were just something of brief satisfaction?

There was no doubt in my mind that Jacobe hasn't experienced sex, he was far too..relaxed and unfazed to be a virgin. The thought brought storm clouds to my mind. Cursing the fact that I wasn't anywhere near experienced as-

"Little mouse." The annoying name calls to me and I get to once again look up at the towering boy beside me

That crooked nose and lip scars never made me more comfortable

Of course, he was without a jacket in this husky cold. Just him.

"Jacobe I.." I tried to speak with confidence but my voice cracks.

The tears stream down my cheeks and I'm immediately embarrassed for being so weak in front of Jacobe Vladkov. Someone who saw weakness as an advantage to step on the competition. I didn't want him to think I wasn't strong. I didn't want him to think that I wasn't strong enough to stay by his side.

That would crush me

But warmth envelops me as I'm pulled into the hard muscle, it's far from comfortable as his chest is rock solid..but I

My own hands glide up to his back, feeling out the complex shaping of muscle my attraction being more evident than ever

"You are not me, you will die in cold. What make you cry mouse? Step on a glue trap?" How could he make jokes with such a serious tone? I could never understand this man. Yet I smile into his chest anyways. But pull away, trying to ignore the cold. Looking into the midnight eyes that were only being reflected by the street lights. I wipe my tears.

"My parents know" my voice still shaky

"About me" I nod "They want me to stop seeing you. Made a completely big deal about how you were just an experience..that I didn't know what I really wanted from you"

Jacobe strangely..smiles. It's vague and shows no sign of happiness but..It's a smile

"They don't want their little mouse riding around with a bad wolf" I roll my eyes "How many times do I have to tell you I'm no rodent" He was right however, there was no guessing. He knew that once a person knows who he was that they would flee without question.

"But you're so tiny how I not..But more importantly."

Jacobe pulls the hoodie over my head, tightening the jaw strings and making me much warmer. I look away nervously from the cute gesture

"Do you want me to stay away"

I scoff  "Jacobe you're rude, mean, a jerk, and you're no one to bring home to parents"

"Da" He says darkly but I lick my lips and continue

"But I know that those have become your defense're sweet, family oriented and too smart to be doing what you do. I won't say good bye to you when I didn't even meet half of the real you"

Jacobe bites those beautiful bruised lips, something that was very strange to see. He didn't seem like someone to be nervous at all.

"You..want to fix me? I'm not project"

"I don't want to fix you, I want to show you that you're more capable than duking it out in a ring and isolating yourse-" A dry harsh cough bellows from my chest sporadically

I feel myself being lifted and cuddled into the brick chest once more

"Fuck You are idiot, but I am more foolish for not bringing you inside sooner.." He whispers almost and easily carries me in one arm so that he's able to open the front door

The cold disappeared quickly as we entered the foyer but we didnt stop to give pleasantries to the home as he made his way directly up the stairs but now I was panicking

"Jacobe your mother!" I tried to whisper as my anxiety of being caught here after hours would surely spark some kind of taboo discussion

"Masha goes to bed early, Aleksei is doing overtime and Ekaterina's bed time was two hours ago. She is like her aunty."

How convenient?

We get to Jacobes plain room only holding basic necessities.

"Why did you come here"  He sets me down then closes the door, locking it and I huffed with envy

"Jacobe I like you and I want to make that very clear. I did not take our kisses lightly"

He folds those large arms, quirking up a thick brow

"And I did?" Did he? I don't know

"Honestly I don't know I'm sensitive and need Validation so even if something seems clear in hindsight I'm very naive. And I don't want you to think that we are a short term thing I mean I'm not sure but also want to be long term and so-"

With all of my nervous rambling I didn't notice that Jacobe had moved closer to me

Or that his hands wrapped around my waist to guide me into his own

No, it was only when his tongue replaced my words as he kissed me deeply. I realize now these are the only kinds of kisses he gives. Deeply passionate and unfiltered.

I was unable to hide my moan when he pulls my body up, instinctively I wrap my legs around his torso. Furthering my exploration of his mouth, till he annoyingly pulls away and Im left wet lipped and catching my breath. Still craving more

"Did I say I wanted to just fuck? If that was case your virginity would be gone by now"

My mouth drops "How do you know I'm not a virgin!" I try to reason but that smile from the other day, the genuine one that melted my pain reappears

"If I were to list we'd be here all night. But I wouldn't care if you were or not because at the end of the day you are mine. You have concerns about future but I promise I will take care of you girl. I have a plan." The last part scares me a little but Im too flattered to process

"You..want me long term? After school ends?"

"Da, I don't just want any girl. I want an annoying mouse with her foreign squeak." I hit his chest with all of my strength but he just laughs at my attempt to hurt him

"What plans do you speak of? Are they legal?" Jacobes been on the lowest cover lately and making back and forth moves suspiciously. I wondered what he could be plotting

"When I have things set in place girl I will tell you, I promise you will live like princess. Even if parents don't want you to see daddy" I laugh curtly as he sets me down

"And who is daddy again?"

The depth in Jacobes eyes deepen again

A sharp sting lands to my right bottom cheek and it was so painful the cry didn't even get out of my lungs, my hands instantly cover that throbbing butt cheek

"What the hell Jacobe that fucking hurt!"

"That is the slap I will be delivering to that ass when I'm fucking that pussy into the mattress while you cry. Not knowing whether from the unbearable pleasure or the pain that turns you on. Then girl, will you remember who daddy is"

And the tsunami between my thighs already begin to realize who it belongs to

Dawn: 0
Jacobe: 1

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