Nightmare's Nightmare[Finishe...

By flowey2424

14.4K 494 172

"Nightmare struggles to fit in dream does not But they both are not normal Join them in thair quest to free d... More

Nightmare and dream
The voice of the devil
Dream big!
Nightmare's dream blood will spill blood
Help me!
It will kill part 1
it will kill part 2
It will kill part 3
Undertale genocide pure blood
Not gonna die
new reset new brothers and a new dream
one good night two good days
A meeting with the devil part 1
A meeting within the devil part 2
One soul two soul no soul
Underswap sans and papyrus
Never ending cycle
Find home
Destroyed home
trap fight part 1
trap fight part 2
torture part 1
torture part 2
Talking with an error
Glitch magic
Power unknown
practice with a sans
Glitch through
devils castle
The glitch story of dreamtale
A glitches secret home
On foot
Pain of healing
united in pain
up and open hug
Stand up
before Christmas prologue
Counting stars
Times running out
Children of Dreamtale part 1
Children of Dreamtale part 2
Children of Dreamtale part 3
On the way
Black out
Christmas part 1 breakfast
Christmas part 2 rotations
Oh my Starclan!!!!!!
Christmas part 2 made of strings
Christmas part 3 best gift
Happy birthday Dream and Nightmare!
Quick A/N
Gold to black and games of Sorry
Singing battle!? part 1
Singing battle!? part 2
Aftermath of singing
Thats some good shit over there!
Own little world
Truth or Dare part 1
Truth or Dare part 2
Truth or Dare part 3
Afternoon dew
Cleanings ask part 1
Cleaning's ask part 2
What's that voice?
To late to turn back
. . .
The end

Its totally a regular day. . . . . .

64 2 0
By flowey2424

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!"I yelled bouncing on Dream2 'cause he always wakes about this time.
"No"He says "Five more minutes"
He barried his head in his pillow
"Come ooooooonnn I'm bored!"I begged
"Go bug Nightmare, Ink, Error, or someone but not me I'm tired I'll be up in a bit I promise!"Dream2 protested

I glanced at Ink. He was like a chain saw in the making. How do we even sleep at night.

I look at Error. He constantly wakes up at night and won't admit it. Otherwise he's out. He was snoring but not as loud as chain saw Ink over their.

Nightmare on the other hand. . . . . . . . . Where is he? I never see him any more or at night is all, then he sleeps all day.

Dream2 was out again

I flopped on my bed

"How much longer!?"I ask aloud

The door creaks open a little.
Dark purple eyes coming from it.
I freeze.

The door opens a little more. Hands gripping the door as they slowly walk in. Of course it was my brother.

He was about half way to bed before I sat up.

"Nightmare where have you been?"I ask

He jumped. He was definitely guilty of something.

"Er. . ." He started to rub the back of his skull

"Where have you been?" I said again making my voice louder
His purple eyes darted at me in suprise

"Out" He said

"Where?"I asked him

"Outside" He started to get in bed

"Where outside?"I demanded

"Why do you need to know I was just outside!"Nightmare shot
My eye sockets widened

"I want to know!"I said

"Brother fight"Error said

"Shut up!"Nightmare yelled

Error was confused and surprised at the same time. I quickly looked at my brother his eyes where full of fury and hatred. He was pissed and I didn't know why.

We stayed silent for about five minutes. Nightmare was constantly darting his eyes at us.

He finally grabbed his covers and pulled it on him lying down.

We kept watching him.

"I feel you watching me"Nightmare said

A shiver ran down my spine knowing that he knew that I was watching him.

"Creepy"Error said

I shot him a glance he seemed to notice because he flopped on his bed with outstretched arms.
Covered myself with my blankets and sat up right watching my brother.

             <Later in the morning>

I crawled out of bed
Remembering last night my brother must still be mad.
Everyone was out of the room so I must gave slept in.
I slowly went out of the room.

I heard talking and alot of it. I went down stairs only to be waved by all my friends even Nightmare which was weird.
I gladly took a seat by Ink who was sitting to the right of Error-Error was sitting by Dream2. Nightmare sat infront of Ink as they told jokes. The swap brothers come in the morning only to eat.

Of course Blueberry always wants to stay longer. We usally play with him til he has to leave. We always have the funniest games. Sometimes they are pranks. Sometimes we roleplay which I always injoy.

Blueberry sat infront of me talking but I was to busy thinking about really happy times.

"Ay Dream?"Blueberry asked pushing my shoulder from the other side of the table
"Hey"I said suddenly gaining attention to the real world

"You where off in who knows where!"Blueberry said dramatically throwing his hands up in the air which made his brother look at him.

I laughed a little

Swap Papyrus turned his attention back to our friends.

"Hey I heard that you guys are having tacos tonight"Blueberry said his eyes shifting into stars.

"We are? How'd you learn about that?"I asked

"Some little kids where talking about it sooooo."Blueberry was leaning towards his brother

Swap Papyrus sighed and looked at blueberry with a bored expression he sighed.

"I guess we can stay for a couple of days. . ."Swap Papyrus said which made Blueberry jump with sher joy
"And I'll tell Classic"he finished

"Who?"I asked

"Oh. The actual Sans we or Blueberry renamed him Classic"Swap Papyrus answered then again turned his attention to our friends.

"Sleepover?"I ask

"OF COURSE!"Blueberry yelled

"YES!"I yelled

"Stop yelling"Ink said shhing us

We both said different things at the same time so we both giggled Ink just rolled his eyerises.

"We can stay up all night and bug everyone in the room!"Blueberry planed

"Play bored games all night oh and, dress everyone in girl closes?"I said

"Oh and Nightmare, He'll be the star of the show"Blueberry said

"Oh yes. . . We'll have alot of fun planning how we will PUNish him"I joked

"Yes- Wait. . . . . . . . . You did a pun!"Blueberry said

"Sure did"I smiled

"Please don't"Blueberry asked

"Ok"I said insistently

We ate food. Me and Blueberry planned how it would all go and it . . . .  It will be fun oh. Very very funny *Evil laughs*

I can't wait!
Oh. That will be so fun to write!
*insert evil laugh*

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