Forever And Always *Sequel* (...

By bebe05215

220K 4.8K 1K

*Sequel to 'You Found Me' : Read it first then this one :) * Ariana Riddle and Draco Malfoy just finished t... More

First Day Back
The Cruciatus Curse
Halloween Ball (Part 1)
Halloween Ball (Part 2)
Animal I Have Become
The Day After
One Night
Keeping Secrets
Christmas Break (Part 1)
Christmas Break (Part 2)
The Ministry of Magic
Pissing Off The Carrows
Severus Snape
February Fun
March Madness (Part 2)
Forever & Always My Ass!
What Situation?
Who Knew?
The Final Battle (Part 1)
The Final Battle (Part 2)
The Final Battle (Part 3)
The Aftermath
The Malfoy Trials
A Bad Feeling
Is She Dead?
Miracle Baby
Happiness And Love
Big Suprise
Wedding Bells
*Short Author's Note*

March Madness (Part 1)

5.4K 116 58
By bebe05215

Ariana's POV

February came and went and it was already Spring Break. I was sad because I wouldn't get to speak with Snape until I got back. He's been very kind to be since that night in detention. But I was happy for two reason. One, my birthday's is tomorrow and I will be 18, so I will finally be considered an adult in the muggle world. And two, I get to see my little angel. It's our first Easter together and I can't wait to dress him up into a little bunny rabbit. Two months is way too long and I miss him. Draco and I decided to just teleport instead of taking the train ride. I personally believe that he loves my powers more than I do. He's always asking me to conjure things up or teleport him to a certain part of the castle. It getting very annoying actually but I still do it. Anyways, we arrived at the Manor two days ago and we've already gotten ourselves unpacked and have settled in. Scorpius is very big for seven months and he is on the verge of walking. Now he can say daddy clearly but can only say mama, but I am perfectly fine with that. My father will thankfully be away this week. I was currently in the study playing with Scorpius.

"Mama!" He called and I stared down at my little man, who was crawling on the carpet.

"Yes sweetie." I pulled him onto my lap.

"Daddy!" He whined and I knew what he wanted.

"You want your father?" I asked him and he nodded. "Fine, you can teleport to him. But be careful." He nodded and I kissed his cheek and he was off. I sighed. He can't even be away from his father for one hour before wanting to be with him. I stood up and went over to the kitchen feeling dangerously hungry. I've been like this for almost a week now and I don't know why. I walked in and called Missy.

"Missy!" I hollered and she appeared.

"Mistress." She bowed but I shot her a stern look and she stopped. "What is it that your need Ms. Ariana?" I smiled.

"I want some chicken parmasean!" I ordered nicely and she nodded. I had already given the house elf's a book on how to cook muggle foods. Minutes later she appeared with my food. I sat at the kitchen's center island and ate but half way through I felt nauseous. I teleport to the closes bathroom and threw up. Once I was done I washed my face and brushed my teeth. And right when I was leaving the bathroom, Cissy was there.

"Hello Cissy." I greeted and she nodded with a small smile.

"Are you pregnant?" She blurted out.

"What no, of course not. Why would you think that?" I asked shocked that it even crossed her mind.

"Well Ariana, I have been watching you since you came and you've had all of the symptoms." She answered.

"Oh well, don't worry I'm not." I told her and began to walk downstairs to make my way over to the garden.

"Are you sure? Have you and Draco been having safe sex?" I blushed at her question and nodded. She didn't seem to believe me but decided to drop it. I bid her good-bye and I went over to the garden. That's where I began to think. Oh Merlin! Me? Pregnant? I can't be. But I did lie to Cissy. That one time right after the Valentine's Day party we didn't use protection. I was too distracted and so was Draco so we forgot. But I'm sure that one time couldn't have possible gotten me pregnant. Nope! I decided I'm not pregnant. I sat outside and waited for it to get darker before returning inside. I really did not want to be in that house atleast not today. Bellatrix decided to grace us with her presence. Ugh! I can't wait to kill that bitch, I thought before drifting off to sleep right there in the garden. 


Draco's POV

I was at Diagon Alley with Blaise. He was accompanying me to get Ariana her birthday present. Her birthday was tomorrow but I'm going to give her, her present tonight at Midnight. We browsed around until we found the perfect gift. It was a charm bracelet and I filled it with five charms; a snake with green eyes, a heart with my initials on it, a baby raddle, a wedding ring and a heart shaped key. I paid for it and afterwards Blaise decided to get Daphne somes sweets from Honeydukes. I agreed and even decided to get some for Ariana and Scorpius. I got her some chocolate frogd and licoris whips her favorite. But I couldn't figure out what to get Scorpius because I had no idea about what he perferred. I stood there and thought but it was interrupted when the store manager yelled.

"Who's baby is this?" The man yelled angrily. I looked over not really caring but my eyes almost popped out of their sockets when I saw the baby to whom the manager was referring to. It was Scorpius. He was sitting on one of the shelf, licking a lollipop. I chuckled and went over to him.

"He's mine." I annouced proudly and the store manager coward a bit.

"Mr. Malfoy." He bowed and spoke. "Your son is eating my sweets and they haven't been paid for so I suggest-" But I cut him off.

"No! I suggest that you leave and stop acting like my son is some type of parasite! I will pay for them now be gone." I sneered and he left looking very scared. Then I turned to Scorpius and he grinned at me, exposing his little baby teeth. 

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" He whined and I picked him up, smiling. He held out the lollipop as if asking me if I wanted some but I shook my head. He was very polite. 

"How'd you get here?" I asked and he gave me a look that said 'Really' and I chuckled understanding. "Okay well let's get you home." He shook his head and pointed his little finger at a jar full of licoris whips. I smiled and got him a couple. As he ate them I thought of Ariana and how she would devour these little treats while she was pregnant of him. "Now are you ready to go home?" He nodded and I paid the cashier for everything. Blaise got his things and we parted ways.

I apparated home and gave Scorpius to my aunt and mother who practically yanked him from me. I grabbed the sweets and the present and looked at my watch. It was eleven thirty. I still had thirty minute before twelve so I looked around for Ariana but I couldn't find her. I asked  my mother and she told me that Ariana had been acting very strange. I searched her room but came up empty. I went over to her balcony but she was still not there. I sighed and stared out into the garden. That's when I saw a small figure lying on the grass. I felt my heart leap and I ran outside. I didn't know why but I was excited to see her. I always am. When I made it to the garden I went over to her and found her sound asleep. I sat down next to her and analyzed her. My mother told me that Ariana was acting strange but she seems fine, in fact she's glowing. Her flawless skin was glowing with the moon light. Her plump lips were a soft pink color and her dark brown hair was sprawled out onto the grass but it made her look even more beautiful. I reached up and gently removed a stray pice of hair from her eyes but it caused her to stir. I waited until her eyes fluttered open and when they did, they immediately landed upon me and she smiled.

"Hello" She greeted me. Her voice was soft and gentle almost velvety.

"Hey love, have a good nap?"  I asked her as she sat up and stretched out her limbs. 

"Yup" She smiled adorably. I don't know why but she seems alot more fragile lately. "So wassup?" She asked me, cutting the silence.

"Oh right." I looked down at my watch and it was already five minutes past twelve so I took a deep breathe and handed her, her present along with the sweets. Her eyes brightened at the sight of her present. She opened it while chewing on a licoris whip. Once it was opened, she was literally stuck in awe. "Happy Birthday" I smiled and she hugged me.

"Thank you so much it is so fucking cute!" She squealed and I chuckled.

"Glad you liked it." I told her while putting in on her wrist.

"Liked it? I love it! Thanks baby." She kissed me but it was cut off when my father yelled my name. Ariana and I exchanged looked and got up and walked over to my father. 

"Yes father?" I asked politely.

"You are needed. Harry Potter and his friends have been captured but we aren't 100% sure if it's him or not, so we need you to go and double check for us. And we'll also need Ariana to pretend to be in captivity. I have also order the camoflauge spell on Scorpius, just in case." I felt my face begin to pale and I looked over at Ariana and she looked very faint.

"Where's Scorpius?" She asked scared.

"Sleeping upstair, if we need him we'll send for him. But let's go we must not waste time." He walked into the house and I turned to Ariana and she was going crazy.

"Oh Merlin! They've got him. I need to help them. Oh my god, Ron! Oh my god, Hermoine!" She cried hysterically and I held her.

"Relax I promise not to admit that it is him." I told her but she didn't calm down.

"But what if my father shows up? You know how unpredictable he can be. I can't let Harry find out about what I did to him. How I decieved him, how I deceived all of them. They're going to hate me!" She sobbed and I made her look up at me.

"Just calm down and let's hope for the best. We need to be strong for Scorpius." She settled down a bit and nodded.

"Your right." She told me while wiping away her tears. 

"Ready?" I asked.

"Not even close." She replied but began to walk inside. I followed her lead. I wonder how this will turn out. 


 Ariana's POV

Walking into the house I felt my fingers shaking. I couldn't just pretend to be a captive so Harry would do as they wished. Plus we're not even dating anymore so what's the point? But he thinks that Scorpius is his son, James, and for him he'd certainly die for.

We approached the room in which they were all held and I could already hear Bellatrix's scary voice ecohing around the Manor. I felt a hand grab my arm hard and I looked up to see Lucius. He gave me a sign to be quiet. I nodded and put on my damsal in distress look. We all walked in and I felt my body freeze. In front of me were Ron and Hermoine being held back by two snatchers and in the far corner with Bellatrix was Harry. He looked a little morphed in the face but I knew that it was definitely him. Draco was telling Bellatrix that he wasn't sure if it was him or not but I could tell that he knew as well. Lucius threw me on the floor roughly causing them to looked down at me and as they did I saw terror strike they're faces.

"If none of you will talk then we'll just have to get it out of you." Lucius threatened and pointed his wand at me. "Crucio!" He yelled but it didn't hurt me but I still preteneded it ded and I scream in fake agony. I was very convincing because Draco looked as if he were going to hurl. 

"Stop! Please! Don't hurt her!" I heard Hermoine plead and Lucius stopped the curse.

"Ready to talk?" He proposed.

"There's nothing to talk about!" She spat.

"Filthy mudblood! How dare you talk to your superiors like that." Bellatrix yelled and slapped Hermoine. I felt my blood boil and I launched at her, knocking her down on the ground. But moments later I was pulled up by Draco.

"Control yourself." He whispered in my ear and I nodded. 

"This is mutiny!" Bellatrix spat but stopped when something caught her eye. "What is that?" She asked scared. It amused me because I had never seen her scared before.

"A sword. I found it in her bag. I reckon it's mine now." The snatcher told her but was cut short when she suddenly attacked him as well as the other three snatcher. She took the sword and scared them off. Then she turned to us and yelled. "Put the boys in the cellar!" Wormtail ran over and did as he was told. Once Harry and Ron were gone, Bellatrix threw Hermoine on the floor. I tensed up and moved forward but Draco was restraining me.

"Have you been in my vault?" Bellatrix yelled but Hermoine shook her head.


"Did you steal it?"

"I didn't take anything!" Hermoine cried. But Bellatrix didn't seem satisfied.

"Liar!" Then she began to torture her. Hermoine's painful screams filled the entire room and tears began to pour down my cheeks.

"Stop it!" I yelled. "Leave her alone." I struggled against Draco's grip but he wouldn't budge. "Please Draco let me go. I need to help her please." I begged and his eyes got watery. He knew that I never begged unless I was desperate but he also knew that I couldn't blow my cover. I cried along with Hermoine until it stop. I looked over and almost fainted if Draco hadn't been holding me. In her left arm was craved the word, mudblood. Hermoine looked up at me, silent tears falling down her face and I mouth 'I'm sorry'. She saw this and smiled weakly as if to say that it was not my fault. I managed to pull myself together, while Bellatrix interogated a goblin about her vault in Gringotts. That's when it all clicked. One of the horcruxes must be hiddened in her vault. I looked up from my thoughts when Harry and Ron appeared out of nowhere. That's when a huge wand battle commenced but everyone stopped when Bellatrix grabbed Hermoine and pointed her wand at her neck.

"Well look at what we have here? It Harry Potter." She smiled wickedly. I followed her gaze and saw that whatever jinx made him turn like that, had worn off. Now you can fully tell that he is indeed, Harry Potter. "Call the Dark Lord! Call him!" She ordered but niether Draco nor Narcissa made any attempt to call him. Of course Lucius was the 'brave' one. He lifted his sleeve up and pressed the dark mark, summoning my father. Within seconds he appeared.

"What is  it Lucius?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"My Lord!" Lucius bowed. "We have captured Harry Potter for you." My father looked very disbelieving but once he followed Lucius' gaze and landed upon his obsession, he was delighted.

"Harry Potter" My father...smiled? "Well isn't this a lovely suprise." 

"My Lord!" Bellatrix called and he looked over at her. "What shall I do with the mudblood and the bloodtraitor?"

"No!" Harry yelled gaining everyone's attention. "Don't hurt any of them. It's me that you want." 

"No Harry don't" Hermoine cried.

"Yeah Harry don't worry about us. Just go!" Ron told him but I wondered. How is he suppose to go if the Manor is apparation proof to certain individuals. But at the same time. How did the escape the cellar in the dungeons. It's almost impossible to get out.

"I'm sorry guys but this is how it has to be." He told them and then he turned to my father. "Let them go!"

"And why should I do that?" My father asked mused.

"Because it's my fault not theres. Just let Hermoine, Ron and Ariana go. You can have me." Harry pleaded and it broke my heart that he cared about me. My father looked over at me and then it all click. I was still 'acting'.

"Very well." My father paused. "But we get to keep your son." Harry suddenly looked very pale.

"No not-"

"You only said those three, you didn't say anything about James." Harry looked tounge tied. "I'll tell you what? You can exchanged your son's life, for one of their." He smirked and I shook my head repeatedly. 

"No!" Harry said bravely.

"Have it your way." He turned to his rat minion. "Wormtail! Get the baby now." Wormtail nodded and left only to come back moments later with Scorpius who had my hair color and Harry's green eyes. "Put him ove there." My father order while pointed at the floor and then he rose his wand. I gulped. Not this again! I went to stand in front of Scorpius but Lucius held me back. I cried and fought but nothing. I was too shocked to use my powers. I looked over and saw Harry who was about to move but stopped when he remembered that Bellatrix still had Hermoine. My father aimed his wand at my son and yelled. "Crucio!" And before anyone could blink. Draco was on the floor withering in pain from the curse. We all froze. Draco had taken the hit for the baby. My father stopped the curse but he didn't look mad, in fact he looked glad. Draco carefully picked up the baby and handed him over to Cissy.

"How cute! A father protecting his son." My father said and I felt like dieing right there.

"Father? But I am James' father not Malfoy." Harry said confused and I shook nervously. I looked up at Draco and he gave me a sad look. He knew how much I had dread this moment. 

"Ahh but that is where you are wrong Harry Potter. This baby is not your son, it is Draco's." Harry was still very confused so my father waved his wand at Scorpius and turned him back to normal. After Harry saw this he glared over at me. 

"You cheated on me with Malfoy!" I went to speak but nothing came out so he began shouting at me. "How could you Ariana? I loved you, I would have given you everything if it weren't for this war. I even asked you to marry me and I only broke if off to protect you." He sobbed angrily and I started crying.

"You would have done all of that for a liar?" My father mused. "Open your eyes boy! She has been decieving you Harry Potter. She isn't who you think she is." He revealed.

"What are you talking about?" Harry snapped, confused.

"Well let's just say that my daughter is a very good actress, don't you think?" My father gestured to me and Harry eyes widened.

"Your lieing!" He yelled.

"Am I? Why don't you ask her yourself?" My father suggested and I couldn't take it anymore I did a wandless spell at my father, banishing him from the Manor for the next several hours. Everyone looked confused as to why he had 'left'. But it was the least of my worries. Harry had turned to me with a hurt expression.

"Please Ariana tell me that he's lying, tell me that your not his daughter and that all of this hasn't been a plot to get to me! Tell me that your not a deatheater! Please!" Harry sobbed and I remained quiet. "Tell me that you really aren't Ariana Riddle!" I looked up and with all of the pain in my heart and spoke.

"I can't" I admitted weakly and he stepped back as if I had just slapped him across the face. "I'm so sorry Harry." I cried but he just shook his head not wanting to look at me.

"Why?" He choked out, sadly.

"I- He- My father made me do it." I said lamely. Harry didn't seem to believe me and was about to say something when we all heard a loud squeaky noise. We looked up to find Dobby on top of the chandelier, unscrewing the bolt. But before anyone could act, he had unscrewed it causing it to fall over Bellatrix, who immediately let go of Hermoine and backed away before it could hit her. That's when Ron grabbed Hermoine and Harry ran over to Draco, grabbing his wand as well as Draco's wand in the process. Dobby was holding everybody's hand including the goblin, ready to apparated. But Cissy tried to shoot a spell at him only to have Dobby easily deflect it and take her wand. He threw it on the floor.

"How dare you take a witche's wand? How dare you defy your masters?" Bellatrix screeched.

"Dobby has no master." Dobby paused. "Dobby is a free elf and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends." He stated confidently and they apparated away but right when they did Bellatrix threw a knife that apparated with them. I gulped. I hope nobody got hurt. 

"What did you do with the Dark Lord?" Bellatrix yelled at me.

"I banished him from the manor." She gasped. "But don't worry he'll be back in a couple of hours. Be ready." And with that I walked over and took Scorpius from Cissy. I grabbed Draco's hand and teleported us to our room. Once we arrived I sat on the rocking chair and craddled Scorpius while putting him to sleep like always. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Draco asked softly but I shook my head. I didn't feel like talking at all. He got the message and went into the bathroom to shower and get ready for bed. I rocked back and forth while thinking. I need to set everything straight. I need to help them win this war, my father needs to die. But how? I don't even know where those bloody horcuxes are. But I did think that one was in Bellatrix's vault in Gringotts. Maybe I can teleport to them and tell them. But they wouldn't trust me. They'd think it was another trap. I sighed while stroking Scorpius' hair. I need to do this for him. He needs to grow up and live in a future full of peace not war. That's it, I've decided. I was going to go horcrux hunting with the golden trio whether they liked it or not. I know that it will be hard but I have to do it. I have to somehow convince them to let me help them or atleast gain their trust back. 

"Are you alright love?" Draco asked pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded weakly and stood up and conjured up a crib. I wanted Scorpius to sleep in here tonight. I placed him gently in the crib and walked over to Draco who was putting on his pajamas. 

"I love you." I told him randomly but honestly and he smiled.

"I love you too." He paused. "But why are you tell-" I cut him off with a sweet kiss. It was short but it was full of love. I pulled back and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Or atleast pretend to. I proceeded to take a shower and put on my night gown. I walked back into the room and found Draco sleeping on the bed. I took the oppurtunity and pulled out my wand. I could do it wandlessly but it's more powerful with my wand. I took a deep breath and pointed my wand at him while muttering every single protective enchantment that I knew. Afterwards I walked over to the crib and did the same with Scorpius. I smiled. Atleast I'll know that they'll be safe when I'm gone. I kissed my baby's forehead and then I glanced at the clock realizing that it was almost five in the morning. I needed to act fast. I conjured up some clothes and put them on. I wore some dark skinny jeans, with a black shirt and a black jacket as well as black boots. I decided to leave my hair out loose and wavy. After I was done I looked over at Draco to made sure that he was still sleeping but the bed was empty. I scanned the dark room and began to panick. 

"And where do you think your going?" Draco's spoke directly in my ear. I shivered turning around and moved away from him. 

"Draco I- I have to g-go." I stuttered and he titled his head at me confused.

"And why is that?" He walked over to me but I just kept backing up until he had me cornered against the wall.

"I just do." I choked out, scared. He analyzed me for a moment before he realized something.

"Your going after Potter!" He spat and I stayed quiet. "You are! Aren't you?" I nodded and he glared. "Well I'm not going to let you." He sneered and I was about to teleport but he grabbed my arm and pulled me up against his chest. "I said no." He snapped coldly.

"Please Draco I have to help them. I can't just seat around and wait for this war to end. I need to fight for what's right. " I told him as bravely as I could. 

"No, what you need to do is stay here with me and your son. Haven't you thought of him at all?" He shouted, angry.

"Yes I have and that's exactly why I am doing this." I shouted back. "Now let me go I have to go and find Harry-" He cut me off.

"It's Potter isn't it? You saw him tonight and your feelings for him have come back. You love him." He accused and I stared up at him, incredulous. Draco can be very thick sometimes. I've never had feelings for Harry beside the brotherly love that I have and always will have for him. 

"No you bloody idiot of couse not! I love YOU, you twit!" I snapped and he saw that I was telling the truth because he loosened his grip on my arms but he still didn't let go. 

"I believe you." He said after a while. "But I still can't let you go. You promised that you'd be on whatever side I chose and I'm choosing this side. The save side." 

"There is no safe side." I told him harshly.

"Either way I am not going to risk it. I want to do what's right believe me I do but..." He trailed off.

"But what!" I spat.

"But I'm scared!" He shouted. "Are you happy now? I told you my feelings. I, Draco Malfoy, am scared. But not for the reasons you're thinking of. No! I'm scared to die only because I'm scared to be without you." He cupped my face in his hands. "I'm scared to lose my son, my mother, and most importantly, I'm scared to lose you!" He sobbed and I felt really bad but I needed to leave. They were already protected. I removed his hands from my face and held them.

"But I can't die Dray. I have powers, rememeber?" I tried to comfort him but it didn't work.

"What about that spell that takes them away? I know that your a very bright and talented witch but I can't risk losing you. No! I refuse to let you go Ariana. Please stay with me!" He pleaded and I almost caved in. I shook my head and let go of his hands.

"I-I c-can't D-Dray." I squeaked and then cleared my throat. "I'm really sorry Draco but I must go and nothing you do will stop me." He nodded, resigned and then looked at me. I gazed back at his peircing grey eyes and all I saw was sadness and desperation. "I love you." I told him while I leaned in and softly kissed his lips.  "Please take care of yourself and Scorpius. I have put protective enchantments on both of you so you should be save." I took a deep breath and turned ready to teleport but stopped when he I heard him speak very coldly from behind me.

"I'm sorry Ariana but I have no choice. If you leave then it's over." He threatened and I felt my heart stop. I can't lose him, he's everything to me, but at the same time I refuse to give up. This war needs to end. I sighed deeply and teleported. Making the terrible sacrifice of leaving my son and the love of my life behind.


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