The Angel of Darkness, And th...

By kitsunesuccubus-chan

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There is a legend about two sisters. an older one, and a younger one. The sisters are both opposites, yet the... More

Prologue: A view into both worlds.
Not a chapter, but HEY! go check out this person's story!
Chapter 1: The Legend Of Deltarune
Chapter 2: Spotted?
Chapter 3: Scary Lessons
Chapter 4: The Angel of Darkness Revealed
Chapter 5: Orgin of Friendship
Chapter 6: Betrayel?
Chapter 7: The Fun Gang vs... The Dark Fun Gang
Chapter 8: Sweet Treats, and Bittersweet Memories
Chapter 9: Thrash-Your-Own-Ass machine
Chapter 10: Good vs "Evil"
Chapter 11: Concerning Melody
Chapter 12: "Lancer?"
Chapter 13: Funny, Awkward Memories
Chapter 15: Thoust Fools!
Chapter 16: Flirtatious Angel
Chapter 17: Chaos, Chaos!
Chapter 18: Dark Times, Bright Memories
Chapter 19: She Is Awaken
Chapter 20: Oh, This Thing... Again
Chapter 21: Near-End Story
Chapter 22: The King of Spades, The REAL Monster
Chapter 23: Farewell For Now, Dear Friends
Epilogue: Don't Forget

Chapter 14: Susie vs Lancer

60 1 22
By kitsunesuccubus-chan

(Just gonna say it now, I'm REALLY fuckin' proud of this drawing.)

After awhile, Kris had finally woke up. Vixen immediately took notice. "Kris!" She exclaimed, running over to him. "Are you OK?" She asked, as Kris nodded in response. 'Yeah, but... Where are we?' He asked. Chara and Ralsei stepped in as well. "A dungeon. Those guards threw us in here after knockin' us unconscious." Chara replied. Kris nodded in understanding.

Ralsei looked at his three friends, not yet noticing someone was missing, before he spoke up. "Well this is a fine how-do-you-do, isn't it, guys?" He stated. Vixen and Kris nodded, as Chara stared at him oddly. "...Say what now?" She mumbled. "Imprisoned for eternity..." Ralsei said, ...That sounds like it might take awhile." He stated, as everyone went silent. "Yeah, no fuckin' kidding..." Chara mumbled, before Vixen slapped her over the head.

"Ow! Hey! What's the big idea?!" She asked, touching her hand to the spot that'd been hit. "I thought we agreed we WOULDN'T swear around Ralsei." Vixen whispered. Chara's face then went blank. "Oh... Right. whoops... Sorry about that, sis." She apologized. "Eh, don't worry about it. Sorry for hittin' ya over the head." Vixen replied. "No problem." Chara said back.

Things were silent for a moment before Ralsei yelled in surprise, as he just noticed Susie wasn't with them. "...And Susie! Where's Susie!?" He panicked, looking to his friends. "We have to find her, Kris... Before she gets hurt!" He exclaimed before adding, "...Or, um, hurts someone else..." as he glanced away. He then looked back up at everyone. "Maybe there's something we can escape with in here...?" He suggested.

Vixen flew up to the ceiling, inspecting a crack. "Hmm..." She hummed, getting an idea. She then, regrettably, tried kicking up at the crack as hard as she could. "Ouch!" She cried, coming back down. "Ugh, that was a really stupid idea... *sigh*, I'm a fricken' idiot..." She mumbled, as Chara looked over at her. (Don't ask.)

"What'd you do?" The younger sister asked, raising an eyebrow. Vixen pointed up at the ceiling as she spoke. "There's a large crack in the ceiling. And for some stupid fluffing reason, I thought that it would be weak enough to the point where I could just kick it, and we could get out... Again, I'm a fricken' idiot..." She replied.

"Anyways, my stupid decisions and logic aside, what are you doing?" She asked. "Well, like you, I found a crack in the wall. But when I tried looking through it, I only saw more wall, so... That won't work out." Chara replied. She then seemed to notice something. "Hey, what's Kris doing...?" She whispered, pointing at where Kris was standing. Vixen turned to look, and she saw Kris wearing... Prison shackles... And eating moss...?

...Well OK then.

Eventually, everyone gathered around, even though they had nothing. "So, everyone, what did you find...!?" Ralsei asked, hopeful. "Chara and I found cracks in the wall and ceiling, but..." Vixen trailed off, glancing at Chara. "All that's behind the cracks is more wall. So no luck there." Chara finished her older sister's sentence, leaving out the part where the red haired girl tried to kick the crack in the ceiling.

"Oh, that's fine! I'm sure there's something!" Ralsei stated positively, before looking at Kris. "What about you, Kris?" He asked, noticing the weird green grass-like substance on his face. "...What's all that green stuff around your mouth?" He asked, curiously. '...Moss.' Kris signed after a moment. "...Two minutes in jail and you've already started eating moss. You even put on prison shackles, so, um... You look like a prisoner for life! Haha!" Ralsei said, trying to lighten up the mood a little.

Silence then filled the cell before Ralsei spoke up again. "...So you couldn't find anything..." He said, not as enthusiastically. "Well, everyone! Let's not give up hope just yet!" He tried to encourage, but... Things went silent for another moment. He then looked up at his group of friends, happy he could at least share a cell with them. "But, um, if we don't make it for some reason... Then I just wanted to say, um... I... I'm glad I was able to meet..." He trailed off, as the voice of a familiar badass dino interrupted him. The voice seemed to have come from the cell right next to theirs.

"Hey, idiots! Can you shut up!? I'm trying to concentrate!"

Vixen and Ralsei jumped, due to them being both surprised, and startled.
"S-Susie!? Where are you!?" Ralsei called for her. "I dunno, prison?" Susie remarked sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Seriously though. I'm outta my cell. I sweet-talked the warden into giving me the keys." She stated, sounding proud. "Susie!? Really!? How?" Ralsei asked, surprised. "Yeah, how?!" Chara reiterated, shocked with her eyes wide.

Susie turned around to the garbage can, which she had thrown the warden into. "I, uh, "invited" him to visit the trash can." She replied. "...You threw him into the garbage. Didn't you...?" Chara asked. "Yep!" Susie replied, grinning proudly. "Heh, nice." Chara stated. Susie then turned back to the wall. "Anyway, now there's a puzzle in the way." She said, looking at the card-symbol puzzle beside her.
"OK! Solve it, Susie!" Ralsei encouraged sweetly, like the little fluff muffin he is.

"I... Um... Don't do... Puzzles." Susie awkwardly remarks, as silence befell everyone for what felt like the umpteenth time. "Hey, how 'bout we just sit tight and wait for Lancer? He lives in the castle, he's bound to come save us." She suggested, clearly not wanting to do the puzzle. "Um, no offense, Susie, but... I don't think we have time for that..." Vixen stated, trying her hardest not to aggravate the temperamental girl.

"...Why don't Kris and I just help you solve the puzzle?" Ralsei kindly offered. "Look, I don't NEED your help." Susie remarked, dismissively. After a moment, she spoke up again.
"...But, uh, if you said what to do, out loud, Y'know, I wouldn't stop you." She stated with some not-so subtle hints. "Kris, tell Susie what to do." Ralsei quietly instructed.

Before anyone knew it, Kris had helped Susie with the puzzle, and the gate keeping her locked in had opened. "Yes! We did it!" Susie cheered, feeling accomplished. "Great! Now come and free us!" Ralsei instructed, encouragingly. "Alright, alright!" Susie said, before exiting. Ralsei turned to look at Kris.

"...Thanks for helping her, Kris. She appreciates it." He said, smiling gently. He looked at the girls along with Kris. "Guys... Are you worried about Susie?" He asked. Kris shook his head no before signing, 'No, not really.' "I'm not that worried either. Not for her, anyway. Its the GUARDS we should be worried for, heh." Chara said with a slight laugh. "I'm sure she can hold her own, Ralsei. From what I've seen, she's pretty strong. So I wouldn't worry." Vixen replied.

"Well, regardless of how you feel... I don't think it would hurt to take a moment... Close your eyes, and think about what she's doing now..." Ralsei instructed, as everyone did so.


Susie was now wandering the corridors, trying to find a way to get her teammates out of their cell.
'Alright... Out of the cell... Where to next...?' She questioned internally. Just then, she heard a faint, male's voice telling her to go right. It didn't exactly sound like Ralsei, and it DEFINITELY wasn't one of the sisters, so that only left...

"Huh...? Kris...? Did you say something back there?" Susie asked, looking over her shoulder. She expected to hear a response, but she heard nothing. '...I can't hear them anymore...' She thought to herself, as she turned to left. "...I'll just go this way." She finally decided, whispering as to not be heard. She went left, only to discover it was a dead end. "...Well, that's a dead end..." She mumbled.

All of a sudden, she heard Lancer's voice from somewhere behind her, causing her to whip around. Due to how faint it was, she couldn't hear what was being said. 'Th... That's Lancer's voice!' She thought, quietly speed-walking towards the direction where she heard Lancer's voice. She was stopped short however, as she had found another card-symbol puzzle.

"Damn, not another one of these..." She quietly complained, before looking back to the left. '...Maybe I should go back and ask Kris...' She thought. But just before she could start walking, she heard Lancer's voice again; only this time it was clearer.

"...And make sure they..."

It wasn't much, but Susie didn't really like the sound of it. "Lancer..." She whispered, before casting her gaze to the puzzle. "I'll... Just do it myself!" She decided, as she solved the puzzle with ease. Once the gate opened, she walked through and saw Lancer talking with one of the guards. Fortunately for her, they didn't seem to notice her standing right behind them.

Susie listened in for a minute, as a way to figure out was going on. "Understand? They have to stay in their cells. The lightners can't be allowed to escape." Lancer told the guard, before glancing away. "...Especially the purple one." He added. Susie had decided she heard enough, and spoke up.

"...Lancer?" Susie's voice rang out, causing the guard to flee to god knows where, and as well as Lancer turning around to face Susie, looking surprised.

"S... Susie? ...W-What are you doing here...?" He asked, somewhat nervously. Susie said nothing as she stepped closer to the small spade boy. "Lancer, Kris, Vixen, Chara, and Ralsei are still locked up..." She stated, speaking up at last. "I... I know. I..." He hesitated, looking away from his friend.

"I was the one who told my troops to put you down here. To... To keep you down here. Forever." He finally admitted, sounding guilty. Susie stepped even closer, causing Lancer to be somewhat intimidated. "L... Lancer... You... You... You wanted to get rid of us...?" Susie asked, sounding bewildered. She was silent for another moment. "I thought we were a team." She stated. "I... I can explain, Susie..." Lancer stuttered, not wanting to upset Susie.

Rather than listening to the poor little spade, Susie merely looked away. "Nah. It's fine." She stated, sounding somewhat calm. Which Lancer found a little off. "It's fine, actually. You don't have to say anything." She added, nonchalantly. She then looked down at the ground. "I... Get it. I get it, Y'know." She said, taking a few steps away.

"Why would anyone..." She paused.
"...really wanna be my friend anyway?" She finally asked, as she turned back to Lancer, smiling slightly. Lancer couldn't see her eyes, so it was somewhat hard to tell what kind of smile it was. Pretty soon, Lancer had found his voice, and tried to speak up. Key word, tried.

"Susie, that's not-!" "Shut up." He was soon interrupted by Susie. But that didn't stop him from trying. "But-!"
"SHUT UP!" Susie snapped again, walking closer to Lancer. "Get out of my way." She demanded, looking down coldly at the boy. Lancer said nothing though, as he held his ground. This in turn made Susie stomp on the ground super hard, thus startling Lancer.

"Did you HEAR ME? GET OUT OF MY WAY." Susie repeated, this time with a harsher tone. Lancer finally allowed himself to say something. "N... No." He weakly replied, causing Susie to laugh. "Did you not HEAR ME...? Man, I tried to warn you..." She stated, turning around again and taking a few steps. "So, don't expect me to feel guilty..." She paused, taking out her ax and facing Lancer once again.

"...When they have to clean you off the floor." She finished, smirking.
"Hey, wanna see what happens to traitors?" She asked, before attacking Lancer. Lancer then fires his own barrage of attacks, which Susie just stood there and took. It was like she was made of titanium.

"They. Get. Crushed." Susie stated, her smirk seeming permanent as she attacked Lancer once again. Lancer fired more attacks, only these ones seemed... Somewhat weaker. But like before, Susie takes the hits, never flinching once. (Ohh, shit! We got a badass over here!)

"If you don't get out of the way..." She paused, her tone sounding dark. "...I'll kill you." She finished threateningly, as she attacked Lancer once again. Lancer just stood there, allowing each blow to hit him. He attacked once again, but this time, his attacks did far less damage than they did before. Susie still didn't seem to care, however. She noticed, but she just didn't really give a damn. Even though her HP was down to roughly twenty three, she didn't bother dodging much.

"Get it? I'll KILL you." She reiterated, still not giving up. Lancer sends out more spade attacks, but they missed horribly. "Heh... You missed, idiot!" Susie taunted, as she attacked Lancer again, not knowing it was intentional. However, Lancer still didn't attack back. He just stood there, which confused Susie a little. "...Wait, why aren't you fighting back...?" She asked, taking another swing at Lancer. But Lancer still refused to retaliate.

"...Heh, you think I CARE? If you just wanna lie down and die?" Susie asked, laughing. "You're just making it easier for me!" She stated, charging at the poor boy yet again. Lancer was low on HP, and he was trembling at this point. But even so, he still refused to fight back.

Susie looked bored and unamused at Lancer's -what she called- cowardice.
".........Alright, that's enough. If you wanna die so much..." She paused, raising her ax. "THEN DIE!" She yelled, swinging her ax down. Lancer closed his eyes, waiting for the impact, but...

It never came...

Lancer opened his eyes, immediately seeing Susie on the ground, her ax right beside her. "S... Susie...?" Lancer questioned, looking at her. "Y... You missed..." He stated, confusedly. "I... I don't wanna kill you, man." Susie admitted, looking up slightly at Lancer. "Just move. Please." She said, practically pleading.

"B... But Susie, if I let you guys go... Then you and my dad have to fight, and... and..." Lancer paused, not liking the idea of the sentence. "You'll kill each other..." He finally said, looking kinda scared. Susie looked at Lancer fully as she stood up.

Susie said nothing, as she waited patiently for the young boy to continue. "...At least if you stay here... Neither of you will get hurt." Lancer stated. Susie looked away for a moment, trying to think of what to say. "Then I... I..." She paused, stepping a bit closer to the childish prince.
"I won't kill him. Promise. Me and him, we'll just, um... Talk it out. Peaceful-style. Y'know." She stated, smiling a little.

Lancer looked at Susie, pondering the idea. "I... I don't think my dad would like that..." He stated, not noticing Susie stepping closer to him. "Hey, Lancer! C'mon! We're a team, right!? Nothing can stop us! Fighting or not! Alright?" Susie encouraged, as confident as ever. Lancer stared at Susie for a moment, before breaking into a big smile.

"...Yeah! Yeah, you're right! We might as well try! I can help, too! I'll go talk to my dad! Ripen him up!" Lancer replied, now filled with enthusiasm.
"Hey, now we're getting somewhere!" Susie stated, smiling wide. "I'll head over right now!" Lancer cheered, as he was about to walk away.

But rather than leaving then and there, he paused. "S... Susie?" He questioned, getting his friend's attention. "...Yeah?" Susie acknowledged as Lancer turned back to face her. "Are... Are we still friends?" He asked, hesitantly. Susie jumped a little, seemingly taken aback. "H... Huh?" She questioned, not sure what to say immediately. "Of... Of course! I mean, if you wanna be!" She finally replied. "Phew! See you!" Lancer cheered, before dashing off.

Once he was out of earshot, Susie started whispering to herself.
"...How am I gonna get past his dad like that...?" She questioned herself, before shaking her head at the thought."C... C'mon, I'll figure something out!" She encouraged herself, still whispering. She then went to where her friends were, about to break them out. 'OK... Time to save those idiots.' She thought.


Ralsei had just got done explaining to Kris, Vixen, and Chara why it would be a good idea as to at least wonder about... Something. (I don't know what it was, sorry.)

"...So that's why, OK, everyone?" He asked. Kris gave a thumbs up, while Vixen nodded. "Yeah, thanks for that, Ralsei." She stated. Ralsei smiled kindly at her. "No problem, Vixen! What do you think, Chara?" He replied, before asking the younger sister. To which he got no response. "...Chara...?" He repeated.

Vixen then gave a sheepish smile. "Oh, uh, right... So um... Chara may have... KINDA fallen asleep at some point...?" She commented, rubbing the back of her neck. "Huh?" Ralsei questioned, taking another glance at Chara, who was sleeping, resting her head on her older sister's lap. (#Sisterrelationshipgoals)

(Hey, i_said_no669, you want some more shipping fuel? If so, HAVE AT THEE!)

"Sorry, Ralsei... She's had... A long day..." Vixen apologized, recalling Chara awoke earlier from falling out of a tree, and from there things got more tiring. "Ah, it's no trouble, Vixen! Besides, I do think its nice that you're allowing Chara to sleep on your lap like that. Its cute!" Ralsei commented, happy to know that Vixen and her sister have a great sibling relationship.

"Aww, thanks Ralsei. But Y'know... I know something else that's cute~." Vixen stated, smirking slyly. "Oh? And what would that be, Vixen?" Ralsei asked innocently. Kris then watched in amusement, knowing where this was going. "You~!" Vixen playfully flirted, causing Kris to snicker to himself, and for Ralsei's face to immediately turn reddish-pink.

"Darn it, Vixen... What's with you and flirting?" He muttered, embarrassed. Vixen giggled and pulled him down to her level, hugging him. "Heh, sorry, Ralsei. I couldn't help it." She stated. "I-It's fine. You are relatively good at it, as well!" Ralsei complimented. Chara then began stirring in Vixen's lap, causing the older sister's attention to be drawn to her. Kris used this opportunity to tap Ralsei on the shoulder. "Hm? What is it, Kris?" He asked. Grinning, Kris held up his hands and signed;

'I ship it.'

Before Ralsei had a chance to comprehend what was just "said" to him, the cell door opened, revealing Susie. Luckily, Chara was now fully awake. "...Hey." Susie greeted, plainly. "Susie! You came to save us...! I knew you had the heart of a hero, Susie!" Ralsei cheered.

"Yeah, yeah, don't push your luck." Susie remarked, rolling her eyes. Susie turned to look at Vixen next. "Hey Vixen, can you cast your heal song, or whatever it's called? I got kinda scratched up." She asked. "Of course!" Vixen replied happily, as she held onto Susie's hands.

(Again, I don't own this.)

"Trembling within the breeze,
I can feel my soul is shaking...
Even with a single blow,
Everything that is comes undone...

Using every ounce of strength,
Just to keep myself from breaking...
I... Can only watch you walk...

Holding onto everything,
Even when my body shatters...!
I will never let you pass,
Even when my tears run dry~!

Beating with our hearts as one,
Everyone I know is praying...!
I, will strike you down, do or...
D i e...~!"

Once the song was over, Susie was completely healed. "Better?" Vixen asked. "Better. Now C'mon, dorks..." Susie confirmed, pushing the cell door open.

"Let's get out of here."

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