Running From The Truth (by Em...

By Ipkknd-FanFictions

190K 8.3K 251

"Yes, I am in love with you. I've been in love with you for the past 14 years, ever since the first day I saw... More

Chapter 1- The meeting
Chapter 2- Despair
Chapter 3 - Confusion
Chapter 4- Confessions
Chapter 5 - Nostalgia
Chapter 6 - Denial
Chapter 7 - Reminiscing
Chapter 8 - Guilt
Chapter 9 - Uncovered
Chapter 10 - Recognition
Chapter 11 - Optimism
Chapter 12 - Proceed
Chapter 13 - Apprehension
Chapter 14 - Reality
Chapter 15 - Forsaken
Chapter 16 - Amendment
Chapter 17 - Outset
Chapter 18 - Resurgence
Chapter 19 - Infallibility
Chapter 20 - Confessions
Chapter 21 - Divergence
Chapter 22 - Coveting
Chapter 23 - Assurance
Chapter 24 - Decisions
Chapter 25 - Submission
Chapter 26 - Reconciliation
Chapter 27 - Lull
Chapter 28 - Allegations
Chapter 29 A & B - Storm
Chapter 30 A - Outset
Chapter 31 - Renaissance
Chapter 32 - Euphoria
Chapter 33 - Initiation
Chapter 34 - Grasping
Chapter 35 - Insecurities
Chapter 38A B - Forge Ahead
Chapter 40 A B - Seasonable

Untitled Part 37

3.9K 173 4
By Ipkknd-FanFictions

Chapter 36A - Amendments

Anjali Jha had been about to walk into the kitchen when she realized that NK and Lavanya were the only ones sitting at the dining table, eating by themselves, smiling and laughing in between. It was a lovely sight, calm and serene, and it made Anjali feel good for the first time in months.

She stood peeking at the door, listening to their casual talk. They actually looked like husband and wife, him coming home from a tiring day at work and having his wife serve dinner for him.

The transformations that Anjali had noticed in both, were astounding. How could one change so fast, and for the betterment of situations too?

Initially, she had noticed NK who was trying his absolute best to handle everything on his own, and it showed in his behaviour. It was apparent in the way he spoke, in the way he acted. However, now it was as if these new traits had always been an integral part of him. He looked happy doing everything he did, not as if he was forced into it all, but as if he had chosen this route himself. There was a glow in his eyes at the mention of the baby, and whenever he saw Lavanya. Sometimes Anjali thought she was looking into it too much, however as time passed she realized that it was in fact reality.

Lavanya had surprised her even more, if that were possible. She still did not understand what had ensued between them both, or how all these situations came into play in the first place. Yet, all she knew was that Lavanya was not what she had thought out to be, or what any of the family had thought out to be. She seemed just as happy about the baby than NK was, if not more. It was true, that she tried as hard as she could to win everyone's heart, to fill in a void previously left empty and blurred with lines of guilt and despair. And although, perhaps Lavanya did not always get the response she may have wished for, she never showed it. She did everything with a smile, and that was what Anjali loved. It reminded her of Khushi...

Khushi, Anjali thought with a pang. How was she doing? She heard from Arnav that they were moving forward, working matters out. And it settled her heart to hear it, however, she still wished she could talk to her in person. The problem was that she was afraid. She wanted Khushi to take her time, and contact Anjali herself when she could, but she was beginning to become restless over her best friend.

Turning her head back towards the lovely scene playing out in front of her, she sighed.

"Wait, Lavanya I'll take the plates. You sit down." She heard NK say.

"I'm not a baby NK, I can get up." Lavanya countered, making Anjali smile.

"Yes, but you are carrying one. So I'd prefer doing the dishes instead." NK smiled, taking the plate out of her hand and heading over to the sink, leaving Lavanya giggling and shaking her head.

She had a beautiful glow on her face, a natural tint that no makeup could ever compare to. And Anjali was happy for her, for them, it overshadowed the pain of...

Two hands slipped around her waist, as she felt her husband come up behind her to rest his head in the crook of her neck and peek into the kitchen with her.

"Eavesdropping, are we?" He chuckled lightly, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Not eavesdropping...just casually watching!" Anjali smiled.

"Oh, I'm sure."

"They look so happy, don't they?" She turned slightly to face Shyam, while he smiled back at her and nodded.

"They do. I'm happy for them."

Anjali looked back at the scene, as NK carefully helped Lavanya up from her chair, minding her very big baby bump in the process.

Anjali felt Shyam's hands tighten around her, pressing his cheek against hers. "I know. I wish we could have that too."

Anjali sighed in slight despair. "What if the reports come out, and say that I can never have a baby Shyam? We've been trying for years." She whispered.

"Then...there are other options we can consider. We could adopt. We'll figure something out Anju."

Anjali's eyes widened slightly, finally turning in her husband's arms and studying him carefully. "Really?"

"Really." Shyam nodded. "We'll have our baby. No matter what. Because you Anjali Jha, are one of those women who were meant to be a mother, born to be one. And we'll be awesome parents someday, I know it." He smiled when she crushed herself to him, feeling the wetness of her tears on his shirt.

Pulling her back, he wiped away any of the remaining dampness, and cupped her face lovingly.

"Now that you have gotten that off of your chest, lets get something else off of your chest too."

Anjali frowned. "Huh?"

"Today is a good day. I think it's good enough to make a call..." Shyam smiled, and Anjali pondered for a moment.

"Anju, call her. Don't be so nervous, Khushi is not upset with you at all. Why would she be? Knowing her, she is most likely over everything that happened the last time she was here. If she is upset, it's because you haven't contacted her in so long. I know you wanted to give her space, but she needs her best friend in her space too. You've given it enough time, and you are torturing yourself by not doing this." Shyam urged.

Anjali lowered her long dark lashes, adjusting the pallu of her sari and taking in a deep breath and nodding, knowing her husband was absolutely right.

Shyam took her hand, and Anjali balanced herself by placing some weight on her husband, as she limped up the stairs to their room.


Khushi put the phone down from her umpteenth attempt at calling Arnav, yet to no avail. He would not answer her calls, not that she blamed him. She couldn't believe what had gotten into her.

Taking large gulps of breath to calm her erratic heartbeats, she slumped into her chair.

The shrill ringing of her mobile sent her sitting upright as she grabbed the phone without a second glance.

"Hello?" She said, out of breath.

"Khushi?" She felt a lump form at her throat, although it was not the voice she had been hoping for. She was hearing the sweet tone after so long.

"Anjali...?" She asked, just to make sure. To double check.

"It's me."

There was silence on both sides as Khushi tried to control her heavy voice, and tears already on the verge of spilling from beforehand. And she knew Anjali had been doing the exact same thing.

"How have you been?"
"How are you?"

They had both spoken at the same time, their voices mingling and further letting out shaky laughs after the realization of it all.

"I missed you." Khushi spoke first, unable to hold anything back. She had wanted to call everyday. Not just Anjali, but Nani or Mami...and NK. She knew he was off bounds, she wanted him to be able to have all the space he needed with Lavanya, with the new chapter of his life. Her interference would not have helped matters at all, so as much as it had hurt her, she had put the phone down every time she had picked it up.

"I miss you too Khush. I'm sorry I didn't call earlier...I was scared." Anjali admitted. "I don't know why, I just was."

"Anji, if anyone knows that feeling well, it is me." Khushi smiled wryly, wishing Anjali were there in person to give her the hug she craved for.

"I'm sorry I didn't call either. I wasn't sure..." Khushi started, not quite sure how to word what she felt. However, this was why Anjali and her had melded so well together in the first place. She had the power to finish her thoughts and sentences for her.

"I get it. Can we quit being awkward now?"

Khushi let out a laugh and nodded, "Yes please."

"I'm sorry about everything. How things were left here, just everything. I don't know if ----"

"Anjali, I'm not just saying this to seem nice, or because you are my closest friend. But I will say this because I mean it - I've gotten over everything that happened. It was all a big misunderstanding, and I'm sure had everyone known the facts, none of that would have happened in the first place."

"I know Khushi, but---"

"Anjali, it's okay. I have forgotten about all of it. There is no point in bringing this all up again." Khushi urged.

Khushi heard Anjali sigh. "Anyways, how is Shyam?"

"He's alright. Busy with work. Nani and mami miss you, although they don't always word it, it's quite evident. And even NK..."

"How is he?" Khushi asked immediately, no longer able to contain the question inside.

"He's...great. He has changed immensely Khushi, if you were here today, you would be so happy to see how he is."

This made Khushi smile genuinely at the thought. "I'm so happy for him. And Lavanya?"

"She's good too, excited for the baby. We all are." Khushi smiled again. "But enough about us. Tell me about you."

"It's been busy Anji. Work and family..."


"And?" Khushi asked, knowing very well what was coming her way.

"And what about Chotey?"

"He's...been amazing. I haven't been so happy in ages Anji, he makes me feel like I'm the best there is." Khushi admitted. "And it's gotten to a point where even a couple of hours not talking to him is really really hard."

Anjali giggled. "I remember those days when Shyam and I were seeing one another, and I would constantly miss him."

When Khushi did not respond, Anjali stopped laughing. "Did something happen?" Anjali asked.

Khushi sighed, happy that she could at least get this off her chest, with someone who would understand. "I messed up. I said some things and...let's just say I didn't mean them. At all. And sometimes insecurities get to the best of me. And now...he's not picking up my calls or talking to me..." Khushi's voice broke by the last line.

"What happened?"

"I met a childhood friend of his, Neha and..."

"Neha? You mean our neighbour Neha?" Anjali asked in slight astonishment.


"And then what happened?"

"I guess you could say I got very jealous, and didn't handle anything well at all."

Anjali nodded after a slight pause. "Look Khush, I don't know exactly what happened. But I do know this - especially after talking to Arnav lately, he has seemed so much happier. His mere tone says it all. And it makes me feel so good, as your friend and as his sister. He is crazy about you Khushi, he doesn't care for anything else like he does for you. And that is a fact. He may not use flowery words or show his affection in public, but I'm sure you know."

"I do." Khushi sighed. "And I feel the same way."

"Then talk it out. Open up to him Khush, maybe that's all you need. What you both need?"

Khushi nodded slowly, knowing that it was exactly what they both were inadequate of. He needed to know she was ready to keep moving forward, that she was just as committed as he was. And she had already realized her part, the moment she had witnessed Arnav leave in anger, the pain in his eyes and unspoken words were enough.

"And more than anything, he would need you tomorrow." Anjali continued softly.

"Tomorrow?" Khushi frowned, and then realization dawned upon her as she remembered a date he had once mentioned.

"It's our parents' death anniversary tomorrow. And on that day, Chotey is even more reserved than he already is. He prefers not opening up about anything to anyone, and not really talking to anyone..." Anjali muttered into the phone, and Khushi's eyes felt heavy at the thought.

"I will make sure to be there Anjali. I'll fix things." Khushi took a deep breath and brought a smile to her lips. Anything for him.


"Arnav, please...if you get the chance, call me." Khushi left another message on his voice mail. The beep becoming more and more accommodating to her ears. She had sent him plants, sent his favourite sugar free peanut butter cake to his office, sent him various cards throughout the day as well. Khushi bit her nails nervously, wondering what she could possibly do. She rose from her seat swiftly, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

She whirled past an utterly distraught Siddharth who had been about to enter her cabin, as his green eyes stared at her in wonder. "Khushi Di?"

"I have some important business to attend Sid. I'll talk to you later!" She rushed past him, evidently in a hurry.

"But...aren't we going home now?" He walked after her in a hurry, attempting to catch up.

"You are! Here, take the keys." She threw them in his unready hands, as she entered the empty elevator.

"What about you?" He exclaimed.

"I'll take an auto, tell Buaji I'll call her later!" Khushi yelled as the elevator closed shut, and Siddharth shook his head.

"Geez, people and elevators nowadays..." Siddharth muttered under his breath.

Chapter 36B - Amendments

As Khushi sat in the auto, the evening wind blowing wisps of air from the braid that hung loosely on one shoulder. She passed the various sweet shops, old and new, the sweetmeat had always been something she enjoyed. The Awadhi and Mughlai restaurants left behind as the auto sped across the roads. It all reminded her of Arnav, all the places he had taken her to eat throughout their stay in Lucknow. He had reminded her of all the contentment the city brought to her, the memories of her mother and father, her childhood.

He had done everything to make things right, and she had only upset him. He must have been thinking at that very moment, that it all meant nothing to her. When in reality, it meant everything.

Her father had always been the best at giving advice, his words were as wise as they would come. Even at a young age, his words had been impactful, and engraved in her mind.

Khushi sat in bed, pouting as she propped her chin on her knees. She had just received a scolding from her mother, and was in a spiteful mood. It was only when her father entered the room, walking nonchalantly with his usual loving expression, that she had raised her head momentarily.

"When you speak in anger, you may give the best speech you will ever regret, Bitiya."

Her hazel orbs flashed at him as she sported a frown, silently asking what he meant.

"Meaning...when you are upset, sometimes you say things you do not mean. And you will regret later. So it is important to remember to control what you say when you are not in a good mood. Make sense?" He had asked her.

She nodded slowly.

He finally took a seat on the bed beside her patted her head lovingly. "Your Amma will get mad at you from time to time...but she only means well. She regrets yelling at you later, you know."

Khushi looked down and sighed at the bed once more, trying not to sulk anymore. It was then that another figure passed through her doorframe.

"Khushi ki Babuji...did you know that actions are the best medicine for sadness?" Garima entered Khushi's room, something hiding behind her back as she hid her hands.

Shashi watched Khushi's reaction slowly, a smile spreading on his face. "Why yes, I believe I am the one who gave you that advice!"

The grim look on Khushi's face faltered momentarily as she almost laughed at her father's comment.

"Sure you did. Anyways...I brought Khushi's favourite book. I thought I'd read for a change, what do you think?" Garima asked.

Khushi remained in the position she was in, still upset over the scolding she had gotten from her mother.

"Bitiya...I'm sorry for yelling at you." Garima put her hands to her ears, in attempt to hold them but Khushi quickly hopped up from her position to pull her mother's arms away.

"Amma, don't! It's okay." Khushi quickly smiled and hugged her mother fiercely, listening to her light chuckle.

"I'm sorry for not listening to you!" Khushi said in a muffled voice. She felt her mother pry her arms away and leans Khushi back until they were facing one another. "So...I won't yell, and you will listen? Does that sound like a deal?" Garima asked.

Khushi nodded fervently, the bright smile on her face reappearing, the sour mood disappearing instantly. There was only a certain amount of time within which she could stay upset anyways.

"Okay, okay! Now that the mum-daughter duo have made up, how about some love for the babuji?" Shashi intervened, making his two girls in front of him laugh. Khushi had then thrown herself at her dear Babuji too, burying her face in her father's chest as he patted her head. "You know Khushi bitiya, that you are my favourite daughter?"

Khushi had giggled to her heart's content. "Babuji, I'm your only daughter!"

Garima and Shashi had then lovingly tucked Khushi in, as she squirmed with renewed excitement for the story she was about to hear from her favourite book. And her eyes at fluttered closed, sleep carrying her adrift with voices of two people who had been her everything.

Khushi had learned a lesson that day. Perhaps in the process of growing up, of maturing as she had to, it had been thrown in the back of her mind. But as she knew so very well, her father had always left a great impact on her, and although the memories started to fade, they were still there. It was almost as if he was watching her from up there, helping her out in her moments of weaknesses, helping her mend the mistakes she had made.

She would fix things between herself and Arnav, because her careless words were no match for the bond they had, for the bond they would continue to have for the rest of their lives.

She paid the auto driver accordingly, as she turned back to look at his office building, the tall structure looming over her.

As she entered, her steps were hesitant yet determined, scared yet confident. She approached the front desk, waiting for the woman at the front desk to finish her phone call.

As the woman she had seen so many times turned to look at Khushi, she straightened up.

"Khushi ma'am?" She asked with a small smile.

"Hi Diya. I was wondering if I could see Arnav?" Khushi asked daintily.

Diya looked downwards, examining Arena's schedule heedfully, scanning before looking back up at Khushi. "He seems to have meetings all evening, he has one starting in a couple of minutes actually...I'm not really sure when he may be free..." Diya said in slight uncertainty, her forehead sporting a slight frown.

A small crowd of employees made an appearance from one of the cabins, all following one very visible figure. Clad in a grey suit, his hair cleanly gelled as he studied a file in hand. It was as if he did even notice the swarm of people behind him, trying to catch up hurriedly.

And for some strange reason, although no one had called him, he looked up for a mere moment and Arena's eyes met with Khushi's eager ones.

Her breath caught slightly, unable to make out what to do next. Her eyes widenened slightly, as she watched him pause in his tracks.

The myriad of emotions that were seen in his gaze throughout those small moments left Khushi speechless. He looked visibly upset, she could not recall the last time she had seen him in that state. He seemed tired, as if he had not slept in ages.

Arnav turned to the group that had followed me, looking around in distraction before proceeding further. "You guys go settle down in the board room. I'll be there momentarily." Arnav said in a clipped tone, not bothering to see if they had responded as he was already on his way to face Khushi.

She stood rooted to the spot, waiting for him to approach her, and when he did, she wanted nothing more than to lurch in his arms and bury her face in his neck...inhale his scent and stay forever.

"What are you doing here?" He asked monotonously.

"Arnav...hi." Khushi said conscientiously, watching Arnav's stiff expression. "I need to talk to you." She said softly.

"I am off to a meeting. I won't be back until late...I have to go." He turned to leave, only to have Khushi grab his arm. Her fingers curled around his bicep, her grip tightening as she swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Please...Arnav I need to talk to you."

"Khushi, I can't right now." And she felt his body tense immensely, as he pried her fingers away. His held a devastatingly distressed expression as he gave her one last look and walked away.

She stood there, watching his retreating form as the tears threatened to fall. She took a deep breath immediately, blinking rapidly to prevent any tears from escaping their barrier.

Turning to Diya, who looked away immediately, averting her gaze. "Uh...Khushi Ma' I was saying, he has meetings until late at night so..."

"I don't mind waiting." Khushi gave her a small smile.

"Are you sure Khushi Ma'am..." Diya asked softly.

"Diya, please drop the Ma'am Diya, and yes I am sure. I will take a seat and wait...I hope that's not a problem?" Khushi said as her fingers curled around the strap of her bag.

"No, no! Of course it is not a problem..." Diya said gently.

Khushi nodded, taking a seat in front of Diya's desk, as her head slumped against the wall beside her, knowing she might as well relax because she would be there for some time.


Arnav massaged his temples, his headache only increasing throughout the day even after the painkillers.

His mind drifted to Khushi's special tea that she made him whenever he had a headache, the smell of ginger, and spices, and honey...

Shaking his head, he returned to the presentation being played out in front of him. Glancing at his clock briefly, he noticed it was almost 11 pm. It had been about 5 hours since he had dismissed Khushi from his office. She must have gone home by now, he assumed. It had killed him to see her that way, and he knew that she had been trying to contact him all day. All the plants, the cake, the adorable sorry cards had made him smile. However it was his intention to ignore her, he was still slightly hurt by the words muttered by her earlier. How could she believe after all this time that he did not understand her? Did she doubt his love for her? After all this time?

Moments later, as the presentation ended, and his final words of declaration were given out to the staff in front of him, he closed his laptop shut and sighed, paying no heed to the people who shuffled around him to leave. He needed to call her, for his own sanity at least. He couldn't bear any kind of distance, and he would try again if things did not work. Perhaps he was doing something wrong, maybe there was something amiss in his care towards her? Whatever it was, he would work it out.

Locking his cabin door shut, he took a brief look at the window through the blinds outside. It was as dark as ever, the pitter patter of the rain against the glass. Perhaps he would talk to her tomorrow? Should he let her sleep on it, let himself sleep on it? He was no longer sure.

Descending the spiral staircase of his office, he caught a glimpse of Diya who was engrossed in a phone conversation. As soon as she caught sight of her boss, she quickly finished up and put the phone back on the receiver.

"Arnav Sir!" She called out, slightly out of breath.

"Who was that?" Arnav asked.

"Mr. Chopra, he wants to schedule a meeting with you, so I put him on your calendar for next week." Diya responded, to which Arnav nodded slowly.

"Uh...I wanted to ask you about...Khushi. Was she...upset when she left? Did she leave right away...?" Arnav was unsure himself of what he wanted to ask.

"No Sir, she's right..." Diya pointed to the space behind him, the row of empty chairs awaiting his gaze. He frowned and then turned back to Diya.


"Where did she go?" Diya's eyes widened.

"Where did who go?"


Arnav's body went into panic mode, he had a hunch of what would come next, however he only hoped he was not correct.

"Where is she?"

"Arnav Sir...she didn't leave after you went for your meeting. She said she would stay and she sat there since then..." Diya said nervously, her mower lip trembling slightly as her dark eyes remained wide.

"So where is she now?!" He almost yelled, causing Diya to slightly flinch.

"Sir...I swear, she was there 10 minutes ago when I looked. I was just on the phone, so my back was turned, and..."

"Diya, why the heck did you let her stay?!" Arnav brought out his cell phone immediately, dialing her number without another thought.

"I tried to convince her later...but she was adamant on waiting for you. I'm sorry, I don't know..."

When she heard Khushi's soft voice as the call went to her voice mail, he swore and tried again. Running his free hand through his hair in distress, the thought of Khushi this late at night...where could she have gone?

As he already assumed, it went to her voicemail again and a chill passed through his spine. His Khushi had stayed that long and waited for him...was she crazy?

"I should have just talked to her when I saw her...I should have..." Arnav mumbled to himself, shaking his head. "Diya, get me Siddharth Gupta on the line." He commanded, and Diya's fingers worked fast as she found the number and dialed.

His fear had been confirmed when Siddharth told him he had no clue as to where she was.

"Khushi Di told me she had some important business to attend, and she would be late..." Siddharth's voice held a slight twinge of panic. "Why, did something happen?"

"No, it's fine. phone isn't getting to her. I'll call you later when I see her." He said as calmly as he could, not wanting to scare Siddharth just yet, which would further lead to scaring Buaji...

He had cut the call and was frantically driving around, thinking of any and every possibility of where she might have been.

"Please, let her be okay..." He said to Khushi's Devi Maiya in his mind. He felt the cold sweep over him, as if he had fever fighting for control of my body. Loud thumping seemed to drown out all other sounds as his heart pounded against his ribs and his lungs struggled to intake sufficient air. Unconsciously, his grip tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning visibly white. It reminded him of the way she had gripped his arm, and asked him to listen to her fingers had tightened on his flesh as her pained expression became even more vivid.

"Dammit!" He hit the steering wheel with trembling hands, wondering why the hell he had dismissed her.

He hit the button on his Bluetooth, trying to connect to her number again, however there was no sound. Taking a brief glance towards his phone that lay on the passenger side, he realized that his phone had died.

Taking a deep breath to calm his shaking nerves, he perceived that he needed to go home and get a charger. He was close to his apartment anyways, to his own slight relief. It would not take long...and then he would go back and search every inch of Lucknow if he needed to.

He parked swiftly, and got up the elevator in a matter of minutes. As he approached his door, he stopped in his tracks at the sight awaiting him.

"Khushi." He let out a long breath, all the air he had unconsciously been holding in the entire time. His shoulders slumped as he watched her small figure, sitting in front of his door, her legs crossed as she looked down at her fingers.

His legs carried themselves to her as fast as they could needing to know that it was truly her, and when she got a glimpse of his figure, her eyes lit up as she looked up at him.

"Arnav!" She said in relief, as she tried to get up. Putting a hand on the wall behind her, she attempted to lift her body upwards, but only stumbled on her own legs, leading her to collapse into Arnav's ready arms.

"Sorry..." She looked up at him, and realized that he was furious. His nostrils slightly flared, his breathing heavy...

"You look even more angry then when I last saw you...I'm sorry, I came here realizing it would probably be more convenient for you...rather than in your office..." Khushi said in despair, but stopped talking as Arnav grabbed her and cupped her face.

"Goodness you even know how worried I was?! What I was going through? I thought...I thought I lost you!" He shook her slightly, watching as her eyes became bigger and bigger..."What if I lost you?!" He asked, and Khushi realized he was trembling.

"Arnav...?" She was still dazed when he crushed her in his embrace, the two of them standing in the empty hallway. She felt his face bring buried in her neck, and she rubbed his back soothingly, still wondering what was going on. However, the feeling of joy that he was holding her, surpassed any other worry in her mind. She reveled in his touch, craved for more she leaned closer, placing her cheek on the side of his head.

"What happened?" Khushi finally asked.

He pulled away, as if he realized there was something much more important to be addressed.

"What happened?" He repeated. "Diya tells me you waited over 5 hours for me to finish my meetings, why didn't you go home?!"

"Because I wanted to talk to you Arnav!" Khushi countered.

"And then, you disappear and don't answer your phone! I went to every place I could think of where you would be, and you weren't there! I call Siddharth, and he has no idea either!" Arnav said in rage.

" phone died! I'm sorry..." Khushi looked down, only to have Arnav raise her chin so their gazes met. He stared at her wordlessly, studying something in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that you are okay." He said finally, letting her go. "Let's go."

Khushi frowned, making no attempt to move anywhere. "Where?"

"Your home! It's late, and I am sure Siddharth and your Buaji are worried." Arnav said, already turning on his heels.

"I'm not going home." Khushi stated plainly.

He turned slowly, wondering what on earth she was saying. "What do you mean, you're not going home?"

"I need to talk to you! I've been trying all day and you've been ignoring me!"

He sighed. "Khushi, it's late. I promise we will talk properly first thing tomorrow morning. Right now, we need to get you home."

"I won't go anywhere." She said stubbornly.

Arnav's jaw clenched. "Khushi..."

"Please." He could hear the pleading in her voice, and when he saw the tears starting to form in her could he refuse her?

He closed his eyes and nodded finally, unable to figure out himself what would be wrong and what would be right at this point. "Fine, but you will call Siddharth and tell him where you are as soon as we get inside."

Khushi nodded fervently, almost stunned that he had given in so easily. She followed him silently inside, as he unlocked the door gently, turning the knob and closed the door behind them. It was as if his movements were slowed, perhaps because Khushi wanted them to be slow, desired for it. She wanted this to last as long as possible, every moment between them to take it's sweet time.

When he turned around from locking the door, he found her staring at him with an unfathomable expression etched onto her porcelain face. He could not decipher whether she was upset, or content. Was it both? Was it neither?

Not sure what to do next, or what to say for that matter, he attempted to move past her. "Call home."

And so she did, she had called Siddharth and told him she was busy with work tonight and would most likely be staying at a nearby hotel as she did not want to come home by auto so late at night. And of course, Siddharth must have known she was lying, because he knew whether there was work to be done or not. But like the loving brother he was, he covered up for her without a second thought.

When Khushi put the phone down, she found Arnav by his balcony. The glass door was open, letting the slightly chilly wind enter the plush room. It was a simple, yet luxurious apartment. No bright colours, nothing fancy. However, for Khushi it was homely. Or perhaps just the thought of him living here made her feel that way, because after all he was her home.

She stood facing his back, staring at his figure as he had his arms crossed along his chest. "Arnav..."

He turned around instantly, his expression changing as he looked at her, from a blank look to one that was washed over with unsaid adoration...

"I'm sorry. For everything..."

"Khushi..." He tried inching closer to her, to stop her from talking.

"Wait, let me finish. I have lots to say...and I guess that's alright because we have the whole night."

Arnav frowned. "What..."

She had come here with one sole ambition. And her presence only proved to herself that she had finally let go. There was no more room for insecurities in their relationship. He needed to know that she trusted him more than she did herself. She needed to make him understand, convince him.

"I'm staying here with you, so we have the entire night..."


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