Waiting For My Mate

By Veikari

535K 14.8K 4.4K

Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
The Last Chapter
little update

Chapter 67

2.5K 99 28
By Veikari

After the battles – Bickslow won Bisca and gained 7 points, while Loke won Wendy and he got 9 points – the town was again free to return back to its normal rhytm for the evening. Freed had explained everything to Laxus, Evergreen, Roxanne, Roscoe and Kvestor. After Bickslow returned back to the Guild, he explained everything to him as well.

"We can have a slumber party", the seith mage grinned as they started their journey towards their house. "That would be fun."

"So much fun", 'babies' giggled.

"It's not like we are all going to sleep in the same room", Roscoe said.

"Why?" the Tiki dolls asked.

"Granny and Evergreen have to sleep in their own room, right?"

"Why?" 'Babies' asked confused. "We like Granny and Ever."

"It is not appropriate", Roscoe huffed.

"Oh, you're more bashful than I thought", Ever chuckled looking at the guard, making him blush slightly. "Of course we have to all share the same room."

"No we don't", Laxus said before things would get out of hands. "There are no rooms big enough in the Guild Hall other than the infirmary and we can't go there in case an emergency happens. We can sleep in pairs, me and Freed, Bickslow and Roscoe, Madam and Ever. Gramps can sleep in his office, he already sleeps there during days anyway", he said and Roscoe seemed a little bit relieved.

"Now you ruined my fun", Ever whined to Laxus.

"Sorry not sorry."

After they had packed everything they needed, the returned back to the Guild and ate some dinner. After that they retreated to their rooms. Freed smiled when reading a book he had brought from the library, while sitting on their bed.

"What book it is that you're smiling that much?" Laxus asked slumping next to his fiancé after taking a shower and he looked at the book.

"Well, Levy told me that she had looked for some books that she reads for her baby", Freed explained shifting a page. "I thought maybe I should read this one out loud."

"Why would you read it since the baby is not even born yet?" Laxus asked confused, leaning against the pillows.

"They say that even though obviously the baby can't understand what I'm reading, it can still hear what happens around so reading something with calm voice can make him recognize our voices when born. And it is said to help babies to learn speak faster and make them curious to learn more. I also think it would be fun bonding between all three of us", Freed smiled. "Something we could do together before going to sleep."

"I see", Laxus murmured looking at the round belly. He wasn't sure if he could believe all that if he was honest, but if it would make Freed happy then there couldn't be any harm in it. "So what are you going to read now?"

"Magnolia's history."

"What? No, he doesn't wanna hear something boring like that", Laxus huffed sitting up.

"Boring? I disagree, I think Magnolia has a very interesting history how it was build and became such a town as it is now. I also wanted to read him about Fairy Tail's history as well."

"Yeah, of course he's gonna learn all about that", Laxus said. "But you're not seriously gonna read some school books for him even before he is born?"

"So what do you suggest we read?" Freed asked putting the book down.

"Of course we tell him about our adventures", Laxus smirked. "What monsters we have fought off and stuff. And we can read adventure books also, about lost islands and towns on the clouds and legends about strong wizards that have lived long ago. That is the kind of stories he wants to hear."

"I see", Freed chuckled. "So what do you want to tell him first?"

"Of course about the day when you came to the Guild", Laxus smirked and Freed blushed slightly.

"I didn't know you even noticed me then", he muttered.

"Well... Maybe not right away but whatever. Bicks told me there was a new boy in the Guild and I got curious. I remember wondering how strong you might be, since we had been talking about getting another team member but wasn't yet sure about it. I'm glad Gramps solved that for us by asking you to join our team. And I noticed those lightning bolt thingies in your head at first, they were a lot smaller then", Laxus grinned touching the other cowlick on the side of Freed's head. "I actually wondered for days if they were natural or did you somehow put them up with magic or something."

"I know many have wondered that same thing, but hardly no-one dares to ask", Freed laughed. "And if I tell they are natural, they still don't seem to believe it."

"You have to admit it, they are kinda odd."

"I guess. But it's not like your own hair is perfectly normal", Freed smirked ruffling the spiky blond hair. "Even that cute little tuft on your forehead", he smiled combing Laxus' hair with his long fingers, but that stubborn little tuft sprang right back the second he let go of it.

"Of course my hair is like this, I'm the Thunder God, ain't I?" Laxus chuckled flexing his arm muscles.

"Yes you are", Freed smiled. "And the lightning dragon slayer. As your soulmate, isn't it only natural then for me to have hair like this?"

"I like that idea", Laxus smirked brushing green hair aside from Freed's face. "In my head it makes total sense", he said kissing Freed softly. Freed smiled to the kiss and pulled his arms around Laxus' broad shoulders, deepening the kiss. For a moment everything felt normal again. Laxus felt again like himself and Freed was more than happy about it.

Laxus smirked when they pulled apart.

"You think that was enough of a bedtime story for him?" he asked.

"No-one said those stories have to be long", Freed grinned.

"Good, 'cause I think I wanna talk with mama alone now."

"You idiot", Freed huffed hitting Laxus' face with a pillow, hearing a small chuckle. "Just so you know, that is not sexy at all, it's just creepy."

"Yeah, it didn't sound that good", Laxus nodded.

"I think I'll just go to sleep now", Freed huffed pulling the blanket over him.

"It wasn't that bad", Laxus said. "I won't say it again."

"You already ruined the moment."

Laxus looked at the rune mage and smiled, settling down behind him and wrapped his arms around the smaller man.

"I love you, babe", he whispered to his ear, making Freed shiver and he grinned.

"Leave me alone, Laxus", the swordsman murmured.

"I think you're a strong and wise man, Freed. Not only that, you are doing something really wonderful for both of us and I can only admire it", Laxus purred softly, touching the round belly gently and Freed had to chuckle slightly. Okay, Laxus could be really sweet when he wanted.

"I love you too, Laxus", he smiled turning around and kissed his Thunder God. "But we need some sleep, you know?"

"Really?" Laxus pouted.

"Yes. And no matter how you think about it, these rooms do not have that thick walls so it wouldn't be really comfortable if others could hear us."

"Yeah, you tend to get too loud."

Freed huffed and smacked Laxus' shoulder with his fist and pulled the cover over him again, making the lightning dragon slayer only laugh. But he smiled when Laxus pulled him closer and it was now warm and cosy.

It was still dark when Freed shivered and woke up, snuggling tightly against Laxus to get some more warmth. He heard him snoring and he smiled, Laxus was actually sleeping deeply like he should and was relaxing. It was really good. He had been so worried because the blond man had been so tense lately.

Freed shivered again and rubbed his eyes. He wanted to sleep more but it was so cold in the room. No matter if Laxus was sleeping just beside him, he needed another blanket. He yawned and sat up slowly, only to see two pairs of hollow eyes staring at them. Freed's heart almost stopped and he shouted out loud, but that didn't make the two demons even flinch.

"Laxus", the rune mage said quickly and he shook the sleeping dragon slayer, but without any results. "Laxus!" Freed yelled worried. No reaction. Laxus was sleeping like a log, completely unaware what was happening around him.

Freed looked back to Moranga and Jish-Ahrna, feeling his body trembling but his stare was harsh. If Laxus was sleeping then that meant Makarov and others must be deep asleep as well.

"Why are you here?" the rune mage snarled dangerously getting up from the bed and he grabbed his sword unsheathing it.

Both demons tilted their heads at the same time but there was no answer. Freed stared them back, ready to hit with his sword at any second if necessary. With his other hand he drew some runes but hissed when the letters disappeared right away. He should have seen it coming.

Claws scratched the floor as Jish-Ahrna slowly turned and moved towards the door, while Moranga stayed still. Long and slim arm reached out and big claws took Freed's black coat from the rack, then the demon turned back and reached out the coat towards Freed.

"You want me to go with you?" Freed asked slowly, not yet lowering his sword. He heard whispers that almost made sense but still didn't. "And Laxus?"

Jish-Ahrna moved his head to look at the sleeping man. Then it raised its other hand and touched the big, furry-lined coat and let it drop at the floor from the rack.

"So Laxus stays?" Freed asked and was greeted with whispers again. "I don't think so."

Moranga straightened its head this time and the odd cape it was wearing started moving. The whole room was suddenly trembling and those few paintings there were dropped from the walls. Freed looked around and the window crashed when its frame got crooked, few planks popped up from the floor with loud bangs and he could hear piercing metallic screech when the rack bended from three spots.

He gasped when the bed moved as it was slowly starting to bend from the middle.

"Stop!" Freed yelled before nothing more happened. Moranga stood still, but its cape stopped moving. "I get it, if I don't come then you will harm Laxus and the others in this Guild."

Nothing happened so he took it as a sign that he had guessed right. Freed sighed and lowered his sword. He couldn't take the risk. If everyone really were asleep...

"I understand, I will come", he finally said and foisted the sword back to its scabbard. He could guess that he was not allowed to take it with him, so he placed it to lean against the bed before he took his clothes he had neatly folded on the chair and changed behind the screen.

After that he took his coat from Jish-Ahrna. He looked at the bed where Laxus was still sleeping, knowing nothing at all what was happening.

"I'm sorry, Laxus", Freed murmured sadly. Then he straightened himself and looked at the demon duo. "So where are we going?" he asked frowning.

Taller demon with claws opened the door and stepped outside, while Moranga waited patiently that Freed stepped outside before it followed. In the hallway Freed's eyes widened.

"Makarov!" he gasped looking at the old man lying on the floor. Was he dead? Did he try to attack Moranga and Jish-Ahrna by himself?

Freed sighed relieved when he suddenly heard loud snore and some muttering. Something about bikinis that covered too much or similar. Jish-Ahrna stepped forward and looked almost curiously at the old man, before it reached out his hands and for a second Freed was sure this was the end of their old Master.

But instead Jish-Ahrna lifted Makarov up and seated him on the couch that was in the hallway. Then it continued towards the stairs and Freed blinked. Why...?

The rune mage glanced towards Moranga who did nothing, just standing behind him and waiting for him to follow the other demon. Freed stepped ahead, looked at Makarov who kept snoring while muttering something and he sighed.

They arrived at the stairs and stepped down to the Hall. There, in front of the open doors was another figure. Tall, slim man who Freed recognized very well. He might be old as everyone could see because of the silver hair that still had some of the green colour in it, but those years were not visible on how his stand. Long dark blue coat was neatly buttoned up, white ascot tie had a bright green jewel pin in it, black boots shined like they were brand new and had never seen mud. His hair was shorter than Freed's, but his lightning bolt cowlicks were bigger, their long tips pointing down, crossed behind his back like silver scythes with green shine in them.

Freed gritted his teeth but followed Jish-Ahrna all the way through the Hall and stopped in front of his grandfather, whose turquoise eyes calmly answered to his own harsh glare.

"You've grown up", Lucados said.

"It has been many years already", Freed muttered. "So you finally came to Magnolia yourself, not just sending one of your demons after us."

"Yes. At first I did intend to come earlier, but I decided to give you a little more time. Now we can go back home."

"No", Freed said. "Undo your sleeping spell."

"I have no reason to do that."

"You have no idea what kind of a war you are going to start if you keep going on like this", Freed warned. "You will make the whole Fairy Tail your enemy! You can't even imagine how powerful mages we have in our Guild!"

Lucados narrowed his sharp eyes and no matter how much he fought back, Freed's whole body froze under that cold glare he had learned to fear ever since he was just a small kid. That stare held the true power to silence anyone and to make think twice if it was wise to make any move.

"There is nothing more to discuss about this. Zaldevils stick together, that is the rule. We won't let our line end and the contract with demons to repeal. This family will grow strong again."

"Most people don't even remember Zaldevils anymore", Freed said.

"That is why our future lies on your and your child's shoulders. Would you decline your future as the next king if you were born in the royal family?"

"We are not royalty!" Freed shouted. "Zaldevils are nothing like that!"

He huffed gritting his teeth.

"If it were only me right now... I probably would follow you and return, only because I know your life wont last forever and when I would be the next Master of the family, I could change things."

"The Old Contract is solid and unbreakable, you are well aware of it."

"But it doesn't say that every possibility has to be done so there will be a new Master. I could be the Master of Zaldevil family, the last one because I wouldn't let anyone set their foot in to that chamber ever again. I wouldn't teach anything about the rituals to anyone. I would use my most powerful runes to seal that chamber so not even a mouse could slip through those damned doors!"

"Your magic is strong all thanks to the Old Contract. Without it, you wouldn't held even the third of the power you have right now."

"I would be just fine with that. I don't need to fight alone. I have Laxus and everyone else here to stand beside me if I ever need help", Freed assured. "Big or small, young or old, strong or not, no matter how different we are it doesn't matter because our Guild Mark reminds us that we are still all the same inside. Zaldevils don't work like that. Those who have had demons inside them have always been favoured over the others."

"Do not question our rules, son. Zaldevils will follow the rules no matter what", Lucados said with a small frown that made Moranga and Jish-Ahrna crouch slightly. Freed looked at them when noticing the movement. It was almost like they were both scared of their Master.

"Why are they afraid?" he asked looking back to his grandfather.

"They know who is the Master here. You had such a hard time with Absolute Shadow because you let him walk over you just like that."

"He wouldn't work with me even today if I would have tried to force him to be my underling. He would have only fought back more. That is not a good bond between you and those two."

He could see it now. While both were obviously still strong demons, they weren't like Valdeghar. Jish-Ahrna truly looked like just a weak whisper from the past with his dried up body and even though Moranga could modify what he wanted, he had no characteristics of his own. And neither of them had never said a word, Freed noticed. At least not for them.

It was actually really sad.

"This conversation is pointless", Lucados stated and he turned around. "We will go home now", he said.

"As I said, if it was only me then I would follow my plan how to nullify the Old Contract, but I can't. I won't let you ruin our son's life", Freed snarled. "This is our home."

"Your mother was just as hard headed as you are", Lucados muttered. "With her I did the mistake not being strict enough and I don't like repeating my mistakes. So I have arranged something that might change your mind in case you decided not to follow my words. You might want to come see it yourself."

Freed stared at the old man who calmly stepped outside the Guild Hall and stopped. With caution, Freed followed outside and looked around.

The air all around the town was filled with like a diamond dust, glittering and slowly moving around.

"What is it?" the rune mage asked.

"With my spell I put the whole town asleep", Lucados said and Freed's eyes widened. "It is up to you if they will wake up tomorrow or when my magic finally disappears along with me. Who knows how long that might still take. Are you ready to steal all those years from them because of your foolish actions?"

Freed couldn't even find the words anymore. He could hardly believe all this was actually happening. Part of him was deeply wishing that this all was just a bad dream and soon he would wake up beside Laxus.

The cruel truth was that this was not a dream. Freed really, really wanted to protect their son from all of this, but... He just didn't have a choice.

"I think we have an agreement with this", Lucados said after a short silence between them. "Then we will go", he decided and gently he moved his hand and fingers.

The odd dust gathered in front of them, creating a glimmering carpet with beautiful tiny details and shimmering orbs hanging from its every corner. It fluttered in the air and Lucados sat on it, looking at the two demons who were waiting what was their next order.

"You may go", the old man said and just like that both Moranga and Jish-Ahrna disappeared quickly. "Sit", Lucados said to Freed, who looked at the carpet and finally sat on it. It was big enough for both of them and Freed was glad there were spare space so he didn't need to sit at the edge.

The flying carpet from dreams flew up and Freed looked at snowy Magnolia that was still covered by the dust.

"What about waking up the town?" he asked.

"They will wake up", Lucados assured just looking ahead. "Eventually."

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