By Paniiny_

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Frances Laurens had nothing of special, she was simply one of the invisible kids at high school and a target... More



346 12 23
By Paniiny_

That weekend, Philip and Angie's parents went upstate with their younger siblings, leaving the two teens alone with the big mansion. What basically meant a party for Philip and be locked in her room for Angelica. Frances was ready to get out of her own house when her father stopped her.

"Where are you going?" He asked crossing his arms once the girl went downstairs.

"To a party, dad" She answered copying his moves.

"You have been to many parties these past months, am I supposed to be worried?"

"I don't know, are you?" She shots back.

"Not sure yet. That's why your brother is going with you this time"

"Wait, what?" The two teens say in unison. Stephan was peacefully reading a book at the living room and wasn't even aware his father was going to do that.

"But dad I-" Frances tries to protest but her father cut her sentence.

"Or he goes, or you won't leave this house."


"Come on! Why do we have to stop at Seven Eleven?" Frances complains once her brother parks in front of the convenience store.

"Because dad forced me to join you and I won't drink or eat anything of that house because I bet it's all adulterated, I need something real to stand me up all night and drives you back home since I know you're gonna be wasted by the end of the party" Stephan shouts back and turn the car off.

"Alright you have a fair point" Frances sighs "But at least let me go buy the stuff because I won't be alone in this car waiting 50 years for you get back as you always do just to choose some damn snacks"

"Fine" He says and gives her a 20 dollars bill and she gets out of the car "And don't forget my Kit-Kat!" The boy yells from the window.

"Not even if I try, brobro!" Frances says already far from the car.

Once she gets inside the store, Frances finds out the only other human in there was the almost asleep attendant. Oh no, wait. There was also some dude at the slush machines. Frances ignores him and heads to grab the snacks for her brother. She chooses all she wanted and paid the attendant, but then the sound of that dude drinking his slush made her think that she still had enough money to buy a cup for her and another for Stephan.

She turns to the machine and gasped once she realizes who was the shush dude.

"Oh, no way" She says giggling and the guy turns at her still with the straw in his mouth.

"Oh, hey there random girl I saved early today!" He greets her with a funny smile and she walks towards him also smiling.

"Hey there mysterious dude who fought for me today and ran away before I could even say thank you!" She says grabbing two cups from the dozens of others right behind him by under his arm.

"Well, your welcome" He replies with a dork smile. She thought he was adorable as hell.

"And still I can't remember seeing you around school..." She says trying once again to think if she ever saw him before that day.

"Almost no one notices me, trust me" He says and Frances chuckles.

"Yea, I know how it's like" She says leaning against the balcony and stares at the cups in her hand.

"The new Republican Doll is telling me that know how is like to be invisible? I doubt it" He says raising an eyebrow and Frances rolls her eyes.

"Have you ever heard of Frances Laurens before I started to hang out with those girls?"

"Uhm... Good point"

"Yep." Frances simply says and separate the two cups, raising an eyebrow at him "Hey, you already know my name, what about you tell me yours now?"

"It's Alfred. Alfred Lee" He says smirking and raises his hand at her, which she shakes.

"Wait, Lee?" Frances replies remembering that name "Are you Big Bud Lee's son? The guy from the construction company commercial?"

"In all his toxic glory" He says sarcastically and she giggles "Such a perfect life. And you? Is your life perfect as well?"

"Oh yea!" She says in a sarcastic way "You know, the typical popular girl life, nothing is ever out of place" He chuckles and she rolls her eyes as she keeps speaking "No, my life is not perfect. I don't really like my friends"

"Yea, I don't really like your friends either" She chuckles but looking more serious "I can see these girls only use you"

"What do you-"

"I'm an observant guy" He cuts her sentence.

"Yea it's what it seems" Frances turns around and starts to fill the first cup with Coke slush, Stephan's favorite "They are more like people who I work with and our job is being popular and shit"

"Who knows...? Maybe it's time to take vacations" He whispers as if that was a secret and Frances smiles "And by being observant I can also presume..." Alfred says in a playful tone, trying to lighten up the air. Frances looks up at him as he analyses her "You're getting some snacks for you and your boyfriend who's waiting in the car for some romantic movie night"

The girl bursts out laughing and even gets some slush fall from the cup.

"Ok! I'll take it as a no!"

"Absolutely no!" She says still laughing "The dude is my brother, my father forced him to get out of the house and keep an eye on me in that party I'm going to right now, and he simply refuses to ingest anything there"

"Smart guy"

"Yea I guess so" Frances says still smiling and close the cup.

"So... No boyfriend around?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Not at all. Why the question?" She asks looking provocatively at him.

"Just curious" He replies and Frances sees how he blushes lightly when get back to drink his slush.

"Yea, I'll pretend I believe in it" She says starting to fill her own cup with blue slush "You just can't stay far from me can you?" She says in a flirty voice that make him became a tomato and she burst out laughing again "I'm just joking on you"

"OH!" He says and nervously laughs.

"But hey, what a handsome guy such as you are doing in a 7-Eleven at a Friday night?" She mockes, trying to copy a flirty stupid jock voice, and both of them laugh at her attempt.

"Well, it can be a shock for you but I'm not very wanted in parties"

"What?! No way! Who wouldn't enjoy having a creepy dude in their party?"

"I know right?! It just makes nonsense!" They laugh again "But being totally honest, I just... Feel home here"

"Why?" Frances asks confused and intrigued.

"My dad's work makes him travel a lot. Dallas, Baton Rouge, Vegas, Sherwood, Ohio, New York... I never really got the time to make a real bound with a place until we have to move again... But everywhere there is a 7-Eleven just waiting for me."

"That is really sad..." She mumbles closing her own cup of slush.

"Yea, after my mom died he became a workaholic, but hey who cares about it?!" Alfred says with a sad smile "I learned to take care of myself and by now it has been working pretty well"

"Well..." She starts to speak as she grabs her phone from her back pocket and hands it at him, making him smile a bit "If you ever need to talk, I'll be glad to hear"

"Thanks" He says and records his number in France's phone. He hands it back at her and she sends him a text. He laughs once he sees a wink emoji. They look in each other's eyes for a few seconds before Frances car's honk starts to go crazy.

"Ugh, I gotta go" She growls.

"Aren't you excited for that party?" Alfred asks chuckling at her reaction and all Frances can think is Not anymore...

"Sure I'm!" She lies with a fake excited smile "But hey, see you at school" She tilts her head and smiles at him before grabbing the two cups.

"Yea, see you on Monday"

She pays for the drinks and head to the car.

"And I am the one who takes 50 years in a store?" Stephan teases and grabs his cup, placing it beside him after taking a sip.

"Shut up and drive" Frances says blushing and drinks her blue slush.

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