Running From The Truth (by Em...

By Ipkknd-FanFictions

190K 8.3K 251

"Yes, I am in love with you. I've been in love with you for the past 14 years, ever since the first day I saw... More

Chapter 1- The meeting
Chapter 2- Despair
Chapter 3 - Confusion
Chapter 4- Confessions
Chapter 5 - Nostalgia
Chapter 6 - Denial
Chapter 7 - Reminiscing
Chapter 8 - Guilt
Chapter 9 - Uncovered
Chapter 10 - Recognition
Chapter 11 - Optimism
Chapter 12 - Proceed
Chapter 13 - Apprehension
Chapter 14 - Reality
Chapter 15 - Forsaken
Chapter 16 - Amendment
Chapter 17 - Outset
Chapter 18 - Resurgence
Chapter 19 - Infallibility
Chapter 20 - Confessions
Chapter 21 - Divergence
Chapter 22 - Coveting
Chapter 23 - Assurance
Chapter 24 - Decisions
Chapter 25 - Submission
Chapter 26 - Reconciliation
Chapter 27 - Lull
Chapter 28 - Allegations
Chapter 30 A - Outset
Chapter 31 - Renaissance
Chapter 32 - Euphoria
Chapter 33 - Initiation
Chapter 34 - Grasping
Chapter 35 - Insecurities
Untitled Part 37
Chapter 38A B - Forge Ahead
Chapter 40 A B - Seasonable

Chapter 29 A & B - Storm

4.1K 180 5
By Ipkknd-FanFictions

Chapter 29 A - Storm

Lavanya Kashyap, now Raizada, sat on her bed nervously as she watched NK close the drapes to their room. He suddenly turned to her, his face soft and genuine.

"It's been a tiring day for you. You should get some rest." He suggested, putting his hand on hers gently.

It was true; Lavanya was feeling drowsy and quite exhausted physically. She smiled back and nodded, her eyes already drooping close on their own accord.

"I'm going to go change, and I will be back. Do you need anything?" NK asked.

Before he could walk away, she called out his name making him turn to face her.

"Thank you. For everything." She said.

He stared at her for a couple of moments, and she wondered what he could possibly be thinking.

"There is no need to thank me Lavanya. I'm doing what I should be doing, and there is nothing special in that. I'm sorry, for causing pain in your life. For messing everything up...but I promise to be the husband you deserve from now on." NK gave her a wry smile.

Not knowing exactly what to respond, she smiled back and soon after she watched him walk into the bathroom. A hand went to her stomach naturally, feeling the bump there. She had come a long way, and she did not know what the future held for her. However, she was happy for now. Her and NK had come a long way...


July 2006

"Lavanya how is NK?" Her best friend Rachel asked.

"Honestly, I'm very happy about the way things are going. I'm happy with him." She smiled. They had met during the first week of University, and hit it off immediately.

They had been dating for 2 months now, and she was sure that it was more time than he had ever spent with any other girl.

"That's good!" Rachel smiled.

"I should get going, he asked me to meet him at the caf across campus." Lavanya got off the grass where she had been sitting, after looking at her watch.

"Oh ya? Maybe he'll say the special 4 letter word." Rachel waggled her eyebrows. Lavanya gave out a small laugh, and hit her friend gently on the arm.

"Oh please, he's not like that. It's too soon." She brushed it off. When deep down inside, she actually hoped her friend was right. She liked NK a lot, and couldn't remember the last time she felt this way about a guy.

She crossed the street, walking with a spring in her step. That was always her mood whenever she went to meet him. She arrived at the small caf, it was the place of their first date.

She found him sitting alone, looking at his phone intently. "Hi!" She said cheerily, watching his eyes widen slightly upon her arrival.

"Lavanya, hey." He gave her a polite smile. She could already tell that something was not right.

"What's wrong?" She asked, taking a seat opposite to him.

"We need to talk...I need to tell you something." He looked away.

Her heart sunk. She had imagined this scenario in her head plenty of times, but never had she imagined that it would come, and so soon...

"I think you already know what I want to say." NK asked guiltily. She could only nod slowly.

"You're a wonderful girl, please don't think I'm breaking up with you because I don't like something about you." He said softly. "It's just...I think I like someone else. And I don't want to keep you in a relationship where there is no hope. I'm really sorry."

She tried taking deep breaths, to stop from any crying. "I'm glad you told me. It's okay NK; don't be sorry for telling the truth."

"Thank you for understanding. You didn't deserve me anyways. You deserve someone who can love you wholeheartedly; you deserve to be with someone you love." He said sincerely.

What would he know anyways? He knew nothing about her feelings.

And so, she merely nodded.

"I should go. I would love if we could still be friends, however if you don't want to, I totally understand." NK said.

"I'll have to think about it." Lavanya muttered.

He nodded in understanding. "Of course. Anyways, I should get going. I hope I'll see you around." He gave her a small smile.

Her hand felt as heavy as a boulder, yet she managed to lift it and wave goodbye. He got up from his chair, pulling his phone to his ear in the midst. And she didn't miss the way his eyes brightened when he started to talk, as he walked away. She also didn't miss his voice, as hard as it was to hear with all the people talking around her.

"Hey Khushi, can I come see you?" She heard.

And then the voice faded away, as he left the caf, leaving her alone to her thoughts.

This is your own fault, Lavanya told herself. She had been warned of his nature before, yet for some reason she couldn't stay away.

Why? She asked herself, the question wracking her brain.

And so she walked back to campus, not knowing anything except that she loathed this Khushi.

Flashback over

It was aberrant. The day of that one party, where ASR had invited her to be his date, she recognized NK and all those feelings had rekindled. After their breakup, she had decided not to be friends with him anymore. She had fathomed that she felt something strong for him, and had she stayed around him she would not have been able to restrain those feelings.

She saw him dancing with this very same Khushi, and the animosity towards that one name resurfaced as well. She was shocked, knowing that they had been together for so long. That Khushi had managed to keep him with her, to have him fall in love with her.
Lavanya had immediately felt that familiar pang of jealousy, but she brushed it off as soon as she saw the look in ASR's eyes for Khushi. It was obvious that he felt something for her as well.

She wanted to laugh bitterly; Khushi had managed to capture everyone's attention.

And so, it was no coincidence that she happened to be there after NK found out the truth, that day in the bar. She had known something of the sort would happen. It was why she had purposely left Arnav and Khushi alone at that restaurant. It was no coincidence that she had been the shoulder to cry on; because she very well knew that he would need her.
She felt a lone tear fall down her skin, and onto the pillow she lay her head on. They had come a long way indeed...


"What's going on?" Nani asked firmly, the sweet nature of her was off balance for once.

"Nani..." Khushi mumbled nervously.

"Nani? Since when? You have always called me Dadi bitiya." Devyani Raizada questioned, confusion etched all over her face. "Is there something going on between you and Chotey?"

"I know it may look bad Nani. But it's not what you think. I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Khushi had her head held low.

Devyani shook her head slowly, her eyes slightly wide. "Tell me bitiya, that there is nothing going on between you and Chotey."

"Of course there is Sasuma! Didn't I tell you? I knew there was something going on between them..." Manorama exclaimed.

"Arnav should be home after some time, how about we all sit together and talk about this? I think he should be here concerns him." Khushi said in a hurt voice.

"I'm asking you because I know you won't lie to me." Devyani said. "Just tell me bitiya, what's going on between you both?"

Khushi swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. The feeling of helplessness overwhelmed her senses. She felt it all come back to her, sensing nothing but weakness from within. What could she possibly say? Like a fish out of water, she could do nothing. Wishing desperately that Arnav was by her side, she had no other option but to face their wrath without him. Perhaps Devi Maiya was testing her love for him, or perhaps it was it was merely her nature of being put in all the wrong situations, something which she had already started getting used to.

"I love him." She said, as clear as a bell yet as softly as could be.

Manorama's eyes bulged out of her sockets slightly, astounded by the reality of it all.

"You love him?" She questioned. "You moved on that fast from the other brother?"

"That's not what it is! Please don't think like that, I can explain how it all started. Arnav and I have known each other since we were young." Khushi tried explaining.

"So you've known Chotey since you were young, why didn't you ever tell us?" Devyani asked.
"I didn't know." Khushi replied. "Until he finally came home from a business trip that day..."

"And then what? You guys hit it off again?" Manorama asked, then turned towards her mother-in-law.

"Sasuma, I knew there was something fishy going on here. My NK wouldn't have done something like this for no reason."

"Manorama!" Devyani interrupted.

"I'm sorry, but even if I had done something wrong, I don't see why that gives him the right to sleep with another woman." Khushi said with a pain stricken voice, trying to defend herself.

"Khushi, that's not what we were implying." Nani said, her voice a little softer.

"Sasuma, wait a minute. Khushi, I know you are not a bad person. You have been with my son throughout his bad phase, and for that I will always respect you. But did you ever even love my son?" She asked accusingly.
Khushi stared at both their expecting faces.

"Trust me when I say that I love him. But...I'm sorry to say, it's not in the way you may think. I don't think I was ever in love with him." She looked away guiltily.

"Then why were you with him in the first place?" Manorama asked. "Were you using him?"

"No! Please, don't think of me like this. I would never ever do that..." Khushi's voice cracked.

Khushi stared at the two women in front of her. These were two women who she had grown to respect profoundly. She envisioned them to be her family; she had discerned solace in their company. It was idiosyncratic how views could change within moments...within seconds. How one could gather an assumption upon seeing, yet not hearing. How easily the ones who you had loved so dearly could think so lowly of you, to go as far as misunderstanding you.

"Don't think that by losing one brother, you will gain another. I'm sorry Khushi but that will not happen." Manorama said with a tone of finality.

"Bas! Don't you dare accuse my niece of anything more."

All eyes turned towards a figure that stood at the door, as HP held it open silently. There stood Madhumati Gupta, her eyes burning with rage. Her voice boomed in the hall, as she took long strides towards the three of them. Her breathing was heavy, her face slightly aghast.

"Buaji?" Khushi asked with pure shock. "What are you doing here?"

Madhumati settled her small bag down on the floor before approaching her niece and taking her hand. "I'm sorry bitiya, for everything. But your aunt is still alive. I won't let these people say anymore. I've had enough!" She exclaimed angrily.

"Buaji, just listen..." Khushi tried.

"Listen? I've heard enough! I was lucky enough to overhear Siddharth talking about your plight, and what you have been facing here lately." Buaji turned her steel eyes at the duo, who were still shocked upon her arrival. "I had to come get you, so once we settled down properly I got on the first flight to see you." She explained.

"Don't make a scene here Buaji..." Khushi pleaded. "They-"

"You're still defending them?" Buaji asked in astonishment. "They have the nerve to insult you, when their sons have done nothing but evoke pain!" She exclaimed.

"And what has your daughter been doing? Playing with their emotions!" Manorama shot back.

"Do you even know what the men in your family have done? How Arnav rejected her once upon a time? We were all young once, we all know how much teenage heartbreak hurts! Go ask your nephew Arnav what he did!" Madhumati shrieked.

Devyani's eyes widened. "Bitiya, is this true? Arnav was that boy?"

"Oh, so now you want to know the truth?" Madhumati nodded bitterly. "What about how minutes ago, your daughter-in-law accused my niece of using others? She doesn't need to answer you. And now I find out that this is not all! Your son beguiled her, deceived her! I had put so much assurance into him, thinking he would take care of Khushi after all that has happened!" Madhumati yelled. "But no, now I apprehend that none of you can be trusted."

"Buaji please!" Khushi said desperately. "You don't know the whole story!"

"Get your things Khushi; I am taking you away from here." Buaji stated, looking at the two women in front of her directly in the eyes.

"Taking me away from here? You can't do that." She shook her head violently, as she pried her Buaji's hand off of her own. "I'm old enough to make my own decisions."

"Titaliya, listen to me. I'm not doing this to separate you from anyone, or because I don't want you to be happy. But I have my pride, and so do you. I'm saying this as a helpless aunt who just saw her niece humiliated. Do you think I can rest in peace knowing that you are here? Do you think I can let you stay here? Think of this from my perspective bitiya." Buaji pleaded as her eyes filled with tears. "I had promised your parents, my own brother! I told him I would take care of you. Perhaps I have not done a proper job so far, but I will start now then." She said, cupping Khushi's face in her palm.

"I can't leave! Please Buaji, I can't leave Arnav." She cried.

Arnav Singh Raizada groaned as he threw his phone on the seat beside him, driving along the accustomed roads that lead to his household. He realized his phone had died a while ago, and he didn't even have his charger in this car. He had finished the everything up at work super fast.

He would finally go home, to see Khushi. He craved to call her, tell her that he was coming finally. Ask her not to fall asleep, as he desired needed to talk to her, he pondered with a smile.

He would tell her. Although he was sure she already knew, he would confess that he was madly in love with her. And that perhaps he always had been. He would ask if they could move past everything, if she could forgive him wholeheartedly for all his past faults and misconceptions. This way, they could carry on towards him moving past his guilt, and her moving past her sufferance. He would tell her that he could not spend a second without her, he needed her by his side in every sense possible.

Abruptly, bright lights almost blinded his eyes, as he stared ahead of him. Headlights were speeding towards him and before there was any time to react he felt the colossal impact. Tire screeches and his own blaring horn scream in his ear. Arnav felt his body slammed against the seat belt and the shattering glass slice away at his skin.


"Yes, go then! You've disgraced the Raizada family enough!" Manorama said.

"Manorama, stop this instant!" Devyani yelled, finally letting it all out. She turned to Madhumati and folded her hands together in front of her. "I'm sorry Madhumati ji; I apologize on Manorama's behalf, and my own. We love Khushi bitiya dearly; she is a part of our family no matter what. What she has done for us, no other girl her age would do. Please, let's sit and talk about this calmly. Please don't take her away hastily. At least let Chotey come home..." Devyani pleaded softly.

"I'm not waiting another minute. Khushi cannot stay here any longer. Bitiya, please go and get your belongings." Madhumati said again. She raised her own folded hands towards the elderly lady. "I'm sorry we had to meet like this. Khushi had always told me wonderful things about the Raizadas. However, after the words I've heard hurled at my niece today, perhaps I can say that Khushi was just being naive. Thank you, for keeping her safe, for letting her stay under your roof. I'm grateful."

"Buaji, I can't leave without seeing him." Khushi said adamantly.

"Khushi, I know their nature now. He won't come!"

"Buaji, he will come for me. I know it." She said, wiping any tears that lingered on her face.

"Go pack things." Buaji repeated her voice deadpan and serious.

Devyani looked at Khushi morosely and nodded, however Manorama's expression was blank.

Khushi felt herself moving, her feet went up the stairs on their own accord.

Her eyes had fogged up, and felt heavy with tears. She felt her lips quivering slightly, as she tried to hold it all back. Swallowing it up, and not showing this visible weakness of hurt right now, seemed almost impossible.
She reached for her phone desperately, dialing his number over and over again. However, it always went to his voice mail.

"Arnav please, you can't let me leave." She whispered dejectedly.

Where was he? She thought. It had not been too long since he left, she realized. He was probably still in the midst of work.

Feeling alone once more, she packed her belongings slowly, taking her time and hoping he would arrive. Yet that did not happen, even as her Buaji pulled her out of the Raizada house unwillingly, as she heard Nani and, Anjali and Shyam who had just arrived, pleading for her not to go.

She tried to shut out all the voices that yelled inside her head.

"You should go after all of would be better for you and NK both."

"Maybe she's lacking something?"

"Maybe she's in it for the money?"

"Don't think that by losing one brother, you will gain another. I'm sorry Khushi but that will not happen."

Maybe it was best she left after all. And so, she got inside the waiting taxi that Buaji had come in. But her eyes did not stop searching, silently praying that he would come, even as she drove away.


Arnav felt the sun rays hit his face through the blinds, and opened his eyes to a big white room. Faces, much too familiar, gathered around him. They hovered over his body, that was on an unfamiliar bed.

He squinted, feeling sore in many places, pain even. He closed his eyes once more, and took a deep breath.

"Chotey?" Anjali called softly, her voice cracking.

He opened his eyes, finally adjusting to the light. He wanted to talk, however it hurt just to think of it. He managed to rasp out, "Di."

She bent over him and cupped his face tenderly. "I'm so glad you're alright."

The events of the previous night started coming back to him slowly, a car coming at him...

"You were in a road accident. Do you remember anything from last night?" Shyam asked from behind Anjali.

"Kind of." Arnav responded. "It's all coming back to me slowly."

"The driver was drunk, and collided with you car head on. You were very lucky Mr. Raizada, it could have been much worse. You must have an angel protecting watching over. You do have a mild concussion, but apart from any other moderate wounds and scratches, you are okay." The doctor said to the Raizada clan, who breathed a sigh of relief. "But symptoms from a concussion related to car collisions may not appear for some time after the initial trauma. When the brain is jolted back and forth in the skull due to the impact of a collision, bleeding and swelling can occur much later. Even a mild case, like yours Mr. Raizada, can result in subtle injury to the brain and affect both cognitive and musculoskeletal function. So you will have to stay here for some more time, in case it gets more serious." The doctor explained, and Arnav nodded in understanding.

Moments later, it was only Arnav with his family.

"Guys, I'm okay. You look like someone died." Arnav muttered, trying to lighten the mood somewhat.

His eyes scanned for the one face that he had wanted the most.

"Where's Khushi?" He asked. Lavanya and NK were also not present, but he assumed that the rest of the family had not told them as they had only gotten married the previous night. Akaash was supposed to leave right after the wedding, so he was not there either. But where was she?

"Saale saab, how do you feel?" Shyam asked, trying to divert the subject.

"I'm fine jijaji." He said with a frown, as he realized that his sister had turned her face away.

Even his Nani, and Mami, looked to the floor, not meeting his gaze.

"Does anyone know where Khushi is?" Arnav asked again. "Damn, she's going to kill me. She's probably so worried. I bet she didn't sleep all night, I can't believe I kept her waiting." Arnav muttered under his breath, mentally chiding himself.

He looked up at his family once more, and realized something important.

"Oh right. Actually, Khushi and I also have something to tell you." He said softly. "I know, you're probably wondering why I'm saying this, first thing after I woke up, but it can't really wait. It may come as a shock, but I know you're all understanding." He smiled.

Anjali could no longer hold it in; she finally let out a sob that racked her body. Shyam rubbed her back soothingly, no longer able to contain the sadness on his own face either.

"Di? Jeejaji? What's wrong?" Arnav asked.

When neither of them answered, he looked over to his Mama who frowned, his own eyes looked misty.

His Nani and maim, both looked at him wistfully.

"You guys, I'm perfectly fine. Didn't you hear the doctor? Stop worrying. Now would someone tell me where the heck Khushi is?" He demanded, the frustration slowly releasing.

"Chotey...we know about you both." Devyani said softly.

"You do?" Arnav asked, taken aback. "How?"

"We asked her, and she told us." Manorama answered this time.

"Oh." He said, running a hand through his hair. "Well I'm glad that's out in the open. But you guys should have waited for me. We were supposed to tell you together! I hope you guys weren't mean with her." Arnav said. "Where is she? She's been so nervous about your reaction, but I kept assuring her that you are all her family too, right?" He asked.

Nani finally let the tears roll down her eyes.

"Nani? What the hell is going on? Why is everyone crying?" He asked angrily. "I've been asking for Khushi, for god knows how long. And none of you guys are telling me. Where the heck is she?"

"We're so sorry Chotey. It's our entire fault." Devyani said brokenly.

"What's your fault? Would you stop talking in goddamn riddles?!" Arnav demanded.

"I didn't know the whole story, I didn't believe her..." Manorama said.

"Where is Khushi?" He yelled. "What did you guys do to her?!"

"Her Buaji came for her." Anjali said, finally wiping away her tears. "And took her away."

Arnav was taken aback. "Took her away? Why would she take her away? And why would Khushi leave all of a sudden. None of you are making sense." He growled. "What did you say to her?"

"You have to understand how it looked; we didn't know the whole story." Manorama muttered.

"Where's my Khushi?" Arnav asked brokenly.

"She's gone Chotey." Anjali cried.

Gone? There was no way. How could she leave him? Him?

There must have been some mistake. He felt a hollow feeling at the pit of his stomach, he felt sick.

"Get out." He said in a dangerously quiet voice.

"Chotey, listen..." Anjali tried.

"I said get out, all of you. I don't want to hear anyone, or see anyone. Please just leave." He repeated.

They all walked out soon after, not before trying to talk to him somehow - but to no avail.

He was alone now, in more ways than one. How was it possible, that they could never be happy?

Hadn't he promised to be selfish? To never let her go? Then how could she have left without him? Her words resounded in his mind.

"I wish I was as brave as you Arnav. I wish this was okay."

How could his own family do this to him? Most importantly to her? How could she be gone? How would he get her back?

How long had it taken her to finally let him in, he knew she would be shattered. She would have felt betrayed, left alone when she probably needed him most. And here he was, a failure once more...

Her eyes flashed before him, the hesitant, yet absolutely caring shade of hazel. Her touch, soft and giving. The way her voice played over and over again in his mind.

And so he closed his eyes that burned fiercely, not knowing what else to possibly do at the moment.

Chapter 29 B - Chances

Khushi was expressionless, as she sat on the plane. It had taken off some time ago, yet she could not recall exactly when. She vaguely recollected the sound of the engines roaring, as she was pushed back into her seat, not daring to glance out the window where she would see her city diminishing before her eyes. She had sat motionless as her aunt tended to her forlornly. Her eyes were distressed, rimmed with red. Khushi had not articulated a single word since she had vacated the Raizada mansion, echoes of people imploring with Madhumati to let her stay.

She knew it was not the best idea, however she did it anyways. She replayed her final moments in the Raizada household one last time.

Anjali and Shyam had finally made their appearance, utterly overwhelmed over what had happened during their absence. Anjali, knowing her entire truth, had tried to resolve matters by defending Khushi. However, Buaji was insulted, and would not pay heed to anyone. She told them that she was Khushi's legal guardian, and she was the only one who had the right to make decisions for her. Anjali and Devyani had both beseeched, but they soon came to know that there was no use. Arnav had not yet made an appearance, and there was absolutely nothing left to do, but for Khushi to leave. And so she did, looking back only once at the people who she had treated like her own family. However, her eyes only hoped for that one person, who she longed for so desperately. But yet again, she sensed the feeling of abandonment.

Her Buaji looked over at her painfully, reliving this similar state ages ago. Madhumati felt destitute in a sense, feeble and defenseless, what could she possibly do? Let her niece reside there and bear the brunt? Khushi would no longer be exultant in that environment, it would sicken her further. A single tear fell from Khushi's eyes as she stared straight ahead. Her eyes closed then, letting more tears fall and moments later, Madhumati felt her niece's head lean on her shoulder as sleep finally evaded her.


"Arnav, I hate you! Don't touch me."

He watched in horror as Khushi pushed him away and stood at a distance. Her depths of hazel were cold and stared back at him as if he were a stranger.

"Khushi, listen to me! I'm sorry I wasn't there, but I can explain..."

"I never want to talk to you ever again. Get out of my life! I hope I never see your face again!"

The dim lights of the room they stood in, suddenly appeared darker as she backed away if he was some sort of monster. As if he would hurt her...but he had hurt her before, hadn't he? And then she was gone, the lights dimming further until there was nothing but darkness...

Arnav woke with a start, panting slightly as sweat trickled down his spine. He let out one long breath as he realized it was nothing but a nightmare and settled down on the soft pillow once more. This similar nightmare that he had been getting every time he closed his eyes. His Khushi telling him that she hated him, that she didn't want him...

He looked at the dull ceiling above him. White, and colorless, mirroring his plight without her. After all this time, he had sincerely anticipated that they had a chance at happiness, that Khushi would no longer have to languish and suffer.

And although there was no doubt that he would search every nook and cranny to find her, Arnav became conscious of the fact that he didn't want to leave this hospital bed. Otherwise, he would have to get up, and return back home. Then what? He would discern that Khushi was no longer there, no reason to sneak around his own house just to get a glimpse of her. The guest room would be empty, her presence no longer lingering about. He was desolate, and right now he felt as if he had no one to possibly call family.

Family, he laughed bitterly. What kind of family? How many times had he convinced her, over and over again, after hearing her insecurities? And what happened? He had only given her false hope once more. More than anyone, he was ashamed of his own self.

The soft click of the door opening disrupted his hollow thoughts, and he looked to the door, surprised to find NK. This took Arnav by surprise, out of all people; he had certainly not envisioned him here.

"Hi Nannav." NK muttered softy, as he inched his way closer to the bed. In a simple t-shirt and jeans, NK looked different, his composure retained that carried a certain tranquility with it.

"Why are you here?" Arnav questioned coldly.

However NK kept walking, and finally settled on the small chair beside Arnav's bed.

Arnav looked away, not wanting to see him, or anyone for that matter.

"I'm sorry." Arnav heard.

"For what? For hating me? For telling Khushi that we shouldn't be together?" Arnav asked. "Or for finally getting what you want? Because now she's gone and out of my life. " Arnav's voice cracked.

"For everything." NK muttered, looking Arnav directly in the eyes. "For...saying what I did...for the way things turned out. I woke up to the worst possible news this morning."

"What do you really want NK? Just spit it out. You've never liked me, if you were ever nice, it was always fake and I know that now." Arnav said.

NK took a deep breath before continuing. He understood Arnav's current state, and was also well aware of his temper. One wrong word from him could send Arnav in a horrible condition, and that was the last thing he wanted to do to It was the last thing the whole family needed.

"That's not true Arnav, it's not that I never liked you." He said calmly, suddenly keen on lifting the weights off of his shoulders. "It's that...I was always jealous of you."

Arnav's eyes immediately snapped towards NK's, with a questioning look. "Jealous?"

"It's true. You were always the better one, and still are. It was different with Akaash, he's much younger so I could never compare. But with you...I couldn't help but envy you. You achieve everything with such determination, in my eyes I always saw it as you getting everything and me being left with nothing. Whether it was school related, or work related, or even girl related. I always had to try so hard Arnav, and you got everything so effortlessly. I couldn't help but feel that way towards you." NK explained. "Do you know why I call you Nannav? When you were little, you couldn't say your own name. You could say everything else, except that. You tried so hard, but you just couldn't pronounce it right. It was the only time you couldn't do something right." NK said with a small smile playing on his lips, his eyes distant as he recalled the memory. "You know what else? You've always been more mature then me too. Despite me being the older one."

"You have no reason to be jealous of me. If anyone was the good guy, it was always you." Arnav muttered.

"You know what was worse? The fact that you had Khushi first." NK said, ignoring Arnav.

Arnav finally looked at him properly then. His dark eyes looked weary and downcast.

"I was always proud, that the one good thing I had in my life, was completely mine. She had no influence from you whatsoever; you had nothing to do with her. And it made feel as if I finally did something right on my own. I had something that no one could ever compare " He said, thinking aloud. "I think that's what made me the most upset. I've been in denial for much too long...I've known the fact even before I knew that the guy in her life was you. We were together, yes...but I knew she would never feel the same way I felt about her, the simple way she cared for me was enough. And I eventually realized that for her, it was always you. will always be you. " NK admitted softly.

"What are you trying to say?" Arnav sighed as he sat up a little more in bed.

"I'm trying to say that I've been a complete jerk. I can't believe I hurt Khushi like that, by telling her to stay away from you. I mean, who am I to say that anyways? I don't have any right to dictate how things should play out in her life. She should be able to love whoever she wants, now that I am out of the picture. And...she loves you Arnav."

"I don't know why you're suddenly so understanding. I have no clue what you're playing at NK. Why are you telling me all of this now?" Arnav said with a frown.

NK gave out a shaky laugh. "I guess I deserve that kind of behavior, don't I? The fact of matter is that I'm married now. I have a wife and an unborn child to care for. I have a responsibility, and I've finally come to terms with it. If I can move on...why aren't I letting Khushi do the same? I've been so blind with anger and hatred, I haven't even realized how much she's probably hurting. And own mother said these terrible things to her. And she's gone with Buaji. I didn't even get to apologize, let alone say goodbye." NK said upsettingly. "But maybe you can do that for me." NK said.

"Oh yeah? Where will I go NK? I don't know where she is! Do you know that I've been calling her every hour, hoping she'll pick up? But she doesn't! And how can I blame her? She must feel as if I abandoned her when she needed me most. That I left her alone, again. I listen to her voice mails, pleading for me to come home and...I hear her voice and...I can't take it." Arnav said in a choked voice.

NK put out an unexpected hand and placed it on Arnav's. "She's going to Lucknow."

Arnav's eyes immediately softened. "Wh...what?"

"Lucknow. Her Buaji moved there recently. That's where she's headed." NK said.

"How do you know?" Arnav asked.

"Akaash told me. He met with Khushi's cousin Siddharth on the plane. In fact, Gupta Industries will be working with you guys for the fashion show. Akaash never got around to tell you that either. You've been so busy with the wedding preparations..." NK explained.

Arnav took a deep breath to process all of that in. "So you're saying that..."

"Arnav, Khushi is in Lucknow. And in some time, that's where you are headed too. You guys still have a chance." NK gave out a soft smile, as much as it killed him.

Arnav pushed the uncontrollable smile from his face that threatened to fight its way back. He closed his eyes, the day's events fading in significance.

"You've always hated the idea of me and Khushi. I know Akaash told you all of this, but you had the choice to not tell me. It would have been much harder for me to find her, yet you made it so easy. Why?" Arnav asked curiously, his voice trembling slightly after hearing a truth that could change everything.

"Because she deserves to be happy. We all do. And I think we've all had our fair share of dismay. Go...go be with her Arnav. And...please don't blow it this time." NK said sincerely. With that, NK turned to walk out the door.

"NK," Arnav called out, making him stop in his tracks and gently turn.

"Thank you. It means a lot, I know it's not easy for you either." Arnav whispered, loud enough for NK to hear and nod his head.

Finally, he turned on his heels and walked out the door.


NK closed the door gently, letting out a long sigh. He had finally done it, come to terms with the fact that Arnav and Khushi loved each other and deserved the love that came with one another. Yes, it felt good to do something right after so long, but that did not mean that it hurt any less. Khushi would always mean a lot to him, and he just hoped that she would only get the happiness she deserved.

"NK?" Lavanya appeared from behind a wall, carrying a cup of coffee out for him. She was dressed in a loose kurti and jeans, if he hadn't already known, it would have been difficult to figure out that she was four months pregnant.

"Thank you. Won't you have some?" He asked.

"I did while waiting for you." She smiled. "How is he?"

"Better." NK said reassuringly.

"He's been getting tons of visitors today, I think I'll go see him later...especially since Khushi left, he must be..." Lavanya shook her head slowly.

"Everything will be okay now. I know it." He gave Lavanya a smile, which she reciprocated easily.

" talked to him?"

"Yes, I told him everything I needed to."

"Oh...I'm sorry NK...I'm sure this is hard on you too." She muttered.

"It's not about me. It's about...them. And as long as they are happy, I will be too." He said sincerely.

Lavanya nodded as they walked side by side down the hospital corridors.

She glanced at NK through the corner of her eyes and then let her gaze drop to her tummy. And as long as you are happy, we will be too, she thought.


As he lay still in bed after NK's departure, Arnav knew he was either going to start laughing or crying. He was given another chance with Khushi. A chance to be perhaps be happy. Would they be rid of the worries that had once come their way? Maybe never, but he would fulfill all those promises he had once vowed to make. He knew he had a lot to make up for, tons of explaining to do. But he would get her back, even if he had to wait a lifetime to do so.

And so this time, Arnav Singh Raizada closed his eyes more peacefully.

He had made a mistake before and perhaps it was forgiven, but the damage done had been remarkable. Nothing came easy after a typhoon had cleared it all out. He had left her hanging once, but he would come back and be willing to take the risks to build a new home even if another storm came again. After all, he would never let her go.


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