Love, Amor, Amour

Por EmpressPenguin

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"A deep feeling of affection and sexual attachment." That's all Mina has - words stolen from a dictionary. Ho... Más

《Chapter 1》
《Chapter 2》
《Chapter 3》
《Chapter 4》
《Chapter 5》
《Chapter 6》
《Chapter 7》
《Chapter 8》
《Chapter 9》
《Chapter 10》
《Chapter 12》
《Chapter 13》
《Chapter 14》
《Chapter 15》
《Chapter 16》
《Chapter 17》
《Chapter 18》
《Chapter 19》
《Chapter 20》
《Chapter 21》
《Chapter 22》
《Chapter 23》
《Chapter 24》
《Chapter 25》
《Chapter 26》
《Chapter 27》

《Chapter 11》

53 16 13
Por EmpressPenguin

Ignorance is bliss. It was this bliss that kept her from trepidation and drinking more tea than usual on a day to day basis, but all good things come to an end. Sunday evening Mina had a dilemma, she knew she needed her best friend's guidance.

"I need help figuring out what to wear to a taco fest at Angel park in a few hours," Mina explained over the phone to her best friend who was just arriving at their small apartment complex.

"Yes finally! Mina has a date, thank you lord almighty!"

"Can you be serious for a second? Come over as soon as you get home," she rolled her eyes as she munched on her granola bar.

"But I'm already home, sourpuss."

"Then hurry up, I got your favorite soda in the fridge," Mina said smiling as she finished eating and proceeded to chug down a whole water bottle. There was something about taking a hot shower when getting home then walking out of it feeling as if you'd just come out of the desert after a week's travel.

Heidi took the stairs two at a time when her best friend mentioned Dulsa-pop over her end of the receiver. "Five minutes to change and get me the Loony toons wine glasses, stat."

Mina chuckled at first then went into the cupboard as soon as she ended the call. Right as the clock stroke five minutes past the original time, a loud knock came from the door of her apartment. She skipped over to the front door and called out sweetly to hear who it was.

"You know damn well it's me, now open the door."

Mina was in a fit of giggles as she unlocked her door for Heidi. Instantaneously she appeared as the door flies open from the force, one look in Mina's direction said it all. "Give me the goods, tuts."

Unable to control her laughter she just pointed towards the kitchen with one outstretched arm and bent forward, not being able to form a coherent sentence at that moment. It was doubtful a day could pass without having her best friend's comedic talent make her smile. When Heidi had dashed for her soda and Mina was finally able to stand and wipe the tiny tears in her eyes from laughing, she noticed the shiny shoes not a few feet in front of her.

"Hey Minnie!," the cheerful greeting came from the person that had come behind Heidi and was still standing in the doorway. She knew that it could only be one person, the only person that called Minnie instead of her name. Cory Schauman came through the door after Heidi with an impeccable maroon suit tailored exclusively for his form. He was another one of Heidi's friends she'd met in her years of exploring. Cosmetology school specifically, after strolling through a couple of college courses Heidi grew closer to her true passion.

"Cory. What a surprise to see you," The dishonest smile on her lips overcame the shock and dampened mood that had set when she heard his voice.

"A good surprise as well, I missed our trio, so glad I came with," he replied while now sitting on her love seat with his back straight, obnoxiously brushing away non-existent dust from his suit.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna get something in the kitchen real quick," she scrammed off hastily so he hadn't the chance to speak with her again.

As Mina was coming into the kitchen she grabbed Heidi by the arm just as she was slipping out of it. Not giving her any choice, but to stay and almost making her drop the wine glass filled to the brim with sugary soda in her hands. In the kitchen the wall between them and Cory in the living room gave some needed privacy, Mina turned to her with a scowl on her usually smiling face.

"Um, why did you invite him?"

"He's a fashionista," she said as if the answer was meant to be obvious, "Also known as our savior of all fashion emergencies."

Mina couldn't argue much with her response since he was talented in the fashion department. Cory was the star pupil at his and Heidi's cosmetology classes that had numbered a considerable amount of thirty people wanting to enter the field. She hated to admit he was one of the best, at least in their town. That didn't explain the deeper meaning of her question though, she disliked the guy too much to bear his presence for too long. That being said, they had a bad history in their so-called trio.

"I hate to intrude in on your little chit chat ladies, not so much really, but I do have places to be, my darlings."

Cory had entered the kitchen and Heidi, being the problem solver that she seemingly is, guided them both out to the living room to hopefully settle their differences.

"We know, Cor, just getting the refreshments out," she swiftly pulled out more wine glasses and soda for them as Mina took a tray with snacks out with her.

"Now, speak out loud and let's settle this once and for all."

Mina's eyes drifted from one to the other as they were both staring at her like she held the magical answers. She sighed and straightened up in her seat on the sofa across from him.

"Okay from the beginning then, the first time we met you called me the virgin Mina an hour into the conversation and made fun of my flat chest," she stated the fact that still irked her every time his name came up.

It was a Sunday afternoon that she had had off work and met with her best friend at a pancake house that served breakfast food all hours it was open, it was definitely their second favorite place to eat daily if possible. They tried half the menu by then, but that day was different because it was a three-way split meal they'd agreed to. Mina was excited to meet a new close friend of Heidi's, such a variety of colleagues she always managed to befriend. After Heidi introduced her best friend to her new one and started a flow of conversation with ease, they were beginning to get well acquainted. Soon they could even joke and laugh together, but the conversation took a turn into their love lives that called out for more personal information. Unfortunately, it didn't end well as hurtful words were said and the next few outings weren't all too peachy either.

"And I apologized remember? but you did have a flat chest, hun, you said it," Cory pointed out with a knowing look.

It wasn't a lie, Mina has always had a stick like a figure up until adulthood, but even then she was a skinny woman with wide hips. She was compared to a boy many times as a child by those monstrous bullies at primary, especially when she had a shorter haircut. On her twenty-first birthday, she decided endlessly long hair was the way she wanted it, not caring the cost of more shampoo and conditioner. Her chest was flat at the time, but she couldn't change that even if she wanted to.

Sensing she was still miffed about their first encounter and the others that followed he tried to amend the damages. "Now look how well you filled out, nothin', but slim thick buns, hun!"

"Yeah sugarplum, that was like two years ago, forgive and forget."

Both Heidi and Cory share a doe-eyed look that made her eventually give in to their wishes. It was Heidi's comment that really made the decision clear. It was due time to forgive and forget about the past. She sighed and slumped in her seat, making them cheer in victory.

"Fine, but leave all mean comments aside if you don't want to get kicked out," she stared at him non-blinking until he nodded in agreement with the demand. Luckily for him, she did give second chances.

Cory motioned to zipping his lips from corner to corner as a means to leaving all rudeness aside, then smiled brightly at her as he stood next to her, "Okay, let us start with this hair, it needs volume..."

Two fully pained hours later, she was contemplating whether it was a wise decision to partake in this current situation.

"Remind me why I bought these damn jeans again," she grunted trying to fandom the thought process she had before.

Mina was utterly uncomfortable with the pants tightening her undergarments between the buttocks. Shuffling herself into them was enough to make her sweat and regret wanting to go out in the first place. It was truly unwanted exercise to get dressed this evening.

"Because they're a**tastic, now hold still," Heidi stated, forcefully turning her head to clip a braid to the right side of her hair with a bunch of bobby pins that she knew would serve a pounding headache.

"Now twirl, please."

She complied with the command as they assessed her from the top; voluminous waves, Cory's superbly done make up, to distressed dark denim jacket brightened by her white blouse with inked polka-dots, the extremely tight pants on her bottom and lastly her favorite leather boots. Fitted for a walk in the park this evening with special company.

"Oh this was so fun, we should do brunch next time," Cory smiled happily at the creation that was Mina's so-called makeover, clapping his hands like a giddy preschooler at the suggestion he'd made

"Don't forget your purse, and I put in more lipstick just in case."

She felt unsure as to what Heidi meant with the extras in lip cosmetics as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, "In case what?"

Her silly friends wiggle their eyebrows suggestively while Cory made kissing noises immaturely pouting like a pucker fish from his seat on the sofa.

"I shouldn't have asked."

It was a sort of embarrassing moment when the silence between them settled, even though the area was so loudly deafening. He was at a loss of what to say during the line made for waiting, other than asking what type of taco she wanted to eat. There was so much going on it was not unimaginably the same taco fest he remembered coming to last year, just with a  different company. Six taco trucks with catchy logos spread out throughout the park, two dessert stands in left view left her wondering what sweetness could pair with the meals they were about to feast on.

The metal benches far in the distance of the park were almost vacant, the picnic tables spread around the center preferred with the cool grass that lay beneath them. Although they weren't exactly visible to the public eye, two speakers blasted upbeat folk-pop songs from each end of the food truck rows. The four porta-potties placed near the trash bins were hard to be missed, yet strangely conveniently located.

"Habanero? Are you sure, it's extremely spicy."

He waved off her concerned look with a simple, "Yeah, I'll be fine," then paid the cost.

"I'll take the chili chicken taquitos, no onions por favor," Mina relayed her order to the person standing inside the taco truck, careful to skip the unwanted vegetables.

They soon took a picnic table to the right of the stand with alcohol-induced drinks that had fewer people crowded around, granted it was a family event. Elijah sat first adjacent to her as he placed their food on the table and she the drinks.

"Ready to feel the burn?"

He gave a little smirk at her teasing before taking the taco into his hands.

The crispy warm corn flavor of the tortilla folded to incubate the delicious meat drenched in lime juices and the strong kick of chili pepper throughout it, not forgetting the sprinkled cheese over the top. The perfect combination for a mouth-watering meal she savored every bite until finished with one then the other.

Elijah, on the other hand, stopped after three mouthfuls of his heated taco. Face feeling rather hot and sweaty, eyes watering, he held his tongue out to catch some breeze. Admitting defeat after several gulps of his raspberry iced tea and blowing out a huge breath of air tinged with spice, he bowed his head to her as she laughed and said the childish words of, "I told you so."

He certainly did hear her say much but chose to believe that he could handle the spiciness of the habanero pepper added to his beef taco. It was a mistake he shall not soon forget. Now taking smaller bites, he'd learned his lesson and did not need a repeat. Only being able to finish a bit over halfway in between walking back to buy another drink, they threw their trash away and joined the hoards of dancing people in the makeshift dance circle.

The folk-pop music changed to urban-country, which was new to them, but apparently not to most people around. They even learned a bit of line dancing along the way. What really got Mina to loosen up was the tropical salsa dancing she seemed to impress Elijah and others with her well-practiced moves. Water was a necessity with all that fun having had with friendly strangers.

Now having to quench their dehydrated bodies, the talk of a competition ring in their ears from one person to another. It was a little eating contest to see who had the stronger tolerance of all five. Two gentlemen and a teenage girl had already accepted the challenge. The crowd was rumbling, the next to step in was a man with the resemblance of Santa Claus minus the wide beard and red suit. He wore a pink tank top that looked as if at one time it had been white instead, cargo shorts and his goatee was white as snow. This piqued Mina's interest, as she nudged Elijah revealing to him she wanted to enter it too.

"Do you want to ruin your taste buds forever?"

"Do I ever!" She laughed at his warnings as he looked in her eyes, amusement sparkling in his. She reassured him with a pat on his cheek that she'd be okay and went to sit with the other contenders.

Safe to say with Mina's determination, she won the spiciest salsa verde challenge, a yellow ribbon handed to her after she wiped her face clean. Though her mouth was on fire the entire time during and her lips stung from the spiciness, she thought it worth it. A lot of milk was shared that day in the form of ice cream, three scoops of mint chocolate chip for him while she devoured her rocky road and successfully sedated the scorching taste on their tongues. It was a short-lived victory though when Elijah had taken her home and said their goodbyes she was rushing to the bathroom depositing her regrets.

Meanwhile, at the bakery, Alden was left managing the slow Sunday shift with Geoffrey, and his parents were off buying bundles of supplies at their local Gocost, ten miles off the main road. Less and fewer costumers entered, Alden was clearing tables and soon sweeping the floors thereafter. Geo emptied trash bins with hurried steps one at a time, coming and going out back. It was almost dead at the end of the day when the bakery's landline phone rang. Heads snapping up, Alden looked in Geoffrey's direction as did Geo to his. Neither wanting to take the call, Geo mentioned his dirtied hands from haven thrown out the trash.

"Hello, Cookie Crumbs bakery, Alden speaking. How can I help you today?"

Geo rolled his eyes at the false patience in Alden's voice. One last trash bag dumped into the bin and he walked off towards the back to wash his hands.

"Hello, Alden yes, I'd like to order catering four weeks from today. It is for a very important cause, Lindell charity for Newborns in Need funds half its entirety from its auction and catering, it's an immensely important order so I suggest you take a notepad out."

"Oh, wow okay, I will note all of it down right away," Alden flustered looking around the desk for a pen and some paper, "Your name and phone number, please?"

"Emrie Lindell..."

Mrs. Lindell was recommended the bakery's catering from a friend for the best desserts and prices, her dear friend had an amazing surprise party for her loved one with their catering. It was just a month ago, but Mrs. Lindell had remembered the delicious pastries she'd stuffed her face that day. So she decided it was best to go with her gut on this one of many occasions.

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