The Girl Who lived, loved and...

By MidnightMadness_147

222K 5K 382

I'm sure you've read 100 stories about Harry Potter sister. And maybe this one isn't any different. Or maybe... More

The night it all happened
lily Potter ?
We meet again
4 Champions
Its getting Sirius
Charlie Weasley
The first Trial
Pre Ball Jitters.
Yule ball
After math
The Day Before
The Second trial
A Meeting with Padfoot
Letters, Crouch, Twins oh my
Family and Friends
The Third Trial
He Returns.
Summer days
Family trouble
Dinner party
Noble house of black
Prefect Party
Warning back to Hogwarts.
Classes 2
Day at Hogsmeade
High Inquisitor
Taking things up a notch
Dumbledore's Army
Quidditch War
St Mungo's Hospital
St Mungo's Hospital pt2
Merry Christmas
Fun times over
Umbrige is a Bitch
letting the public know
Change in management
Ill figure it out later
The Ultimate Exit
Owls /Newts
Depart for Department of Mysteries
Battle at the Department Of Mysteries
The Second War begins
Business as usual
Happy Depressing Birthday
Re-acquaintaned with Hogwarts
independent variable
To the night of the party.
Christmas with the Weasely's
Happy birthday
Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Battle at the Astronomy Tower pt2
Worriors Death
Grimmauld Place
The Ministry
Theres a lot we dont know
If Not Us Who?
Godric's Hollow
Question and few answers
Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manner
Bill and Fleur's Cottage
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Gotta get back to school
Battle of Hogwarts
Beginning of the End
The beginning meets the end
The War to End all Wars
The End is Only The Beginning
19 years later.


2.6K 63 12
By MidnightMadness_147

Mrs.Weasley, Bill, Ron, Danie and Hermione were all gathered in the hospital wing waiting for Harry. Dumbledore walked Harry into the hospital wing, closely followed by a shaggy black dog. Dumbledore asked that no one badger him with questions. Everyone respected his wishes and didn't ask him any questions about the events. Madam Pomfrey had given Harry a potion to place him in a dreamless sleep. Danie was sat in a chair by Harry's bed her head resting on the edge of his bed. The others where all around Harry as he slipped off into peaceful sleep.

* * *

"They'll wake him if they don't shut up!" Someone hissed in a whisper. "What are they shouting about? Nothing else can have happened, can it?" Harry started to wake silently. Harry's glasses where not on his face. He could only see a blurred Mrs. Weasley and Bill. " That's Fudge's voice" she whispered " and that's Minerva McGonagall, isn't it? But what are they arguing about?" McGonagall and Fudge's voices echoed from outside the hospital wing doors. " Regrettable but all the same Minerva" Cornelius Fudge said loudly. " You should have never brought it inside the castle!" She yelled. Danie was now awake. She tiredly rubbed her eyes and stood up and walked away from Harry's bed not noticing he was awake. " Their going to wake Harry if they keep this up" Danie sighed crossing her arms. " Oh Danielle dear you're awake" Mrs. Weasley spoke nervously. McGonagall and Fudge bursted into the hospital wing. "Where's Dumbledore?" Fudge demanded. " He's not here" Danie spoke coldly " this is a hospital wing if you haven't noticed and my brother is trying to get some well deserved sleep so if you don't mind-". " What has happened?" Dumbledore asked McGonagall. " Why are you disturbing these people? Minerva, I'm surprised at you. I asked you to stand guard over Barty Crouch." " There's no need to stand guard over him anymore Dumbledore" McGonagall shrieked" the minister said that!" She spat. Never had they seen McGonagall in such a furry. " When we told mr. Fudge that we had caught the Death Eater responsible for tonight's events. he seemed to feel his personal safety was in question he insisted on summoning a dementor to company him do the castle he brought it up to the office where Barty Crouch-" Snape explained. " I told him you would not agree Dumbledore I told him you would never allow dementors set foot inside the castle but-" McGonagall was cut off by Fudge. " My dear woman! as minister of magic it is my decision whether I wish to bring protection with me when interviewing a possibly dangerous-". " It killed him" Danie said flatly. Fudge glared at the young Girl. " By all accounts he is no laws it seems he has been responsible for several deaths!" Fudge defended himself. " but he cannot now give testimony Cornelius" said Dumbledore "he cannot give evidence about why he killed those people" Fudge scoffed. "Why he killed them well that's the mystery is it he was a raving lunatic from what Minerva and Severus have told me he seemed to have thought he was doing it all on you know who's instructions!" Fridge raged. " Keep it down!" Danie whisper yelled. " my brother is asleep in the last thing he needs to hear is your rubbish" Danie was tried and had little patience for this type of thing. This made the minister magic even more enraged. "Lord Voldemort was giving him instruction Cornelius those people's deaths were merely the by product of a plan to restore Voldemort to full strength again that plan succeeded, Voldemort as being restored to his body. "Dumbledore explain calmly. "You know who returned preposterous come on Dumbledore!" Fudge insisted. "As Minerva and service have doubtlessly told you we heard Barty Crouch confess. Under the influence of veritaserum, he told us how he was smuggled out of Azkaban and now Voldemort learning of his continued existence from Bertha Jorkins went to free him from his father and use him to capture Harry that plan work I tell you crouch has helped Voldemort return." Dumbledore kept his calm composure. Dumbledore and fudge continue to have their back and forth Dumbledore trying to convince judge of the truth and the minister ignoring the truth. "you are prepared to believe that Lord Voldemort has returned on the word of a lunatic murderer and a boy who....well..." Fudge looked at Harry. "You've been raining Rita Skeeter Mr fudge" Harry spoke sitting up. "See what you've done you e woken him up" Danie pointed a warning finger at Mr. Fudge. "It's okay Danie" Harry said softly. their conversation continued further fudge filling back into his non-belief. Making every insinuation anything but the truth. He was mounted so high on his high horse to realize the sincerity of what was to come. He left in a fury.

* * *

A month had past and it was approaching the end of the school year. Danie had been using this time to spend time with the twins. They always had a uplifting energy. Something that she truly appreciated. And get closer to Harry. The golden trio had an unspoken agreement not to talk about the events of the Triwizard Tournament or the actions of the Dark Lord. There was no point in worrying until they knew more and Danie had to agree. Everyone was gathered in the great Hall for the final feast of the school year. Dumbledore stood up. " there is much that I would like to say to you all tonight but I first must acknowledge the loss of a very fine person you should be sitting here enjoying our face with us I would like you all please to stay on and raise your Glass Cedric Diggory" Dumbledore announced. Everyone stood up and raised their goblet. Before Sitting back down. "Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort" there was a small panic, whispered started to break out. " The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this. It is possible that some parents will be horrified that I've done so either because they will not believe that Lord Voldemort has returned or because they think I should not tell you so young as you are it is my belief however the truth is generally preferable to lies and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as the result of an accident is an insult to his enemy. Everyone looked around at eachother with fearful faces. Harry and Danie exchanged grim expression. " The Triwizard Tournament's aim was to further and promote magical understanding . In the light of what has happened of lord Voldemort's return such ties are more important than ever. " Danie looked over to the Ravenclaw table and looked at her old friends who hadn't talked to her since she transferred schools.
Everyone was bidding farewell to the foreigners who become friends. Danie walked over to her old group of friends. "Hi" she said softly. The turned around and looked at her with sad expressions. " Oh Lily!" The exclaimed pulling her into a group hug. When the let go of eachother "Please be careful of yourselves" She gave them a smile. " You too, write uz!" " I will" as she was walking back to harry and the gang she crossed paths with Fleur. " Hey" Danie smiled at her. " Hi" she returned the smile. They embraced with eachother. " I heard your trying to find a job in London?". " Qui, I want to improve mi English" Fleur responded. " Right English, and Bill Weasley has nothing to do with it" Danie gave a wink. As the parted. " Take care of yourself Fleur" " you too Danie" she walked off. Danie was taken by the hand, spun around and dipped. When she looked up she saw one of the Weasley twins. " I'm in love with you Danie. I have been all year. How's about we go out?". Danie smirked and stood up she gentally pushed the twin away. " You can come out George. Your little prank didn't work" she crossed her arms and looked at Fred. " I am George and I'm madly in love with you" Fred said dramatically before laughing. George was also laughing from behind a beam. " I told you she wouldn't fall for it" George said as we walked into sight. " That you did Georgie. ". The two twins were now standing beside eachother. Fred's Arm was leaning on George shoulder and George had his arms crossed. Both brilliant grins upon her face. " One little flaw in your plan boys" Danie smirked at them. " And what would that be?" The asked in unison. " I'm not into gingers " " oh you're going to get it for that one" Said Fred running after Danie. George followed. The two caught up to her. George picked her up from underneath her arms and Fred got her legs. " Black lake?" Asked Fred. " Black lake " he responded. " No! Oh common I was joking!" Danie laughed.

* * *

It was the next morning and everyone was waiting for the Hogwarts Express to pull into the station. When the train pulled into the station everyone started to pile on. " I'll come find you before we get to platform 9 3/4 , I'm going to go sit with the twins" Danie told Harry. He nodded and got onto the train. Danie got into a compartment with the twins and Lee. The twins were sitting together on one side and Danie with Lee on the other side. " Did they actually throw you into the black lake yesterday?" Lee asked with a chuckle. " Yes" Danie glared at the twins, who were pretending to be innocent. The 4 of them joked and reflected on the past year. Everything that had happened. The twins were even serious when talking about the end of the Triwizard Tournament. " What do you thinks gonna happen?" Lee asked in a nervous tone. " Fighting most like, but I don't think that's we need to worry about right now. He's still weak and we have something he will never have" Danie smiled to herself. " And what would that be Potter?" Fred asked. " Love, and well then there's Dumbledore" the boys seemed to smile at this. Lee left to go talk to Angelina. " Godric what's he up to now!" Danie said watching a rather grumpy Malfoy, Crabbe and Get. " We should follow them" George said getting up. " Make sure they don't hex some poor git" Fred and Danie stood up and followed them to Harry's compartment. " too late now Potter they'll be the first to go now the darklords back mudbloods and Muggle lovers first ....well second Diggory was the-" an explosion of spells filled the hall. When the smoke cleared a unconscious Malfoy Crabbe and Goyle were laying on the floor. "Thought we'd see what these three were up to" said Fred stepping on Goyle as he entered their compartment. " Interesting effect" George said, step on Malfoy and entered the compartment. " Surves them right" Danie spat putting her wand away stepping on Crabbe. The golden trio were sitting on one side and the twins with Danie on the other. They closed the door. The rest of the trip was filled with friends and laughs. And for a moment. If only a moment they all forgot about what had just happened. And what the future had in store. "Ron's face when Viktor walked through the door" Fred laughed. "He looked like he was in love" George continued. "Guys were here" Hermione said. They grabbed their trunks and walked out onto the platform. Danie hugged Hermione and ruffled Ron's hair. "Have a good summer " "you too Danie". They said. Danie pulled each of the twins into a hug in turn. Each of them holding her skittle tighter than usual "Stay out of trouble" she warned them. "We solemnly swear ". "That we are up to no good" Danie let out a soft chuckle. Finally she reached Harry and hugged him tightest of all. "I'll write to you every day" she kneeled down and placed his hand in his hands. He nodded. "I love you Harry" "I love you too Danie" She stood up and ruffled his hair. She stated to walk off the plate form. She saw Remus waiting for her. She ran to him and was greeted with a warm embrace. "Moony!". "hey Danie" he pet her hair.

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