Erasermic uwu

By Suphacumber

65.8K 1.7K 1K

This is just a story about the development of the friendship (and romance ofc) of the characters Aizawa Shout... More

Chapter 1: An Explosion Of Anger
Chapter 3: "Im going back tomorrow."
Chapter 4: Chance.
Chapter 5: Lunchbreak
Chapter 6: "Eraser, are you-"
Chapter 7: Hair Tie
Chapter 8: Also
Chapter 9: Suspicious
Authors Note (^ᴗ^)ノ
Chapter 10: WAIT!

Chapter 2: USJ

7.4K 205 104
By Suphacumber

~Aizawa POV~

Maybe I should've been nicer towards Hizashi. He's been my friend ever since highschool.
Since when did I care about Hizashi's feelings? I've been like this since... highschool. But I..It's not logical to think about this so much when I have a job to do.

Shouta entered the classroom, his student's quieting down as he slid open the door.
"..Good morning." Shouta said quietly.
"Good Morning!" The class chimed.
"Today we'll be going to the USJ to practice your quirks in different weather." Shouta stated. A small silence rung through the class, then cheers bursted through.
"Yes! Something normal!" He heard someone shout.
Shouta's ear slightly twitched, annoyed at the chatter.
"Quiet down," Shouta demanded sternly. The class quickly went back into a quiet state, some students adjusting their position in their seat.
"Alright," Shouta motioned toward the door. The students all got up from their desks.
"Go change into your hero suits, if you'd like. After that we'll be heading to somewhere off campus." Shouta remarked. The students flooded the door, heading to the locker rooms.
Shouta sighed, all the students were gone. Peace and quiet finally was in place, even if it was for a couple minutes. He took out his phone, turning it on. His wallpaper was a recent picture Hizashi took of them together, they were both drunk in the picture, but Hizashi looked.. cute.
"Heh," Shouta smiles as he looks at Hizashi in the picture. He looks up, realizing Thirteen was at the door.
"'Excuse me uhm.. Eraser Head, are you ready to go to the USJ?" They questioned.
"Oh, yeah. I was just lost in thought." Thirteen nodded. Shouta got up, and headed to the door.
"Let's go, Thirteen." Shouta remarked.
"Yes," Thirteen replies. The two of them head down to the students, and proceed to get on a bus heading to the USJ.
All the students chatted over various topics, the USJ, their quirks, or just what's happening in their lives. Shouta took out his phone, turning it on. The time reads 9:36 AM; Shouta gazes at his wallpaper again, slightly smiling. However, this did not go unnoticed by Tsu, who was right behind Shouta's seat.
"Mr. Aizawa? What are you smiling at?" Tsu remarked. This alerted the students near her, causing them to stare.
"...Nothing, Tsu. My business is not important to you." Shouta shoves his phone back into his pocket, then looking ahead. Tsu looked back at the other students, then looked at Shouta.

Shouta, Thirteen, and the students arrive at the USJ. Shouta opens the door to the USJ, letting the students and Thirteen trickle into the building.
Shouta follows behind them, closing the door.

"Alright, we-"
"What's that?!" Kirishima interrupted. Shouta quickly turned his head to Kirishima's direction. Villains were appearing out of nowhere, emerging from what seems like a warp.
"Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?" Kirishima commented. Midoriya stepped forward slightly-
"Don't move!" Midoriya and other students stepped back. Shouta takes his goggles from his neck, and puts them on.
"Those are villains." Shouta commented. Shouta heard the class gasp, he could sense they were all on edge.
"...Thirteen and EraserHead huh? The teachers schedule we received the other day said All Might was supposed to be here." The warp stated. There was a blue haired boy, with hands all over him. Beside him was what looked like a mutation of some sort.
"The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?" Shouta uttered.
"..where is he?" The blue haired boy asked. His voice was light, and somewhat raspy. What seemed like hundreds of villains proceeded, itching closer and closer to the class.
"I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd too." The villains advanced closer, while the blue haired boy, warp, and mutation stayed behind all of them.
"All Might, the symbol of peace... I can't believe he's not here."
"I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?" The boy asked, seeming to have a slight laughter in his voice.
Shouta activated his quirk, preparing to fight. Shouta observed the villains, trying to predict what their next move was.
"What the pro hero's fight against, and what they face... is an extraordinary evil."
"What, villains?! No way! There's no way they can get into a hero school," Kirishima added.
"Thirteen! What about the trespasser sensors?" Momo asked.
"We have them, of course, but..."
"Did they only appear here, or around the whole school?" Todoroki interrupted. The other students all stared at Todoroki, seeming on edge.
"Either way, if the sensors aren't responding, that means they have someone with a quirk that can do that." Todoroki presumes.
"An isolated area separated from the main campus, during a time when a class is supposed to be here."
"They might be fools, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned, with some sort of goal in mind." The class all shivered at Todoroki's observation.
"Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try contacting the school." Shouta remarks, stepping forward.
"These villains even had something to counteract the sensors, it's possible that someone with radio-wave powers is interfering." Shouta admitted.
"Kaminari, You try contacting the school with your quirk." Shouta demanded sternly.
"Yessir!" Kaminari motioned to his ear.
"What about you Mr. Aizawa?! Are you seriously gonna fight by yourself?!" Midoriya questioned worryingly.
"With that many villains, even if you can erase their quirks, Eraser Head's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's quirk!"
"A frontal battle is.."

Midoriya is quite observant. I appreciate his worry over this, however...

"Midoriya, you can't be a hero with just one trick."

Owo, USJ time.
Word Count: 949

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