Miss Gryffindor || h. potter...

By beachsideviews

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By beachsideviews

FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY found themselves walking alongside Lee Jordan down the main road at Hogsmeade's when they spotted the young brunette sitting in the snow up against a tree her knees tucked beneath her chin as she stared at the shrieking shack.

Not realizing George had asked him a question, the boy had already felt his feet being drawn to the girl as he walked over leaving the other duo in complete confusion before they rolled their eyes and walked away, leaving Fred to his loved struck ways.

"You know supposedly it's haunted, the shrieking shack, some of the villagers have claimed to hear screams coming from inside."
Aria looked up at the boy her head rested on her knees, "Do you often believe in rumors?"
"No," Fred shook his head sitting down next to the girl. "Only one's confirmed by Dumbledore,"
Aria raised an eyebrow at this before picking at her nails.
"So why are you out here in the freezing cold when there is tons of shops with warm heat?"
"I needed to get away from people, I kind of snapped at the minister."

"Now i'm intrigued," Fred chuckled "Why would you do something like that?"
"My mother," Aria dully replied "they were saying she ruined my life and that she was foolish to leave me to clean up her messes."
"You don't believe that do you?" Fred furrowed his eyebrows "that she would leave you her messes,"
"Of course not," Aria shook her head "She's my mother,"
"and you do know that her death is not your fault right?"
Aria hesitated, "can we not talk about my mother's death right now? It's my first Christmas without her and I don't really feel like..-"
"-okay then, on to other matters then."

Aria's glance aimlessly drifted down the street to see Angelina and Katie walking along side of each other chatting happily causing her to blink dully and before she could stop herself - word vomit seemed to throw out of her mouth,
"You mean how you and Angelina are getting so close?"

Not to long ago, Aria had spotted Fred and Angelina in the common room as Fred showed Angelina some pranks and cracking jokes. And it wasn't just that occurrence, recently, it was like whenever she looked at him he was with her and she didn't understand why it bothered her so much. She didn't mean to bring it up, but for some reason it slipped her mouth before she could stop it.

"What?" Fred questioned uneasy as he followed her gaze to see her look at the girl from down the street and furrowed his eyebrows confused when Aria was quick to dismiss her gaze to the snow that she let freeze her fingertips as she picked it up and smoothed it over with her warm fingers subconsciously "Angelina and I are --"
"Aria!" Hermione exclaimed running up her friend, her hand grasping at her hat to keep it from flying away against the wind as she rushed up to the duo before sliding to a stop realizing the two were in the middle of a conversation, "Oh, i'm sorry. I uh--"
"It's alright Hermione," Aria reassured the girl "What do you need?"
"Harry ran off - but we found him and I just wanted to let you know that we are heading back soon if you wish to join us."
"Actually I was hoping --" Fred began standing up but Aria cut him off.
"That'll be great Hermione, thanks for telling me." Aria smiled softly at the girl who nodded awkwardly as Fred pulled a confused face yet he shook it off and offered the girl his hand who hesitated before slipping her hand into his and he pulled her up to her feet.

The two stared at each other for a split second as Hermione bit her lip to keep from smiling as she looked away down the road. Aria released her hand the warmth leaving her body and dusted herself off clearing her throat.
"Ace--" Fred began
"Shall we?" Aria asked holding out her arm which Hermione looped hers in and the walked off leaving Fred dazed and confused.

Aria felt her stomach turn she wasn't quite sure what had just happened herself. Why she said that - but she did, it was out in the open. And there was no turning back now.
After finding out from Hagrid that Buckbeak was deemed to be executed because of Draco's a incident in his class and them deeming the bird a dangerous creature alongside of Harry's new hatred towards Black - Aria was close to claiming this as the worst christmas ever.

It wasn't until Hermione shook the girl awake on Christmas morning that she let out an irritated groan throwing her head under her pillow.
"Merry Christmas!" Hermione exclaimed joyfully causing Aria to peak her eyes out from behind the pillow at the girl to see she was holding out a present.
"Wake me up when it's New Years." Aria rolled her eyes.

Hermione rolled her own grabbing the pillow and ripping it off of her head causing Aria to gasp dramatically and push herself up.
"Hermione Granger --" Aria warned
"Open," Hermione ordered passing the girl her gift to which she grabbed and placed aside reaching under her bed to grab Hermione's gift and had it to the girl in front of her who grabbed it with a smile and sat on her bed opening it.

Aria opened the gift to see candy and some new books as well as some special addition quills.

After exchanging a hug and thank yous the duo got up to get ready, they changed into their dressing gowns and brushed through their hair.

"So what's going on between you and Fred?"
"How come it seems like whenever we are in this room that's the only thing we ever talk about?"
"Because, you always seem to mess up something."

"Me?" Aria asked offensively "Your seriously blaming me for all the issues we've had?"
"Are you really surprised? Think about Aria, the library - you telling fred you just want to be friends after told him you had a crush on him and ran off before he could get a word out, the bracelet - which clearly wasn't a friendship bracelet - but you were so determined that it was and now hogsmeade and whatever you two were disagreeing about---"

"What are you going on about?"
"What am I going on about?" Hermione chuckled lightly "I'm going on about the fact that you are so oblivious to the fact that you can't see that Fred is nuts for you!"
"That's rubbish! We are just friends --"
"Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?"
Aria went quiet, "well what am I supposed to do? Even if I do like him. I can't do anything about it."
"and why not?"

"Well," Aria scoffed "For starters I have a murder who so happens to be my father after me, um, my mother just died and I'm pretty sure he fancies Angelina!"
Hermione just laughed at this claim as Aria looked at her bewildered "This isn't funny!"
"I know, I know." Hermione calmed herself "It's just -- I overheard Fred and George talking in the common room a while ago and get this, he thinks you like Harry."

Aria's mouth fell in shock, "what? No! Why would he even think such a thing?"
"well you guys do hang out every day,"
"So do you and Ron!" Aria shot back causing a light tint of pink to spread across the girl cheeks causing her to clear her throat, "well yeah but we are friends..."
"Exactly!" Aria defended
"Look, don't get all defensive towards me. I'm not the one who thinks you have a crush on Harry."
"this is ridiculous." Aria ran her hand through her hair as Hermione placed a piece of tinsel around Crookshanks neck as he laid on her bed and Hermione smiled at the cat picking him up.

"Well you do what you want with this information, it's your choice. I'm going to go back sure the guys are up."

Hermione then left the room causing Aria to sigh as she looked down at her bracelet wondering what she should do.
Christmas was anything but sweet as Harry had gotten a broomstick from an unknown person and Hermione ended up telling McGonagall who took it from the boy to check for jinxs, so through the tension in the air the quartet was happy to have the school return in such short time.

So as Hermione and Aria sat in the gryffindor common room, books surrounding them as they studied the brunette glanced up from her notes to see Ron gibbering away at Harry as they not so discreetly stared at the girls from across the room. Aria furrowed her eyebrows at Ron who was quick to glance away realizing he had been caught.
"They're staring aren't they?" Hermione questioned in a soft mumble next to girl as she scribbled in her Arithmancy chart.

Aria exhaled setting down her textbook to look at the girl, "why don't you just tell them? You told me -"
"You were the exception," Hermione cut off sharply her eyes narrowed "Professor McGonagall made me promise not to tell anyone and I already broke that promise by telling you,"
"Which I still find ridiculously surprising," Aria shook her head but off of her friends glance was quick to add "-- not that I don't appreciate it, I mean ancient runes is an extremely interesting class..... I just never thought you'd break a promise to a professor as promising as McGonagall."

"I figured that if we are ever going to find a way to control those absorbing powers of yours we need all the knowledge we can get and one brain isn't enough. Now," Hermione paused glancing at the girls scribbled notes and pointing at one of the symbols, "Translated ehwaz."

Aria rolled her eyes, "it means partnership -- if you would just tell them, then perhaps they will stop brutally ignoring you. I know how much it's killing you."
"I can survive without Harry and Ron, it's them i'm worried about." Hermione declared before pausing her quill's movement.
"Wait a minute,"

"What?" Aria furrowed her eyebrows
"Do you still have your mother's journals?"
"Which one? The one that includes Sirius or that includes my grandparents."
"Grandparents," Hermione declared
Digging through her cauldron the girl pulled out her mothers old paperback journal and handed it to the girl.
"What's going on? Do you think you found something? I thought you were working on muggle studies homework,"

"Exactly," Hermione pointed out "Professor Burbage mentioned something in class about you - know - who,"
"What does voldemort have to do with muggle studies?" Aria furrowed her eyebrows
"There was another person who knew about you-know-who's plan to attack Harry's parents way before Dumbledore ever did,"
"Really who?" Aria questioned intrigued as Hermione passed her the journal.
"Your grandmother,"

Aria felt her heart beat stop and her mouth grow dry as her eyes scanned over her mothers hand writing.
"I-I don't understand,"
"The potion that you-know-who used on you as a child was originally created by your grandmother in hopes to defeat him once and for all because through the power of divination she was able to see into the future, everyone thought she was insane until it was too late and she passed away by natural causes. The thing I don't understand is that your grandmother was a muggle. It was your grandfather who had the magical powers. So how was she able to even use divination? Some sort of miracle, I suppose. Except - in the ways it turned out."
"Why didn't my mother even tell me? Because Cordelia died of frontotemporal dementia?"
Hermione frowned, "Things were different back then. She must've not believed her. The only thing I can't figure out is what the potions called, if we can figure out that - we can figure out what's in it and make soft of like a .... contradiction potion to help control those powers inside of you, We just need to find someone who speaks french."

"I do," Aria nodded causing Hermione to pull a surprised face.
"you do?"
"I got bored with German, my next goal is classical latin."
"Of course it is," Hermione exhaled as she passed the girl a small piece of parchment paper with three words scribbled on it.

élixir d'autonomisation

"elixir of empowerment," Aria read off before shaking her head with a small scoff, "cliché, a potion that makes your powers increase that has the word empowerment in it."

Placing her head in her hands Aria exhaled as Hermione gave her a sympathetic glance, "We are going to fix this Ria, I promise."

Aria glanced at the girl with soft eyes as she pressed her lips together and nodded, "and I don't have two doubts about it."
The Gryffindor Quidditch team stood on the field together as they gathered around Oliver for his final instructions on the next match against Ravenclaw. But Aria could barely focus, the girl had so much on her mind - between what Hermione said about Fred as well as her grandmother, wondering why her mother never believed her grandmother and not to mention the whole drama behind her father and his betrayal and murders.

Her life was going down hill fast and she could barely find herself focusing on Quidditch.

Something that used to make her so happy and feel so free.

It wasn't until Oliver grabbed her attention, "You alright Anderson?"

Snapping out of her daze - Aria realized that everyone on the team was getting ready to take off into the sky.
"Yeah, i'm fine Oliver."

Oliver went to speak but the girl turned around and jumped on her broom mounting off.

It was the best practice the team had in a while, Harry's fire bolt was an extreme improvement and the girl had high hopes for the match tomorrow.

"I can't see what's going to stop us tomorrow!" Oliver exclaimed practically bouncing on his heels "Not unless — Harry, you've sorted out your dementor problem, haven't you?"
"Yeah," Harry commented
"The dementors won't turn up again, Oliver. Dumbledore'd go ballistic" Fred stated confidently
"Well let's hope not," Oliver agreed "Anyway — good work, everyone. Let's get back to the tower . . . turn in early —"
"I'm staying out for a bit; Ron wants a go on the Firebolt," Harry informed Oliver before stolling over to Ron who was sitting in the stands as Madam Hooch was passed out in the stands.

"We need to talk," Fred told the brunette as the rest of the team, including George, walked off to the castle.
Aria sighed shaking her head as she waved him off, "Not right now Freddie. I have to meet up with Hermione tomorrow and --"

"I don't fancy Angelina, Aria." Fred scoffed out with a small chuckle causing the girl to come to a pit stop in her movements, turning around hesitantly and facing the ginger who looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Okay? I don't know where you got that idea. But I don't fancy her. She's brilliant, truly. But she's just a friend."

"It's non of my business Fred, honestly --"
"It is though! Because you're the one i'm in love with, i love you Aria."

Aria's breath got caught in her throat as she blinked at him surprised.
"Aria?" Fred questioned after a moment of silence
"Yeah?" Aria hummed out
"Did you hear me?" Fred asked hesitantly
"uh huh," Aria nodded
"well, say something." Fred remarked
"I.... I --"

"I love this bracelet," Aria gestured awkwardly to the jewelry hanging from her wrist.
"Uh, and that's it?"
"No. I just. . . I'm surprised, I didn't expect. . .I don't. . ."
"You don't love me." Fred huffed out
"No, I just have to think about it for a minute."
"Think about what?"
"Well, saying I love you is a really difficult thing." Aria trailed off.

"Well I just did it." Fred recalled
"And you did it really well." Aria nodded
"What the hell does that mean?"
"I'm sorry. Please. This totally came as a surprise. I just need a minute to think..." Aria pleaded
"This is not something that you think about Ace. This is either something that you feel or you don't."
"Please, don't be mad."

"Why? Because I say I love you and you wanna think about it?"
"That's not fair. I --"
"I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. I don't even know what I was thinking." Fred bluntly apologized
"Fred, please. It's just not that easy for me. Think about it from my point of view. The last person I said... She died seconds later, in front of me. Just please just let me think it over --"

"You know what? It doesn't matter, I have to go meet up with George anyways."

Fred walked off leaving Aria flabbergasted as her gaze followed him as he retracted towards the castle while the two boys caught up with her seconds later.

"That was bloody brilliant," Ron gasped gripping the broom in his hand causing the confused girl to look over to Ron.
"What?" Aria questioned
"The fire bolt, never in my life have I rode a broom so fantastic. You have to try it --"
"Are you alright?" Harry questioned the girl after staring at her taking in her appearance.

Aria awkwardly licked her lips looking towards the castle. "I'll try it another time Ron."

Without saying another word the girl walked to the castle feeling sick to her stomach as the boys trailed behind her chatting quietly about the broom and its maneuvers. But the girl now had even more things to worry about then the greatest broom of all time, she may have just lost one of her closest relationships to past trauma and she didn't know how on earth she was going to deal with it. The one thing she did know is she wished she had her mother by her side.
Aria sat at the Gryffindor table in the great hall for breakfast the next morning her face buried in a book unable to look at Fred who was sitting diagonal from her across the table next to George chatting away with Oliver.

The girl took a spoonful of her porridge and put it in her mouth swallowing it easily as she turned the next page as she felt Harry plop down next to her after placing his Fire bolt on the table the name faced upward as Oliver was quick to observe it in admiration.

"You have to try the broom out after the match Aria, I've never seen something quite like it. I mean did you see Malfoy's face when he saw it? It was brilliant!" Ron gushed
"You two have made up with Hermione haven't you?" Aria asked hopefully
"Made up with -- her bloody cat ate my rat!" Ron exclaimed
"You don't know that for sure Ron --"

"-- So are you ready for today's match, Aria?" Harry questioned cutting the girl off not wanting to her the argument any longer.
"Well with Cho on their team, it's a stretch. But since you've got the fire bolt and Oliver's not worried - then i'm not worried." Aria shrugged "What about the dementors? Have you been taking those lessons?"
"For a while now, I haven't mastered the spell yet."
"the patronus spell is an extremely complex spell Harry, it will take time to conquer but I have no doubt that you won't. Just give it time." Aria reassured Harry smiled softly at the girl before their conversation was interrupted by people from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff coming over to look at his broom.

"Sure you an manage that broom, Potter?" a cold voice asked from behind them causing Aria to turn around to see Draco, Crabbe and Goyle in her view.
"Yeah, reckon so." Harry nodded casually
"Got plenty of special features, hasn't it? Shame it doesn't come with a parachute -- in case you get too near a dementor."

Crabbe and Goyle let out a small laugh at this remark.

"Pity you can't attach an extra arm to your, Malfoy. Then it could catch the Snitch for you." Harry interjected.
Aria let out a laugh along with the Gryffindor team as she high fived Harry from under the table as Draco stalked away.

Aria turned back around to see Fred watching the duo's exchange with discreetly narrow eyes before glancing away as their eyes made eye contact causing Aria's to flutter back to her book in front of her.

At a quarter to eleven, the Gryffindor team set off towards the locker rooms. Aria, dressed in her robes walked out onto the field with the rest of her team.
After the quick introduction between captains, they set off towards the air. "They're off, and the big excitement this match is the Fire bolt that Harry Potter is flying for Gryffindor. According to which Broomstick, the Firebolt's going to be the broom of choice for the national teams at this year's World Championship —" Jordan rambled excitedly only to be interrupted by Professor MGonagall's voice, "Jordan, would you mind telling us what's going on in the match?"
"Right you are, Professor — just giving a bit of background information — the Firebolt, incidentally, has a built-in auto-brake and —"

"Okay, okay, Gryffindor in possession, Katie Bell of Gryffindor heading for goal... Gryffindor leads by eighty points to zero, and look at that Firebolt go! Potter's really putting it through its paces now, see itturn — Chang's Comet is just no match for it, the Firebolt's precision-balance is really noticeable in these long---"
"JORDAN! ARE YOU BEING PAID TO ADVERTISE FIREBOLTS? GET ON WITH THE COMMENTARY" McGonagall ordered loudly causing Aria's eyes to widen in surprise before she shook her head focusing back on the game.

Much to Aria's despair, the ravenclaw had now scored three goals which put Gryffindor only at fifty points ahead and if Cho got the Snitch before Harry -- Ravenclaw would win. She needed to score and fast so as she spotted the quaffle being tossed towards one of the ravenclaw chasers she dove for it speeding quickly and intercepting -- snatching it in mind air she noticed a buldger flying straight at her and ducked avoiding it quickly. Panting she glanced over at the Ravenclaw beater who held almost an amused smirk and she glared tossing the Quaffle towards Angelina who was out in the open. George didn't hesitate to vent his feelings towards the Ravenclaw beater as he swooped by the girl smashing the buldger directly at the offending Beater, who was forced to roll right over in midair to avoid it before dashing away.

Within seconds, Madam Hooch's whistle sounded. Harry caught the Snitch leaving the team to dive towards the boy.
"That's my boy!" Oliver yelled over the roars of the Gryffindors in the crowd as Angelina and Katie kissed Harry on the cheek and without thinking so did Aria. She pulled away realizing what she had done as she saw Harry's cheeks go red causing Aria's eyes to widen in surprise. Through all the excitement, the team managed to make it to the ground -- getting off their brooms to see the supporters running towards them. Ron in the lead.

"yes!" Ron exclaimed yanking Harry's arm into the air causing Aria to laugh at how excited her friend was as she didn't fail to notice how Harry's eyes never seemed to leave her presence.
"Yes! Yes!"

"Well done , Harry!" Percy exclaimed looking delighted "Ten Galleons to me! Must find Penelope, excuse me --"
"Good for you, Harry!" Seamus roared
"Ruddy brilliant!" Hagrid boomed finally grabbing Harry's attention from the girl as Hermione rushed up to Aria to envelop her friend in a hug congratulating her.

It wasn't until she saw Draco, crabbe, goyle and marcus flint struggling to remove themselves from long black hooded robes that Aria let out a small laugh because apparently Harry had attempted to hit them with a Patronus spell during the game thinking they were dementors. This attempt of sabotage only earned the Slytherins detention.

"Party! Gryffindor common room, now!" George exclaimed over the noise.
The party went on all day and well into the night. Fred and George disappeared for a couple of hours and returned with armfuls of butterbeer, pumpkin fizz, and several bags full of Honeydukes sweets.

"How did you do that?" Angelina squealed as George threw peppermint toads into the crowd.
"With a little help from Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs," Fred muttered lowly as Aria accepted a butterbeer from George who handed two off to her and she walked over to Hermione passing her friend one of them. The girl didn't seem to want to move as she had her face dug in a book.

"Here," Aria told Hermione handing her the drink.
"Aria I really can't --" Hermione began
"You can accept a drink Hermione, it's called multi tasking." Aria whispered in a low voice with a small laugh as Hermione rolled her eyes and took the drink from her friend while Harry walked over.

"Did you even come to the match?" Harry asked Hermione skeptically as he approached the girls, Aria peered over her glass as she sipped her drink sitting in her seat.
"Of course I did," Hermione huffed out not looking up from her book "And I'm very glad we won, and I think you did really well, both of you, but I need to read this by Monday"
"Come on, Hermione, come and have some food," Harry urged glancing at Ron
"I can't, Harry. I've still got four hundred and twenty-two pages to read! Anyway," Hermione glanced at Ron as well, "He doesn't want me to join in"
"Who cares what he thinks, I want you to join Hermione, we wiped Ravenclaw across the floor tonight and I want you to help me -- help us celebrate it!"

Hermione went to speak when Ron's loud voice spoke up, "If Scabbers hadn't just been eaten, he could have had some of those Fudge Flies. He used to really like them--"
Hermione bursted into tears and tucked her book under her arm and ran out of sight to the girl's dorms.
"Hermione!" Aria called out desperately but was ignored.

Aria turned with a growl on her face as she crossed her arms and glared at Ron.
"You're a foul idiot Ronald Weasley and an absolute arse too."

Aria turned on her heels after punching the boy in the arm roughly and stalking off to the dorms.

"Mione?" Aria asked in a soft voice hearing a sniffle come from the bedroom.
"Leave me alone, please."
"Now what kind of friend would I be if I did that?" Aria asked quietly stepping into the room as Hermione wiped her tears.
"You don't believe him do you? That Crookshanks ate Scabbers?"
"Well none of us can know for sure, but no honestly I don't. I don't know where Scabbers went but that rat is always running off so it wouldn't surprise me if he ran off again. Ron's just being unfair. But I mean you have to understand too, no matter how useless that rat was it still was Ron's pet. So no matter what actually happened to it, Ron's always going to be upset. I'd be upset to if something happened to faith."

"You should go back down to the party," Hermione stated in a quiet voice.
"But Hermione --"
"Before McGonagall tells them to go to bed, go down and enjoy it."
"Won't you come down? Please?"
Hermione shook her head, "I have to finish my book and then i'm going to bed. Like you said you wiped Ravenclaw tonight you should go enjoy it."

Aria sighed before nodding and leaving the room the girl soon walked into the common room again to see Harry glance at her as she furrowed her eyebrows noticing a group of Gryffindors were gathering near the fireplace and the couches were pushed away to create a sitting room. Aria walked over to Harry and Ron.

"What's going on?" Aria wondered as Angelina grabbed an empty bottle.
"They're playing some sort of muggle game -- Seamus brought it up called umm... I don't actually know what it is." Harry spoke questionably.

"Spin the bottle?" Ron stated in more of a question causing Aria to let out a small chuckle.
"No kidding, huh." Aria laughed walking over to the group.
"Are you joining Anderson?" Seamus smirked as the girl sat down next to Angelina.
"What does it look like I'm doing Seamus?" Aria raised an eyebrow glancing over towards a surprised Harry and Ron who were standing awkwardly away from the group.
"You two boys joining?"

Both off them were quick to shake their heads causing Aria to shrug.
"Alright who's going first?" Aria questioned

In the matter of seconds, almost everyone kissed one other person except for Aria and Fred so when Fred spun the bottle the girl let out a shaky breath as it spun around in circles - she could feel his eyes on her and almost debated backing out and leaving the game. But at that moment the bottle came to a sliding stop on her causing her stomach to drop as she finally glanced up to see Fred already looking at her.

The two stared at each other awkwardly until Seamus exclaimed, "Well go on then, kiss her already!"

The crowd began chanting kiss kiss kiss kiss

Causing Aria's hands to go sweaty as she glanced at Katie who nodded happily giving the girl a thumbs up causing Aria's eyes to widen as she glanced back over to Fred who seemed to be watching her every move trying to make a decision.

"Okay let's just do this already. Just kiss me," Aria decided with a nod.
"No, i'm not going to kiss you," Fred shook his head swallowing nervously.
"Kiss me!" Aria exclaimed shutting her eyes as if waiting for an impact.
"Aria stop!" Fred declared
"God Weasley, just kiss me already!"
"No! Not like this i - uh-."
"what? what does that mean?" Aria questioned
"No i didn- n-nothing! I jus-- I didn't mean it like — i just - we can't like that because — that's not —. D'you know like —. it's very like — you don't — that's not what it —"

Aria stared blankly at Fred as McGonagall walked into the room in her dressing gown and in a hair net causing everyone to grow quiet as she told them to go to bed and so they did.
"Fred..." Aria trailed off as people climbed off into their dorms and McGonagall left.
"Look, it was just a game --" Fred began
"that's what this is to you? A game?"
"No! That's not what I said! Look, if you want to kiss someone go kiss Harry or something. You seem to have no problem doing that."

Fred headed off into the dorms.
"Fred!" Aria exclaimed causing the ginger to turn around.
"What?" Fred asked
"Stop!" Aria pressed with her soft eyes watching him
"Because I love you, you idiot!"

With what seemed to be not hesitation the boy was quick to pick up his pace and rush across the room towards the girl using his gentle hands to cup her chin as he pulled her closer to his face causing the fluttering of her heart to increase as he softly pressed his lips against hers causing their eyes to fall shut in concentration as their lips moved together in a firm embrace. The crackling of the fire nearby barely brought heat to the moment that the passion of the kiss didn't already fill them up with. The tingles that spread down the girls spine as their lips moved in sync made her feel weak in the knees.

"Fred have you seen my --" George began rushing down the stairs from the boys dorms to see the duo's locked lips pull quickly away and glance at the twin who stood with a planted smirk on his face.
"Well hello to you two to"
Aria let out a small embarrassed chuckle as their bodies stepped away from each other.
"I'm going to go --" Fred gestured to his brother with his own flustered grin plastered across his face as he stumbled slightly backwards accidently hitting his leg on the couch causing him to wince.
"Yeah, okay." Aria nodded as Fred nodded giving her a thumbs up and dashing up the stairs only to be hear George laugh as he followed his twin up the stairs, Aria grinned sheepishly as she traced her thumb over her lip subconsciously and trailed upstairs, only to pass out in second - after finding Hermione already fast asleep - the grin never leaving her face.

Fred shoved his brother joking as George cracked up laughing falling onto his bed.
"Oi, will you two shut it?" Ron hissed out
"I can't believe you just kissed her and then gave her a thumbs up -- that's the most idiotic thing I've seen --" George laughed ignoring his younger brother
"You kissed someone?" Ron exclaimed sitting up as Harry turned on his side to see the Weasley brothers.
"I know I wouldn't believe it either! He actually did it!" George exclaimed clasping a proud grasp on his brother shoulder shaking him as Fred turned slightly red.
"Will you shut up? I don't think they want to know about who i'm kissing."

"On the contrary," Ron acknowledged "I want to know who would be dumb enough to settle for you."
George and Fred exchanged a glance before breaking out in a simultaneous laughing fit knowing that th person they were talking about was in fact Ron's best friend and he just called her dumb.

"What?" Harry chuckled lightly speaking up for the first time since the twins appeared.
George's laughter got quieter as he cleared his throat the grin never leaving his face as he climbed into his covers, "let it sink in Ronnikins, let it sink it."

As the lamp flickered off and darkness filled the room and silence enveloped it it was soon interrupted by Ron who gasped dramatically snatching a pillow and chucking it at Fred who groaned as it hit his stomach.
"You kissed my best friend?!" Ron shrieked

The twins laughed again as Ron fell on the bed backwards a groan escaping him as he ran his hands over his face distraught.

Harry however couldn't help but feel a pit feeling in his stomach as it turned - and he didn't think it was the butter beer he drank earlier. It was something new, but oh so familiar.

All he could think of was how he wished it was him Aria kissed and not Fred. But that wasn't how it played out and there was nothing he could do about it.

[edited?: yes! (12-25-30)]

Happy holidays my dearest readers!
I hope you are staying safe and spending time with your loved ones. I would liked to point out that the gilmore girls scene along with the new girl scene I inputted into this chapter belong to their original creators so all rights to them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took so long to post.
Stay safe,

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