His Butterfly - √

By braedonsamuel

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"Well, Well what do we have here." said his voice menacingly. . . . . . . "Don't you know not to cross onto... More

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Book 2


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By braedonsamuel

The battle raged on. Serpents hissed as they charged forward, the fairies never lost momentum in their fight, this was a war unlike any other.

Good VS Evil was the perfect phrase to describe it.

As the fairies fought, their world materialized its residents emotions via weather, at the moment the clouds were dark grey almost black with blocked sunlight illuminating the background.

As the fairies battled the serpents, they began to tire however fatigue would never claim them. Whenever they felt like giving up, the words of their Prince echoed through their minds :


These words reignited the spark in them. They adored their Prince and they would rather cut off their wings than fail him

And so the battle went on.

While the fairies fought the snakes, there was another battle occurring far away but unlike the war this battle simply had 2 participants and it was

Rhian VS Lilith

Rhian found himself on the cloudy ground, bound by enchanted chains, as he struggled to break free he looked up at his floating adversary and said "You know using magic against a fae in battle is unfair. I mean why would you ever want to win the crooked way."

Lilith pondered over Rhian's words, although she hated to admit it, he was right. Her goal was to eliminate him and lord knows she wanted to do it right.

The fairy of snakes waved her hand causing the chains bounding Rhian to fade away. She then said to her enemy "As much as I hate to say it but you do have point. If I'm going to kill you I am going to do it the proper way."

With those words Rhian charged toward Lilith and punched the right side of her face.

As her right cheek burned she rubbed it, saying "Damn it!"

Rhian smirked and said "Cain always said that if you're gonna punch, you gotta do it right."

Lilith then bolted, her clenched fist aiming for Rhian's abdomen.

"Ooof. That must have hurt. Are you ok little one?" mocked Lilith

As much as that attack hurt, he kept his pain concealed, he knew that in combat one must never show weakness.

"Seriously? Was that the best you can do?" said a lying Rhian who currently felt nauseous.

Rhian then got up and glared Lilith down. He swung his fists at her, to which she blocked, he then kicked her martial arts style.

The pair kicked, punched, lunged and fought hand to hand passionately. His fight was fuelled by the idea of liberating his people from her whilst her fight drew life from fear of failing...him.

As the two effortlessly engaged in their combat, neither party refusing to give up, they had no clue of the pair of figures of watching them.

Although they both were observing the fight, neither individual saw each other, like parallel lines they never met.

Like soccer fans they each supported a team. One supported the Fae whilst the other supported Lilith but unlike the supporter of Lilith, the fan of the fae had a heavy heart.

A difficult choice weighed on his mind. The choice in question would hurt the one he loved but if he went through with it, it would keep them together forever.

As the Alpha watched his mate and villainous Lilith combat, he knew that he had to make a decision and he had to make on fast.

Lilith finally had Rhian where she wanted him. After an intense fight, the fae had now grown exhausted and he now lay on the floor panting like a dog on a hot summer day.

The fae looked up at his opponent with hatred, he had to defeat her he just had to. Suddenly it hit him, realization flooded Rhian.

'Samuel's Potion' said Rhian to himself, immediately he fished the vial out of his pants pockets ready to use it but suddenly the vial crumbled into ash, even the liquid contents become flaky ash.

When the fae looked up, an ebony wand stuck out of Lilith's hand and its tip was dangerously close to Rhian's face.

The snake cackled at the stunned fae, "Did you really think it would be that easy??? Foolish boy."

She then said "This beautiful wand was gifted to me by a friend and ironically your fall shall be caused by this fairy wand. Imagine that! Defeated by your own route of magic, how dreadful."

At these words Rhian got up ready to charge but instantly the chains returned.

"Now before I kill you I'm going to tell you a little story.

Once upon a time there was beautiful girl named Ella. Ella was kind, sweet, gentle and always brought a smile to the faces of everyone. Although she grew up in wealth she was never snobby and valued hard work, this was a skill passed down to her from her family. Ella's family were one of the most respected and humble families the kingdom had ever known and they had it all until tragedy struck. Ella's mother died, leaving Ella and her father heart broken however the pain did not last long, at least for Ella's father. The man remarried and brought home his new wife and her 2 daughters who then abused the poor girl until a magical fairy flew in rescuing Ella by giving her a gown and shoes to woo a Prince."

Rhian become confused. Lilith just narrated the story of Cinderella, he wondered what does Cinderella have to do with anything.

"That's the version you're used to right? Well let me you tell you something, that story is all lies!!!" screamed the fairy of snakes.

"Here's what really happened :

Nobody came. No one ever rescued me. No fairy appeared and turned my vegetables into transportation. No one gave me a pretty dress. No Prince came for me...NO ONE CAME! I GOT NOTHING!!!

WHERE WERE YOU LOSER FAIRIES! Where was all the sparkles and fairy dust when I needed it the most. You all make a big deal about service so where was my service. Where was she?!" screamed Lilith as tears rolled down her face.

Rhian remained silent. He was at a loss for words.

And since you pathetic creatures caused my destruction, I'm going to return the favour."



Hello Butterflies. After such a long break I am back so yayyy. I hope you all enjoyed today's chapter and if you did please vote on it and while you're at it maybe drop a comment and share the story, any support you give is really appreciated. Thank you all such much for the support and for picking this book to read, it really means a lot.

See you all in the next chapter.❤

- B.✌

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