Depth ~Sourin~

By OrangeMeerkat

3.7K 147 46

Sousuke's shoulder is getting worse by the day. But Rin doesn't know except he notices that Sousuke is acting... More

Five years
Unofficial Relay


322 13 8
By OrangeMeerkat

Rin's POV

"Well done today team! Those of you who made it to nationals congratulations but you should all be proud of yourselves and your team. If there are no more questions you are dismissed" I said trying to keep my voice level and calm.

The ride back to Samezuka had been quiet nobody dared to speak as I sat at the back of the coach alone. I stared at the seat that Sousuke should be sitting and now I stood addressing my team in the indoor pool at Samezuka.

"Um Captain?" A quiet voice asked I looked at Ai " there any news about Sousuke?" He asked hesitant

I swallowed waiting a second to speak. I could tell the whole team had been wanting to ask this but none of them new how I would react.

"I'm going to the hospital now to find out what's going on" I said trying to sound authoritative "I will fill you in on any information afterwards"

The team looked at me as if waiting for me to say more so I snapped "dismissed"

The team filed out and laughter and talk filled the halls but I didn't understand how anyone could be happy at a time like this.

A time when Sousuke was in hospital.

"Rin! Can we come with you pleaseee?" Momo begged bouncing over to me and tugging on my arm I saw Ai standing behind him.

"No" I said sternly

"Come on we want to know how he is" Momo said pouting slightly

"I need to talk to him alone" I replied shortly the events of the day catching up with me

"We'll only stay for a bit we just want to see him" Ai added quietly. I looked at their faces and saw their worry I sighed giving in.

"Fine. Only for a little bit and then you come back understood?"

They both nodded quickly in agreement.

Sousuke's POV

I lay in the hospital bed staring blankly at the wall. My shoulder throbbed painfully even though it was in a sling the doctors had told me I would need to have a surgery tomorrow morning to make sure I would be able to move it normally. Swimming was off the table completely.

"Mr Yamazaki you have visitors" a nurse said walking into my room "shall I send them in?"

I nodded.

The nurse left and moments later Momo came rocketing in flinging himself towards me. Ai followed walking in then shutting the door.

I tried to hide my disappointment that they weren't Rin but I didn't know if Rin would ever want to talk to me again.

"How are you feeling?" Nitori asked politely

"Fine I guess" I lied

Nitori stood next to a Momo

"That was crazy Sousuke! You were so cool you swam with everything you had even with a busted shoulder I wish I could swim like that..." Momo babbled until Nitori hit him on the arm signalling him to shut up.

I looked up at them and smiled slightly "well done you two. You both worked really hard"

Ai turned away embarrassed but Momo smiled and continued to talk about how one day he would be the greatest backstroke swimmer in the world.

I rolled my eyes playfully and listened to them talk happily.

Momo looked around the room and said "it's really boring in here"

Ai scolded him for being so rude but I said "yeah I know"

"What's this do?!" Momo exclaimed grabbing the remote that controlled the settings on my bed and started pushing random buttons.

I groaned as Ai yelled "Momo!" And they started wrestling each other for the remote

"Both of you that's enough!" A stern voice said from the door. Momo and Ai stopped and stared towards the doorway "you two need to go back to Samezuka it's getting late" Rin said stepping into the room

"But Rin..." Momo whined

"No buts I let you come and see Sousuke so now you can leave. Tell the teachers that I'm staying at the hospital tonight" Rin said in his captain voice.

He took the remote from Momo and glared at them "You can't stay the night!" Momo declared stubbornly "that's not fair"

"Out." Rin said coldly "I told you I need to talk to Sousuke alone"

"Rin you don't have to stay at the hospital. I have surgery first thing tomorrow so it's probably best if you don't stay." I said talking for the first time. He turned to me and I saw his eyes were swirling with emotion widening when I mentioned my surgery.

"Go!" he said angrily to Momo and Ai. I knew he would react like this to the news on my surgery.

I sighed knowing there was no point arguing with him when he was like this. Momo and Ai said their goodbyes then left Momo grumbling about how unfair it was that Rin got to stay.

"Hey" Rin said gently sitting down next to my bed "how are you feeling?"

"Fine" I said automatically. He looked at me sceptically then sighed "you don't have to lie to me anymore"

I could hear the hurt in his voice and i felt a pang of guilt. "It aches the medication they gave me isn't really working" I said truthfully.

"Wh-what did the doctor say?" Rin asked cautiously

"Torn rotator cuff" I said shrugging then winced at the movement

"And your parents?" He asked

I smiled slightly knowing that Rin wouldn't like the answer but trying to let him know it was okay "they don't care. They've never cared about me or my swimming they don't care what I do with my future"

"So what are you going to do about school?" Rin questioned looking me in the eyes

"I have surgery tomorrow morning it depends how that goes for how long I'll stay here" I said

Silence filled the room both of us not knowing what to say.

"I'm sorry" we both said in unison looking up at each other in surprise.

"Why are you saying you're sorry?" I asked quickly

"I shouldn't have let you swim. Not as your friend or as your captain I was selfish" Rin said biting his lips to stop the tears from falling.

"I let you down" Rin said crying now.

"Rin, it was my choice to swim. You know no matter what you said I would have swum all I wanted to do was swim with you" I said trying to stop Rin from crying

"I shouldn't have lied to you Rin about so many things I'm sorry" I apologised wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"What other things?" He asked slight concern lacing his voice "Is there something else?"

I looked at Rin staring into his beautiful eyes I should confess. I opened my mouth but then shook my head "no"

It wasn't the time.

"What time do you have surgery tomorrow?" Rin asked softly rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

"10:00" I said fighting back a yawn the medication they had given me had made me tired.

"I'll be back tomorrow as soon as I can" Rin said looking at me intensely "we can talk more then. I have a lot I want to say but...get better first"

I knew Rin hadn't accepted the fact that I wouldn't swim again. But I was lucky that he was even speaking to me so I wasn't about to ruin it right now.

"Just rest Sou. I'll be back as soon as possible" Rin said not knowing wether to hug me or not.

Instead Rin decided to put his fist out I subconsciously moved my right shoulder to fist bump him but gasped in pain as the shock of moving my shoulder jolted through my body.

"Sou!?" Rin asked worried "are you okay? I'll get a nurse" he said getting up.

"It's fine Rin" I said gritting my teeth in pain "don't worry about it"

"Stop saying that!" He snapped "I'm allowed to worry about you you're my best friend"

"Well maybe you don't think of me that way anymore" Rin said slightly angry "I'll leave you to rest" he said then left

Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

What was I gonna do?

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