Who you used to be - [p.jm]

By Yoonginyaan

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"I'll do anything it takes to bring him back to his old self again. I know he's still in there, even if he's... More

1. "I missed you so much"
2. "Crying won't help"
3. "I'm Park Jimin"
4. "Welcome to the family"
5. "Say what you have to say and die"
6. "I want to meet him"
7. "I was too weak"
8. "Do you really still love me?"
9. "I don't think we can get him back"
10. "Fire"
11. "Jagiya"
12. "You killed them"
13. "I don't want to leave him"
14. "I'll save you"
15. Begin
16. "I hate you."
17. "Leave Jimin behind?"
18. "I love you"
19. Stigma
20. "I want you" [r15]
22. "We have to kill him"
23. "Teamwork makes the dream work"
24. "Our contract is over"
25. "I can't do this anymore"
26. "They're running"
27. "Promise you won't ever leave me"
28. "I'm sorry"
29. "I hope they make it"
30. "We'll figure this out together"
31. Lie
32. "Let your mistakes remain in the past"
33 - "It's not the right time yet."
34 - "Hyung"
35 - "Because I love them"
36. - "Why him of all people?"
37. - "You left me with no other choice."
38. - "I want him dead"
39. - "How can I believe you?"
40. - "We're leaving"
41. "Kill me"
42. Reflection
44. "Rest well"
45. "This feels like a family reunion"
46. "You'll just have to trust me"
47. "He'll catch up"
48. "You chose your fate, boy."
49. "Such cold eyes"

43. "We'll avenge him"

326 17 28
By Yoonginyaan

You stared at the motionless corpse on the ground as Jimin bent over it. The rain was pouring so heavily, that the blood was washed away from all of you. In the rain, Namjoon looked like he was shedding tears, but you knew that wasn't possible.

"He's dead", Jimin silently spoke and sighed.

You wanted to tell him to shut up, but didn't even have the time. You heard a car pulling up in front of the building. Feeling your stomach twist at the realization who it probably was, you looked at Jimin. He returned the nervous expression.

If it was the guys from Bangtan, what would you do? How would they react to Namjoon lying there?

You heard voices, which could clearly be identified as Taehyung's and Hoseok's. This was your first time seeing them after your absence for over a year. You waited for Taehyung to come up the metal stairs first. Namjoon must have told them to come to the roof. It was only then that he realized everything was over already.

His hair was damp, the heavy rain was runnung down his whole body. The familiar bulletproof vest was the first thing you noticed, and that he had a large rifle on his back. They had really come to help you...

"Y/N", Taehyung mouthed, unsure of how to greet you after all this time.
He attempted to speak, but it felt as if his tongue had been cut off upon suddenly seeing the corpse on the ground.

His mouth remained open, unable to utter a word or even blink. He just looked down at the sleeping face of another friend he had lost.

It was the scene with Jungkook all over again.
"Is that...-"

He couldn't even finish his sentence before Hoseok and Yoongi arrived as well. Thankfully, Jin had probably stayed at home with Jungkook. He was the last person that wanted to see this.

First off, the two couldn't take their eyes off Jimin who was standing so close to everyone, just like that. He didn't say anything, neither did he try to kill them. He just stood there silently, looking down at Namjoon.

Sehun and Kai backed off a little, letting the members step closer. You had absolutely forgotten that they were there as well. Everyone was in shook, looking at Namjoon.

"What happened?", Yoongi muttered, letting his gun sink.

You didn't know where to look anymore. Somehow, you couldn't cry. No one could. The rain made it look like everyone was weeping, but you knew they weren't. For some reason, nobody could shed a single tear at this very moment. It was due to the shock.

"He protected me", Jimin suddenly spoke.
"I'm the one to blame."

You tried swallowing the clump in your throat, but it didn't go away.
"It's not your fault..."

Taehyung kneeled down next to the leader's side and softly slapped his cheek, completely ignoring Jimin.

"I haven't seen you in over a year... and this is how you greet us?", he laughed ironically.

The others were all frozen. You were expecting at least Hoseok to shed a tear, but he didn't. Why was it, that every time you saw the guys after a long time, someone ended up dying or getting hurt?
Not even Jimin, who was looking at Taehyung carefully, dared to say something. You wondered how he was feeling at the moment.

Taehyung rested his head on Namjoon's chest, as he had done before with Jungkook. The rain slammed against the roof, drenching the ground. Several dead leaves were drawn along with the harsh stream and stayed stuck in the opening of a gutter.

Jimin couldn't stop looking at Namjoon and Taehyung. The two guys that had witnessed how Jimin had gotten shot and made everyone leave him behind. They used to be his main targets. He used to hate them so damn much. Right now, he felt sorry for them. So sorry, that words couldn't describe.

Why did he feel so hurt seeing Namjoon lay there? It was a similar feeling to Jungkook, but a lot more intense. Namjoon had been the one Jimin used to have most trust in, apart from you. He used to be the respected leader and father figure of the group.
Right then, he felt his eyes burn and another warm tear flow down his cheek, along with the heavy raindrops. Thankfully, nobody saw that.

"We should get him out of this rain", Yoongi suggested and stepped forward to take Namjoon's legs.

Hoseok helped him by grabbing his shoulders and carrying the body down the stairs to the van. Taehyung stood there and watched, so did you and Jimin.

"Uh", Taehyung then spoke as you started following them down.

Both Jimin's and your head turned to his direction. Taehyung scanned you and the blonde man next to you carefully.

"Jimin, I-"

"Not now", Jimin cut him off coldly.
"I know we have things to settle, but not now."

Taehyung just nodded and moved to the van to wait for you.

"Go with them", Jimin said as soon as you reached the vehicle. His hand left yours gently as he stopped walking.

You turned to face him in surprise.
"And you?"

"I'll manage", he assured. "Spend some time with them, you all need it."


"I know we just found each other again, but we'll see each other soon", Jimin smiled.
"I need some time to prepare."

"Prepare for what?"

"Killing Hongbin", he spoke with a darker tone.
"I'll make sure that guy pays for what he did, I promise."

So Namjoon had actually meant something to him? Jimin pulled you against his chest which was wet from the rain. It was only then, that you noticed how cold you actually were.

"Don't do it alone. Bangtan and I will help so we can kill Hongbin together", you assured him.
"We all share the same goal now."

Jimin simply placed his arms around your waist and you saw Sehun and Kai coming down the stairs as well.

"We'll help too", Kai stated, followed by a nod from Sehun.
"We also have something we promised Namjoon."

Jimin smiled weakly.
"Thank you. And thank you for keeping Y/N safe all this time."

The two nodded.

You and Jimin parted for him to give you a kiss. His lips were cold and rough, but you felt the warm tears on his cheeks running down.

"Rest well. We'll stay in touch."


You returned to the hideout without a word. The mood was much worse than depressing. For some reason, no one could say anything on the way there. It was as if all feelings and emotions were still locked up inside.

Namjoon was dead. No one had yet realized that it was true. Maybe the tears would come later, or not at all. You had always been trained and prepared for scenarios like this. If a team member died, the mission had to go on. No emotions, no distractions... that should come later on. Nevertheless, it was against human nature to hide these feelings. Or maybe all of you just weren't meant for this job after all.

You remembered Jimin's expression and wondered if it was the same for him. This had definitely had an impact on him. Whatever Namjoon had said to him before his death must have changed something inside Jimin.

Namjoon had always loved Jimin as a friend and had always refused to give up on him, even if he had seemed that way. You regretted mistrusting him on so many occasions and hating him for Jimin's supposed death. The worst part about all of this was that you still had to tell one person about it.

It would be a lie if you said that Jin and Namjoon hadn't been close. They had always been the parent-figures of this group. Only the two of them could fully understand each other's actions and feelings. Maybe that was why they had been best friends.

The car stopped and your thoughts were interrupted. Yoongi and Hoseok carried the covered body into the dorm while Taehyung followed you. He rested an arm on your shoulder when Jin entered the hall and you pursed your lips in distress. You felt some of your injuries burning, but you could numb out the pain.

"What's this?", Jin questioned carefully, not yet suspecting the worst.
"Who is that?"

He was still shaken that he had actually able to hear Namjoon's voice an hour ago, when he had called to ask for help. Jin had been devastated that he couldn't go himself, but prayed that everything had gone well.

The others didn't say anything until the body was transported to the infirmary. Namjoon's cold body was placed onto the bed next to Jungkook's. You shivered as you saw the two of your friends lying there, all because of you.

It was your fault that they were like this.

Jin's upper lip was trembling as he stepped closer to the cloaked body and took the fabric between his fingers. The blood had stained the white material around the body's stomach, making you imagine how he had thrown himself on front of Jimin to take the shot.

With a slight tug, the cloth was pulled off. Jin stood there, frozen in fear and shock. He looked down his friend's body and bit his tongue to stop the uncontrollable sobs coming from him.
His shaky fingers were held against the purple-haired man's neck to check for a pulse.

You already knew he would find nothing.

You felt your heart break further with every sob that came from the man's beautiful lips. During all your time of knowing Bangtan, you had never, ever seen Jin cry. That was what made this even more traumatic.

He gripped the table, causing his knuckles to become white. You all stood there and watched him silently sob over his lost friend. No one knew what to do or what to say at that point.

It was best to leave him to it.

Your eyes stayed dry until you heard another sniff from behind you several moments later. Hoseok held his mouth shut to try and prevent sobbing, but he couldn't hold it in anymore.


s if it was a chain reaction, you watched Taehyung kneel down beside the bed and burst into tears.

You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw Min Yoongi, the coldest person you knew, start sobbing as well. His eyes were squinted and were tearing uncontrollably as he watched the eldest hyung cry.

That was the moment you noticed that you had started crying a long time ago. Your face was already drenched in heavy tears from before, you only hadn't noticed it.

Namjoon really was gone.

Everyone's sobs and crying filled the room as Bangtan's members gripped the nearest people and objects they could find for crying. Hoseok was holding on to Yoongi for dear life, while the dark-haired man covered his wet face.

Jin rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder and wept more. He didn't hesitate to cry at all. You stared at him blankly as he searched for some kind of comfort. He needed it most. With careful steps, you approached his shaken form. He softly looked at you with his red, puffy eyes. Tears were rolling down his cheeks like a waterfall as he glanced at you coming closer.

"We'll avenge him", you stuttered.
"It was Hongbin who shot him. He died protecting us."

Jin nodded, seeming less interested in the details for now.

You slowly spread out your arms, he instantly stepped towards you and embraced you tightly. You knew Jin, and you knew that he was the type of person who couldn't cope alone. He needed someone to hold him and tell him things would be okay.

That was what Namjoon used to do.

You had often seen or heard Namjoon consoling Jin and giving him some form of love or cherish even if they used to fight often. You felt your heart shatter completely as Jin's warm tears dripped on your shoulder he was crying on. His tight grip squeezed you a little too much, but you endured it.
He was in far greater pain than you were.

But you understood.

You were the same when you lost Jimin years ago. Taehyung could also comprehend after what happened to Jungkook. It was as if something was broken inside of you.

You could all be there for each other, and that was the most important part.

"Joon", Jin sighed. "Why would you do this...?"

"Tell Jin that I'm sorry. And... well, he knows the rest."

Know that saying that when one child starts crying, the others start too?
Well this was what it was like now.

All of Bangtan, the cold assassins and merciless killers had the hearts of children. You were all weak on the inside. It was because bonds made you strong, but also weak. It was your punishment for taking so many lives.

"Be prepared to lose everything and everyone. This isn't an easy job."

You had already confirmed that after losing Jimin, then Jungkook, now Namjoon. Why did it have to be so painful?

"Always know that one of us might die. It's the price we pay for what we do."

"Damn it", you squeezed through your gritted teeth.
It hurt so much.

Over Jin's broad shoulders, you failed to notice the rummaging of sheets at first. When it happened again, you nearly pushed the man to the ground out of shock.

But, the movement wasn't coming from Namjoon's bed.

Jin and you turned to face the bed, where a messy, dark-haired boy was sitting upright. His confused, curious stare travelled worriedly through his hyungs and noona crying, the bunny teeth visible.

"What's... going on?", Jungkook questioned, his voice cracking because he hadn't used it for so long.

You all froze on the spot.

He was awake again.


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