Stargazer (Lesbian Story, OLD)

By DanniNightShade

97.1K 5.9K 300

(Part 3 of Nightshade) It's been 200 years since Rose died, and now Myra is sitting on her throne. She'll hav... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 13

2.7K 169 16
By DanniNightShade


Aviri's blade clashed with mine the second Rose and my father said "fight". I kicked her in the chest forcing her back.

I had seen her fight against Dragoon. She used the close quarters to her advantage and I needed to keep her away or she could easily be the victor against me.

But why was she attacking me and not Kira?

Oh right... Aviri and Kira shared a stronger link than even I had with Akiya. Their senses, emotions, and thoughts were all linked as if they shared two halves of the same body. With me insulting Kira, Aviri felt the same need for revenge that Kira did.

Me and my big mouth.

Aviri leaped back into combat with me almost gracefully. The Zealot in her body causing her eyes to glow neon pink. This prevented me from seeing what she was looking at. Not only that, but her tail was almost as strong as one of her arms, and at certain points where I swung at her, she would slam her tail into the dirt and support herself where my blade was too far away to cut into the tail, but not high enough to cut into her lower body which she folded against her chest.

Afterwards she would lean forward and swing both daggers nearly taking my head off. I ducked and kicked her tail making her fall forwards onto me. However I rolled out of the way and swung my sword hoping to cut her in half. However she rolled forwards and kicked off Alice's back then lunged back at me.

Alice didn't even seem to notice.

I ducked under her attack again and tried to roll again to get away from her. She stood up and looked over her shoulder, smiling at me with her demonic grin that told me this was a simple game to her.

She was testing me the same way Xena tested Mari. She wanted to know what my tactic was now that I knew what she was capable of. But this woman was beyond fast and flexible. The way she practically wrapped herself around Dragoon while they were fighting was something I wouldn't be able to do.

A dragon's body is built to withstand punishment. We're stronger, and heavier, which makes us slower. And she was easily using that to her advantage by forcing me to keep moving. I had no choice but to block more than attack because she was always too close to me.

We have to slow her down somehow. I thought to Draconian.

Exactly how would you like to go about doing that? She answered.

We could take out her legs, but she'll probably be able to dodge all those attacks then figure out what we're trying to do and retaliate against it. I growled and Aviri's smirk brightened.

"You won't be able to take out my legs." She smiled.

"I know that!" I barked but then returned the smile. "But there is something I can do."

"And what's that?" She asked.

"Draconian, some light please?" I asked.

Draconian practically laughed in my head. I raised my sword as the blade glowed brightly. Aviri shielded her eyes with a groan. Her undead eyes were built for seeing in the dark, and the light rendered her almost blind.

This time I charged forwards, expecting her to be unable to counter, but instead her right arm clashed against the sword, her dagger against her forearm to give it more strength to block the attack. She smirked at me and I only growled.

"I'm using Peredite's eyes. That's okay right?" She asked.

I answered with a snarl before kicking her in the stomach. Her natural pain tolerance answered me with a grunt. However I thought she would fall over but instead she remained standing, and slammed her other dagger into my thigh.

I whined in pain, losing the force behind my blade, she pushed me forward launching me through the air. I was surprised to find that the sand didn't go into my wound, but the arena probably only made the wounds real in our minds.

I rolled across the ground, holding my sword in one hand only to hold the wound with the other. The bleeding was bad, probably because she aimed for an artery.

She made her way over to me with a smile.

Nokiya, how are you holding up? Akiya called to me.

Aviri is nuts! She's too damn flexible and counters all my attacks. Was my answer.

Do you think you can maybe knock Kira over or something? She asked.

Give me a minute. Though I was sure that Akiya was on her own. What could I do against Aviri? She was practically nuts in this battle. The only way I was going to win was if luck magically decided to switch sides with me.

Perhaps you could start using magic? Draconian offered.

I was never good with offensive magic. I answered.

I am.

I growled at Aviri as she walked over. Angel's Wrath. I told her.

She smirked devilishly in the back of my thoughts. Aviri raised her blade over her head to slam it down into me. I couldn't roll because I didn't have the strength in my leg to force myself to move.

Now please! I yelped.

Once again, Draconian glowed brightly, and huge black angel wings exploded from my back knocking Aviri over. The wings weren't attached to me, but they merely floated a few inches above my armor behind me.

Draconian used them to help me get up by pressing them against the ground. I put most of my weight on my good leg before they flapped hard enough to lift me off the ground.

Aviri hissed in anger. "So while Dragoon is the Devil, your sword is supposed to be an Archangel?" she asked.

"Something like that." I laughed.

"You're lucky I can't shift to come and get you!" Aviri barked.

"Perhaps wings can be allowed." Vultorus offered. "I wouldn't want to have Nokiya crush you into the dust."

"Very well, Aviri you can use your wings against me." I told her.

Her black bat-like wings exploded from her back and she leaped into the air, her daggers poised to stab into me, however, just by pushing one of her blades away caused the other to miss me as she flew past me.

"Aviri, by joining me in the sky, you've already lost." I smiled. "You may be a vampire, but no one can compete with a Dragon in aerial combat."

Her eyes widened noticing her error.

"All of your close quarters combat means nothing while in the air!" I flew towards her and slammed into her, her wings flapped hard to keep her from getting knocked out of the arena limits. I pushed off her and slashed my sword across her chest getting her black blood to stain my blade. She snarled in frustration, knowing there was nothing more she could do.

I shot forward and swung again, this time her wings vanished and she dropped to the ground. She ran under me then leaped forward as she spun, throwing four throwing knives at me.

Two tore through the angel wings but not causing enough damage to prevent their use. A third stabbed into my left shoulder, and the fourth I deflected with Draconian.

I gripped the knife in my shoulder and pulled it out with a growl. "I'm going to tear you apart for that."

My body was durable, and was able to resist certain amounts of pain for a certain amount of time. I didn't know if I could resist the pain in my leg for long enough, but I decided it would be best to risk it.

I landed and Draconian flapped our wings with enough force to launch the feathers at Aviri. The feathers that were as hard as any sword and carried the same sharpness. Aviri could only block a few but the rest tore through her skin and caused her black blood to drip onto the ground below her.

Decent sized gashes littered her arms and legs, and a scratch stretched along her cheek.

"Damn it." She whined as she dropped to her knees. Although she couldn't feel the pain, her body knew when it had taken enough punishment.

I ran towards her and kicked her in the chest, sending her flying out of the ring. She crashed into the wall, all her wounds healed.

I smirked at my victory. However mine was at a cost. As my wings vanished, I dropped to my good knee. Both my shoulders were hurt in some way and my right leg could no longer support my weight.

I looked up to find Alice had smashed Jurgen into the coliseum wall and was now making her way towards me. Her right arm held a sword, and her left was covered in bark, and shaped like a deadly pointed sword.

"You're lucky Aviri kicked my ass." I groaned.

She smiled. "That's true." Her leather armor was dented a bit so I knew that Jurgen got a few good blows on her. "But I have to." She went to hack off my head, but the tip of a very familiar red blade appeared from her chest and her eyes lit up in complete shock, She fell forward and landed on her stomach, and I found Akiya standing on her back with a playful grin.

Alice melted into shadows and appeared on the side of the arena beside Rose. "You owe me." Akiya said.

"Behind you!" I shouted as Kira lunged forwards towards her, her red eyes told me that Akiya had been playing with her for a while.

She spun around spraying sand up into Kira's face making her stumble back. With her other hand she put her hand on my forehead using what healing magic she had to heal the wound on my leg so I could stand.

Kira came back to attack, but I pushed Akiya aside and slammed my sword against her two daggers. Akiya must have knocked her up because even with my wounded shoulders I was still able to hold her back.

You're little sister is better than you in combat you know. Draconian told me.

No. My little sister is better at outright confrontation. I at least have tactics in battle. I retorted.

Keep telling yourself that big sis. Came Akiya's annoying input.

Kira can hear our thoughts remember, and she and Alison are linked the same way we are. They can plan the same way we do. I warned her.

Jump back! Akiya warned.

I was glad I did because Alison leaped over Kira's shoulders and stabbed her sword into the ground where I had just been standing. Luckily Akiya knew that and she kicked Alison's sword, disarming her for the moment. Alison let out an inhuman snarl that told me that her wolf was assisting her.

Akiya went to slash at her but Alison ducked under the blow and came up just in front of her where she was face to face. She then brought up her knee while Akiya was stunned from the werewolf's insane speed and reaction time. Alison's knee connected with Akiya's stomach causing her to buckle over, only to have her face be met with the same knee as it came back up after tapping the ground.

Akiya fell back but just avoided having her head stomped in by quickly rolling to the side.

All the while I was forced to dodge blow after blow from Kira because I knew my arms wouldn't withstand another clash.

My shoulders ached from Aviri's blows and although I was healing slowly, it wasn't fast enough to counter Kira's speed.

A loud clang was heard and Kira and I both looked over only to find that Akiya had somehow gotten behind Alison and used Camelia like a battering ram to slam into Alison's back.

Alison stumbled forward but this blow only gave her wolfish yellow eyes that told me instead of hurting the werewolf, she only proceeded to make it very, very mad.

Werewolves have the ability to switch tactics. Sacrifice speed for brute force, or vice versa. And with a pissed off werewolf, both abilities are at equals. And they are very, very, very fast creatures. So I was guessing she was just as durable as a dragon, and only a bit slower than a normal vampire.

Which meant she could handle Akiya's blunt force blows, and still run circles around her.

Akiya spun around only to be forced to block both of Alison's flying fists as they smashed into her shield.

"Time mark!" Kat yelled. "Let's add some shifting!"

Vultorus and Rose both looked a bit shocked, but Kat had a point. This fight was taking too long, and both parties were practically at evens. Adding our shifts might tip the scale.

Alison wasted no time shedding her human form and she roared at Akiya before plowing into her with all her fluffy power.

Kira and I however remained in our human forms as long as we could. Our forms may look different but they possessed the same strengths. When a Pureblood vampire uses their beast form, they give up their speed to add to their strength. And a dragon is just physically stronger. We might even be at equals there too.

So instead Kira continued to hack and slash at me. Eventually Draconian was fed up of dodging, and I kicked my sword back up at Kira, not only spraying dust at her, but dragging a nice gash into her right shoulder.

Her daggers dropped to the ground as she leaped back, the blood pouring from her wound. She put her hand over it to stop the bleeding, but it wasn't as though she could bleed out anyway.

I spun my sword in my hand and prepared to take the offensive when Akiya slammed into my right side, causing pain to fire up into my arm and leg.

Akiya blocked Alison's blow for both of us, however the werewolf was pounding on our right flank. She was not a happy puppy.

What do we do? Akiya asked as she continued to block Alison's blows as she tried to get to us.

I have no- Got it! I smiled. I then slammed into Akiya with my good shoulder giving her some help at forcing the dog to back up. Alison was forced to back up or fall over.

Akiya held up the block as I dropped low, using the flat of my blade to knock Alison onto her furry back where Akiya was already in the air and she brought her sword down right into Alison's chest.

She too vanished and appeared beside Rose only now in human form with a very confused expression on her face.

Vultorus howled out in excitement, going on about how Dragons were the best fighters, but Rose was still smirking like she knew how this would play out.

Kira smirked showing off a fang. Purple bandages wrapped around her shoulder.

"Akiya quick! Attack her!" I yelled. She and I charged forwards but we were too late. Her Shade's healing magic had already done its job and Kira leaped over our heads before our blades made contact with her. She landed behind us and grabbed her daggers before charging back towards us.

I swung my sword but it only had the force of a single arm, as my left shoulder was now too painful to use. Akiya swung her bladed shield so both blows would be on different sides. But Kira was quick and she spun between both attacks, and Akiya's shield only scratched the back of her leather armor.

She hit the ground and dropped below us before we could react, and took out both our legs causing us to fall into each other where she spun and kicked us both across the ground in a single blow.

I groaned as Akiya's head slammed into my chest far too hard than I would have liked. She picked herself up but was forced to fall back on me, holding her shield up to block Kira's daggers as they slammed back down. Her sword was now right next to mine and completely out of her grasp as she used both her arms to hold up the shield.

This battle had gone on for too long and we were all exhausted. The only reason Kira had more energy was because she could share it with her Shade.

But I could see by the way both her and Akiya's arms were shaking as they struggled against each other. All it would take was Kira to slide her blade upward and it would stab into my face, as Akiya's was hidden by the shield.

Kira's glowing red eyes were locked on my wounded shoulder. Her exhaustion probably led to bloodlust.

Come on Camelia can't you like shoot spikes from the top of your shield? Akiya whined.

I'm a shield not solid play dough! She yelled back.

I let go of my sword and put my hand over the wound on my shoulder before reaching over and wiping it on the top of the shield. My yellow blood had Kira's undying attention.

Akiya instantly knew what to do and she kicked Kira in the stomach sending her flying over our heads.

She skidded across the ground but just managed to keep herself in the arena where Akiya and I both stood up and gripped our swords.

Camelia! I called.

Camelia responded by spinning on Akiya's wrist causing my blood to spray across the sand. Kira looked around slightly confused, the scent of blood now everywhere around her, caused her bloodlust to go on overdrive.

The more her bloodlust bothered her, the harder her Shade had to work to keep it under control. Eventually she would hit a wall and both she and Kira would be unable to continue to fight.

But we weren't any better. Akiya and I had both been battered up by our enemies and we didn't have much left in us ourselves.

Kira hissed towards us before charging forwards, her daggers tossed to the side.

Akiya didn't understand why she did this and was fairly surprised when Kira's fist connected with her shield hard enough to cause Akiya's arm to give out. The shield slammed into Akiya's side causing her to fall onto her ass while Kira replaced her fist with her foot.

I planted a drop kick in Kira's side, but as Kira fell off Akiya, she pushed off the ground and slammed into me, my upper body strength was gone and her bloodlust gave her more strength.

Her jaws clamped around the wound in my shoulder and I knew I had just made a fatal mistake.

Kira's bloodlust was now fueled, and my blood would not only heal her, but give her strength back.

Akiya returned to her feet, but just as she poised her sword to stab into Kira, Kira rolled off me and her sword slammed into the ground just under my arm.

That was close. Dragoon said.

Akiya and I both let out a sigh, but Kira's fangs left burning venom that I knew was intentional. My arm was already going numb.

"Akiya, I don't have much longer." I told her.

"She just bit you, grow up." Akiya smiled.

"She used her venom. The kind that paralyzes her prey so it can't get away while she feeds? She did it on purpose to keep me out of her way." I answered. Breathing was becoming hard for me.

"I've got you." Akiya's smile didn't even flinch as she kept her eyes on our vampire friend who let her head roll on her shoulders so she could crack her neck. Her blood red eyes no longer filled with hunger, but amusement.

She smiled, my yellow blood dripping down her chin. She was sated. My blood had done more than its job of getting her attention. It had returned her to full strength. Only luck would win this for Akiya.

All Kira had to do was wait for the chance to clamp her jaws on Akiya and she would eventually meet my fate.

Her venom was too much for me and I collapsed onto my knees before falling face first. I was still completely aware of what was happening around me, there was just nothing I could do about it. The venom was in my body, not just an influence on my thoughts, so there was nothing Draconian could do either.

But Akiya remained between me and Kira.

If I manage to take out Kira, even if she gets me too, you're still technically alive, so we'd win. Right? Akiya asked me.

Yeah, I guess. I answered. It was a cheap trick, but then again, that was what Akiya was good at. She used tactics no one expected to make sure she was the victor.

Kira however only stood and waited for Akiya to make the first move.

"I'm going to sink my teeth into you too, you know." Kira taunted.

"Just try it." Akiya answered.

Akiya bellow you! I shouted, noticing her shadow was moving out of sync with her body. As Akiya looked down, Zoe's shadow tentacles wrapped around her body like a cocoon before solidifying. Akira growled and struggled, but her sword fell from her grasp and clattered against the ground beside my head.

"Fuck!" Akiya growled as Kira walked over to her with her signature devilish grin.

"Yield?" Kira asked.

"Let me ask my shield. Camelia? Do you want to yield?" Akiya looked down towards where Camelia was covered by the shadows.

Not a chance. Came Camelia's answer.

"Then nope." Akiya answered. Her shield rotated, tearing through the shadows and creating sparks that blinded Kira's sensitive eyes. Akiya freed her arm and swung her shield at Kira, allowing it to detach from her arm and go flying at her.

However Zoe shot out from her chest and grabbed the shield the same way you would grab a Frisbee. Camelia's rotations stopped instantly.

Akiya's eyes widened and Kira smiled and took hold of the shield from bellow.

What the hell? How did she do that? Camelia asked.

Shades can manipulate themselves to be as hard or soft as they want. I answered.

"Well fuck." Akiya whined as Kira leaned over her, she was obviously teasing her. She licked Akiya's neck making her shiver. Akiya wrapped her free hand around Kira's neck and pushed her back, but Kira's glowing eyes froze Akiya's motions.

"I yield." Akiya said. With that said Kira smiled and looked towards me. Her Shade released Akiya who fell back onto her ass in surprise.

You know I can't do anything so of course I yield too. I growled.

"Then I believe I win." Kira smiled.

The Vampire side erupted in cheer. The dragons did too knowing it was a fair fight. After our we got congratulated because we did defeat Alice, Aviri and Alison. Kira was just too much.

But she got a meal out of the fight too.


Here, I gave you a long one. Though on Open Office all of them seem like long ones but this one took up a lot of space so I guess it was actually pretty long.

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