Confessions of A Wolf Girl {C...

Par BeccaSavory

551 27 0

Time for Bella to tell her story Plus

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

94 1 0
Par BeccaSavory

I paced the living room, every so often glancing at the black journal on the table that Old Quil had left for me. He thought it was time for me to write my story and to leave nothing out. While I was excited about writing it all down, from what happen after Eddie boy left me to now, it was slightly nerve wracking.

I could hear my husband trying to convince our children that it was time for bed.

The thought of him reading my story made me scared. I know that he had known about some things but there were a few things that happened that not many people knew about and the thought of him, the rest of the pack and everyone that came after us knowing was frightening.

I took a deep breath and picked up the journal and a pen. I knew just where to start, the day I confronted the pack about taking my sun, Jake from me.

Four Months After Edward and the Cullens Left

Bella slammed the truck door and stalked up to Jake's house. She thought she saw a curtain move and knew that Billy had to be watching her. Before she even reached the porch, she heard them coming out of the forest.

Jake had told her their names but at that moment she completely forgot them. She recognized Sam, he was the one that had carried her out of the forest when Eddie boy left her there. She wasn't surprise to see Jake and Embry with the two Sam Clones. In that moment she wished Jasper was around so those boys knew what she was feeling.

"Bella, you need to leave. Jake has told you that you are not welcome here any more." Billy said from the doorway.

"So Billy, heard any good stories lately. Maybe about the cold ones or how you are descended from wolves." she replied trying to look bored when inside her heart was going a mile a minute.

"Who told you about our legends, leech lover." one of the clones growled as the boys came closer.

"Leech lover, really is that the best you could come up with? I'll give you another chance to come up with something a little more original." she said causing Embry and Jake to burst out laughing.

"You..." the clone muttered as he started toward her.

"Paul!" Sam yelled causing the clone to stop right in front of her. Okay this is Paul, what did the boys call him, the man-whore of the rez. I guess I can see how he got so many girls in bed. He is pounce-able, as Jessica would say.

"One of these days, he won't be around to protect you, coffin bait." he growled.

"Hmmm, getting slightly better on the insults, puppy. Though you still have a long way to go before you will be able to fully piss me off. When Eddie boy dumped me he let me know that I was nothing but a toy for him and his family. That he never loved me, that I wasn't worth loving and the only thing he liked about me was the fact that he could not hear my mind. None of the them even had the decency to say goodbye, save for Eddie. Whatever you think up to try to insult me with I have more than likely called myself something worse. I know what the Cullens are and since they cold ones exist I know the protectors must be real. Sam and his clones have been watching Jake and Quil for two months. Since Jake is with you I am guessing he has joined the pack." she said as she brushed past Paul to stand right in front of Sam. "You must be the alpha right?" at his nod she took a deep breath. "I don't care if Em or Jake, hell even Quil if he should change, turn into wolves. They are my boys and I don't care what I have to do, you are not going to keep my boys away from me." she could feel the tears running down her face.

"Bells, I'm sorry." Embry said pulling her away from Sam and into his arms. Jake came up beside them and the instant Em let her go Jake wrapped his arms around her.

"Fuck." Sam said,

"I told you, boy, that trying to separate them wouldn't work very well." Billy said rolling onto the porch.

"You win." he whispered watching as Jake wiped the tears away from her eyes. "I won't keep them apart."

"Let's head to Emily's place. I bet she will be pleased to know that she isn't the only wolf girl any more." the other clone said to everyone.

"Umm Emily?" she asked as they loaded themselves into her truck, Jake behind the wheel.

"She's Sam imprint before you ask an imprint is our perfect mate. She is chosen by the gods to be our one and only. It's suppose to be really rare. None of us want to take the chance though, oh and don't stare when you meet her, Sam doesn't like it." Jake told her.

"What do you mean?" she asked as she leaned against Embry.

"Sam was engaged to Leah Clearwater when he phased. He thought imprinting was just another legend so he went forward with the wedding plans instead of ending the relationship with Leah like the elders told him to do. One day Leah's cousin and best friend Emily decided to come visit. Sam had met her before so he didn't think anything about meeting her eyes. The instant he locked eyes with her, his whole world changed. He tried to fight it but the imprint won. He broke Leah's heart and went to talk to Emily figuring they could try to find a middle ground. The imprint decides how the relationship will go. We can be her brother, a friend or a lover. I don't know what happened but Sam's wolf attacked Emily, he phased right in front of her. He once again tried to stay away but he went to her and she moved in with him the instant she got out of the hospital. They've been together since that day." Paul told them. "That's one of the reason we keep baby wolves away from people. Our emotions are all over the place."

"So none of you are going to have a relationship because there is a chance you could imprint on someone. Someone who decides what your relationship will be." she said. They all replied yes. The rest of the ride was is silence.

I looked up from the journal when I heard him coming down the stairs.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I am writing my story. Old Quil though it was time and I am to leave nothing out." I said closing the journal to look at him.

"You are going to..." he left the sentence unfinished.

"Yeah, when I am done I will let you read it if you promise that you won't be upset."

"Bella... I promise. The kids are in their rooms and hopefully asleep. I want to spend some time with my mate." he said as he removed the journal from my hand and place it on the table. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried my to our room. He laid me on our bed. He was right it was time to be with my mate, I smiled as he joined me on the bed.

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