The Father The Son The Campe...

By CerinRose

31.7K 916 2.7K

Set after the events of Parent's Day, things haven't exactly gone back to normal how everyone thought they wo... More

Childhood's End
Bad Blood
Make Me Wanna Die
Sand Planet
Sick Boy
Panic Room
Say Amen
Young Blood
What Can I Do For You
Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
Spooky Scary Skeletons ((HALLOWEEN SPECIAL))
When You're Evil
Mr. Fear
There's Nothing Wrong With Me (New Year's Special)
Auf Wiedersehen
A/N (We Good)
Fire In The Water
Welcome To The Party
Let's Just Live
Requiem (Alternate Ending)
It's Here, It's Here!! IT'S HERE, IT'S HERE, IT'S HERE!!!
i have been dying
Good Lord I Made Another
Shitty Art
FΓΌr Elise
See Ya Later~
We Need To Talk
y'all do realize it's out right?
one last time

Losing Control

404 18 44
By CerinRose

David scowled as wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand whilst his twin mimicked the action with a twisted smirk on his face. He'd always hated that, how they would mirror each other's actions without trying. But what could he do, they were basically the same person.

"Not bad Davey, not bad at all."

"Oh please, I know you haven't been putting in effort just like you know I haven't been either. So cut the shit."

"Quite the potty mouth you got there, something going on at home?"

David growled as he engaged his brother in combat yet again. But like before they just simply mimicked each other's techniques and knew how to block and deflect each attack. Or so Daniel thought.

Somehow David had managed to kick his feet from under him and now had him pinned to the ground with his own dagger being held above his head. It was all so...funny.

"You gonna do it this time Davey? Huh? You gonna me like you did our mother you little sick fuck?!"

David growled and brought the knife down directly next to his face before repeatedly punching him in the face. Daniel smiled throughout the entire ordeal. When his brother was finished, he spit out a wad of blood and let out a groan.

"Oh man, even when you hold back you're still one tough s.o.b."

"Just stop okay?! For once Daniel, just fucking stop!! Why are you even here?!"

"Why are you?"

"I'm here to get my son back!!"

"You mean get him killed? Because that's what's going to happen if you continue down this path."

"What are you talking about?"

"What, I gotta spell it out for you? This is Uncle Ed's doing. You do this and you'll be playing right into his hands."

"You're lying. Why the hell would he do this? He's a sick fuck but not this sick."

"You've always underestimated him and that's why your son is even in this predicament."

"Oh bullshit!!"

"Who brought him into this life David?! You!! Who's been disobeying our uncle?! You!! This is ALL your fault!!"

"That's why I have to get him back!!"

"By going in blind and possibly getting yourself and him killed?! You know she's volatile!! She wouldn't hesitate to murder in a heartbeat let alone you. And then what, you died for nothing and Max never gets out, leaving poor Gwen to bear your child alone. And that's only if she doesn't miscarry or get killed herself."

David was starting to calm down as all these new outcomes began to race around his mind. But he couldn't just leave him here. He needed him back. He needed to see his little face safe and sound back at home.

"You'll also run the risk of him fearing you."

"Max could never be afraid of me or Gwen. In case you haven't realized, he kinda loves us."

"No? So you think that an abuse victim wouldn't be afraid of his adopted father if he just rushed in and slaughtered his biological mother in front of him?"

He tensed. When you put it that way, it made it sound horrible. And that's because it was. He couldn't go in there and snap the bitch's neck or slaughter her like cattle even though he really wanted to. It'd scar the boy for the life and also run the risk of Max fearing him. Not. An. Option.

"So what do I do?"

"Come with me."


"I was supposed to check in on things today. Accompany me there."

"You know that if I get close to her I'll-"

"Do nothing. You will act indifferent and scan for ways in. Even if you see can't act like you still care. It'll make her wary and make her be extra cautious."


"If you can't do that then just leave, but I won't offer you this chance again. If you can't control yourself for his sake then I'd hate to see what would happen of something happened to your biological brat."

David scowled at Daniel as the latter extracted his blade from the ground and cleaned it off as best as he could before sheathing it. He hated it, but the man was right. He had no choice but to do this now so that in the long run they could all live happily again.


Clean, diapered, and suckling on a bottle whilst in his mother's arms, Max was very very VERY pissed off. But once again he had no choice but to comply with it since he didn't really have another choice. Plus if he disobeyed he didn't want his mam- this bitch, to punish him anymore.

"Such a good boy. Mama's wittle baby loves his milky wilky doesn't he?" (truth be told, I died a little when I typed this.)

He rolled his eyes earning himself a sharp slap to the rear that made him whimper. It hadn't even really hurt that bad, but part of him wanted to burst into tears and throw a huge tantrum. What the hell was happening to him?!

It'd all started with that damn dream of his younger self, and now he was feeling more and more childish each hour. But he couldn't give the bitch what she wanted, he would never give in to this. EVER.

"You tired sweetie?"

He glared. He was actually beyond exhausted but didn't want to fall asleep since he didn't know who or what was doing to him whilst he slept.  But a yawn that managed to escape his throat, made the psychotic bitch coo and pet his head affectionately.

"Yeah, it looks like someone needs a little nap. After that we can watch Blue's Clues or something."

'Oh fuck yeah, Blue's Clues was the shit.'

He found Steve to be hilarious and found it even more funny that he'd gotten canned and replaced with that fat bitch Joe. Fucking hysterical. (my real feelings)

He yawned again and offered no resistance as she stood up and carried him out of the living room. That's when the knock at the door came. Who the fuck was interrupting his napt- his manly sleep?

"Well he's here early, oh well. Come on babe, Mommy's got some business to handle."

He rolled his eyes and reluctantly laid his head down on her chest as she carried him to the front door. What he saw next made his heart swell.

David stood next to Daniel with a plain expression on his face while the latter just stood there with his usual twisted smile.


"Oh! It's you!" God, the fake elation sickened everyone present. "I never expected a visitor at this time. Well, a visitor and his… tag along… In any case, come in. I'll prepare something for you."

With that said, she held Max out like one would hold a racoon with foam dripping from is maw. "And you, little one, will behave yourself? Won’t you? Because you’re Mama's little good boy? Right?" Max could only nod here, as fear gripped every voluntary muscle in his body. Not even air dared escape his breast.

"Good. Could you two boys keep an eye on him for a second? I'll whip something up for you two, mkay?"

True to her word, as she all but dropped Max (and making David's eye twitch) and set off to fix them something.

Even while David's eyes locked onto the back of that vile woman's head, he did see that Max was trying to stay out of his line of sight as much as possible. Had Daniel not grabbed his arm, David definitely would have scooped Max into his arms.

But Daniel did grab his arm. "Once again, Davey, you can’t fuck this up for us. Get a grip. Act like you don't care. You'll get him next time."

All David could do was nod grimly and turn away from the boy he grew to call son.

He about faced, and realized that there was a main window above the sink, which slid horizontally if the design was any indication.

"Sorry to make you both wait so long, but the coffee maker is kind of a retard."

"Oh it's no trouble, right Davey?"


A small groan drew all of their attention to Max. The boy had shut his eyes tightly while one hand had clenched the area of the couch he'd been dropped on, and the other gripped onto the stomach portion of that a fucking onesie?!

And that's when David felt something inside him break.

He was all but trembling in pure rage. The faint smell of feces poorly covered up by cheap Febreeze. The way Max was clutching his stomach AND angling part of himself away from everyone tipped him off.

He’s hurt.

She'd hurt his Max.


His leg painfully tensed up; he was ready to lunge at that bitch’s throat with his teeth! The edges of his vision were darkening, and the veins were starting to press against his temple.

He took one -no- two deep breaths to calm himself. He can’t afford to lose all of his shit right now.
"Daniel… Where’s the bathroom? I gotta… yeah…"

Daniel gave him a dark, warning look, but pointed him towards the nearest bathroom. David could not have possibly gotten there faster, almost ripping the door off the hinges in the process.

His knees buckled at the sink, and he stared at his disheveled reflection. Bloodshot eyes, veins popping out from all over, and sweat dripping from his face were the least of his concerns.

It was the barely contained bloodlust he saw staring back at him. David wanted, no, needed to make that bitch suffer for everything she did to him.

He turned on the faucet and splashed his face with cold water, and it did wonders for his horrible mood.

The red began to fade from his eyes, and he finally felt calm enough to go back out there and listen to more of that "woman's" bullshit. David turned and reached for the door, right before something caught his eye.

It was the toilet. Most of the stain was hastily, and poorly wiped away, but David’s keen eye spotted it. And it was familiar.


Dirty bitch couldn't even clean up her flow correctly. Or at least that's what he wanted to believe, but there was this gnawing thought in the back of his mind.

Max's blood…

Nope. It's not his. It can't be his... It better not be his...

But of course he knew better. This was the same bitch that'd allowed her husband to beat, molest, and sell her son like a common prostitute. So why would it be beneath her to damage him enough to draw his precious...blood?

Uh oh.

David loosed the loudest scream his vocal chords could have ever allowed. It rattled the entire house, and even Daniel's trademarked smile fell from his face in pure horror.

"Um… Give me a moment. Gonna check on him, you know?" Max's mother didn't get the chance to respond as he bolted to his brother’s location.

'He's gonna fuck everything up! Move, damn it, MOVE!' Daniel was almost a blur as he hauled one hundred and ten percent of his ass towards the bathroom.

"Hey Davey! The fuck are you doing in there?!" His tone was terse. He could not afford for his brother to ruin this.

“Constipation!" Daniel didn't believe that shit for a second, but the kid's mother might, should she come over asking questions.

"Whatever. Hurry and get out. And remember why you’re here."

Moving back to David on the porcelain throne, he's slowly dragging himself back to reality. The pain in his throat meant nothing to him. All he could think about was what potentially happened to his poor son.

When he exited the bathroom Daniel was giving him a very grim expression that indicated they'd definitely be talking about this when they left, but he didn't really care since he was doing well all things considered.

"I wouldn't go in there for about thirty five...forty five minutes."

Max giggled a bit at that statement. It'd been the first time he'd seen him show any positive emotion since he'd been here and now had David trying to suppress the urge to smile.

Daniel merely rolled his eyes and went back to Max's mother and the coffee she'd prepared.

"So what's this about Daniel, I thought your uncle said I'd be dealing with you and only you."

"Well yes that's true, but this is a one time thing. My dear brother here just wanted to see him one last time before he and his wife have their own child."

Max's widened as his gaze snapped to David in an instant. Gwen was pregnant?! This was the last time he'd see him?! WHAT THE FUCK?!

David's heartbeat quickened as he swallowed a growl that threatened to erupt from his throat, and stared at Daniel in an almost monotone expression.

"Oh, well I wasn't aware she was with child. Congratulations!"

She could take her congratulations and fuck herself deep in the shit hole with it, but the look from Daniel was telling him to keep that to himself and spout some bullshit to keep the bitch unaware.

"Thank you, we've just recently found out. The day you came to get Max actually. I guess it's a blessing all things considered, after all we did need something to help us move on."

A first there'd only been cracks on the surface but now it felt like someone was literally taking a sledgehammer to his heart; shattering each portion upon contact. He didn't care if he got hurt physically after, but he had to do something to make sure this wasn't true.


His mother's eyes immediately filled with anger and hatred as they locked onto him but he really didn't give one fuck right now, he needed to know.

Daniel's gaze shifted to David; who'd gone as stiff as a board. He knew it was killing him on the inside but if he knew what was good for him he'd continue to play the part.

David was losing it upstairs. On one he desperately wanted to just grab Max and hold him close, but on the other he knew he had to do what was best in that moment. So he swallowed his feelings as turned to Max, lost all life in his voice, and hardened his gaze.

"Not anymore."

Max's eyes immediately filled with tears as he sat back and let out a heartbreaking wail.

"Oh poor baby, Mommy's here."

David sneered behind the woman's back as she picked him up and hugged him to her chest. He hadn't wanted to do that, but it wasn't like he had much of a choice.

Before it could escalate, Daniel stood up and donned his fake smile again before taking a stand beside his brother.

"Well this has been fun and all, but we really ought to be heading out. Child preparations and all that. But I'm glad you and Max have started to settle."

"Oh yes, he's been an absolute joy to have around again. Please tell your uncle I said thank you again."

"No problem, come David."

"Right, you two have a nice day."

"You as well, and congratulations on your new baby. I know how happy mine makes me so I can tell you that it's all worth it."

Before David could snap, Daniel dragged him out of the house and back to his vehicle where he let out an overly dramatic groan.

"We've GOT to work on your acting skills Davey."

"I see what you mean."

"Well yes, you're absolutely terrible at it."

"Not that, I mean about what's in there."

"...So you noticed?"

"Multiple people. Armed. Dangerous. Put there for me in case I tried anything that our dear uncle didn't want me to. I would've been killed on sight..."

"Wrong, you would've been immobilized and made to watch as they did...things to Max."

"Why do you say it like that?"

Daniel's expression softened a bit, but his hands gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter. He didn't like Max...but he'd never want this for anyone. Least of all his new nephew.

"I want you to know that I've only just found out about it. But the men in there all have something in common. They have a problem with kids."

"Like abuse?"


"Even more reason for me to hurry up and find a way to get him back."

"N-No David...I mean...abuse."

"...what kind of abuse Daniel?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"...No, there's just no way in hell. He's not so cruel that he'd actually-"

David stopped short when he noticed that Daniel was holding back tears. As a father he now understood certain facial expressions and emotions that he didn't before. This look didn't belong to Daniel the psychotic killer, it belonged to Daniel the father of Teddy. He was telling the truth.

And that's when he blacked out.

Max continued to sob as his mother changed him and picked him up again. Even though he hated this bitch with a burning passion, he had to admit that her attempts at comfort were actually helping a bit.

Screw David, he never needed him anyway. If that was how he an Gwen truly felt about him then he didn't give a single about them either. They were just...they were just like everyone else who claimed to care.

And he was used to it.

"Okay baby, I think you need a nap and then maybe when you wake up you'll feel loads better. Sound good?"

He was tired, but that didn't mean that he wanted to sleep around her. Last time...last time? What the fuck happened last time?

"You siwwy Maxie."

He jerked his head up and frantically looked around the room in search of the voice. It was the same voice from earlier, the one that belonged to that kid from his dream.

"What's wrong baby? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"A-Are there other kids here?"

"Nope, just you my little one and only."

"B-But I thought I hear-"

"I think my wittle man is just tired and a little grumpy because the person he thought cared about him nothing more than a fake."

Max tensed in her arms and averted his gaze to the floor where he found solace in just staring at the hardwood flooring, but she was having none of that. Her nails felt like tiny razor blades as she grabbed his chin and forced him to look into her crazed eyes.

"How does it feel Maxwell, to fail so hilariously? You betrayed our family in favor of a fake one that could care less about whether you live or die, and look where it's gotten you. Right back in my arms where you belong, because no one else is going to care about a sorry piece of shit like you. You're nothing."

The tears came involuntarily as his mother continued to berate and yell at him. He'd dealt with this for years and it had never gotten any better, but now it felt twenty times worse thanks to David and Gwen's betrayal.

But more than that, he was mad at himself for being so stupid. He'd known that he couldn't trust anyone. He'd known that allowing himself to love those two would be his downfall. He'd known that allowing himself to be a kid for once would lead to trouble.

And yet he still did it.

He'd betrayed himself with a large smile on his face and ended up right back where he swore and was told he'd never be. This was just his fate, to suffer at the hands of his family. He'd never escape, and he never deserved better.

She kissed and continued to bounce him until it was time to place him in his crib. Actually, the bitch just dropped him in there.

"There we go, all snuggy wuggy in bed. Now make sure you get lots of sleepies so you wake up in a much better mood. But if you don't want to do that then I have an alternative for you. Consider it a last resort of sorts if this gets to be too much for you."

Through the tears he could see his mother reaching into her cleavage for something so he wiped them away and sniffed just in time to see a razor being dropped in front of him.

"When I come back I'll either have my obedient big baby of a son, or another body to bury. Personally I hope it's the former since I'd love to keep you around and raise you again. Without that dick head of a father of yours maybe I can get it right this time. But that's up to you my sweet boy, nighty night~"

And with that she left him alone in his  nursery with the very object that could end his life.

The silence was drowned out by the sound of his heart pounding in his ears as he gulped and took hold of the sharp object. It may have been tiny but right now in this moment, it felt like the heaviest thing he'd ever picked up.

He'd attempted suicide multiple times before and everytime he was revived and had the ever loving shit beaten out of him whenever he recovered. But now it felt like he could actually take his life. No revival. No hospital. No parents to care about how they'd look. He'd just cease to exist and it would all be over.

"What the hell do I's not like anyone would really notice."

"Not twue. You have mommy n' daddy."

"Yeah, well you're just a disembodied voice that talks to me whenever I'm going through bullshit. If anything you're the sign that I've gone absolutely fucking crazy and should just end it before it gets worse."

"But dey wuv you."


Max sobbed as he clenched the razor in his hand; making it bleed in the process. The pain was just so unbearable and he just wanted it to stop. HE JUST WANTED SOMEONE TO ACTUALLY GIVE A DAMN!!


But he had the power to change all of that. In an instant it would all be over and he'd finally know true peace. He could see his grandmother again and live out the rest of his eternity in peaceful bliss and rest.

So without a moment's hesitation he opened his palm and snatched up the razor before pressing it against his wrist.


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