The Girl Who lived, loved and...

By MidnightMadness_147

223K 5K 382

I'm sure you've read 100 stories about Harry Potter sister. And maybe this one isn't any different. Or maybe... More

The night it all happened
lily Potter ?
We meet again
4 Champions
Its getting Sirius
Charlie Weasley
The first Trial
Yule ball
After math
The Day Before
The Second trial
A Meeting with Padfoot
Letters, Crouch, Twins oh my
Family and Friends
The Third Trial
He Returns.
Summer days
Family trouble
Dinner party
Noble house of black
Prefect Party
Warning back to Hogwarts.
Classes 2
Day at Hogsmeade
High Inquisitor
Taking things up a notch
Dumbledore's Army
Quidditch War
St Mungo's Hospital
St Mungo's Hospital pt2
Merry Christmas
Fun times over
Umbrige is a Bitch
letting the public know
Change in management
Ill figure it out later
The Ultimate Exit
Owls /Newts
Depart for Department of Mysteries
Battle at the Department Of Mysteries
The Second War begins
Business as usual
Happy Depressing Birthday
Re-acquaintaned with Hogwarts
independent variable
To the night of the party.
Christmas with the Weasely's
Happy birthday
Battle of the Astronomy Tower
Battle at the Astronomy Tower pt2
Worriors Death
Grimmauld Place
The Ministry
Theres a lot we dont know
If Not Us Who?
Godric's Hollow
Question and few answers
Deathly Hallows
Malfoy Manner
Bill and Fleur's Cottage
Gotta get back to Hogwarts
Gotta get back to school
Battle of Hogwarts
Beginning of the End
The beginning meets the end
The War to End all Wars
The End is Only The Beginning
19 years later.

Pre Ball Jitters.

3.6K 83 7
By MidnightMadness_147

All anyone was talking about was the Yule Ball. People were asking eachother out left and right. Danielle hadn't given it much thought. She was busy with classes and bonding. She had gotten pretty close to everyone as if she was their the entire time. It made her happy to know that they thought of her as 'one of them.' Danie was in the library trying to figure out what the sound that came from the gold egg was. She saw Hermione and Viktor. He kissed her hand and walked off. She was blushing mad red. " what was that about?" Danie asked walking over to Hermione. " He just asked me to the ball" Hermione had a shocked expression on her face. " And" " I said yes" Danie held back a squeal. " That's amazing!" Hermione smiled brightly at the older girl. " I can style your hair and do your makeup, you, Ginny and I can get ready together!" Danie was excited. " Who is Ginny going with?" Hermione asked curiously " Neville" Hermione made a slightly cringing face. " Neville is a perfectly suited gentleman" Danie defended Neville. They started to walk back to the common room. " Who are you going with?" Hermione asked. " I figure one of the twins will ask me" she just shrugged. Once they got to the common room they split up. Hermione joined harry, Ron and Ginny at the table and Danielle walked upstairs. She didn't really have any appropriate dresses. She supposed she would have to buy one from hogsmeat.
* * *

Professor McGonagall had gathered all of the Gryffindors in an empty room. Girls on the right and boys stood on the left. " The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since it's inception." She began. " The Yule Ball is a chance to-- er --- let our hair down" the room filled with muffled laughter." This does not mean we will be relaxing" McGonagall began once more. " As representatives of the hosting school I expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot forward! I mean this quite literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost, a dance. Dress rodes will be warn and the ball starts at 8 o'clock on Christmas day, finishing at Midnight in the Great Hall. " the room started to chat about dates and outfits. Who was going with who. She cleared her throat. " Silence, the house of Godric Gryffindor was commanded the respect of wizarding world for nearly 10 centuries. I will not have you and the cost of a single evening besmirch the name by behaving like a band of babbling baboons. " Danie leaned down to Whistler to Hermione. " How long until one of them acts like a baboon?" Danie asked. " Ron I give it 10 seconds" she giggled. " Your on" Danie replied. " Inside of every girl is a secret swan longing to burst forth and take flight. " Ron must have said something because McGonagall snapped her neck around and stared at him with a disapproving glare. "Inside every boy a lordly lion prepare to prance, Mr. Weasley". Hermione and the other girls giggled. " You where right" Danie whispered to her. " Told you" she smiled. " Y-yeah?" Asked a now very shy Ron. " Will you join me please?" McGonagall asked though it really wasn't a question Harry gave Ron a small push and Ron was forced to take McGonagalls hand. She walked him to the center of the room. " Now place your right hand on my waste" McGonagall instructed " wha?" Ron looked Dumfounded by this. " my waste" Fred whistled. Ron went to give him the middle finger but McGonagall stopped him before that. She and Ron demonstrated the dance infront of all of Gryffindor, year 4 or up at least. "Now I want you all to pair up and practice" McGonagall instructed. No one stood up. Danie sighed to herself. She stood up and walked over to the boys. She stuck her hand out to Lee. "Care to dance?" She asked "oh Miss Potter is asking me to dance, this is the best day of my life" Lee said dramatically as he took her hand. She stuck her touge out at the twins who both pretend to act hurt. More and more people joined the dance. Or tried to at least. We all switched partners every once and a awhile to mix things up. Danie was currently dancing with Fred well George and Lee where dancing together making everyone laugh. "You are a pretty good dancer" Fred commented. "We were required to take formal dance lessons my second year at Beauxbaton. " She explained. "That's enough for today you may all return to your common room. "Dearest Danielle it was my utmost pleasure to dance with such a graceful ladie such as yourself" Fred bowed flamboyantly. "Sir Frederick the pleasure was all mine, to dance with such a gentalman" Danie curtsied with the same amount of flamboyance. The both laughed. Fred slung his arm around and they walking over to Lee and George who were arguing over who was the better dancer. "Danie who was the better dancer?" George asked "George or me?". "Ron" a big smile tugged at her lips. The all started laughing and nodded in agreement.they talking about Ron's dancing skills all the way back to the common room. "I'll catch up you you latter I need to send a letter to my uncle. " " Alright". "see you later" Danie ran off to the owlry. She took a seat against the stone walls of the owl enclosure and began to write.

Dear moony
Things here at Hogwarts are great. Though I still haven't figured out who put Harry's name in the goblet of fire. Sirius seems to think it's Karkaroff on him being an Ex Death Eater but somehow I can't see it. Yes he wants to win but I don't think it was him. Snape on the other had, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the culprit! Never in my life have I met a more unpleasant man. You bully's children! Children Remus. But besides that the Yule Ball is coming up. It's a tradition that comes with the tournament, Hermione was asked by Viktor Krum, one of the Champions. They are supposed to start the ball, unfortunately Harry hasn't found a date yet. Though neither have I .

Danielle thought for a moment. What else did she want to tell him. They haven't talked in what feels like forever. She missed him greatly, him and Tonks. She smiled at the thought of Fred, George and Lee and how close they had gotten.

I think I've found my own Marauders. Fred and George are just like dad and padfoot. Lucky for me Lee is nothing like Peter. Harry's all grown up now. I sometimes feel like he doesn't need his big sister. Send my love to Tonks.

Love Danie

Danie used one of the school owls to deliver her letter to Remus. She watched the owl fly off before heading back inside. I saw Hermione Running up to the girls dorm. " She's lying!" Ron yelled. " No she's not Ron" responded with a 'are you stupid face'. " What happened?" Danie asked walking over to them. " Hermione is pretending that she got asked to the ball" Ron huffed. " She did get asked out, I was their when-" Danie looked at Ginny who was shaking her head. " When she was asked" Ron had an unbelievabing facial expression." You may not see it because she's your friend but Hermione is a pretty girl" Ginny walked up staires and Danie noticed the twins walking into the common room. "Hey" she walked over to them. "Do you boys have dates to the ball yet?" She asked. "Yep" they said in unison. "George is going with Alica ". "and Fred is going with Angelina" Danie just smiled. It get like her scar was burning slightly but the feeling spread throughout her whole chest. He's going with Alica. She's nice and they have alot in common. She found herself thinking. "You two suck" she crossed her arms with a smirk. Hiding her disappointment. "What ever do you mean?" They asked in unison. "I don't have a date to the ball, though I probably shouldn't have expected one of you to ask" she let out some nervous laughter. The boys looked genuinely sorry. "Oh man " "sorry Danie ". "Its ok, I'll figure something out, um well goodnight" she rushed off to the girls dorm. She could hear crying. It was Hermione,Ginny was trying to comfort her. But Ginny looked as if she was about to cry herself. "Why are boys so stupid!" Hermione yelled in frustration. Danie walked over and sat with them on Hermione's bed. "I don't know" they girls sat their for a while and complained and cried over the clueless guys in their life. " My brothers are idiots" Danie and Hermione nodded. "Though just assuming that one of them was going to ask me to the dance was kind of silly of me" Danie sighed. " That's not true. You three have been inseparable for these past few months" Hermione defended me. " Yeah but that's doesn't mean I'm someone they would want to go to the dance with" she looked up at the ceiling. " You have feelings for Ron and Harry " Danie looked at Ginny and Hermione who get went Scarlett. " N-no that's rediculous he's my friend! Nothing more" Hermione hid her face in her hands." It's ok to have a crush Hermione" she whined. " I don't even know why I like him. He's recluse, and irreplaceable and small minded and and". " He makes you laugh like no other and cares about you alot and you always have fun when you're together" she looked up at Danielle " I may not have been here every long but I can tell that you have feelings for him, even if he doesn't realize it. And you know,I think he may just have feelings for you too" Hermione let herself fall back onto her bed. And groaned into her pillow. Ginny and Danie laughed. " It's late. We should all get some rest " the younger girls nodded in agreement." Goodnight night you two". "Night Danielle". "Goodnight Danie"

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