I Can't Do This, Not Without...

By -kawaiiships-

895K 21.3K 17.3K

It isn't until a drunken event at a party that turns Calum's world around in ways he would have never imagine... More

I Can't Do This, Not Without You (Cake Mpreg)
Information and Disclaimer (And an Apology)
Really Long A/N (PLEASE READ)
Character Ask.? [Closed]
Character Ask.
Updates On My Fanfics, Me, and Stuff
New Cake Vampire Fanfic. :)
Sob Note...Haha jkjk
One Shots Book Update.
One Shots Book.!
First One Shot Update!
Sequel is Up!
Bromance Awards.


17.5K 435 543
By -kawaiiships-

Hey. First things first...


But anyway, new update. It's like an update frenzy. Like I said, I wanna get in as much updates as I can before school starts, before my updates stay the same or happen less often. But anyway, enjoy!

Dedication: Lashton_Muke___ because of your nice comment. Thank you! c:

There's some fluff...that might do some damage to your Cake feels. I got hit pretty hard so..just a warning.



I nervously paced the area of the waiting room, waiting for any news on Calum. I knew they only running a few tests but still, I was worried that something could go wrong.

"Luke, please stop worrying," Ashton told me. "I'm sorry I can't Ash. Calum is my pregnant boyfriend, who's been missing for a week with psychotic kidnapper that has an obsessive crush on him. Excuse me if I'm worried just a little bit," I replied, rubbing my hands together

"A little bit?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow.

I sighed and threw my hands my in exasperation. "Okay okay, a lot. I'm worried, more worried I should be."

"If this is how you're acting when we find Calum after a week of being kidnapped, imagine how you're gonna be like when Calum gives birth a couple of months from now," Lillie pointed out. "Let's just say that I don't want to think about it at this point," I replied.

I looked up and saw the doctor come out of the double doors. Once the doctor walked closer to us, I realized that it was Dr. Kawr.

"Luke?" She said to me.

"Dr. Kawr. Is there any news on Calum? Is he gonna be okay?" I frantically asked. "We're still running a few tests, but we'll allowing one visitor in now while he finish up. He is awake so you'll be able to talk to him," she replied.

I nodded and waved to the others as I followed Dr. Kawr through the doors. We walked for awhile until Dr. Kawr reached a door. She turned the doorknob and opened the door. She held the door open as I walked in, and closed it behind me.

The room was a pale white color. There were a few chairs across from the hospital bed in the room along with many medical equipment I didn't even know the name.

But my heart jumped when I saw the person in the bed.


He was awake, but was laying down and resting his head in his pillow with a blanket covering his growing, still, baby bump and sore legs. His black hair was still sweaty and oily but it still shined. He was staring at the wall, most likely thinking.


He turned around and smiled.

"Lukey. You're here," he said, smiling. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be? I wanted to see you because I needed to know that you were okay. I was so worried about you love," I replied.

"I don't know if I'm okay Lukey, but now that you're here, I feel a lot better than I did before," Calum told me. "Cheesy now are we?" I asked, smirking. "Cheesier than cheesecake," he replied, sending me a cheeky smile.

I smiled and grabbed a chair. I pulled it up to Calum's bedside and sat down. I held his hand with both of mine and placed a soft kiss on his soft hand.

"Did Peter do anything to hurt you? Did he do anything to hurt the baby?" I asked, using one hand to rub his baby bump while my other hand tightened the grip on his hand.

"I...I can't say. Dr, Kawr told me to wait until the police get here. Then everyone can hear, without having to repeat myself," he replied, placing his hand on his baby bump, on top of mine.

"What about the bruises on your neck? Did Peter do this?" I asked, using one of my hands to gently run over them.

"He...he decided to mark me. Those are hickeys," Calum sighed, "they're a reminder of what Peter's done to me. Peter's a living reminder of what he's done to me. From raping me, visiting me at the hospital when I was sedated, and having no power to keep him away from me, making me hallucinate, having nightmares, trapping me in the school hallways, kidnapping me, to hurting me and my child. I hate him Lukey. I hate him."

"You've been through a lot Calum, more than you should ever have to go through, but you made it through. You made it. You could've given up at any time. But you stayed, and you survived. You're a survivor. Calum, you're the strongest person I know. I'm proud of you love," I told him.

"I would've given up a long time ago, but there was one person that kept me going. That gave me a reason to stay and fight," Calum told me, holding my hand.

"Can I ask this person is?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You Lukey. You gave me a reason to fight, to fight for me and my baby. Because I knew you loved me and him so much. I wouldn't be able to bear it if I gave up," Calum told me.

"Calum Hood, this is one of the many reasons why I love you," I whispered before pressing my lips against his. I felt Calum smile against my lips and quickly kiss back. I quickly took control and wrapped my arm around the back of his neck and deepened the kiss. Calum quickly wrapped his arms around my neck, allowing me to pull him closer towards me.

I pulled apart before I had the urge to pull off his hospital gown and have sex with him.

I sat down back in my chair as I fixed myself.

"Did the baby kick at all?" I asked, rubbing his baby bump again. "He's been kicking a lot lately. He keeps me up late at night. But it's too beautiful to get annoyed at. He even kicked...for Peter," Calum sighed.

"The possible father of your baby," I sighed. "Even if he is Peter's baby, he's still going to have a part of you. He's going to be beautiful, just like you," I said, kissing the top of his bump, just as Ashton, Michael, and Lillie were let in. Once she saw me kissing Calum's baby bump, she went insane.

"Mikey Mikey Mikey OTP OTP OTP. Just do the dirty already for everyone sake! Is it hot it here or is it just Cake that just had a HOT make out session and cute baby moment!" she exclaimed, slapping Michael repeatedly. "As much as I love you Lillie, this hurts, so please stop," Michael told her, holding her hand

"It was a kiss, if anything," I said, correcting Lillie.

"Make out session!" She told me as Calum laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, whatever."

They took three chairs as the door opened again. There I saw a frantic looking Aaron. He looked to be sweating and rushed, from the restaurant probably.

"Calum!" He exclaimed.

"Dad!" Calum said.

Aaron sighed and ran over to Calum to pull him into a hug. Calum held him tight and looked like he didn't want to let go.

After a few minutes of whispers and mumbles, they pulled apart.

"What happened Cal? Did that boy do anything to you?" Aaron asked. "Dad we have to wait until the police get here. That's when you'll hear everything that happened," Calum replied. Aaron nodded and moved a chair and moved to sit down next to me.

Just then, I saw the door open again. That was when I saw Sean and two other police officers walk in and close the door behind them.

They pulled out more chairs and sat down on the other side of Calum's bed.

"Hello Luke. Is this your boyfriend, Calum?" Sean asked. I nodded and squeezed Calum's hand to give him more comfort, as he started shaking a bit.

"Hello Calum. I'm Officer Sean Colton and these are my two co-workers, Officer Liam Payne and Officer Niall Horan. We were the police officers that we help trying to find you. Now, we wanna hear from you on what happened with the suspect, Peter Daniels. It'll help in giving him charges. So is it okay if you shared with us on what happened?" Sean asked.

Calum looked at me as I nodded, telling him that it'd be okay.

He sat upright and looked back at Sean and nodded. "Okay."

"Let's start...when you first encountered Peter. What happened?" Liam asked in a thick British accent.

"Well...I was sitting at home. And I was Skyping Luke and our friends. It started off normal but then our connection got cut off. I thought it was normal until Peter broke in. He talked to me and I told him to stay away from me and my baby. But he didn't listen. So he got mad and pulled me out and put me in his car. Then he pressed onto this place on my neck that made me pass out," Calum explained.

"So...Peter used a pressure point?" Niall asked in a thick Irish accent.

"I guess...so?" Calum answered, confused.

"Pressure points are all over your body. If you press on one, it makes you feel pain, which would pretty much leave you in crippling pain, so you can't do anything. If you press on the right one on your neck, it can make you lose consciousness. I just didn't think Peter was smart enough to know about pressure points," I explained, mumbling the last part.

"Anyway, what happened when you woke up again?" Sean asked.

"I woke up in a bed and an unfamiliar bedroom. Right after, I found out I was handcuffed to a bed. Peter came in and he started talking to me and giving me nicknames. He kept saying that the baby was his and that I was his, like I was his property."

"He said he was going to keep me with him until I was in labor and ready to give birth, so he'd be there for the birth of our baby. But it confused me because, he doesn't even know if it's his baby. It could be Luke's for all we know."

"Then he kissed me and gave me an unnecessary hickey. Then he held a cloth against my mouth. I breathed it in, and I passed out," Calum told us.

"Chloroform," Sean concluded as he wrote something down.

"Chloroform?" Calum and I asked at the same time.

"Chloroform is a organic compound with chemical properties. In simple words, it qualifies as a drug. Peter drugged you into passing out," Sean explained as Calum and my eyes widened.

"What happened after?" Niall asked.

"The next day, he came into the room with a box things to have protected sex. He said he wanted me to sleep with him because last time, he admitted that he raped me. So he said it wanted it to be 'real' this time, meaning not forced against my will. So he gave me a choice on whether I wanted to or not."

"I refused, of course. I mean, he wanted to sleep with me, while I have a boyfriend and while I was already pregnant to begin with, which would've made no sense. But after I did, he said that if I didn't sleep with him, he wouldn't feed me or give me any water. He threatened to starve me. But I still refused. So he left, and he didn't feed me or give me any water."

"For a week, that's how it happened. He kept cuddling with me against my will. He kept putting hand on my bump, so he could feel the baby kick, and it did, for him. He kept kissing me and giving me love bites. He did all of that against my will."

"Even through that, he kept his promise and I starved and became hydrated. I was constantly worrying if my baby was gonna make it. I was constantly worrying if I would have to live for the next three months. I found myself to be really weak and tired. That's when Luke found me and saved me."

Calum was close to tears. A tear slid out of his eye and down his cheek. I pulled him into my chest and rubbed his back to help him calm down.

It took a few moments, he pulled away and laid down on the bed, wiping his cheeks.

"Is that all?" Sean asked. "Yes, from what I can remember, yes. That's exactly what happened," Calum quietly replied.

"Alright. Thank you for telling us. We'll make sure to bring your story to the office and make things right," Sean said as they all got up. "Thank you," Calum told them as they nodded and walked out and closed the door.

"We're gonna go get food, if that's okay with you guys," Michael said as Ashton and Lillie got up from their seats as well. "Alright. Have fun," I smirked as they walked out.

Before they could close the door, Dr. Kawr grabbed it and let them go through first. She then walked into the room herself and closed the door behind her.

"Hello Calum. How are you feeling?" She asked, sitting down in a chair next to Calum, on the other side of his bed. "Better. Being surrounded my dad, boyfriend, and friends, it makes me feel a lot better, and safer," Calum replied, giving her a small smile.

"DId you finish the tests? Is Calum and the baby going to be okay?" I asked.

"I did finish the tests. It took awhile to examine the results and me and the doctors I work with have come to a decision," she said.

"Which is what?" Calum asked.

"Let's just say that...we have another problem to deal with."

(A/N I was gonna end the chapter here, but nah. I'm too nice.)


"What do you mean?" I asked, suddenly worried.

"We looked at your tests and...the results weren't good. You lacked food and water for a week and that brought your vital levels down. We also found traces of chloroform in your blood stream, which isn't good for you and the baby."

Your heart rate has decreased dramatically, along with your hormonal levels. And since, you're a male and was deprived of food and water for a week, the baby isn't doing so well. It could've possibly died if you get here in time," Dr. Kawr replied.

"It's not too late to save him it is?" Luke asked, putting his hands protectively around on my baby bump. "No, you were just in time. If you got here any later, it may have been too late. It would've ended in a miscarriage," Dr. Kawr replied. "That would've been awful," I said, wrapping an arm around my baby bump.

Calum, we can give you medication to help your baby grow back to a healthy. There's just...one condition," Dr. Kawr said.

"Which is...?" My dad asked.

Dr. Kawr sighed. "Calum's chances of surviving through labor and birth will be decreased, even at the low percent of his survival, but the baby will be brought back to better health. If you decide against it, there is a chance that the baby could have internal organ issues when it is born, due to the chloroform. And it could very well die because of those issues."

"Oh...," I trailed off.

"I know this is a lot to be thrown at you since this all started, but this all we can really do. I'm really sorry. But, what would you like to you?" Dr. Kawr asked.

I looked at Luke and my dad, who looked back at me.

"Calum...do what..you want," Luke hesitated, holding my hand tightly. "Cal, do what you think is right," my dad told me.

I nodded then looked back at Dr Kawr.

"I'll do it," I told her.

She smiled and got up. "Alright. Besides that, Calum will be able to leave the hospital tomorrow morning at the earliest, so it won't be as long as last time. I'll be back with the medication in a few minutes."

I nodded as she walked towards the door. She opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind her.

I sighed and held Luke's hand, trembling.

"I'll leave the two of you alone. I have to get back to restaurant. I'll be back tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest so I can sign you out," my dad said, getting up from his chair. "Alright. See you later dad," I said. He smiled then walked out of the room, leaving me and Luke alone.

"You're doing the right thing Cal, if that's what you're thinking," Luke replied, rubbing my hands.

"I know. I'll save my baby before I could save myself any day. I'm just scared on what's going to happen when I'm in labor, when it's finally time to bring him into the world," I told Luke, putting my hands on my baby bump.

"What are you scared about?" Luke asked.

I sigh. "I'm scared on how you're going to react and how you're going to handle it."

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"I mean, you probably didn't take it very well when I went missing. What are you going to do if I die?There's an even decreased chance that I'm going to survive. Are you going to be able to take care of the baby?" I asked. "Of course. I mean, I'll try to. For us," I replied.

"Try to?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm going to. I'm going to raise him, along with your dad. We'll raise him to be just like you," Luke said, kissing the top of my nose.

The door opened, revealing Dr. Kawr carrying a small bottle of clear liquid and a syringe. She closed the door and sat down in the chair and started rubbing my arm with rubbing alcohol.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked.

"No, it shouldn't. It'll be just like getting a shot. But, I should warn you that you will be having some morning sickness again. It's a side effect of the medicine, along with dizziness, drowsiness, and excessive hormonal and emotional changes. But its all just going to tell you that your baby is getting better," Dr. Kawr, getting the syringe and medicine ready.

She cleaned the tip of the needle when she finished.

"Are you ready Calum?" She asked. I nodded as I tightly gripped Luke's hand with mine.

She nodded then brought the needle close to the skin on my arm. Then she quickly, but gently inserted the needle into my skin as I let out a wince of pain. Dr. Kawr then pressed the plunger and let the clear liquid enter my blood stream as I let out another yelp of pain.

Dr. Kawr then took the needle out and wiped my arm again with the rubbing alcohol.

"Thank you both. I'll see both of you tomorrow when I check on Calum before he is able to leave," Dr. Kawr replied. "Thank you," I said, as Dr. Kawr smiled and left the room.

The next half hour consisted of me and Luke just talking, fooling around, being cheesy, and talking about my baby. It also included a lot of kissing, short hugs, and rubbing my baby bump and talk to the baby itself, if it could hear us. We also felt it kick, a lot.

It's this side of everything that makes me happy about being pregnant. A part of me, and possibly Luke, was growing inside me, and despite everything everything bad that's happen to me the past months, I was glad to be having a baby.

The door opened and we looked up to see Ashton, Michael, and Lillie carrying a few bags of food with them.

"Hey guys. We bought food for you guys, in case you were hungry," Lillie explained, handing us the bags.

"What's inside?" I asked. "I know Calum's suppose to be eating healthy, for the baby of course, so I went shopping while Mikey and Ashton went to go eat out at a diner," Lillie replied.

Inside the bag I found a lot of fruit, yogurt, crackers, and a huge tupperware bowl full of spaghetti with two bottles of water.

"Wow Lillie...this is amazing. And it looks good. Thank you," I replied. "No problem. I'm your baby expert. Remember? You should thank my mom for the spaghetti by the way," Lillie replied. Anything for my favorite couple," Lillie replied.

Luke lifted up the lid and we started to eat away at the spaghetti, despite how messy it got and how much Lillie was teasing us.



*The Next Day*

Calum and I laid down in his bed, cuddling the day away. He hasn't been feeling too good since he came home from the hospital so we had decided to to lay down on his bed and cuddle the whole day.

Niko was pretty happy to see Calum again and intended not to let Calum out of his sight. Right when we walked into Calum's room, he walked to the door and sat down, and stayed there, watching for anyone that would try to take his owner.

"How are you feeling love?" I asked, kissing the side of his head. "Everything hurts Lukey. This is even worse than morning sickness," Calum moaned.

"This is helping the baby though. Remember?" I reminded him. "The baby is the only thing keeping me going. Going through all of this..is to help my baby get better, but it just hurts though," he sighed.

"Would it help if I sang you a song? My guitar is here," I asked him. "That'd be perfect," Calum replied.

I smiled and gently untangled my legs from Calum's. I then got up and walked over to the corner of the room when my guitar was. I took it out of the case and grabbed the spinning chair at Calum's desk, pulling it next to Calum. I then sat down and tuned my guitar.

"What song would you like to hear?" I asked.

Calum thought for a moment.

"I don't know. Surprise me," he replied, smiling.

I thought for a moment but then had an idea for a good song. I started to play the chords to a song I learned to play a couple of weeks ago.

Everybody needs inspiration. Everybody needs a song. A beautiful melody. When the nights are long.

'Cause there is no guarantee. That this life is easy.

Yeah when my world is falling apart. When there's no light. To break up the dark. That's when I, I,

I look at you.

When the waves are flooding the shore, And I can't find my way home any more. That's when I, I,

I look at you

When I look at you. I see forgiveness. I see the truth. You love me for who I am. Like the stars hold the moon. Right there where they belong. And I know I'm not alone.

Yeah when my world is falling apart. When there's no light. To break up the dark. That's when I, I,

I look at you.

When the waves are flooding the shore. And I can't find my way home any more. That's when I, I,

I look at you

You appear just like a dream to me. Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me. All I need. Every breath that I breathe. Don't you know you're beautiful

Yeah when my world is falling apart. When there's no light. To break up the dark. That's when I, I,

I look at you

When I look at you.

I played the last chord of the song, letting the last note fill the air. I looked at Calum to see him smiling.

"That was amazing Lukey. I loved it," Calum told me. "I'm glad you liked it Cal," I replied, sending him the same smile.

"You know what would make me feel better though Luke?" Calum asked. "What would that be?" I asked.

We slowly inched closer to each other, closing the space between us. Before I knew it, our lips were centimeters apart.

"A kiss," Calum cheeliky whispered in reply. "I think you deserve it. Plus, how can I resist you. You're so cuet and adorable," I whispered, smirking.

Calum smiled and let out a small laugh before I softly pressed my lips against his. I lifted Calum up from the bed and carried him, bridal style. I attacked his lips hungerly as Calum wrapped his arms around my neck, deepening the kiss along with me.

I decided to tease him so I licked his bottom lip, hoping his mouth would part. I felt him smile against my lips before he slyly parted his lips, letting my tongue inside. Our tongues met and moved together before I took over and let my tongue explore his mouth, not leaving one part untouched.

I pulled apart and placed another soft kiss on his lips. I then gazed into his soft, brown eyes as his looked into mine.

"Do you feel better now love?"

"I feel better Lukey. Much better."


I warned you, aha. Who got hit by the Cake feels, like me?

Anyway, the story is almost over, sad day I know. There's only about...5-6 chapters left. But I have more Cake stories in store so this is not the end! Let's end this story with a bang!

Best comment gets a dedication!

And remember to vote and comment!

Thank you! c:

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