Back & Forth | A Jack Gilinsk...

By asfanfiction

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This "relationship" is so back and forth. First you're in love then you're not, then you are, they you aren't. More



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By asfanfiction

I scrolled through all of the pictures of Jack and this girl. They were holding hands, hugging, he was touching her butt, and looking all coupley with this chick.

"He's not my boyfriend" I replied to the dm and clicked my phone off.

"Shots?" I asked Mitch and Joey.
"Let's do it" Mitch and Joey said.

We started taking shot after shot and I was slowly starting to feel drunk. Perfect. Don't want to think about what I just saw. Music was playing and I started dancing. We were having a great time and so I said fuck it and I started snap chatting and putting up Instagram stories. I did not care if Jack saw it or didn't. I wasn't going to put off having a good time if he wasn't.

It was now 3am and I was starting to crash. I needed water and sleep and I needed it now. I gave Mitch my number, gave him a kiss and turned to make my way home. Then I turned back. I looked at Mitch and motioned for him
to follow me. We all walked and danced our way back to our room. Mitch was lifting me up dirty dancing style. Hopefully Joey got pictures of that because it was so perfect.

Joey got in our room and fell right down on the couch. I tried to grab him and move him to our room but he was passed out and he was dead weight.

I grabbed Mitch's hand and pulled him into my room. Mitch has curly hair which falls in front of his face and beautiful hazel eyes. He's a dream. He stood with his back against the door looking at me as I sat on the edge of my bed. I took off my dress leaving just my bathing suit on. I nodded my head at Mitch motioning for
him to make the next move. He leaned forward and took off his shirt. I moved back on the bed and laid down.

He made his way over to me and hovered me for a second, before we started making out. What was I about to do? Am I about to have revenge sex? Yes I am and yes I did!

He left when we were done and he told me he'd see me at the beach tomorrow. I was not going to let that happen.

Joey and I woke up with really bad hangovers. We decided to grab breakfast and head to the beach. I left my phone at the hotel so I didn't talk to Mitch all day.

Jack had texted me last night, but I ignored it. How dare he think he could text me after hooking up with that girl?

I didn't tell Joey my plan to avoid Mitch, so when he saw him walking down the beach, he called him over.

"Joey. What the fuck?"

"What? You guys seemed to hit it off last night"

"Hey guys what's up? Annie, I've been texting you."

"I left my phone in my room." I said not even looking at him.

"That's cool." He said. He seemed a little annoyed.

Joey went to the water to pee I assume.

"Are you avoiding me?" Mitch asked me.

"No. Why would I?"

"Idk. Cause of last night?"

"Listen Mitch, we were really drunk."

"I wasn't. I thought we had a connection and I wanted to get to know you. Without...that."

He was being sweet and he was really cute. Jack and I clearly weren't going to happen, especially now, so why not give him a chance. He's only here for 5 more days. What's the hurt in hanging out.

We spent the rest of the day laying on the beach, throwing a football (I'm such a boy), playing in the water, and getting to know each other.

He's actually a really interesting person. Let me give you the lowdown on Mitch.

Name: Mitch
Age: 24
Occupation: Cyber Security for Amazon
Siblings: 2 brothers 1 sister
State of Residence: Texas
Reason for being here: Family vacation
Looks out of 10: 9.8

We all decided to go to dinner together. He invited his siblings and we went to this little bar/restaurant right on the beach. I haven't laughed so hard in a while. It felt like I was at dinner with a bunch of high school friends. There were no awkward pauses or anything weird.

When dinner was done we all went back to mine and Joey's room where we were playing Heads Up. I squeezed onto the comfy 1 person chair with Mitch to play. I was completely sober and there was more than enough other spots I could have sat in, but I chose that one.

His siblings left to go back to their room around 12:30, leaving just the 3 of us. I gave Joey the look of "go to bed". He yawned and excused himself to his bed.

Mitch and I decided to watch a movie and cuddle on the couch. I had received a few snaps from friends from earlier in the day. So I decided to start responding. I was aiming the camera at my face, but out of the corner of the picture you could see a face. You can't tell who it is, but you can tell it's a guy. I knew I wanted Jack to see it without directly sending it to him. Give him a piece of his own medicine...except on a much smaller scale.

I decided not to do anything. I figured I'd be the bigger person. I went through and watched all the snap stories and Instagram stories. I got to Joey's and realized I really didn't have to post anything. Joey took care of that for me. There were pictures from dinner and from the game night.

I was starting to doze off when Mitch tapped me and told me he was going to get going.

"You don't have to. You can stay if you want."

"No it's ok. I'll see you tomorrow?" He said as I walked him to the door.

He opened the door and I grabbed it from him. He was just about to walk out when I grabbed his arm and pulled him back for a second. I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss.

I went and climbed into bed. I must have made some noise because Joey rolled over. He was now facing away from his phone. I grabbed it and put in the code. Everyone knew Joey's code. He didn't quite keep it a secret.

I just wanted to check and see if Jack saw his Instagram story. He did. Great. Take that sucker.

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