an ancient chinese story

By paldenkhamba

166K 6.8K 438

a general seeks a beauty , clear in the intent of having him but confused in his heart . the beauty has a sec... More



5.6K 289 4
By paldenkhamba

when jing yi opened his eyes, it was already dark. his neck hurt. when jing yi finally became conscious of his surroundings, he saw that he was out of the general's residence. he was in an old hut but this hut was somehow familiar to him. jing yi tried to move to look around the place but found that both his hands and legs were bound. 

and now jing yi panicked. he couldnt comprehend the situation. his mind went wild with all the possibilities. maybe the men from before had captured him again. but how did they get him?  with the thought of how it was to be with those men, jing yi tried recklessly to get out of the ropes. he didnt want this. he wanted to go back to feng leng. feng leng must have had already reached home. what if he doesnt see him?

" stop wriggling around."

jing yi's heart stopped and his whole body froze. maybe this was his doom.

jing yi hadnt noticed but a man had come into the hut. he was tall but not as tall as feng leng. as it was dark now, jing yi could not see his face. from the aura coming out of the man, jing yi realized that the man was the one who had abducted him. jing yi could not say anything to the man as fear took over him for what would become of him. 

the man stepped nearer and lit up a lantern. when light fell on the man's face, jing yi was shocked to see a huge scar. the scar stretched across the left cheek to the corner of the lips which  did make the man look scarier but as jing yi noticed the man's features, it was obvious that the man was handsome despite the dreadful scar. the man hanged the lantern and kneeled in one leg infront of jing yi.

" i should be thankful for you but it seems your life was to end from my hands." 

the man then took out a scabbard and unseathed it. the confusing words didnt even make it to jing yi's ears as he was too focused on the scabbard in front of him. he was sure that it was his end but then the thoughts came rushing in. 

jign yi kicked the man with his tied up legs and struggled to get further away from him.  he was ready to do anything to survive.

at that moment he had thought of his struggle to survive in the forest form those men,his mother's words, the old man that he considered his father. to whom jign yi had thought of one day returning to  when he had settled his heart. and came the thoughts of feng leng, his first unrequited love. and in that moment did he regret never confessing his feelings. 

the man stood up and slapped jing yi hard across the face. jing yi's strength wasnt that great to make the man fall but it was that that he hadnt expected the kick.  and to be attacked by a weakling made his pride hurt so he hit with all his strength.

the slap numbed any sensations on jign yi's cheeks and made him dizzy, instantly making him lose consciousness .  but the man was the one to be shocked when he saw jign yi 's face as the veil fell from jign yi's face.


feng leng had just gotten the news about the abduction, when the shadow guard that was kept to watch over jing yi came all battered up. the shadow guard was installed by feng leng from the moment jign yi had come to the residence. the guard was wounded severely but he still managed to kneel infront of feng leng and state everything.

jing yi was taking care of the garden as always when a suspicious figure came, the guard did try to stop him but the strength gap was too big which resulted in him being defeated. and  so  jing yi was abducted. but the guard at least had managed to follow the man and get the location where jign yi was taken.

till now feng leng didnt show any expression on his face. and as the guard ended the report, feng leng stood up. the guard was scared for his life because of his failure and expected death when feng leng came closer to him but what he got was a pat in the back.

with the location of where jing yi was taken, feng leng didnt waste any time and rode off to the same mountain where he had seen jing yi for the first time. and this time he was going to bring jing yi back with him. not as anything he had thought of before but as his partner for life despite the fear he had for love.


jing yi regained consciousness. when he opened his eyes he didnt see the man . he felt relief for a second until he noticed a figure in the corner. jing yi got scared when he realized that it was the same man. 

"you know, you are very lucky to have someone love you so much. ......i accept my defeat today........cough...cough....." with that the man fell silent also with the stop of the heavy breathing he had before. jing yi could not register what happened until he saw a figure which when came to light was the one jing yi earnestly yearned for at that moment.

feng leng rushed to jing yi and unbound his hands and legs . jing yi couldnt believe that he was saved, and it was feng leng who saved him. relief and happiness to have  seen feng leng again rushed over him and he couldnt help but let the tears fall. and just as his hands set free, he hugged feng leng with all his might. he wanted to believe that it really was feng leng and not a dream. 

feng leng was surprised by the sudden hug. but he felt more pleasant and happy by it, and so he too patted jing yi's head . he could understand how much jing yi must have felt scared and lonely during the whole time. he thought of how he would never let jign yi feel such fear anymore. and how he will stay by jing yi's side forever .

 he placed his hand on jing yi's cheeks to lift his face,but jing yi made a pained expression. 

curious, feng leng looked at jing yi's face only to see a blue bruise forming on the left cheek. fengleng understood where it came from and instantly regretted not making the man suffer his death more . he was brought back from his thoughts when jign yi started thanking him constantly for saving him. in his voice the desperation and relief was felt.

"okay, quiet down now. we need to get moving. it's already dark."feng leng confronted jing yi as he also constantly patted jing yi's back, hugging jing yi more tightly.

both couldnt let go of the other as  both felt the need for the contact, the need to feel the other's presence. both also felt their heart's deepest truth stuck in their neck to tell the other, but couldnt because of nervousness or fear, or the pleasantness of the moment which they didnt want to end.

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