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in the yan empire,  emperor of yuan wakes up to find his beloved not beside him even after the tiring session last night. he gets up to find his love in the study back to reading the reports. 

"so my efforts have gone to waste, haven't they? " the emperor says as he hugs the beauty from the back, which does nothing to distract the beauty. " sheng, please dont distract me, i need to read these."wang shu says as he kisses the emperor's cheek and pushes him back a little.

"xiao shu , dont overwork yourself, you know that you need rest right?" the emperor tries to convince his beloved but he still doesnt get any response.  the emperor walks off and seats in the chair nearby. and just watches over wang shu. 

an hour goes by, the emperor continues to watch and just then the beauty cant handle the exhaustion and falls asleep on the desk. the emperor then stands up and strokes the beauty's worn out face,"dont worry xiao shu, i will take care of it all. you dont have to be sad anymore."

then he carries the beauty back to their room.

"the second prince's crest?" the imperial secretary exclaimed.everyone was shocked to hear the second prince's name again in this lifetime.

"yes my lord, the spy had the crest. and it is believed that more were there but we could only catch one. we questioned him but he only shouted about his allegiance to the second prince and then committed suicide."

"my god, how could it be?how could he gain such power to oppose the emperor?"the imperial secretary commented again.

"i too dont understand. this has been kept a secret all this time but according to the investigators, he was found to be dead a week later in a raid in the village that he was banished to."the emperor announces. "so i believe there was an error in the investigation just as the current situation applies." general feng leng adds in.

the imperial secretary though shocked still reminisces the day that the second prince was banished.

the whole country had stood still when the death of the empress was announced. the emperor though heartbroken had taken in his hand to punish the culprit behind the treason. 

but what shocked all the most was the identity of the culprit. the poison given to the empress was handed over by the honoured imperial concubine, who was also the monarch's previous favourite.

she was made to stand in front of the whole imperial court and still instead of being ashamed, she stood there as elegantly as she did any other day. but what gave away the tough demeanour  was the lonely tear that fell when she glanced upon the emperor. 

the emperor said nothing respecting their past relationship and only looked on as the same poison was presented in front of the imperial concubine. 

but seeing the poison, she was not shaken. it was as if she had taken an determination to achieve her goal. she looked straight to the emperor and gulped down the poison with no hesitation. 

and that was the end of the once benevolent and beautiful honoured imperial concubine.

and so the fate of the second prince was sealed. he was to be executed along with the imperial concubine but the emperor took mercy on the young child as he was his first born.hence the thirteen year old was  banished after making him view his own mother's demise. the imperial concubine 's body didnt even get a proper funeral and was just deposed as any other criminal.  the crown prince was only four then. that was the end of the story of second prince so far.

some said he died in a famine. some said he became a merchant. but the truth was finally revealed that he was supposedly killed in a raid.

but now he had made an appearance, the whole idea of the recurring war at the border was changed. this wasnt an attack from an enemy. it was an internal  war. and with that the second prince was challenging the emperor for the throne. the fate of the country was in hand.

so now to win the battle against his own sibling, a thorough plan was to be made.

back in the general's residence, jing yi 's days had been great. the general had come to treat him more gently and lovingly.  but the time they spent together had shorten after their return. which was because of the northern border wars as feng leng told him.

but the time spent together still was the sweetest. the deep kisses and the tighter hugs were what kept jing yi able to spend the time alone. jing yi himself was sure that he wanted more but he admitted he was inexperienced and probably stupid not to know anything. he didnt want to make feng leng think that he was a nuisance and had no sexual appeal.

feng leng always left early and arrived late. he was needed in the court for the preparation of the plans being made to win the battle once and for all. and in  the time they could spend together feng leng never took it too far from the kisses. he didnt want to rush when they had a whole lifetime together to spend. so whenever he felt like he was going to loose control, he called the night off.

hence both were in the verge of taking a step too far but refrained for their own fears.

just as usual jing yi ran to hug feng leng as soon as he saw him. 

after the kidnapping incident, the security had been tightened in the residence and and a whole team was assigned just to watch over jing yi. and jing yi himself was only allowed with in the general's chamber with only some exceptional guarded visits outside the residence with the infamous veil always worn. 

the veil had made it a mystery to all that saw the general's beloved. the godly beauty was rumoured but no one ever got the clear view. and so more rumours were made and more had become envious of the innocent jing yi, who in fact was oblivious of the drama that surrounded him.

this time feng leng had come earlier than the other days. so jing yi sat down in the patio stationed with his zither and feng leng sat with a light alcoholic drink to enjoy the soothing evening and his love's music. the music that day was different, before jing yi always played the classics but today the music was of his confession to feng leng. the truth of the love that he feels and wants to convey to feng leng. his sincerity and desperation resonated in the music. 

the servants could only glance from far the beautiful moment their master spend with his beloved. and still all were mesmerized. all rejoiced how happy the general had become and how the atmosphere in the household changed since the head madam had died.

listening to the music, feng leng could only smile at the mesmerizing  image that jing yi created as the sun set and the wind breezed. this was one of the moments he would remember till his death.

"the message has been sent, the emperor has known about the second prince's existence. now the plan has to be preponed. the time is running out. the day of my succession to the throne is coming near. these fools will make the way for me and i will enjoy my long waited power. i will rule the lands. 

i will rise."


more comments are welcomed. :)

congrats felix. ;)

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The support is what pushed me to continue writing.😭😆😆


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