Wild Minds || Animal Kingdom

بواسطة Cutehorse

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'She was a wild one, but some of us need the storm to feel safe.' || Book 1 in the Ashton Wright Series || ||... المزيد



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بواسطة Cutehorse



Ashton danced around her room with her speaker all the way up, her hands threaded through her hair as she pulled it up into a ponytail; swaying her hips from side to side. She sung along at the top of her lungs, standing in nothing but her shorts and bikini top; her usual attire. She spun around quickly when the music suddenly shut off, Craig leaning in the doorway with a smirk on his lips. 

'You got laid,' He stated. 

She shot him a playful glare, flicking her music back on before he shut it off again. 

'Who'd you get with?' He asked. 

'Nunya,' She smirked. 

'Oh, come on, Ash. Do I have to get Deran?'

'No. I'm just in a good mood.'

'Because you got laid... Was it that Max dude? Or maybe Adrian's friend, uh, Axel?'


His face dropped before he grinned, 'It was J.'


He began to laugh as she looked away from him, shoving his chest as she suppressed a smile.

'It was,' He exclaimed. 

'Shut up,' She groaned.

'Holy shit.'


'I'm telling Deran.'


She just missed his arm as he bolted away, his laughter echoing off the walls as she chased after him. Ashton launched herself onto his back just as he stepped into Deran's room, her hands slapping over his mouth as she gripped onto him with her knees. She laughed as she spun around, eventually dumping her on the bed; pinning her underneath him. She tried to push him off, begging Deran to help her.

'You're on your own,' He laughed. 

'Come on,' She cried as she laughed. 

'She slept with-' Craig started before she clamped her hand over his mouth. 

'Now, I want to know,' Deran began to tug at her hand. 

'No,' She laughed; 'Dez!'

He laughed as he tickled her sides, knowing she couldn't move away with Craig laying on top of her. She begged him to stop as she laughed, but he wouldn't give up until she removed her hand from their brother's mouth. 

'Alright,' She panted; 'Fine. But say it quietly.'

Craig nodded before she slowly removed her hand, pushing him off of her. 

'She slept with J,' He whispered. 

Deran shot her a look which she raised her hands to, 'He started it.'

'You slept with J?' The man asked. 

'Yeh... At your place... On your bed. I change the sheets, I swear.'

He smirked amused, Craig beside him doing the same; watching as her cheeks flushed a soft pink. 

'Well, he's definitely not your brother now,' Craig laughed. 

'Shut up, I don't want Smurf to hear,' She hissed. 

'Why would she care?'

'I don't want to become another Julia.'

They looked at her confused for a second, before Deran's face dropped; Craig's a second later. 

'She wouldn't,' Deran shook his head.

'Let's not try and find out,' She sighed; 'Now, Craig, how's Renn?'

'Ash, how's J?' He smirked. 

She groaned falling back onto the bed, 'I'm never going to live this down, am I?'


'Was he good, at least? Because if he was bad, that gives us even more to judge you on,' Deran chuckled. 

'I hate you both.'

'Nah. So? How was he?'

She covered her face with her hands as she smiled, moving away from her brothers as they tried to pull them away. She shook her head, her cheeks burning from her blush. She never blushed, but it seemed J was having more of an effect on her then she realised.

'So, he was good?' Deran laughed. 

'Really good, apparently,' Craig added. 

'Stop,' She whined as she pulled her hands away finally. 

Ashton couldn't help but grin up at them as they leant over her, reaching her arms up to pull them down beside her. They didn't fight it as they both fell onto Deran's bed and looked up at the ceiling, soft sighs leaving their mouths as they finally calmed down. She loved moments like these, it felt like forever since they'd had one. Just the three of them hanging out, laughing like old times. She linked her hands in one of theirs, rolling her head side to side to look at them.

'Guys,' Smurf's voice made her huff in annoyance; 'We're home. Could you come outside, please? Baz has a job for us.'

'Coming,' Craig replied. 

He sat up and looked down at his siblings, letting out an amused breath before she smiled. 

'Let's go, losers,' He slapped her leg. 

She kicked his bum as he walked away, slowly sitting up as Deran did the same beside her. 

'You talk to Drey yet?' She asked quietly. 

'No,' He replied stubbornly. 



'Fine. You still owe me a board.'

He groaned as she stood, hitting her bum before wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She laughed, wrapping her arm around his back as they headed out to the patio.

'Oh, look who's back,' She teased.

Pope peaked at her over his shoulder, rolling his eyes as he looked away. She chuckled, shaking him lightly before she plonked down in a seat on the opposite side of the table; across from Smurf with Deran beside her, Baz no where in sight. 

'You, uh, holding out on me?' Craig asked as he leant over his chair.

'I didn't do LSD,' Pope stated. 

Ashton accepted the green sludge of a smoothie from her mother, looking at it before placing it down. 

'Hey, you eat a bagel?' Deran queried. 

'What?' Pope recoiled. 

'A bagel. Did you eat a bagel?'

'What the hell are you talking about?' Craig asked. 

'The poppy seeds, man. That shit is in your piss. Everybody knows that.Come on.'

'That's opium, dipshit,' Pope retorted. 

'Yeah, well, maybe something else. Maybe not the poppies, but, you know, something like that. Just saying.'

'To your health,' Smurf raised her glass in toast.

The Wright girl shrugged, downing half the glass before she placed it down. 

'Hey,' Baz greeted as he approached the table. 

'Hey, man,' She replied. 

'Pope spent the night in jail,' Craig informed his older brother. 

'Yeah, I heard. Not even long enough to make a toothbrush into a shiv,' Baz smirked. 

'Okay, let's get started,' Smurf sighed. 

'I think I have something. Could be big... Camp Pendleton.'

'Wow, what about it?' Deran queried. 

'We're gonna hit it.'

'That huge military base?' She suggested. 

'Sounds awesome. I'm in,' Craig agreed. 

'Yeah, what are we going for? A nuclear warhead or a tank?' Deran retorted sarcastically. 

'There is a ton of cash on that base. A ton,' Baz sounded excited. 

'Surrounded by soldiers with sniper rifles and attack helicopters,' Pope reminded him. 

'Yeah, all useless if they don't know we're taking it.'

'How?' Craig asked. 

'Still working on that part.'

'Well, sounds like a foolproof plan,' Pope drawled. 

'Look, it's gonna take some time, but my mark knows the ins and outs of the base.'

'Wait, your mark?' Ashton asked as she took a sip from her drink. 

'Yeah. Paul. Nicky's dad.'

She choked on her drink, coughing with her mouth closed. Even Smurf had her mouth hanging open at the suggestion, all of them not believing a word that left his mouth. 

'Nicky? J's girlfriend Nicky?' Deran suggested.

'Yeah. He handles serious money for long deployments, aircraft carriers, all that. I've been working him hard,' Baz explained. 

'Hold on. Since when do we do jobs with people outside of the family?' Pope asked; 'This Paul guy, he sounds like a pussy. And the second the cops breathe in his direction, he's going to point them right to us.'

'Pope, I can handle him. I got a feeling he's ready to cross a line. He wants it. He just needs a push. I'm telling you-'

'No. No! No! No. We case a joint, we go in with guns, we come out with cash. It's not that complicated.'

'Like the Wells Fargo job? So easy it landed you in prison.'

'Yeah. Saving your ass.' 

Baz sighed as he looked away, all of them going quiet for a second. 

'Are you on board with this crap?' Pope looked to Smurf. 

'Let's see if the plan has legs,' The woman shrugged. 

Pope slammed down his cup and stood, walking away without a word.

'Gonna need you guys to do your part,' Baz suggested to the remaining three. 

'Yeah, I got an opening in my schedule on Thursday, so-' Deran retorted. 

'It's gotta be tonight.'

'Renn's throwing a party,' Craig protested. 

'Well, you're missing it... I'll give you the details in a minute.'

'Is that your way of telling us to leave?' She asked. 

The man raised his brows and hummed in reply, the trio looking at one another before they stood; heading back inside. Ashton downed the rest of her drink and left the glass on the table, jogging after her brothers.


'You look nice,' Ashton smirked as she leant in J's doorway; 'Where're you going? To try and get your virginity back?'

He huffed in amusement, 'Nah, dinner with Nicky's parents.'

'Well, the sounds about as fun as watching paint dry.'

She chuckled at the look her sent her, stepping into the room; her eyes moving over everything around her. 

'You need something?' He asked. 

'No. I was going to ask you something, but I don't think it's such a good idea now I know you're going to Nicky's,' She shrugged.

'It's ok.'

She smiled softly, nodding her head once as her eyes roamed over his blue button up shirt and chinos.

'Alright,' She met his eye; 'The other night... You came into my house and slept with me, but you weren't fighting with Nicky... And you hadn't been watching porn... And Smurf didn't send you... And yet you seemed pretty certain when I offered myself to you that you wouldn't take me up. So, why?'

'Why, what?' He queried. 

'Why'd you take me up on my offer?'

'Does it matter?'

'No, not really. I'm just curious... Because I have my ideas, I just don't know if any of them are right.'

'Try me.'

'Well, the first was you were just bored. But then I thought, if you were it would've been a quick fuck. So, then I figured, you were thinking about someone else while you were fucking me. Because if there was another girl, you couldn't go to Nicky in case you moan the girl's name and you obviously couldn't go to the other girl, so you came to me. Is there someone else, J?'

'I, uh... I wasn't thinking about someone else when I was, uh, with you. I was only thinking about you... But, yeh, there might be someone else.'

'See? That's all I need to know.'

'You're not gonna ask who?'

'I could. But, if I don't, I could have more mind blowing sex with you. Because trust me, you're like... Pretty good, and I don't just say that. So, it'll be our little secret, I won't tell if you don't.'

She smiled as he nodded, winking his way before she left the room. She wandered down to the games room what was off the kitchen, Craig and Deran playing pool inside. She took the bong from Deran after he took a hit, drawing her own hit as before she leant back into the cushions of the couch. 

'Whoo! I'm making you my bitch,' Craig cheers.

'Yeah, Baz is making us both his bitches,' Deran muttered as he leant on his pool stick.

'Well, if his idea works, at least we'll be rolling in it,' She reminded him.

'You know, we could rob Fort Knox, and Smurf would still have us on allowance.'

'This is bullshit. I could be at a killer party right now,' Craig muttered.

'Yeah, and robbing a house would be rad if Baz doesn't make us do all the work.'

She hummed in agreement at the same time Craig did, her eyes following J as he entered the room; looking over all of them. He sat down in one of the stools, the boys pausing to stare at him.

'What's up?' Deran snapped.

'Just waiting for Smurf,' J replied.

'What, are you going to church?'

'No. I'm going to dinner with Nicky's family.'

'Well, if her dad's paying, get the lobster,' Craig suggested as he pulled all the balls together.

Ashton's eyes snapped up to Smurf as she appeared in the room, slowly lowering the bong to the ground.

'Shouldn't you guys be getting a move on?' She asked.

'Yeah, after this game,' Deran tapped the pool table with his stick before lining it up.

Smurf looked at him unamused, staring at him before she turned to J suddenly.

'J, can you wait for me in the car, please?' She asked.

The boy looked at her, before glancing at them as he stood. He left without a word, relieving a quick wave from the Wright girl. Smurf reached down and snatched the white ball from the table, Deran looking up at her; still leant over with his pool stick lined up.

'I want you to go now and focus,' Smurf demanded.

'Look, if you don't think we're capable of doing this job, you can go find someone else to do it,' Deran stated.

'Baby, I would never ask you to do anything you feel uncomfortable with.'

'Good,' Craig snapped as he took back the white ball; 'Then tell Baz we're taking the night off from his bullshit... Go.'

Deran caught the ball, placing it back where it was supposed to be as Smurf stepped toward Craig; his frame towering over her.

'You really feel that way?' She asked as she held his gaze.

He hummed in agreement, looking down at her.

'Deran?' She suggested; 'Ashton?'

'Tell her, man.'

But neither of them said anything, Ashton meeting Deran's eye for a second before he looked away and she lowered her head.

'Pussies,' Craig snapped as he glanced between them both as he turned away from Smurf.

He shook his head at them, but Deran shook his head in warning.

'I think Pope will be happy to fill in for you,' Smurf drawled as she began to walked away; 'And I'll remember who pulled their weight when I divvy up the take.'

Craig leant down and pushed the perfect triangle of balls across the table, sending them flying as they bounced around, before he hit the cabinet on the way out of the room. Ashton sighed, glancing up at Deran as he continued to stare at the doorway his brother had disappeared through.


'Can't believe Smurf has me doing this shit,' Pope sneered.

They sat in a black van parked in the street, a black beanie sat on Ashton's head; matching the rest of the black attire.

'It's not Smurf,' Deran reminded him; 'It's Baz.'

'I haven't hit a house since, like, puberty,' Pope muttered.

'Jeez, man, you were bitching about the job being too hard. Now you're bitching about it being too easy. Why you even here?'

'Do you wanna do it alone? Do you?'

'Relax, man. No... One night in jail and you're in a shitty mood.'

'Something happens tonight I'm coming out firing... Do you understand me? They're gonna have to kill me cause I'm not going back inside.'

Her eyes followed the gun as he placed it on the dashboard, holding Deran's gaze as he did so.

'Jesus, man, what happened to you in there?' Deran asked.

Pope didn't reply, instead he started the car and pulled out onto the road. They reversed up the driveway, pausing by the side door once they were somewhat unseen. The boys got to work as she kept watch, listening to their mutters.

'Ash,' Pope muttered.

She spun around to find the door wide open, a grin slipping onto her lips. He smirked at the sight, following her inside where Deran was unhooking the TV. She helped him carry the large TV out to the van, sliding it in the back before they went in for more.

'What're we getting?' She whispered.

'Anything, and that briefcase,' Pope replied.

'Make it something good, moonlighter,' Deran winked her way.

She chuckled quietly at the name, slinking up the stairs to the bedrooms. She ducked into Nicky's room, searching through all her jewellery before she eventually just grabbed it all and stuffed it into the pocket of her jumper. She made sure to make a mess, leaving a few bits of jewellery behind. Pope was already in the main room, snatching all the jewellery before he strode past her.

'I got the jewellery from the bedroom, but it's crap,' He raised up the bag as they walked back into the room where Deran was waiting; 'It won't even cover the cost of gas.'

'Yeah, who gives a shit? I got the briefcase,' He informed them.

'What's in it?' She asked.

'I don't know. Papers and stuff.'

'Papers? Baz has us breaking in for papers?'


'You wanna tell me why I'm wasting my time for a used television and crap jewellery?' Pope asked.

'Look, I don't know, man. I'm just doing what I'm told.'

'All right, let's get out of here.'

They moved out of the house, Ashton passing Deran her bag as she shut the back door. She rammed her elbow through the glass, shattering it before she reached in and opened the door from the inside; instantly setting the alarm off. Dogs began to bark in the distance at the sound as they raced into the van, Pope sending them flying out into the street.

They were just about home when her phone began to buzz in her pocket, scaring the life out of her as she jumped. Deran peaked back at her curiously, but she waved him off when she saw Craig's name. She answered it, not saying a word.

'You change your mind?' She asked.

'Ash,' Craig whispered quietly.

'What the shit is going on?'

She slid out of the van and headed toward the house, pausing under the awning between the garage and the house.

'I need you to bring six eight to an address,' He spoke softly.

'What'd you do?' She queried.

'You remember the other night?'


'I screwed someone over.'

She paused for a second to think it over, 'The coke... You screwed Renn over?'

'Yes, ok? Can you please just bring the money?'

'I have to tel Smurf.'

'No, Ash. Please, I rang you so I wouldn't have to deal with her.'

'How the fuck am I gonna get six eight, Craig? Just dip my hand? She'll fucking kill me.'


'No. You can be as mad at me as you want, but I'm telling Smurf.'

He sighed, 'Thank you.'

'I love you. Don't do anything stupid.'

'I won't. I love you, too.'

She hung up the phone and rushed inside, finding Smurf in her room folding washing.

'Ash, baby, everything ok?' The woman paused and turned toward her.

'It's Craig,' She gushed.


Ashton sat in Deran's room playing his Xbox, waiting for Smurf and Craig to come back. She shoved him as she shot her gun at him on the screen, trying to distract him from killing her. She pinched the joint from between his lips, drawing in a long breath before she blew the white smoke in the air as she passed it back.

'Got your shirt,' J's voice sounded.

She looked up at him, sending him a quick smile before she went back to her game.

'Thanks,' Deran muttered.

The boy went to leave then, but he hesitated and turned to look at the pair.

'Did- Um, did you rob Nicky's house? I heard you and Craig talking about it... Was it Nicky's?' He asked.

'So what if it was?' Deran replied.

'You could've robbed anybody, man.'

'Look, man, we're just the grunt, okay? Talk to Baz. He's the big man with the plan.'

J paused before he turned away, only to pause when Ashton spoke up.

'He's not done with them,' She glanced at him.

He held her gaze for a second before he left, leaving her to her game. She let out a cheer when she beat Deran, patting his chest before she leant back into the couch once more.

'Ashton, baby, could you come here a sec, please?' Smurf called.

'Coming,' She called before looking at Deran; 'You might want to check up on Craig.'

'Why would I want to check on that shithead?'

'Just do it, Dez.'

His eyes searched her face before he sighed, 'Fine.'

'Thank you.'

She stood, placing the controller down, before she walked out into the hall.

'Smurf?' She called.

'In the kitchen,' The woman replied.

Ashton strode toward the room at the back of the house, greeting Smurf with a curious gaze as she came to stand by the fridge.

'Did you know what Craig did?' She asked.

'No,' The girl shook her head.

'Are you sure?'

She sighed, 'I figured it out myself.'

'And you didn't bother to tell me?'

'He was upset, Smurf. I've never heard so much fear in his voice.'

Her head snapped to the side as a crack echoed through the house, Smurf looking up at her with purse lips.

'Don't you ever do that to me, again, is that clear?' She sneered; 'Because I will not come.'

'Yeh,' She whispered as she lowered her head.

She listened to the footsteps leave the room before she headed back to Deran's room, only to head straight to Craig's when she found it empty. She cupped her warm, burning skin as she paused outside, letting out a shaky sigh to rid of her tears. She closed her eyes and stepped into the room, instantly feeling eyes on her.

'You ok?' Deran asked as he stood.

'Yeh,' She whispered; 'Don't worry about it. You good, Craig?'

'Yeh,' He sighed.

'Good. Can we just head to bed then?'

'In here?'


He sighed, nodding his head. She climbed into the middle of the bed after pulling her shirt off, letting the boys lay either side of her. She curled into Craig's chest as Deran cuddled her from behind, closing her eyes as safety came over her.

'Love you,' She whispered.

'Love you, too, Ash,' They both replied one at a time.

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