King of Sunset Drive {BWWM}

By HeteroLlama

335K 13.6K 6.4K

There was no light within him. From the midnight curls to his charcoal eyes that stalked prey. He was the dar... More

Her name is Dawn
Jacobe The Killer
Cut the Wings, keep the girl
The Kāne's and The Vladkov's
Little mouse
Rabid Wolf
Notice Me
The space betwen us
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!
Rise of a Leader
Baby, I'm dangerous
I wont do it
Turning Point
There's something wrong with Jacobe
To Make a Monster
The Barn
Back Like I Never Left
Dying star
Dawn of a New Day


9.9K 573 485
By HeteroLlama

"FOR someone who got dumped on their date with the hottest guy in school you sure do look happy" My happiness quickly fades hearing Phoebes annoying remark and my painting stops.

I turn to her with a smirk, her hair was silky straight today compared to her normal bustling curls and looked very cute. She winked but went back to her own canvas to paint. No doubt stick figures. We were in class supposed to be painting what the holidays meant to us however my friend decided that bothering me would be how she expressed herself.

With Christmas coming around I had to think of more than one gift to give

"You have no filter do you? And I wasn't dumped I left on my own" I turn my nose up making her laugh

"Zero, but girlll you have more chill than me! I would have tore her ass up and keyed his car. I would never forgive him" I just roll my eyes, it was nothing to be angry about. Sure I was embarassed and extremely hurt however- if it wasn't meant to be then why hold a grudge. Drew could have Natasha's trifling ass and I don't care how many mean looks she gives.

Not to mention, Drew has been avoiding me. Not like I would talk to him anyways. No matter how hard he turned the corners in the hallways when seeing me. He knew he was wrong and that was enough. Coward.

Besides, I have a little distraction

Jacobe as hard to believe as it was; a breath of fresh air. Telling Phoebe this would be useless as she never and probably will ever have the privilege to see the real him. No one would.

That saddened me more than it should

When he wasn't blood brawling or sassing off, the young Vladkov was very appealing. Blood curdling fun, enjoyable, attentive. And dare I say, cute. But I would be keeping that to myself.

It's been a few days since our last talk in his room and to say my impression of him has taken a complete turn around is an understatement.

Jacobe wasn't a saint, far from it. But his secretly charming personality had my attention all weekend. I felt closer to him, we were friends for the most part and I was enjoying it. We exchange tales of our lives and make the other laugh.

He actually did laugh when I told him my middle name, but it wasn't malicious. More of him expecting that kind of thing

"Im not even surprised" He said between labored breaths when he laughed hysterically. i found myself joining in on his laughter. Because Star was a long shot from "Yuri"

Phoebe was even starting to be less bothered by the mention of him. Of course I wasn't so silly as to keep speaking about him in her presence but now she's at least tolerant when he does come up.

The only thing weird I've been noticing was that he would leave immediately after school

"Grown up business" He would say, promise I would hear a text from him or surprise me by sneaking in my room later on. Which he always did at some time or another so I never questioned it, we weren't dating or anything. It sucked that my feelings were one sided

I liked him

It was true, but I'm sure as a heart beat someone like Jacobe preferred bolder women who spoke their minds and were confident. Stunning girls like Phoebe who were all charm and didn't hold their tongues for anyone. Who weren't afraid of a little fist fight while also holding their own.

I didn't even go on the list

"Annnd finished" I say trying to shoo away the invasive thoughts, Phoebe scoots over to take a look but a gasp replaces any words she was about to say

"Oh my god Dawn you did this in 35 minutes?!" Of course after Phoebe discovered that I had an inkling of artistic talent, she asked me to draw her. The promise had been prolonged till now when I felt incredibly inspired

It was her with her straight hair smiling in a pastel purple water color background, it was alright to me. But nothing was better than the real thing

"It looks just like me Dawn you're a genius! Have you ever thought about doing this professionally?"

"Yeah, I was thinking of doing commissioned portraits like this." I blush at her compliment and she encourages me more at the small dream

It was something I always thought about, everyone in the art world has something they are truly skilled at and my hands were in capturing people

Phoebe takes a $20 out of her pocket and shoves it into my hands but I protest.

"Phoebe Trinity Carmichael absolutely not." I say taking it and trying to give it back. It was just part one of her Christmas gift! But the bell rings signaling lunchtime and the girl is out of the door running. I roll my eyes knowing she would be waiting outside, ready to force me to keep the money.

I sign the canvas and place it to the back of the room to dry then gather my things to find Phoebe.

But when I step outside shes talking to the last person I care to see. Natasha looked beautiful as always. Her brazen red hair tied tighter in a high ponytail that revealed her goddess like bone structure. Truly she was divine. It pissed me off. Not because she was completely ethereal.

But because such beauty was wasted on a terrible personality.

I held my head high then sucked in a breath before walking over.

"Natasha..hey.." I try to be as courteous as I can maintain

The girls eyes flickered from Phoebes to my own, quickly glossing over me then flips her head back to Phoebe. Like I never spoke in the first place.

"Anyways Phoebe. You're a good dancer and cheerleader. Watch the company you keep that's all I'm saying so understand where I'm coming from with this. I mean, how could you stay friends with her knowing she's shacking up with Jacobe Vladkov of all people?"

I scoff and step between them, Natasha was tall but I was a few inches taller and I let that advantage be known

"Excuse me. I'm right here, and if you have a problem with me then say it to my face instead of ignoring me. Unless you're that intimidated by me."

Natasha's lips turned sour

"You didn't seem to have a problem when Drew ignored you to come to me. I thought you were accustomed to not being cared about." Ouch.

"Yo Natasha you're not gonna disrespect her like that. I didn't say before because I would rather you ignore her than speak at all but this is my friend. And your attitude with her ain't gon fly with me"

"Who was even talking to you Phoebe? If you like where you're at on my Cheerleading team then I suggest you figure out your place real quick. Im trying to help YOU out."

I could practically see the steam coming out of my friends ears as she was about to throw in her rebuttal. I grab Phoebes arm and smile at her the mouth a small thank you. I pass her my phone and book bag, taking a deep breath

"Listen. I don't care if Drew wants you. If he wants a bitter child that cries every time they want attention; he can have you. Youre spoiled, ungrateful and probably don't deserve Drews love cause youre spiteful as hell. But he's picked his poison."

If a frown could go deeper, Natasha was the reigning champ

"And you've picked yours. Your fun will lay being a single mom cause your baby daddy's Serbian prison bait bitch" she spat then turned. Sashaying away as if she had won the war

I don't know what came over me. Her talking about Jacobe struck the worst chord and sent me into a heated fit. How could she judge him when she didn't even know him? Didn't know why he did the things he did or how he felt. She wanted to be understood yet talked shit about him.


I reached and grabbed the red lock and pulled back, watching her pace hitch the fall back onto her hips. The crowd gasps and Phoebe covers her mouth with a hand stone shocked. My own mouth was pried open in fear..what had I done? I was a strict pacifist and was taught not to hit others so why was I so compelled now?

The beauty slowly gets up, her face as red as her hair. Contorting in anger and humiliated in front of those who once admired her

"..Natasha I.."

"You annoying bitch!" Natasha raises her hand to hit me and I stand ready to defend myself when im pushed back into Phoebe's arms. The Skyscraper that was Jacobe Vladkov stood infront of us, gripping the wrist of my opponent. Where the hell did he come from??

"I texted him on your phone, he came faster than I thought.." Phoebe whispers slightly impressed and handing me back my things.

Easily he tossed Natasha forward like she was nothing, the recoil a bit more excessive than it looked as she went tumbling. Some people right there the catch her. Pretty eyes bulging with fear as she realized her mistake

"You try to touch girl again, you'll have to wear makeup on arms to cover up the bruises

The threat made me shiver with my own dread. He was not kidding at all

The crowd began to disperse in terror, heading to the lunch room leaving us three.

"Thank you Phoebe." Jacobe says lowly and my friend shrugs.

"I did it for my friend." Thats all she says before turning to me

"You okay girl? I wasn't expecting all that tude from ya!" We both laugh and I hug her

"I'm good, thanks for sticking up for me. I know I'm not making your cheer life easy"

"Will you ever just worry about yourself?" I shake my head no and she laughs more.

"I'm gonna go to lunch. I'll catch you later hun." Phoebe says with a small smile then nods respectively to Jacobe who nods back. Too awkward for two of my favorite people to not like each other. But their disdain goes far beyond me bringing them together tp sing kumbaya.

"Let's go" Jacobe pulls me the opposite way of the cafeteria confusing me

"Wait Jacobe where..where are we going?"

Jacobe pulled me towards the back exit on the school grounds and I let him. Still slightly fuming from the conflict before and imagining what I would have done had he not come. But feeling embarrassed at the same time that I showed my face like that. Probably discredting Jacobe in the process, I hope he wasn't too furious with me..

He didn't say anything after he pulled me out of that scene, he's becoming my regular super  man

The cold air welcomed us, I am pushed against the brick, trying to read the emotions of the boy in front of me. But his mask has been well mastered

Jaded Dark eyes that held zero limitations

"Jacobe listen. I'm sorry I embarrassed you but when she started talking horribly about you I..I just attacked! Which is completely out of my character and If you're upset you shouldn't be because I was defending you and-"


"Yes?" I hadn't noticed how close he's gotten. Intimidating me with his height

"Shut up"

His hands cupped tightly underneath my collar bones and his lips pressed fiercely into my own, forcing them open so that he could invade my mouth with his tongue. Staking his claim, making it his own. Who was Drew again?

This style was completely like him

Wild and untamed yet alluring as fuck. I loved. Every. Second.

His feelings that he didn't say aloud burned within me, and passion swelled in areas that had never been touched. Jacobe did not let his large hands stay idle however

They weren't gentle at all, but lingered down me with a fiery need that had my knees buckling drastically. Both pale hands cupped my bottom with need. Spreading me but retaining the grip, I break our kiss involuntarily to let out my moan.

That only caused Jacobe's eyes to become even darker than they already were, which I thought was impossible. They didn't stray from me even though our breathes were ragged and tired, I was focused on the abused red lips in front of me. Wanting to return to the aggressive kissing. But Jacobe spoke

"Has anyone ever kissed you like that"

"No, never"

"Good. I will be your last"

And just like that my arms found their way around his neck, with me tip toeing to help reach. Our lips dancing again, not even wanting to stop for a second breath.

A/N: Idk y'all I just felt it was the right time! For this lil tid bit.

Now y'all already know homeboy done said he wasn't about to fuck with Dawn because he's a hot mess and a half.

But Jacobes the kind of person who will try one thing but if it doesn't work out just roll with the punches and do everything to make sure it DOES go in his favor. No matter what

And right now his sights are on our foreign beauty. Not really caring about the risks. He's more romantic than ya think!

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