Blodreina | How Far Would You...

By kaihughesreal

4.7K 51 13

Rebel kom Trikru one day finds a girl in the river who she learns to be Octavia kom Skaikru. At first she is... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
A message

Chapter Two

417 6 0
By kaihughesreal

The walk was long, and agonizing. After some serious debating I finally let Octavia put my arm around her and she supported me. The debate was mostly me pushing her away. I was tired of fighting her though so I just let her help me.

Their home was guarded by metal and wood bonded together. The doors swung open and there were many people inside running around and being loud and crazy. They are to attract the people of Trikru in no time.

The all stared at me, screaming to the top of their lungs and pumping their fists in the air. Octavia helped me into a giant metal place. With a rounded top and a sheet for a door. "She's going up stairs away from everyone else" Bellamy said. "How? You shot her in her leg!" Octavia exclaimed. "She shot Clarke in her shoulder. Now camp has an injured doctor and I'm sure that's gonna bite us in the ass sooner or later" Bellamy said. "You made her feel threatened, aiming a gun at her and barging into her home"

"It is just as much our home as it is hers" Bellamy snapped pointing a finger at her. "She was here first" Octavia said without even budging. "Upstairs or she is thrown out with no help" He said.

I would have prefered that but Octavia just helped me up the latter and through a door in the ceiling. The room I was now in was empty, I was put in the corner of the room, bound to the wall by chains.

"I'll be back with Clarke" Bellamy said. I stared at him, unmoving. He went down the latter, but Octavia stayed here with me. Cross legged across from me. "Why won't you just talk? You can speak" She said. "I don't answer to those who prey on the weak" I answered.

"I don't prey on the weak?" She asked. I shook my head. "You don't prey on the weak. You defend them. Because you know what it is like to be weak" I replied. She looked shocked. I could tell by the way she was so willing to sit and talk with me. How she defended me...even though she doesn't know me

"You saved my life and I don't know your name" Octavia said.

I sighed. "You don't need to know it"


"What?" I asked.

"Since you won't tell me your name. I'm giving you one. Your name is Rebel" She said. I laughed.

"Rebel kom Trikru"

"Why are you all by yourself?" Octavia asked. I leaned back against the wall. "It's not a story worth telling" I replied. Before she could say anything else the door in the floor flew open and up came Clarke and Bellamy. There was many tools with her as she laid them out next to me. "Has she said anything?" Bellamy asked. Octavia continued looking at me. I saw something in her eyes. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but there was something as I stared at her as intensely as she stared at me. "Nope" She replied.

I looked away or I would start smiling. What was this feeling in my chest? Why was my heart beating so fast? Why does my face feel hot?

Clarke pulled out a tool that looked like an X with pointed and curved ends. "This part will hurt" Clarke said. She was obviously in pain. I could tell by how she was moving. I didn't say anything. She dug into my leg with the thing. My body tensed, I grinded my teeth to keep from crying out. 

She pulled out a piece of metal and put it on the floor. She took a heated blade and pressed it onto the wound. That hurt a lot less, I was able to hold still. She wrapped my leg. Klinrona gada pulled my cloak off me. "You don't want to get too hot" she said. I said nothing. Just stared at the wall across from me, I could feel a heartbeat in my leg.

"Octavia come on" Bellamy said as Clarke left. "No" She replied. "You can't stay up here with her forever" He said. "Watch me" She replied not looking at him. He rolled his eyes and left. "He loves you" I said.

"What does that mean?" She asked. "It means 'he loves you'. You should listen to your brother. He only wants what's best for you..."My voice trailed off. "You had a brother...didn't you?" She asked.

Klinrona gada just might be my only friend. I might as well try to trust her. Even though I just met her today. "Yes...One..and four sisters. His name was Jouno (a/n pronounced Jonah) and he was...brave" I said, which was all I was comfortable sharing. "I'm sure he loved you" Octavia said. I looked at her, and smiled...just a little. "Yeah...he did"


The next two days were slow. I spent most of the time with Octavia. I was actually warming up to her. We both seem to be healing at the same rate. I can stand on my own and now she can move a little faster.

We walked in circles in the room upstairs. I felt comfortable enough to let my guard down. I laugh with her and even have been teaching her to speak my language, and she's been teaching me somethings about the culture of skaikru. The history of their nation. Why they were in the sky in the first place and why they came back down here.

"Ok so, I am Octavia of the sky people, and I fight for the weak" She said with a smile. "You're getting better klinrona gada" I replied. She smiled while looking down. "Are you ever gonna tell me what that means?" She asked. "Klinrona Gada?" I asked. She nodded. "It means River Girl. Because I found you in the river" I replied. She smiled at me.

"What do those scars on your chest mean?" She asked. I touched the right side of my chest, where there was over a dozen marks. I cleared my throat. "When a person kills someone in battle. They make a scar on themselves to keep track. It's meant to bring honor. Mine brings shame..." I said. "Why does yours bring shame?" She asked. I shook my head. "You love asking questions Okteivia" I said. She laughed. "Sorry"

"Have you ever...loved someone?" She asked. She looked at me very strangely. I looked away, heat rushing to my face. "Hodnes laik kwelnes" I replied. "Love isn't weakness" She replied. I looked at her.

"...for me it always has been" I said. "I think I should go get you some water" She said. I nodded and watched her leave, I was left feeling naked...embarrassed...but also I was left with some emotion I couldn't describe. Or wouldn't allow myself to acknowledge. Because I haven't felt it in such a long time.

She came back with water and handed it to me. I drank some and then put it down. "What makes you so afraid of love?" Octavia asked. "klinrona Gada...where I am from love is a strange thing. Especially when it doesn't level everyone else's expectations" I said. "What do you mean? Rebel I'm your only friend. You might as well trust me" She said. I stared passed her.

"Although it is normal for girls to love girls and boys to love boys, my parents wanted me to love and marry a strong warrior. Someone who could take down the world with one hand tied behind her back. That wasn't the case..."

"You loved someone weak?"

I nodded. "Her name was Kloui (pronounced Chloe)" I said. My throat tightened. "She was not built for battle. She was curved, but none of it was muscle. She was a teacher to the young ones and watched after the infants when their parents were in battle...This is not the person my parents wanted me with. They wanted me to be with the commander. She was willing too, but I didn't want to be with her...I built a love for Kloui anyways, and my parents killed her...they preyed on the in anger I killed them...jus dien jus daun"

"Blood must have blood?"

"Yes...I ran from my clan in shame...that Okteivia kom Skaikru is why I am by myself. I have no clan...I am all alone" I said.

" don't have to feel ashamed. They took someone you loved. You reacted the only way you knew how to react" Octavia said. I looked up at her. "Have you been in love before Klinrona Gada?" I asked. She looked me in the eyes.

They seemed to become a little brighter as she smiled. "I don't know...I think I might be" She replied. I smiled back at her.

"Are you trying to tell me something Okteivia kom Skaikru?" I asked her. She turned red. "No...not yet"

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